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6 hours later…
everyone asleep?
@user2179021 Hello!
hi @BetaDecay
Q: What's the point of a puzzle tag?

Beta DecayWhy is there a puzzle tag? Surely every problem posted on this site is puzzle meaning that it could be applied to everything.. The same applies to the programming-puzzle tag.

Someone should graph the activity of PPCG. Could help people to know when to post challenges to get a lot of interest.
@BetaDecay :)
good idea
It's nowhere near that simple. It depends on other questions which were posted, how similar your question is to recently posted ones, how difficult it appears, how well-written it is, and other even less objective features.
Q: Does [tag:algorithm] serve any purpose?

Peter TaylorThe tag wiki for algorithm consists of a summary: This challenge is intended to be solved by using, creating, or resolving some processing algorithm. and a detailed explanation: This challenge involves algorithms. At first glance this seems to be about as useful as tagging questions p...

@BetaDecay Something like this?
@MartinBüttner I had assumed that question was the reason you had raised the topic of varying seasons... Interesting coincidence.
@githubphagocyte no, it was one of the things I've been thinking about before anyway... mostly due to those German blogposts I linked in my answer
Nice answer :)
thanks :)
3 hours later…
@grc Great! I need to learn SQL...
Anyone know any valid winning criteria for this?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayBe an Epidemiologist! code-challenge Challenge You must create a simple model of how disease spreads around a group of people. Rules and Requirements The model must be a 1000 by 1000 2D array with each element being a different person. The user must input two variables: the probability of t...

