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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

Oh nice, so are you in Hungary? Like many Americans my heritage is pretty varied, but there's some Hungarian in there.
You are given a large number of pairs (A, B) where each pair represents a line segment that starts at (0, A) and ends at (1, B).
How do you efficiently find the number of intersections?
I don't, at least not efficiently.
you can assume that the pairs (2,4) (1,5) and (0,6) have 3 different intersections
There are some optimizations you can make
Are there any duplicate pairs?
also, there are no duplicate As or Bs
but if we consider (4,4)
it intersects everything where (A<4) and (B>4)
also, everything where (A>4) and (B<4)
oooh, so if I iterate through each of them
and create two massive arrays that contain the number of elements below them
that should be enough to make the algorithm O(n)
where n = number of pairs
Is this a homework problem or something?
Are you a CS student?
Nice. University?
Utah State University
Cool :)
Undergraduate or graduate?
I think that graduate work in CS is wasteful
Haha! Why so?
because "research" is really just "theorizing"
either go into mathematics
or be a programmer
mathematics has a much better foundation for theorycrafting
if you want to "research" like the other science fields, then I have no idea why you're a programmer
Okay, I see where you're coming from.
bah, the method I described above won't work
@TheNumberOne so am I
Snipe hunts, anyone?
The J'ba Fofi (Baka: "giant spider"), also known as the Congolese Giant Spider is a cryptozoological creature that is said to exist in the Congo, possibly representing a new species of arachnid. It is considered a cryptid and only in recent years has received publicity. The J'ba Fofi is described as having a brownish body similar to that of a tarantula, with a legspan of four to six feet. Juvenile versions possess yellow coloring that turns brown as they grow older. == History == Sightings of the J'ba Fofi have been primarily in Africa and achieved the most recent publicity due to the wor...
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RodolverticeShadows to Height Maps The goal of this code challenge will be to take a grayscale image with shading as input and produce a height-map image with the same dimensions as output. The input image will be a grayscale 256x256 png image, shaded with only a diffuse term, no ambient or specular term. ...

3 hours later…
Okay, this is totally off topic, but I'm really struggling here. Spotify used to let me copy track titles, but now it only lets me copy URIs. I think I found a workaround involving using Java's Robot to move the mouse, but this only lets me do one track at a time. Does anyone know how I might copy the names of the tracks?
...be more specific?
you want to copy and paste a title of a track?
what's the end goal?
Yes exactly that
I want to share my songs with someone who doesn't have spotify
Through email
At his request
on a playlist that has lots of songs
Actually, several different playlists
Many many many songs. Hundreds
do you have a page that has all of the songs listed?
I could copy to a text file with all the URIs to the songs.
well, I can quickly write up some javascript that'll take all of the song names off of a page
I don't have the names listed somewhere...
but I need a page to work with
...then how is anybody supposed to know what songs you want to share?
how do you know what songs you want to share?
Because spotify has the names. Here's an example:
spotify has lots of songs
That spotify track is Overjoyed by Bastille
you don't want to share all of them
No I want to share those specific ones
And I need to give just the name and artist
and those specific ones are listed wherE?
In my playlist
ok. Can you give me a link to the playlist?
Uh, this playlist is actually a private playlist...
I'd prefer not to :/
ah ok
can you view it in your browser?
But you gave me an idea to use the spotify web player and inspect element
Here's the annoying thing. Spotify doesn't make the track name / artist available
I inspected all the way down to the bottom and ... no information. Just grabbing the data from the link. :/
Oh wait nevermind
Now I get to figure out how to parse all the data for what I want :-). Thank you Nathan
you're welcome
@randomra, re your question about languages which can achieve optimal
Asymptotic behaviour.
I think you're essentially after languages which expose a RAM model interface.
@Calvin'sHobbies You manage to keep asking questions for which there already exists an issue for Retina which would make it a breeze. :D
A wild Peter (re)appeared. :)
apparently "<><" and "><>" map to Ruby somehow... I am somewhat confused at this time
@MartinBüttner dammit, that is so biased towards regex
I can do it in Retina, but I need the fish-matching regex twice
in PCRE I could at least reuse it with (?1)
if only I knew Perl...
also the matching of individual fish might be shorter by interpreting the > and < as binary digits
also @Calvin'sHobbies how do you still not have Socratic? did you really post multiple questions a day that often?
