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Mainly in how [1 2 6] relates to a real OEIS sequence.
an oeis seq has to exist with that start
So each answer adds one to the sequence, on the restriction that those numbers are the start of at least oneOEIS sequence?
basically yes
What's the reason for the 42 requirement?
To make it much harder to find sequences?
yep, there are too many possibilities at the start
What is the problem with starting from #1?
like fixed s(1)=1?
42 doesn't appear in the list, though.
but the choosen oeis sequences have to contain it (not super elegant)
I could just fix the first few numbers but that seems less organic to me
and more restraining
Would simply fixing s(1) = 1 work well enough?
you can't search OEIS by sequence prefix? :(
maybe, will have to try out
Write the first program to be A000001, and then in that way set s(1)=1
2 hours later…
@MartinBüttner Hey thank you! I already knew that article, and I have a starting implementation based on that too, but I want to see what people can come up with. I'm going to put reference to that article too as example, but I'll probably make it to be more about some kind of terrain generation based on continental drift or something like that... We'll see how it comes out
Okay, so I'm still floating around on the idea of doing a KOTH.
I think I don't like the mechanic of locking submissions from edits.
It has some interesting features, strategy-wise, but as a participant I feel out of the game after submitting my bot.
The edit rule was only because of the team thing, to prevent older answers from copying the behavior of their more optimized teammates.
I'm not sure how useful it really was and I wouldn't add the restriction for an all-vs-all koth
Working together to build bots is definitely the core of this type of game.
Slightly unrelated, I feel bad for those three or four people who have completely broken bots as their final submission.
I think Stack Snippet KOTHs are the future, though.
Heh, yeah. Though there are a surprising number of low-rep answerers. I wonder if any are sock puppets.
I need to figure out what I'm doing for a KOTH next.
The team-based thing is cool.
But doing even/odd would result in the exact same teams.
better decide how many binary digits of id you can use before it becomes too biased!
Look at the best scorers of Red vs Blue and find a way to get us all on the same team?
Idea for an implementation of a diplomatic procedure:
There will be two types of communications:
"I will vote for X" and "I will vote with X"
I think there can be as few of two rounds of negotiations, although this can be increased to whatever number you want.
Each round, players can send up to one message to each player. They are allowed to say conflicting things to different players. For the second half of the first round, they receive all communications.
This would be repeated to make a second or third round.
Then, players vote for a single option. The option with the most votes wins (or loses depending on what type of game it is). Tiebreakers can be either random or determined by giving each bot a turn to be the tiebreaker.
At the end of voting, you can reveal all the votes so that bots can see when promises are broken, or you could keep that a secret.
@Calvin'sHobbies Yes, that's about a completely different topic.
It was probably confusing that I was talking about two entirely different things.
Hey, everyone. I've written up my idea for multiple numeric types in my APL interpreter. groups.google.com/d/topic/comp.lang.apl/KSwo40-eLKI/discussion
Basically, it's fancy tagged-integers. Small integers encode as themselves (immediate value), larger integers and doubles encode as two array indices to lookup the value in tables.
It all appears very straightforward to me now, but of course it took a lot of time to make it that simple. :)
I now have several features which should make inca3 very competitive with J. Extra parens at the edges of expressions can be omitted: '3)+(4' <==> '(3)+(4)'. Single-letter variables may be strung together in expressions with no intervening whitespace: 'a=2' 'b=+' 'c=3' 'abc' <==> '2+3'. And APL functions have single-byte encodings.
And the first weekend of the Musical, The Mystery of Edwin Drood went well (I'm playing the acoustic Bass). I've made fewer mistakes each night, but I'm missing more and more cues as I get more absorbed in the story. :) Plus the cute brunette in the bustier is not helping my concentration.
b=+ oh boy
@luserdroog: Glad to hear the musical is going well!
@Sp3000 The = will actually be a left-arrow, but I'm not sure how to type it here.
Well I was more referring to the fact that you can assign + to a variable
yep. J lets you do that too.
I guess it makes sense, but it does look weird :P
You can do that in a number of languages
In Julia: f=+; f(1, 1) returns 2.
Hmm. Never looked at Julia.
I litter Julia answers around PPCG
I've been studying Lisp and APL almost exclusively lately.
I guess the equivalent in Python is f=int.__add__, but there's something about =+ that I find amusing :P
Julia is still a baby of a language. Version 0.4 is the current dev.
That's still miles ahead of me, on that scale inca3 is embryonic.
What is inca3?
My apl interpreter.
Oh cool!
version 2 is mostly implemented, but then I started over to redesign the core.
I've used it in 1 or 2 challenges here.
I'm impressed, that's really neat!
Hey, does anybody know how to escape backticks in SE markdown?
A: ASCII Ice Cream

luser drooginca2 129 123 121 111 107 This mostly uses the formulas from the python example, but using jot-dots and iotas instead of double-looping. The i function performs the circular test for the j function which invokes jot-dot upon it. And the k function performs the triangle test for the l function. T...