@user2179021 Hey
hi @BetaDecay
@BetaDecay can I pass a mathematical puzzle idea past you?
@user2179021 Yeah, sure!
ok so.. consider 3 dimensional space. Say we define k planes going through the origin
now look at the regions that we cut from this cutting up of the space by the planes
@user2179021 aaaaand?
@user2179021 Or is that just it?
yay, I can downvote on WB now :D
sorry.. back :)
ok so... the task is to give one point in each region
@MartinBüttner back :)
is this too hard do you think?
hmmm, sounds certainly interesting
off the top of my head I'm not sure how to tackle it though
(at least elegantly)
@Martin FYI, my son bookmarked and has been playing Circular off and on for a couple weeks now :D
@Geobits :D sweet ... I guess I should take this from prototype to actual game after all ^^
More than trying to beat each level, he's lately been playing with the arcs trying to get an exact target percentage with each one. It's interesting to watch him experiment.
how old is he? (if I may ask)
@Geobits maybe I should consider that if I actually make the game and need to figure out a target audience ;)
Maybe. He's an avid gamer, if it helps. Pokemon, minecraft, Mario, etc. I wasn't expecting him to take to the simplicity in yours, go figure.
@MartinBüttner what do you think the winning criterion should be?
@user2179021 Sounds good for code golf, but you should write a little verification script that check that anyone's output is actually correct.
@MartinBüttner that game is pretty awesome
I was playing it, and then I realized that I could curve the path
heh, thank you :)
@MartinBüttner maybe code-golf with some time restriction? I mean a very very slow solution isn't so interesting
@user2179021 How fast could the solution be? The size of the output is O(2^n)
@MartinBüttner actually the size of the output is O(n^2) for n points
err.. n planes I mean
@MartinBüttner See the second display formula at the bottom of austms.org.au/Gazette/2006/Sep06/HoZ.pdf
but I have no idea how quickly you can find the points!
do you?
I mean one point in each region.. maybe that should be an algorithms problem first :)
any good code golf is an algorithms problem
@MartinBüttner good point. Still not quite sure how to express the speed constraint though
if no one minds my asking a general programming question... how would you draw a plane in 3d as easily as possible?
@user2179021 does "easily" mean quickly or with few bytes?
@githubphagocyte it means using a small number of my personal human cpu cycles :)
I just want to visualise these planes for a question
if it can be done in python, even better :)(
If you don't need occlusion then you can just draw squares of a fixed size centred on the origin, using a simple projection (if you don't need perspective you could use an isometric projection)
@user First draw the fuselage, then the wings and tail. The level of detail matters; if you need to show individual windows/wheels, it'll be more complex.
@Geobits :)
@githubphagocyte right.. i need to see the angles. In particular I will draw a few that intersect the origin
I was assuming you meant infinite planes, and that you could represent these by square planes passing through the origin
@githubphagocyte oops.. yes that is right. infinite planes
@githubphagocyte so exactly what you just said
do you need depth information? It's simpler to draw them as outlines so those behind are still visible, but that will give ambiguity (optical illusions)
Depends how precise you need it
@githubphagocyte that sounds ok
@githubphagocyte not too precise.. it's just to demonstrate intersecting planes
@MartinBüttner got clarification on the "hole"/"island" rules for the 1009-omino challenge
makes it a bit harder, but I think still doable.
removing occluded lines will give a greater sense of depth and emphasise that it is 3d, but it doesn't sound like you necessarily need that
@Sparr I'm looking forward to it ;)
@githubphagocyte I was secretly hoping there was a library I could call :)
the runtime for my solution for large integers is going to be... slow
I wonder how he will feel about that
@user2179021 there probably is. I don't have any examples but mathematical packages may well include sufficient visualisation for this
have we had any solutions in the past to this sort of problem where the score-establishing case is impossible to run to completion?
I'm maybe thinking of the "if a program halts..." challenge
In python you could use turtle and write a function that takes two angles and draws a plane through the origin restricted to a square of fixed size
@user2179021 one point in each region defined by k intersecting planes? if they all go through the origin, then k planes makes 2^k regions, right?
@Sparr no! O(k^2) regions
@Sparr assuming you are in 3d
err, are you sure that's not for planes not restricted to passing through the origin?
@user2179021 unless the planes coincide, each one will double the number of regions
@Sparr the bottom display formula on page 1
oh, well, great, k^2 is mostly smaller anyway
@Sparr "2)
How many regions occur if these hyperplanes, in general position, happen to contain
a common point?"
@githubphagocyte heh, that was my intuition as well
in this case the common point is the origin
off the top of my head... describe each plane as a great circle on a unit sphere. the surface of the sphere is now covered in 2d shapes. put a point inside (the center?) each shape.
@Sparr I think that works! But how to actually do it :)
@MartinBüttner even having been told I'm wrong, I still can't shake the intuition...
I mean in code
is this to be code golf?
@githubphagocyte well it kinda makes sense... once you've got octants, you can't really put a plane through all regions any more
@Sparr well yes but I would like the solutions to be fast and I am not sure how to specify that exactly
@MartinBüttner yes that makes perfect sense - thank you :)
@Sparr if I knew the "correct" time complexity I could specify that.. but I don't
@user2179021 would you be happy just putting a generous upper limit on the running time?
@githubphagocyte that could work
@user2179021 if you have an example implementation that isn't designed to be competitive, you can use its run time for a given N as the upper limit
@githubphagocyte but in seconds, which case on whose machine?
@githubphagocyte that is a good point but I don't . I think just implementing it at all is quite tricky
@user2179021 this is where I go ask ##math on freenode :)
@user2179021 if it's sufficiently generous it may not affect many entrants. I guess you'd need to specify your own machine if you needed to disqualify some
@Sparr oh.. are there good people there?
1. Pick a random point. 2. Work out its bounding polygon. (This is the hard bit). 3. For each edge, pick a point just on the other side of the edge. 4. Repeat until you get no new polygons.
Could be improved a bit, but it should in principle run in polynomial time.
@user2179021 absolutely. efnet #math is pretty good, too. also freenode ##physics
@Sparr thanks
@PeterTaylor interesting.. makes me want to pose the question now :)
maybe I will just say it has to be poly time per region
@PeterTaylor pre-calculating the intersections of all the planes might be useful there
this problem is basically just lines on a plane, but with the trick that the "plane" is non-euclidean
@Sparr that is the origin or do you mean all pairwise intersections?
all pairwise intersections, which are lines in 3d space, points on the surface of the sphere
Yes, it might be possible to tackle it that way: get the vertices of the graph, work out the edges, from that the faces, and I think you probably have convex faces so picking a point inside each face is fairly simple.
@user2179021 unless there is a much slower approach that leads to a smaller program, you might not need to specify a time limit
Even a random approach would need to check the polygons so I wouldn't expect it to be shorter
(although my intuition suggested 2^n regions so don't take my guesses too seriously...)
Q: Identifying what golfed code does?

SBossI've got a bit of obfuscated javascript, and I'd like to find out what it does. I could read up on obfuscating in javascript, or I could ask some people who know their stuff. Where would I post a question like this? It's not a code-golf question per se, but I think it's far more suited to find c...

