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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@MartinBüttner Ahaha the increment/decrement thing was about the second thing I thought of
I'm afraid that there might be a lot of trivial solutions to that problem
I guess that's why it's a popcon
Maybe :P
you can probably do some really fun elaborate stuff with Marbelous actually
Heh. I'm still a little confused about what exactly needs to be flipped, personally
e.g. I can do "ABBA"[:2] and claim the reverse is "ABBA"[2:], but what if I have "somestring"[::2]?
"The definition of a polarity-reversal is pretty loose, but use your judgment as to what makes sense."
on second thought, this does kinda warrant a close vote
for Marbelous the interpretation was pretty clear
but if we're not talking character-by-character, it's kinda weird
"reversing the order of code-blocks and stand-alone lines" is probably the craziest
Does that mean I need to do except: before try:?
:/ I wish people would stop doing that
@xnor Reading through The Green Llama's chatlog, thanks for raising the issue
2 hours later…
@Sp3000 Any luck on the regex challenge?
I've had a solution for a few days, but I can't post it because I was the last poster :P
That said I don't think we'll be able to keep the challenge going for much longer
Maybe I am missing something simple that I can't wrap my head around and I teach regex (that is the sad part), this is the closest I've come in 29 chars but it picks up one of the bad strings. regex101.com/r/aF0rB0/5
I think it's not so much missing something simple, it's more trying to fit things together until you get something short enough
That just tells you that you can't use .$ unless you have a way of excluding that fail string
I think that the lifespan of the Regex Meta Golf was cut short because many submissions were sub-optimal.
[^?][PG]$|<|PG <-- all this guy's fault
If it was even [GP] instead of [PG] it'd be a lot more manageable
(or even better shuffling it so that the first option became the second option)
I feel like the score should be "your regex length + length of the regex that comes after you"
To penalize people who kill the challenge.
It'd also penalise anybody who had the misfortune of posting before a suboptimal solution, though - and it wouldn't be their fault
(or might not be their fault)
Okay then, maybe there is a specific way regexes should be sorted into groups.
Maybe, regexes that match themselves should go in the match set, and regexes that don't match themselves go in the reject set.
With the hope that people only have to make slight modifications to the previous regex to make it keep working.
Ahaha well I've been putting my (one) regex in the opposite set, because otherwise it wouldn't be much of a challenge
Martin did mention the possibility of a growing size limit, that'd probably solve most problems
(working out a good formula for that, though, would be the hard part)
For example, [^?][PG]$|<|PG matches itself and was place in the reject set.
We could probably look at how our current regexes have grown over time.
Well you probably don't want to make it too easy, e.g.

That's regex length over time.
Some of that was definitely my fault, sorry :(
@Sp3000 I wrote a prototype ice-sliding game for Android some time back with dynamically generated levels. I'll look over it and see if I can think of anything later.
@Geobits Ahaha thanks. I did actually turn what I posted into a puzzle hunt puzzle once (the difficulty change I did being that rather than one moving object and paint, you had multiple moving objects that could block each other). Turned out to be my worst puzzle though due to unrecognisable letters, so I'm seeing what could have been done better.
But yeah, sorry for leaving the fewest moves part out - that was silly of me
Ah, mine had the typical "casual game" three-star rating. If you got fewest moves, 3 stars, less than 150% of fewest earned you two, more was one.
3 stars was a bitch on some levels.
Ahaha k :P Well I thought it'd be interesting to post a question about trying to generate a level with a given solution
(solution being the word, not the moves)
I think the general idea would be to (given a path) simply put a rock at each stopping point to start with. Then you can add more rocks in while ensuring that 1) they aren't on the solution path and 2) they don't form a parallel path with the same number of moves. It might be easiest to add in the "more rocks" randomly over many iterations to see which ones satisfy.
It has me wondering if that will work with the coins and paint added in though. The coins are just such a dead giveaway to the intended path...
They're literally signs that say "go this way".