I don't think the number of types of fish is sufficient to warrant trying to compact it in C#
just going to see if I reverse them efficiently me thinks
@Calvin'sHobbies I guess I can't use newlines to separate the fish?
@MartinBüttner I've no clue why I don't have Socratic yet. Unless I'm miscounting I should have got it with the phi question and definitely with the fish one :/
And no, should be spaces not lines
well with the fish one it's definitely not gonna come in before tomorrow
@Calvin'sHobbies :(
I need to get these features for Retina done :D
@Calvin'sHobbies btw, while you're catching up with gold, I'm close to adding another digit to my badge panel ;) (and it's probably gonna be the last one for a loooong time)
btw, why is the RvB sandbox still on meta and still active?
@MartinBüttner That's ok with me. I'm just holding out for 2 gold before you get any more so I can prove that your rep/badge stats are not undefeatable ;)
Programming Languages Through The Years has some good odds to do that
Right, and with socratic my goal is complete!
First thing I thought when I saw the ><> question was Retina :P
Lab Rat Race is pretty close, but it's slowed to a crawl...
(I do need to run some more tests on that though, so that might bump it for a few more views)
@MartinBüttner We kept it open as a test area for bots. It can be deleted when the contest ends.
@Sp3000 I could save 7 bytes with matching instead of replacing, but Retina prints matches newline separated (and I don't yet have output format configuration). I could save even more if I could print the captures of a single group...
@Calvin'sHobbies ah okay
I can match the whole string but I can't separate :( but even so everything needs escaping so it's be longer anyway
I hope Programming Languages Through The Years doesn't just die off because people can't be bothered with any language in the next year... I'm still waiting for 2005 ^^
@Sp3000 I'm still contemplating BF to tinyBF in Retina... although that one would benefit from having multi-stage loops
I'm secretly hoping we don't go past 2005 so Piet and Shakespeare can't come along, but then nobody can do JS/Python/C. I'm conflicted
:P being able to replace is so handy
@Sp3000 who's stopping you from posting Piet or SPL :P
I don't SPL, but Piet is really annoying to program in, since everything's relative
GCD won't be huge amounts of fun in Prelude either
@MartinBüttner btw ><>>|<<><|><<<>|<>>>< can be written as ><(>|<<)>|<(<|>>)>< I think
ah thanks
I'm not good with "normal" regex golf :D
"normal" regex golf, eh :P
Didn't Retina have an ECMAScript mode? Or was that something else?
(well .NET has)
how does that help?
It doesn't have recursion?
lol no
the only reason I can think of to ever use ECMAScript is [] and [^]
@Calvin'sHobbies How do you obtain the socratic badge? because the definition is unclear to me: does it mean 100 different questions in 100 different days, or 1 question well received for 100 days?
Maybe it's the "maintained a positive question record" part :P Doubt it though
@rcrmn The former. "well received" means the avg score needs to be positive
The average might have to be above some limit, but I don't think a single negative question changes anything
@rcrmn 100 questions on 100 days
Stealing a random query from somewhere says you're on 97/100
I know, but that's updated only on Sunday. I should be around 101 by now
@Calvin'sHobbies Didn't you delete a question recently?
like, this week
hey, I've written a djikstra algorithm, but its apparently too slow. I'm marking visisted nodes...what else can I do to speed it up?
@PhiNotPi I think your starred message about stars would look even more convincing without the comma ;)
@MartinBüttner I did delete this since I thought it would be too tediuos for anyone to complete. Hmm..
it probably is
Did you know because of some mod tools or are you just extremely attentive?
@Calvin'sHobbies For the fish question does no output mean no output or can it be an empty string followed by a newline?
no output means no output
@Sp3000 oh crap
btw you should totally answer this in ><>
Ahaha what's this, second answer-in-the-respective-language question in two days? :P
what is the first ?
extended BF?
oh not u na
@Optimizer wat?
he didn't answer that
It's doable, just... lack of string comparison will mean a lot of stack shifting, and I'm not sure I have the time
don't worry, stack shifting will be done by the language itself
you should rather focus on getting a 2008 language in :P
you :P (or anyone, really)
I did 2009
Why was the ruby question so popular? It didn't seem all that special to me.