@PeterTaylor the faces will be convex
@githubphagocyte :)
@Doorknob apparently CR wins the race - sorry! — Mat's Mug yesterday
TIL: 1) worldbuilding.se is a thing 2) worldbuilding.se has some very strange questions/answers
@Geobits it's only been a thing since yesterday. but some of the questions/answers are pretty awesome :D
@ProgramFOX well... that was to be expected...
@MartinBüttner Hadn't looked at their stats yet, but now I did and the numbers are indeed higher...
so shall I pose it as a question? :)
it could be a fastest code or an algorithms question I suppose too
Hmm. Awesome in a thought-experimenty way I guess. Most of the questions I've looked at seem very vague/broad. I'm also not really sure what I can ask about.
I have a nice question for that site :)
@Geobits that was meant for you
@user2179021 Sandbox it. I can foresee potential issues around numerical analysis (unless you require the planes to have equations which are defined entirely in integers and then expect answers over Q) and around corner cases.
@PeterTaylor ok... I don't like floating point precision problems :)
well i worked out how to draw the planes at least
plt3d.plot_surface(xx, yy, z, alpha = 0.5) in python
Would the idiot who just posted the deobfuscated malware to meta please edit their post to delete it? I don't want to have to disable my antivirus just to read meta.
@PeterTaylor i read that in generic intercom voice
"the owner of the car with registration number 12ab34, your lights are on and you're an idiot"
@Geobits Yes, I do agree that many of the questions are currently too broad. But I think in principle it's quite nice. And I'm sure they'll settle on more specific questions once they settle into normal operating mode. If you look at early PPCG challenges, we'd consider them quite bad by today's standards.
@MartinBüttner @Geobits any input on worldbuilding meta is welcome - we have a draft of an on-topic help page but it's all still in progress
I guess I'm trying to figure out what a specific, answerable question looks like in that context. How do magic and economy work together, Can I have a destroyed civilization with no ruins, and How to go from Australia to Europe using correspondences all have multiple answers and are positively voted, for instance.
None of them seem like a typical SE question to me, though.
Having multiple answers is not a bad thing.
I wasn't trying to say it was. I meant that it having a positive score and multiple answers indicates that it was accepted well by the community. (not that "bad" questions aren't sometimes also upvoted and answered, but I can't see close votes or vote totals there)
"Is it possible for a civilization to vanish without a trace" (destroyed civilization with no ruins) invites wild speculation in my opinion.
The effect of magic on the economy can't possibly be based on anything except for wild speculation.
@MartinBüttner I understand that "extrapolate from reality" is being taken to mean "whatever the heck you want to post is fine". That doesn't mean I agree with it.
Oh, I didn't expect you to ;)
I don't understand how magic extrapolates from reality at all.
So... you're saying you don't believe in magic? :o
If it was already a part of reality, then it would fall under the "Back It Up! can also mean personal experience"
So, a good magic question would involve personal experience. This one clearly doesn't.
It the author has had some personal magic experiences, he forgot to include them.
Or it could fall under the real-world physics section. I don't have personal experience fiddling with quantum mechanics experiments, but others do. Same for magic ;)
@Rainbolt You did read the post though, right? Personal experience is not about personal experience in the concept you're writing about but personal experience in writing about it (i.e., I've used this solution in this and that book/RPG/game before, and it turned out to be well-received/consistent)
So the site is a giant popularity contest? If the idea was popular in Harry Potter, then it will likely be popular again?
Yes, that is exactly what I said.
Never mind though, I don't even want to start arguing about this. Their site is obviously following some different guidelines than most SE sites, and I don't see why the PPCG chat room should be bothered with that.
Yea, I guess we'll just see how long it takes for them to be closed.
I agree with Martin. Obviously we should be talking about parenting.se instead :D
@Rainbolt As long as it does for PPCG?
(or Parenting)
How long has PPCG been in beta?
three years?
@Rainbolt ~1340 days
like 3.75 years or so
@ProgramFOX thanks for the PR
@MartinBüttner You're welcome!
@Rainbolt just saw this proposal... that's much more worrying than world-building: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/76143/zodiac :D
I find that neither more or less odd than the religious ones ;)
@Geobits Well, I'm not sure what those are actually like, but I could see objective questions asked on those... questions about religious writings and history of the religion aren't any different from questions on scifi.SE or history.SE
then again, that's probably also possible with astrology... sadly...
Agreed, but you could say the same about zodiac (I assume there are old texts about it?). I meant that the ones I've seen have a lot of "interpretation" questions.
Hermeneutics vs Christianity, for example.
I find the Atheism proposal stranger. Let's ask questions about a lack of religion :D
@Geobits I feel like the amount of objective content is far greater for some of the larger religions than for Zodiac signs.
How about a graphical output code golf to draw Apollionian Gaskets? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollonian_gasket
Sounds good. Input is the initial circles' sizes?
that and recursion depth, although I could just say "abort when the circles sizes are a 1000th of the largest input circle
If it's a graphical output you could just abort at pixel size, or somewhat lower for antialiasing
Not everyone is rendering rasterised graphics ;)
@MartinBüttner no, but even a vector image doesn't need the circles that won't show up at the required viewing size...
@githubphagocyte yes, which means that you're aborting at a certain fraction of the initial size ;)
@MartinBüttner I'll shut up now... :)
those are some beautiful renderings of fractals: fractalsciencekit.com/types/orbital.htm
@Geobits that article refers to the Apollonian Gasket as a mathematical theorem...
I said good job artist guy, not writer guy ;)
@Geobits That can't be true...
@Geobits the work is indeed incredible - I'm amazed at the accuracy over such a scale
i never got the point of fractals
@Beta What, the sand art? The artist seems pretty well known, and it's not the only thing he's done on a large scale. jimdenevan.com
My god, that's amazing!
besides the obvious use of terrain/music generation and as an entropy source
Q: Why are some of our badges in Portuguese?