The coins aren't vital to the puzzle - they were just a way of enforcing the solution in the little prototype I have :)
(because the letter n requires going down and back up again, or at least that's what I thought at the time)
Starting with the solution path and adding more rocks seems like a fair idea
Also, you should totally add some rocks on the edges. Your prototype clearly says that any path that doesn't lead to a rock is off-limits (endless loop), which narrows it down quite a bit. If there are several rocks around the edges (which may or may not be part of the solution), it gives you more paths to have to choose from.
:P true...
@PhiNotPi Yeah, look like the solutions started spiking after [^?][PG]$|<|PG :/
At school... Going to try to figure out this solution... How you solved this is still a mystery to me @Sp3000 but I will figure it out o_o
Er... I wrote a script that looked for a bunch of set patterns, essentially
Hmm... ok.
I'm going to try with JS-compatible then, since I'm on chrome
@PhiNotPi That's the funny thing. I tried playing it optimally myself before, and the strings grew very quickly. Geobits (who says he's not that familiar with regex) also gave it a try (presumably more suboptimally), and his grow more slowly than mine. So I assumed (inevitable) suboptimal answers would actually keep it going for longer
If anyone's interested, here's the output of my script :) pastebin.com/GPwXErVQ
@Sp3000 Yes, I've suggested changing the denominator to 30+N/5 or 30+N/10 (and the size limit such that the scores always remain below one)
I'm not a big fan of changing scoring, but I think neither change would affect the top 2 or 3 users, and I'd only do it with some consensus in the question comments that people would prefer to keep the challenge going
will post some comments for people to vote on tomorrow if none of you finds another answer until then
I will figure it out o/o
@MartinBüttner I think it makes sense that playing it optimally kills it quicker.
The less entropy that is in the patterns, the easier it is to make a short regex.
But by golfing the regex, you increase its entropy, thus making it substantially harder for the next entries.
Yes... It should come to an end soon, 29byte is actually pretty short for most average regexes
@Sp3000 thanks for appreciating my efforts on puzzling
i have gotten somewhat frustrated with the discussions
Don't worry, I'm of the same opinion :/
and the attitude of "if you don't like it, leave"
and "if you don't like it, just downvote"
I've only started posting on puzzling now because the site's content is quite skewed atm
also, thanks for writing a great puzzle-hunt question
that I can use an example of something that's a puzzle, not mathematical, and of quality
Ahaha no prob - I'd post more, but as is it's not currently a good fit for the site (just look at all the "clarification requests")
hopefully things like that can convince people that puzzle != low quality
you posted a new one?
I posted puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/4964/… yesterday, being a bit closer to the types of questions currently on the site
ooh, i was quite a fan of the lopsy puzzle
And also puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/5090/… in an effort to have some puzzle-creation questions
(Basically just my secret mission to skew the site away from brainteasers and spaghetti.)
oh, i think i've seen a puzzle with a similar mechanism
have you heard of Ricochet Robots?
Yep, I have - funnily, that's the first thing someone else said when I told them about my idea
so i've seen a puzzle that gave a series of ricochet robots problems, each with a minimal solution
and if you take the paths of the black robot in all the problems, it spells a message
lemme see if i can find it
Oh? Interesting...
:o that looks nice
is there some sort of state you can include in yours?
maybe switches that open doors when they are passed over?
a hard thing about spelling out a word with a single path is that it's hard to do anything but spell letter by letter
Anything like that could be good. Basically I'm just hoping that the question will generate a lot of different interesting ideas :)
i think some of the comments on there could be answers
they seem like solid suggestions that are upvote-worthy
Yeah, same :)
Basically my two goals are 1) I once did this as a puzzle and it turned out to be my worst puzzle that hunt, so I'm wondering how it could have been better and 2) Show that Puzzling can have good answers which aren't predominantly in spoiler tags
noble goals
I hope people don't mind... I think I'm just about as concerned as you
(Hmm having switches replace the coins could get very interesting...)
now that I think about it, though, switches might not lead to anything more imaginitive than each letter-path opening a switch that allows the next letter-path to be used
it's the segmentation into letters that makes it straightforward
oh, but you can make some paths paint and not others, right?
what if the required path was totally different from spelling out the word?