Either backslash or space after/before enclosing backticks or surrounding double backticks
One of them.
@AlexA. Use multiple backticks as the delimiter.
To allow, single backticks in the string, use double backticks around it all.
Backslash worked
It seems to me like different things work in different places, but I can't remember
To allow single and double backticks, use triple backticks around it all, etc.
There is a lot of divergence, but this behavior is part of the "standardized" core, IIRC.
R uses backticks in certain situations. I had to become inconsistent in the "Showcase your language" challenge because I could use backticks in the code blocks but I couldn't figure out how to do it in the inline code parts.
Thanks for the info, @Sp3000 and @luserdroog. :)
SO had a hand in establishing it. There's political problems because the original author isn't really participating with everybody else.
That's what I remember from Wikipedia.
Political problems --> Warring nations because some guy won't participate in using backticks.
@luserdroog: Nice work on inca, I look at the solution you posted and now I'm poking around the Github link.
Thanks. I went back to the original APL book to try to get a real good perspective on the whole scene.
Almost all the conceptual pieces were already there in 1962.
You started inca in 1962??
But it took Iverson and crew 20+ years to think through it all.
No, APL started in 1962.
Oh, haha
But there are earlier documents with some of the ideas going back to 1954.
I've only been playing with it for about a year and a half now.
That's quite a bit of planning!
Have you had the opportunity to use APL in a more formal environment?
e.g. something other than PPCG
no, not really.
I don't even work as a programmer. I'm a barista at Starbucks.
With skills like yours it seems like you could easily get a job as a programmer if you wanted to!
All the programming jobs seem to want java and C# and shit I don't want to learn.
Ah yeah, understandable.
I want to do C and Postscript and Unix and stuff, 1980s-style.
Like my heroes.
There's still a place for that in industry, unfortunately it's just overshadowed by the demand for "hot" languages.
But I could do mainframe stuff too. I can't seem to find listings for those.
That might be gone...
I was a student programmer in college in the Registrar's Office. We used an ancient query language called MARKIV.
Never even heard of that!
I wrote a macro processor to generate the MARKIV from a simpler specification. I started write a compiler to make a better input language, but the macros got the job done.
Oh nice! That's impressive.
I also used awk and perl to transform csv output ftp'd from the mainframe and convert it into postscript which I could cat|telnet 9100 to the printer.
That was a fun job.
That was 98% over my head.
Nobody knew how efficient I had made the workflow, so I got to play on the internet a lot of the time.
Haha! Perfect!
The only information I can find on MARKIV is what looks like an advertisement for it from 1976.
Ah, found the Wikipedia for it.
Hm. I've still got a perl csv-to-postscript program somewhere. I posted it to usenet a while ago. I think it's pretty neat. The two programs are wrapped around each other. It has a postscript prolog and epilog and in the middle it converts commas to )( and puts [( and )] around the result. Poof, postscript document.
I don't know anything about Postscript. :/
MARKIV was bought by another company which renamed it Vision:Builder. There may be more under that name. It was card-oriented. So each line has specific columns for specific things. I tried to evoke something about card-oriented programming with the Clacker Animation challenge.
Postscript is awesome! It's my favorite.
10 10 moveto 100 100 lineto stroke showpage
That's a complete program to output an image with a diagonal line.
So Postscript is a language?
I always thought it was just an image type.
Oh but vector graphics
It's stack-based with numbers, arrays, strings and dictionaries, and built-in vector graphics using the Adobe Image Model. It was developed by John Warnock and Charles Geschke across careers in Evans&Sutherland and Xerox before founding Adobe primarily based on the Postscript language which drove the original Apple LaserWriter printer, inaugurating the "Desktop Publishing Revolution" of the 80s.
You know a lot of stuff.
It's impressive!
I just love postscript to death.
type type type -> picture.
I assume encapsulated Postscript is related?
Yes, encapsulated postscript is a restricted subset of postscript which should not produce more than one page.
It can contain an embedded bitmap or tiff preview that is shown when composing it in a document and then it gets included in the output when producing the final postscript.