The different approaches? Maybe
I think it was less the question, and more the answers that the question gave rise to
also, I noticed that /// isn't even possible for languages through the years
I guess. Not to mention Chris answering in Ruby itself for the first time in ages
you'd have to use Itflabtijtslwi
Just got +1/-1 on CJam Ruby in the space of 2 minutes. Good to know.
oh no, I have access to Mod tools suddenly, now I will feel even worse about skipping all the reviews because I don't trust myself
@MartinBüttner I'd allow a constant or something for languages that absolutely don't have input.
But you may as well use Itflabtijtslwi
Oh, Optimizer's got -1'd as well. The usual golfing language hate I see
(and Pyth, and ... Slip?)
where ?
oh, ruby inspecter
so apparently, haskell is fine ?
even though its shorter than other golfing language answer
Slip isn't a golfing language though :P
oh yes.
i wonder why then
They pretty much DVed every non-"standard" language... except they missed ><>
they ?
Whoever the DVer was. I assume it was one person.
then he*
Singular they is the use of they, or its inflected or derivative forms, such as them, their, or themselves, to refer to a single person or an antecedent that is grammatically singular. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as: "Everyone returned to their seats." "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it?" "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay." "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources." A reason for its use is that English has no dedicated singular personal...
That subtle sexism...
I wish Unihedro was here :P
I prefer (s)he
or she/he
@Calvin'sHobbies I don't think I will use either. Decimal to unary conversion would be huge pain, and it would block me for Prelude (2005)
@Optimizer that's always awkward to say though and some people don't identify with either gender
calling them they is equally offensive :P
"I am not that fat"
Would the parsing tag be appropriate for the fish question
(and does chat even do tags? )
(apparently yes)
@MartinBüttner: Why did you remove your Retina answer for the Fish question?
(I'm just curious, since it looks like a winning answer)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RodolverticeSVG file optimization Yep, I got my idea off of this question, and it's amazing answer. All credit for this question goes to Illmari Karonen's answer Now, for the challenge: Write a program that removes unnecessary clutter from SVG files in order to reduce their byte counts. Remove comments <...

I just posted this meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/5048/30686 what do you guys think?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

rcrmnSolve a jigsaw puzzle codegolf I've just bought a new jigsaw puzzle but, as a programmer, I'm too lazy to do it by myself. So I've devised a way to encode the pieces, and now I need a way to solve the puzzle itself. Challenge A puzzle piece will have from 2 to 4 connecting corners, defined by...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sanchisesHardcoded Webserver Currently, webservers are pieces of code that translate requests into files on the server, which contain pieces of code that require still more pieces of code to be interpreted, connecting to pieces of code that interface to a database, and finally all this interpreted code i...

@rcrmn what does "The color of 4-adjacent pieces will differ at most by 1." mean?
1 2 3
2 3 4
is okay
1 2 3
4 3 2
is not
oh, I see, 4-adjacent rather than 8-adjacent, is that a common-term?
It's to avoid the case where two pieces could go in the same spot
(I don't remember seeing it before, but I could easily have just not noticed)
It is in image processing, as far as I know
if you allow rotation, then there will be a minimum of 4 correct outputs, that would need to be clear, but I think it's a nice challenge (probably too much effort for me to personally)
(2008 is in, let's see how long it takes for someone to post LOLCODE/Clojure)
I missed the bit about allowing any valid output, ignore me
If I allowed rotation I might add, to simplify, that the first input piece would always be in the expected ouput rotation, so as to minimize the valid outputs
Hey @Unihedro! Wish you were here earlier :)
@Sp3000 Hello :)
Haha, my gender agnostic pronouns ;D
Well I didn't realise I normally did that as well until someone pointed to it, aka you :P
@Unihedro still there is a "he" in "they"
but not a "she"
@Calvin'sHobbies trailing space allowed ?
@Optimizer \bhe\b
what ?
Word boundaries.
read that sentence like "They includes he but not she"
GTG see you around
too much anti-feminism ?
this question is really starting to piss me off
Q: Print the first character of the previous answers

ASCIIThenANSI I'd like to give credit to randomra, who helped me with my old idea and gave me this new one. Next bytes: 10 (congratulations isaacg, on going beyond everyone's expectations!) EDIT: In 24 hours (of the time of this edit), we will potentially be restarting. In other words, you have 24 hours t...

second time I was just about to post a novel solution, and get ninja'd by a plain and simple one
and by the same guy
with the same solution
@Optimizer Since this is CJam, surely a lot more bytes can be saved by encoding the string :P
@Sp3000 i know, but for now, improving the algo first
also checking if a "generate all combinations" will work out
but looks like its too damn slow
"Round 2"? We're doing that now? Not sure how I feel about this....