Oh? Well anything goes really, as long as a word is the ultimate answer. I mean, you could Morse code if you really wanted
What were you thinking?
i was thinking you would still spell out a word
but the path you take would be much more circuitous that the word
for example, instead of spelling out an O by making a rectangle, bouncing against walls for each turn
part of the path makes the upper section of the rectangle-O by passing through a "paint on" square and then a "paint off" square
so, the segment traveled is longer than the segment drawn
then, somewhere later along the path, you make another side of the O, and so on
am i making sense?
Hmmm yeah that's certainly possible :)
That'd make letters like F and n a lot easier, because in the prototype I have there I had to enforce that you go back along the path you came
(making it very restrictive and easy)
hey sp3000, if I posted a puzzle now, would you work on it in puzzling chat?
i want to see if i can drum up interest to collaboratively solve a puzzle
I could - why puzzling chat specifically though?
actually, a separate chat room that i'd advertise
or, what do you suggest?
That sounds good
Separate chatroom might work better
ok, will do
hi, I want to advertise my new just-posted puzzle on Puzzling with the hopes that people work on it in the same time for that collaborative experience
Q: Split: A puzzle-hunt style word puzzle

xnorThe answer is a six-letter word. You're strongly encouraged to discuss and collaborate on the puzzle in this chat room. I've had this puzzle playtested before, but I still welcome feedback and suggestions. 1) Diamond, to carbon 2) Deflated (#7) 3) That in “this or that” (#9) 4) Eureka pro...

the hope is to raise the level of quality in puzzling
so if you like puzzles but are tired of the low-quality stuff that's being posted on Puzzling, this is a chance to foster a better community
1 hour later…
Ok I tried
I know too little about Java to not use an IDE
@Optimizer There didn't seem to be anyone else going to answer, so I just awarded the bounty to you on Manhattan Police
Stack Exchange you cheeky sod: You haven't voted on questions for a while, questions need votes too... I'll vote on whatever I like, thank you! :/
so, apparently the way to improve the community on Puzzling SE is the have PPCG solve the puzzles instead :-P
@BetaDecay Cool :)
@xnor why should we do that ? PPCG also has puzzles, simply abandon puzzling :P
let's just write code that solves the puzzles for us!
we can't let them graduate before us though
are they ahead of us ?
are we ever graduating ? do we want to ?
what does graduation give us?
not much - it isn't a priority for either site
but it would still be sad if they beat us :P
are we starting a protest ? The questions are turning to be like those asked in protests
honestly, i think Puzzling needs to worry about surviving now rather than graduation
Peter Taylor compared it to the code trolling era of PPCG
but with a 15x increase in questions
complete with meta posts like this
let's just say it's been a high-quantity site lately
Cargo-cult puzzle-writing is almost what I'd want to call it :P
we are magnitudes ahead of puzzling, in terms of # questions, # answers, # users, % answered and arguably, quality
they just have 400 visitors per day extra
We're lower on questions per day, but that's to be expected
we might be now, but we have 3.5 times more questions
You're comparing 1391 days in beta with 188 :P
well, then the whole comparison of them getting graduated first is invalid then :P
3 hours later…
I had a silly idea for a question I wanted to pass by someone
ah..no one here?
Pleeeeeenty of people here
aha :)
well. here it is.. I quite often get sequences of positive integers from work I am doing
and want to work out what formula could produce them
it would be nice, if given some rules for what sorts of formulae are allowed, one could have code to formula-golf the answers
that is give the shortest mathematical formula following the rules that gives the numbers
what do you think?
for example, 1, 2, 6,20, 70
or 1, 8, 96, 1280, 17920
You'd have to say what types of formulae you're allowing
Polynomial? Trigonometric?
where you are allowed to use factorial, multiply, binomial(n,k) and positive integer constants
for example
or and raising things to the power of a positive constant
err.. raising things to thepower of other thigns :)
I suppose a grammar would be helpful :)
but is that more or less clear?
I suppose I could allow division too but everything will in positive integers
Grammar would make things more clear I'd imagine :P
yes :)
but first let me see if the question makes sense and/or is interesting
it's basically math-gold
Well doing some research, there's already something like this: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/3485/what-comes-next
(always good to check what's out there)
thanks.. that's a little different
but still interesting
I don't want to golf the code
just the output
(basically I don't like the pure code golf stuff... which I know makes me a bad person :) )
Ahaha well that's not true
You'll have to define what you mean by golfing the output then - least operators? How do you count coefficients?