professorfishI've noticed today that some of our badges have names and their description in Portuguese. This isn't affecting SO or WorldBuilding. (Google Translate says that it's Portuguese rather than Spanish. It may be wrong.) I am not in Spain/Portugal; I am in the United Kingdom and my language is set to...

Houston, we've got a problem.
This is one of the weirdest bugs I've ever seen.
Guys, that's not what "port" means.
ba dum tss
@professorfish It doesn't seem to affect me on mobile...
Or me on not-mobile.
It doesn't affect me, I'm on a brick.
Q: Why are some of our badges in Portuguese?

professorfishI've noticed today that some of our badges have names and their description in Portuguese. This isn't affecting SO or WorldBuilding. (Google Translate says that it's Portuguese rather than Spanish. It may be wrong.) I am not in Spain/Portugal; I am in the United Kingdom and my language is set to...

that bot should check whether or not it's already been posted
i thought it forgot so i posted it myself
but it seems to be a bit laggy
How often does it check for new posts?
Every 10 min iirc.
Or is it activated by a new post?
Whyyyy did computer scientists and software architects abstract hardware interrupts so much
"checking for x every y" is the biggest design flaw I've seen used a lot.
@professor My policy is to put slightly more detail than needed in a bug report/addition rather than slightly less :)
needless to say, ajax disgusts me
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerDraw an Apollonian Gasket code-golf graphical-output fractal Given three mutually tangent circles, we can always find two more circles which are tangent to all three of those. These two are called Apollonian circles. Note that one of the Apollonian circles might actually be around the three ini...