I think it might be okay if there were a bit more restrictions imposed
but it's a lot of the same people posting the same solutions, just with longer strings
and I can take a pretty good guess at what's going to "win" each round
it's just going to be the fastest person to post the 7-bit ASCII encoding of the current string
Yea, unless they coordinate and get an actual pattern going (not likely), I assume it's just going to be a repeat each round.
It also doesn't help that the only mention of this is in comments. The post doesn't contain any rules at all about it.
Oh wait, there is a small edit at the top, but it doesn't really explain it well.
-1 Why didn't this challenge just die with dignity after the 15-byte solution? It seems disingenuous to change it after a good, "winning" answer has been given just so you can keep playing by different rules. — Geobits 1 min ago
I dunno
@Geobits Close as a duplicate of itself.
I already downvoted the question long ago
because it rewarded fast, not well thought out answers
I didn't downvote originally, because although it was "simple", there wasn't anything I saw wrong with it, just harmless fast answers. Changing the rules after 15+ answers is just wrong, though.
I'm not against fast answers. All of my "good" challenges to date have fast, funny, good, clever, and cheaty answers.
well, there's an important stipulation
This challenge at least allows for maybe one clever answer per round (during crunch time)
which is that the fast answers disallow well-thought-out answers
because once a spot is taken, that's it
yeah, it really only allows for one clever answer per round
the rest mostly just cookie-cutter code that seems a bit too circlejerky in the number of upvotes they got
answers that are basically just print "string" getting multiple upvotes
also, good thing nobody actually tried to decode the 7-bit ASCII answer
after 26 upvotes, I tried, and it's wrong
Nice :)
it should be a simple fix, but it does then make all the round 2 answers wrong
I guess it should be obvious from the initial p without even looking at the rest.
he has a bit of padding at the start which shouldn't be there
also, this encoding is just patently wrong, even if he starts with a 0 bit of padding
the hex values of the first three chars are 70 70 75
I haven't looked at it thoroughly, just noticed the first char once you said something. Maybe you should leave a comment so people stop upvoting.
so the first two bytes should be 70 E1
I'm doing it now
I should've also put a bit more weight on the fact that packed 7-bit ASCII isn't actually a format
sure, you can do it, but afaict, no organization has standardized it
that one dude's blog post is the only support I can find for its existence
You seem to be very involved in this challenge despite calling it a circle jerk only moments ago.
what's your point
"I am against you"
I'm involved in trying to make it less of a circlejerk, yes
he tried to fix it, but it's still wrong :/
guess I'll have to post another comment or something
@Optimizer Why not 255b5b" ><,."f=S/?
@Geobits How legal exactly is Rainiertamayo? I'm trying to decide whether I should alert the Arqadians that their movie of choice is available here in 720p.
The only source I could find said it was technically legal but it looked very unauthoritative. I thought maybe you might have looked into it since then.
I'd guess it's not legal at all and that whatever the site owner has said about his access/authority is probably BS. I haven't looked at it much, but I assume if it was legal legal, it would be a bigger story than it is.
Then again, I'm naturally distrustful of random claims from people I don't know :)
It's just one of those things that sounds too good to be true, ya know?
Yes, exactly. That's why I need you to tell me it is legal even if it isn't.
So you can post it on Arqade and point back to me? No thanks :P
@Sp3000 already done
@Geobits No, so I can blissfully believe you.
I see er
@Sp3000 I mean in my copy. updating now.
Oh... ok...
@Rainbolt You're asking the wrong person. While I don't have many qualms about "piracy", I won't explicitly tell someone it's legal unless I know for sure. You need someone nicer for that.
I've got an iPod like a pirate ship. I sail the seas with fifty thousand songs I've never heard.
iPod? Do people still use those?
sigh, people
Latest generations were released in 2012. Second to latest editions in 2010, when that song came out. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPod#Models_and_features
I just posted a comment on an answer saying that it's wrong and needs to be fixed, and since then, someone has upvoted the answer
I don't doubt that, it was a serious question though. Most I know just use their phone now.
That's like asking if I'm really on a highway to hell.
@Runer112 Don't feel too bad, it's hardly the first wrong/bad/off answer that's been upvoted a bunch, nor will it be the last.
@Rainbolt I'm fairly certain many would say you are (as am I).