I think least number of bytes might do
what do you think?
I mean characters I suppose, I assume a character is one byte in size
so n^2 is better than n^20
and n! is better than n^2
How does binomial work then? I'm assuming factorial is !
(n, k) maybe?
to make it nice and short
still shorter than n!/(n-k)!*k!
err n!/((n-k)!*k!)
Just checking that it's not the entire word binomial(n,k) ;)
@MartinBüttner I meant a command line input device
I suppose it could be b(n,k) if you think that is less ambiguous
Sounds decent - write up a sandbox draft and see what other people think of it?
it would be nicer if the rules were part of the input of course :)
Just as an example though, what might be an answer for the sequence 1,2?
Or n?
(not sure what we're starting from)
well we would have to decide where to index from :)
but we could say n+1
Well that's something that'd have to go in the draft I guess :P
do you think it might need "if" ?
it would be nice if the rules for the formulae were universal
so you could in principle make any sequence with enough characters
You could put ifs/loops/what not, but then it's just a question of balancing how much work people have to do :P
ok so how I can put the rules so that 1,2 is a valid answer?
in other words, just listing the numbers
Ahaha you can make any sequence with enough characters though, that's just interpolation I'd imagine
Oh... if listing the numbers is a valid answer then...hm...
how would you make 1,2,6 using my rules?
(forget listing the numbers :) )
nice :)
how about 1,2, 7
I am not sure you can make any sequence you want can you?
Give me a sec...
sure :)
You can always specify any number using the n*(n-1)*(n-2)... trick
And golfing that down would just give interpolation
you may be on to something :)
e.g. n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)/24 would give 0, 0, 0, 1, <blah>
Which is useful if there's only 4 terms and you need to add 1 to the fourth term
ok so you have improved my question.. thank you :)
So, just for the sake of fun, I don't think listing the numbers is necessary :P
I am much happier
maybe I should allow recursion :)
f(n) = .... f(n-1)...
or maybe that is too much
Ahaha well that's something you'll have to figure out :)
But yeah fun fact about guess-the-next-number questions, you can always interpolate by taking differences
oh..er.. how do I find the sandbox?
Q: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SandboxWhat is the Sandbox? This "Sandbox" is a place where Programming Puzzles & Code Golf users can get feedback on prospective challenges they wish to post to the main page. This is useful because writing a clear and fully specified challenge on the first try can be difficult. There is a much better...

how are you on formal grammars? Do you think you could give me a hand?>>
Er... not great, unfortunately :/
@overactor oh I didn't know subboard input devices acted on ARGV for the mainboard
(also fun fact I just interpolated by hand and for 1,2,7 you can get 2n^2 - n + 1)
no problem
nice :)
writing the sandbox question now
Hmm now that I think about it, what do we need the grammar for again?
just to specify what answers are alliowed
this what I have now
A math formula which maps an index n starting at 1 to the relevant value. A formula F can be made up as follows. It can consist of integer constants, *, /, (, ), ^ or (n,k). These are to be interpreted in their normal mathematical sense and (n,k) is to be read as binomial(n,k)
Hmm if anything can be used inside anything else, I think specifying the operators might be enough
Might make it easier to write :P
@MartinBüttner the more you know...
Just something simple like a*b, a/b, a!, (a,b) (meaning binomial) or something should be fine I think. And possibly things like -a if you want unary minus.
(sorry, for some reason I was thinking people might do something weird if there was no grammar but I can't think of how that might happen...)
Hmm I wonder how well binomial would do - it wouldn't be optimal, but it'd be really simple to write a program for
what about 1,2,6,20, 70 ?
nice ! :)
but I think you can do it in less
as it is (n,n/2)^2 for even n
(Take differences between consecutive terms, then take differences between what you get etc until you reach a single number. Then read the leftmost numbers)
(2*n/n) I suppose
(2*n,n) I mean
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LembikMath golf This challenge is about writing code that outputs the smallest formula possible for a sequence of position integers. Input A file consisting of a sequence of comma separated positive integers per line. For example 1, 2, 7 1, 4, 36, 400, 4900 96, 1280, 17920, 258048, 378...