Ah, okay
The hour latens in my neck of the woods so I'm going to go for now. Nice talking with you, @luserdroog! I learned a lot, which is always fun. Good luck with your musical and talk to you again soon!
Likewise. Later!
I tried to write a tutorial about postscript, but it's probably not a very good tutorial in its current state.
That new challenge.
I want to answer 2015 with a language I made but I'm not sure if I should (it's kinda unstable) :(
Other than that I'm racking my brain for other 2015 (non-Lenguage) languages
btw are builtins for GCD okay?
Oh. Lenguage is 2014.
... well.
I was supposed to have a 99 answer in there from the get go, But I'm way too tired now.
Also, I'm not totally sure if pop-con is the best tag, it's only close to a pop-con'
I think that's the best tag for this challenge, personally
btw we don't have to go down in years one at a time, right?
(unlike the other answer chainings)
No, you do
What do you mean exactly?
As in, we can do 2015 -> 2014 -> 2015 -> 2013 -> 2012 -> 2014?
As opposed to 2015 -> 2014 -> 2013 -> 2012 -> 2011
Oh, yes. The exact answers order may not be correct.
Just, a year can only pop up once the year before has
k yeah, just checking :)
Am I allowed to make up a new 2015 language?
Though be careful, if your first answer is for 2010 then you personally can no longer make a 2015 answer. Your answers have to be in order, each at least 5 years apart.
(This is more a byproduct of the validity checker than my strict rule. I'll change it if it becomes an issue.)
So that's a yes?
@PhiNotPi Hmm, I really hadn't considered
Oh, I was thinking you were talking to me.
@PhiNotPi I'm thinking no because it's too easy to say "MyLanguage is Java but a and b are switched"
I'm probably too lazy anyways.
Although I have made a programming language before I think in 2011 or 12.
Expect that to show up tomorrow.
Alright, lol
It's called Element
If nobody kicks this off in the next half hour I might :/
You can find it on my CG.SE profile description.
Wow, this is emptier than I thought it'd be: esolangs.org/wiki/Category:2015
Yeah, just Folders :/
Maybe some people just haven't categorised
Interesting... Clip is categorised but doesn't show up
maybe JAGL too, don't remember
JAGL is 2014, just
and a couple of other 2d regex
We can't print arbitrary chars :/
I just went and reread the details of Element.
It takes me back to the days before CJam and Pyth.
Didn't use any letters for commands, just symbols.
It's still the best language, somewhere deep in my heart.
What is the thing in BMac's avatar?
Reverse image search says this
Thank you! I knew it was in smash bros
Is it standard pronunciation to say GUI as gooey?
If so, I don't like it.
You can always just say gee-you-eye
gee is again ambiguous
Gooey rolls off the tongue better than G-U-I
Nobody kicking off the challenge? Or is everyone just lying in wait with Pyth?
I'm not sure I have enough time right now though
GCD in Retina shudders
nah, that's much easier than the N
come on guys
I'm trying Clip but I'm having trouble figuring out map
Meh, I think I won't manage to finish it this morning
I am ready with 2014
Finally something that works. Ypnypn would probably kill me for posting that though
got N
just GCD left
For... Retina?
Hmmm damn this 5 year gap, can only post 1 interesting esolang every interval
so Retina is 2015, right ?
yes, posted
heading out. later, guys
purple color dashboard :D
3 hours later…
dammit Retina
I was pretty sure whichever language was 2015 would be pretty popular, more so with Retina cos regexes :P
not really
pretty sure CLIP and Joe would not have got the same response
Who knows, I'm pretty surprised at how many upvotes that Joe answer got
In that other question
that was extremely nifty and handy
pretty sure I had 85 bronze badges :|
where did the 1 go ? :(
Badges are not taken back, except tag badges.
and why will that be taken back ?
@Doorknob is there a way to check ?
See here for more info about losing badges.
its definitely not the catching up case
as it should not reduce anyways
it should remain the same after catching up the first time
I am supposed to get a badge now ..
You got 85 badges again.
that is a different thing.
I should have 86 now
oh right, I see
Do you have any idea what badge you lost?
no need to be mad Optimizer
if I had just copied your answer with the improvement made, then you could be mad :p
that is not being mad
since when saying "Damn" is mad ? :D
see the full translation : "Damn n****, how did I miss that"
does one loose a badge if chat banned three times in a day ? :P
you should get a badge for that
Q: The Curious Case Of The Missing Chris Jester-Young, Welcome Martin Büttner!