@Geobits phone ? Do people still use those?
If by phone you actually mean computer-in-your-pocket with telephony, then yes ;)
unfortunately I'm naturally a justice warrior, so I'm always going to end up feeling bad about people's ill-gotten gainz
@Runer112 I will feed your campaign against unjustly upvoted answers. Here you go. Here's another.
I put more work into the comments than I did the actual code.
those are equivalent to like 1/3 of all the upvotes I've gotten
What can I say. I plug my stuff more than Lembik does.
Here's another to add to the list - it's gone now though :P
@Sp3000 Clicked on that link... loading... loading...
Ah, there we go
I forgot what the deleted post rep threshold was
I wonder why that took so long to load.
we need two upvote buttons
one for funny/witty, and one for actually helpful/correct
Gah I had it!
the funny/witty upvote should actually be a sidevote
so you've got two axes for an answer's score and can plot its score in 2D space
You do realize that 95% of the material on PPCG is not actually making the Internet a better place?
one day, a situation like disarm the bomb will occur
and they'll need to quickly search PPCG for the shortest solution to some evil genius' computer puzzle lock
Or maybe one day angels and demons will battle for mankind, and we'll need to take sides
why did that guy delete his post anyways
it must take a lot of strength to delete your own post that's responsible for like half of all your rep
He doesn't lose the rep does he?
Pretty sure you do.
Maybe you should go delete one of your answers and find out :P
I'll just flag Wolf for deletion.
I bet that would look awesome on the rep graph for PPCG. Because all of those answerers would also lose their rep.
"Flagged for: trolololol"
you know, one not terrible solution would be to CW non-serious posts
I thought about that. I decided that 1) my reputation doesn't actually hurt you 2) it wasn't a community effort and 3) I can (and I did) post a 300 rep bounty for the top answer (which is saying a lot when there are 96 answers)
stop it at the source, ban everyone who upvotes a simple/comedic answer!
in case it needs clarification: </sarcasm>
So... the sarcasm tag indicates it doesn't need clarification? This is why opening tags are good :P
Fun fact:
2 days ago, by Geobits
That wasn't fun or a fact
you guys going to participate in google code jam?
Oh it's today, isn't it
Let's do this
It's time for golfscript (for CH's challenge)
@NathanMerrill Thanks for telling me about it.
I get an instant A if I get past the second round
Aww I wish my courses worked like that :P
only one of them. Its an algorithms course, so if I'm proficient enough with algorithms to make it into their second round, then I'm probably proficient enough to pass the course
Woop my bad, it starts UTC 11pm on Friday 10th. I got excited because it's AEST 1:30am on Friday 10th.
Ahaha k :P (You could just have been lucky though!)
lol I can represent a different country than my residence
from google code jam faq:
Our contestants have used a wide variety of languages to compete in Code Jam, though we aren't certain that we'd recommend LOLCODE and Piet.
Challenge accepted?
It will start at 1am here... so either I'll go to sleep really soon and start early saturday morning...
Nabbers once polyglotted the qualification round, if anybody wants to try that
oh school/college students :D
polyglot would be great
submit a bug report that you can't designate two languages
Oh okay, it will be my first cj, I thought that you had all weekend for it, but it seems you have 2h30 to do the challenge and then it's over?
Qualification is all weekend
we might have here the most starred chat message ever
All the other rounds are shorter though, but there's three round 1s so you get a few tries
it seems that Phi's comment goes up by the thousands
That is way too many stars for just a joke.
^ literally and non-literally too
Flagged for beating my personal most-starred record.
I believe it's this one (13):
Mar 31 at 17:09, by Geobits
This April Fool's Day game sure could've used a run through The Sandbox.
even with that +10000 Optimizer gave it, it's still not first, though
loses to 14351
@Runer112 my +10000 was optimized
so, reading the FAQ in code jam, found this interesting tidbit:
With the exception of the Qualification Round, you are not allowed to collaborate with other participants
how would they know ?
oh, Google!
Google knows everything
It says "other participants", not "other people" ;)
the interesting part is that they are allowing collaboration in the qualification round
I cut that part out
With the exception of the Qualification Round, you are not allowed to collaborate with other participants — or with anyone else, for that matter — during a contest
Standard loophole denied
"This problem has a similar idea, but it does not assume you have played Cookie Clicker. Please don't go play it now: it might be a long time before you come back."
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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