Ahaha well maybe - not sure how I'd write something to recognise that though (maybe someone else might have better ideas)
maybe I should specify the order of precedence. I mean... are all the brackets needed in 4^n*(2*n)!/(n!)^2 ?
Yeah precedence might be good to specify
the issue with n!^2 isn't exactly that though is it
what do you think?
I'd imagine n!^2 to be (n!)^2
You do remind me of something though - is a^b^c = a^(b^c)?
Also I'm not sure how your third example works, I don't get 96 if I plug in 1
try 4^(n+1)*(2*(n+1))!/((n+1)!)^2
i.e. plug in 2
@Sp3000 what do you think?
Oh, right sorry
Hmmm only thing I'm not sure on is the scoring
@Doorknob sandbox got unfeatured
@Sp3000 go on.. what are you thinking about the scoring?
I can't remember where but there was a discussion about using hidden test cases for scoring
Q: Winning conditions not measurable until question author decides to reveal test data set

Dr. RebmuThis question has an interesting property, in that judging a winner is dependent on unknown data: Recognize handwritten digits This is actually not an uncommon way of things working in puzzle-space. In programming competitions, you often are given simple test data and then you submit your progr...

I'll read it thanks!
Ah there we go, thanks Martin :P
the problem is that if I don't do that you can just hard code the answers
which is boring
no problem
use a very large number of test cases
and put a hard limit on the code size that makes hardcoding impossible
score on a fixed (still large) set of test cases (which is disclosed), but disallow optimisation towards the test cases. if you suspect anyone of doing something like that, you run their code on a different (randomly generated) set of test cases, and if they perform considerably better, they're disqualified.
(that is, your disclosed set must be generated by the same code)
ok.. well first I need to improve the question
@MartinBüttner the problem is how many brackets do people need to include
@user2179021 brackets?
@MartinBüttner 4^(n+1)*(2*(n+1))!/((n+1)!)^2 Are all those brackets needed?
I don't know about the outer one in the denominator
establish clear precedence rules
but it should be unambiguous to leave those off anyway
also, you might wanna call them "parentheses"
brackets are technically []
so ((n+1)!)^2 == (n+1)!^2 is one question
the order of precedence isn't exactly the same
also, how long will the input sequences be?
ah yes.. thanks
your examples range from 3 to 7 elements
ok fixed
any more?
so the minimum is 1 element?
fewer seems silly :)
well, but more might seem reasonable
but that's fine
more than 20 you mean?
oh I see... a bigger minimum
a larger minimum that 1
don't worry
what do I do if I can't find any formula?
I guess I can resort to some algebraic form of a cyclic sequence of the given numbers
@MartinBüttner A formula is always possible
@MartinBüttner well @Sp3000 has a general method that always works :)
(Huzzah for interpolation)
@user2179021 "A special rule applies to the factorial function ! which requires brackets if it is to be raised to a power. I.e. it is (n!)^2 and not n!^2." why?
because n!^2 looks weird to me :)
okay ^^
basically it should be !(n)^2
n! is some short hand
what about n!!?
Isn't !! somethign specific
I mean not !(!(n))
or (n!)! I should say
I'm asking should n!! be treated as n!! or as (n!)!
(n!! being n*(n-2)*(n-4)*...)
I read "!! isn't something specific"
so yes, it is something specific, so what should it be? should n!! be allowed?
ok tried to fix it again
!! is not allowed
maybe mention it explicitly
challenge idea: given a number determine what kind of factorial it is
but !! is a new function I don't list
built-in factorisation disallowed
@user2179021 I'm sure you'll get arguments about it because "but you allowed that character"
I made another mistake
how do I say what I mean about brackets
I want n! to have brackets if any operator is applied ot it I think
ok try now
even if 3+n! ?
In that case, just call the operator (...!)
could you help with the phrasing please
I could just list the operators I am worried about :)
as I said, just call the operator (...!) and it's fixed
ok :) I hope my new version is fixed too
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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