Tim PostYou arrived to the site today and noticed that something was different; something was gone and something new was in its place, but somewhat out of place, like on the wrong side of the room. You'd had hangovers like this previously but you couldn't recall chasing any absynthe the night before, all...

\o/ Congrats @MartinBüttner!
oh yeah . Now I can bug @MartinBüttner about my question :P
Can we now pull the "Hey, as a mod you are not allowed to win all the questions and should give others a chance to win too" sentimental line on him now ?
(specially for popcon)
More like "Hey Martin you're a mod - congrats! Can we have MathJax now?"
hah, different people, different requirements
@Sp3000 MathJax is not something a mod can toggle. That's something for devs.
But I can certainly ask if we should do that.
now that I'm a dev and all
Ah, I see. That makes sense
@Chris It's not as much fun bugging mods about stuff they can fix :P
Ahaha I just mentioned it because it seems to be on the list of running gags of things some of us seem to want but nobody's said much about it :P
That's just.... productive
I was about to make a meta thread
to ask for latex
but then I saw it was a duplicate
your comment is a duplicate :P
twiddles thumbs waiting for earlier years to show up
you should freeze yourself
to get to the year 3000
By then we'll Quantum Brainfuck, too late for CH's challenge
.. wait. 2006.
Shhh, he's here!
Thanks guys. :)
About mathjax...
ignore my earlier messages
Hey Martin the world wanted to let you know that you're awesome.
about the site being doomed
If already talked to balpha about it a few weeks ago
haha orlp is now scared :D
The decision was we are getting mathjax, but there were some open questions left and he wasn't sure if they were blockers.
I feel intimidated by the diamond
it shines bright
shine bright like a diamond
Anyway, I'm off again for now... Will report for duty tonight ;)
1) Stay in chat and on-site constantly for a year 2) Get diamond 3) Slack off ;)
buetnerr is like an american president
promise all things in your campaign
and then do jack shit once you're elected
where is this hate coming from ?
What hate?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ASCIIThenANSIreverse code-golfing - write the LONGEST "Hello, world!" I've seen a lot of code-golf problems, and they all have one thing in common: write the SHORTEST program. Now, you're probably wondering, "Hang on just a second, isn't that the whole point of code-golfing?" Well, yes, but now I have invent...

25 mins ago, by orlp
and then do jack shit once you're elected
If you think that's hate, you should stay away from politics :P
@orlp Maybe that's a good thing. This president was the president during the beginning of the Roaring Twenties. His policy was that business was not the Federal Government's business.
Didn't the economy undergo its worst crash/depression ever less than a year after he left office? That doesn't speak much for his business policy IMO.
Maybe that's the fault of the president after him? I would think that the best way to judge a president is by how well the country improved during his term of office, not after or before his term of office.
You can almost always make yourself look good during your time in. It's the long-lasting effects of your policies that should actually matter. His hands-off approach led to a large bubble, which collapsed directly after he left. It's not entirely his fault, but his policies definitely didn't help.
@Sp3000 it would have been more fun if you cannot submit though
But timezones
but answer-chaining
ideally, any answer-chaining as that restriction
so what I meant by that was, once 2011 is submitted, you cannot submit 2012, but until 2011 is not submitted, any number of 2012 can be submitted
I know, but timezones D:
shut up
.. and dance with me.
starrer got reference ?
I was gonna star the first line, but that seemed a bit mean.
I can't prevent myself completing to song lyrics I like
Don't believe me ?
... Just watch
I believe
I'm a believer.
Belieber ?
actually, I should've asked someone else
Do you believe
in life after love? in magic?
So, I'm working on an Element solution to the programming through the years question.
And I remembered why nobody ever took up and used Element for anything.
(and why?)
Unfortunately, 2012
It's a language that I invented 3 years ago.
I remember you linking me to it once
It was supposed to be a human-readable golfing language. The problem is that now there's languages like CJam and Pyth that simply out-compete it at literally anything.
human-readable langauge? and golfing langauge? does not compute
Ah well... look at what happened to Golfscript...
the best golfing langauges are basically like assembly langauge with very high-level instructions
well, more like machine code with very high-level instructions
By that, I basically meant the simplicity of the instructions, comparatively speaking. Very little operator overloading, and no letters were operators.
But then, it turns out that in order to golf programs, you have to take advantage of its dual-stack data structure.
you could make your language a tokenized language
And then all hopes of clarity disappear.
Here's the GCD program:
whoa, code boxes really freak out if the code just barely needs a scrollbar
I can only do 2009 next, right ?
b);};push(@m,'0');$a=pop@m;$b=pop@m;if($b > $a){push(@c,1)}else{push(@c,0)};$a=p
the fcuk
twiddles thumbs waiting for 2009
Did I mention that Element "compiles" into Perl code?
Er... wouldn't it better to just interpret it rather than compiling it?
The compilation doesn't look awfully efficient
Yes, yes it would.
If I recall correctly, I submitted some of that Perl code to one of the obfuscated code contests we've done in the past
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ASCIIThenANSIProgram a Song - A new code-challenge I like music, and I like songs! But I was wondering, what if I could combine the two? I present: Program a Song. Your goal is to use commands in a language (or interpreter) of your choice as an actual song's lyrics! Here is an example: The lyrics: A B C ...

We're not allowed to use Ooo ?
@Calvin'sHobbies Your challenge is on the sidebar :)
He's almost always got at least one over there, doesn't he? ;)
It's already on 1k views
answer chaining inherently guarantees more views
It does have to be done well - we just haven't had any bad ones yet :P (small sample size)
we actually have had at least one
Which one was that?
leave mark something
I forgot that existed
god, this would have made such a nice april's fool
That lady is way too serious about her tea bags.

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