@cjfaure blasphemy! infidel!
casually continues being heretic
What's the policy on getting answers from Rosetta Code?
I'd rather use ajax than a rock. In that sense it's not so bad.
@BetaDecay to meta questions?
sorry ignore that
@Geobits I really hope websockets gets more widely used/supported.
oh wow, the sandbox bot was quick
My hobby: taking things out of context
"oh wow, the sandbox bot was quick"
You can't have that hobby, it's mine.
@cjfaure Ajax doesn't have to be used in a setInterval loop.
@PeterTaylor yeah, without that it's kinda okay, but when you're using it to load comments as they're made...:c
Trending ELU post: "What is the opposite of engraved text?"
"duh, engraved not text."
i don't have the reputation to comment :c
@cjfaure ...for a reason
but how can you not have the rep to comment somewhere? association bonus?
or did you get downvoted into oblivion at some point? ^^
i haven't touched elu :P idk why i have no association bonus but meh
You've got 101 on ELU, not sure why you wouldn't be able to.
lemme refresh the page again :/
I think he just revealed that he's using sock puppet accounts
i ain't D: the only other account i have is wobblebot and i haven't used it in ages
and i don't vote with it
Question, do game design questions fit in gamedev.se or not?
@cjfaure check their help centre and meta?
@MartinBüttner k, help centers are usually very vague when it comes to questions like this though xD
@cjfaure design is literally the first bullet point in their help centre
also, now that I think about it, I remember several HNQ questions which were pure game design
Do you mean questions like this and this, or like this and this?
@Geobits second ones
And interface stuff would go in uiux. :P
@Geobits oh, I'd assumed the latter, but both are on topic (obviously)
Yea, the first bullet in the help center is "game design (level design, gameplay, mechanics, etc)"
well that answers my question :P ty
why did i not check the help center ;n;
Because you offload the search for answers to other SE users? ;)
@Geobits i guess that's site-spirited xD
When you get a 777x clicking frenzy on cookie clicker and GIMPS periodically freezes your browser
I really don't get the attraction of cookie clicker..
I don't understand how having a 777 multiplier slows down your browser.
Instead of adding 1 trillion cookies, it adds 777 trillion cookies.
But I don't know what GIMPS is, so maybe it makes addition really hard.
@Rainbolt GIMPS is freezing my browser so I can't click.
GIMPS is using 90% of my CPU at the moment
Oh I see. That's unfortunate :(
great internet mersenne prime search
figured i was only using 20% of my cpu anyway
@Geobits I saw something about prime numbers on Google and thought "How would searching for prime numbers only affect your game when a golden cookie was clicked?"
Plus my brother is an artist and used GIMP so I thought of that
Yeah, me too
It's apparently not the cool thing any longer
I think actual gimps using your PC would be more of a problem.
@Geobits gimps = physical impairments now?
Too many gimps up in here :-/
@Rainbolt Ah, sorry, I meant the #3 usage: urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gimp
What would we do without urban dictionary? XD
Live, I guess. That's what I did before it was around :D
Haha yeah. :)
I think I have mucked up my attempt to produce random hyperplanes
this is my code bpaste.net/show/dacc01618163
which should make n random d-dimensional hyperplanes which go through the origin
what am I doing wrong?
@Geobits Ugh I clicked on the link, finally. Very unhappy with what was on my screen for half a second.
@Rainbolt at work?
dont' click on things :)
@user2179021 For a start, you don't even have a d
@PeterTaylor sorry that was a snippet. This is better bpaste.net/show/6204d82d1f41
@PeterTaylor Are you calling user2179021 a woman?
@Rainbolt why does missing a d make you a woman? Does d == d***?
also, I am not sure being a woman is an insult :)
In America, or at least in my small town, it's fairly common to send a text like "I want that d" if you are asking for a hookup.
@Rainbolt also who said Lembik wasn't a woman?
In Britain it's the same
I have never heard that!
@MartinBüttner Nobody said lembik wasn't a woman. Nobody said it was insulting to be a woman.
I don't see how that could possibly work with any value of d other than 3
And I don't get how it's supposed to work with d = 3
@PeterTaylor it doesn't ever work for d = 3 I think..
Surely the transform you need to apply is a rotation which takes wlog (1, 0, 0) to the random point on the surface of the sphere. And you need to apply it to your points as points, not just change the z coordinate.
@PeterTaylor ok so in theory what I am doing is choosing a point at random from the surface of a sphere using the formula at the bottom of mathworld.wolfram.com/SpherePointPicking.html
@PeterTaylor and then attempting to draw the hyperplane orthogonal to that point. And I am doing it wrong :(
Is anyone playing the new Gauntlet on Steam?
@PeterTaylor I was basically copying stackoverflow.com/a/12503243/2179021
@PeterTaylor any ideas how to fix what I have dnoe?
@Rainbolt no... it's been suggested several times, but so far I've been able to resist
(besides, I'm playing Transistor at the moment anyway)
The easiest way to get it working is probably to build a mesh grid yourself using two orthogonal vectors in the plane. Getting two orthogonal vectors in the plane is the tricky bit. I can't find the code where I've done this before, so a less optimised approach is to take your normal N; compute the cross products N x (1, 0, 0), N x (0, 1, 0), and N x (0, 0, 1); pick the largest of them and normalise it to get X, and then take N x X to be Y.
ok thanks
I just realized how sneaky "Must be able to upgrade from version N-1 to version N." is as a requirement.
At first glance, you think "I just need to support the latest version and the one before it, right?"
Then you slowly realize that if you can upgrade from 9 to 10, and you can upgrade from 8 to 9, then you can upgrade from 8 to 10.
That's why Windows skipped 9. Problem solved ;)
Hahaha. That's a clean solution.
How is this not spam? "Do you wish to achieve the greatest bedroom performance?"
Really Yahoo?
I'm not sure why people thought it would be 9 anyway. Windows has a very strange naming history anyway (3, 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, 7, 8... am I missing anything?). It would be odd for them to stay with something so obvious for too long.
Well... do you?
I do, actually
If I give you my credit card number, will that help?
That depends on your definition of help. It would help more if you also gave the expiration and CVV.
You can just paste it all in chat :D
3 was probably the third major release. 95 was probably released in 1995. 98 was probably released in 1998. ME was released around the millenium (I remember that from some high school textbook). XP I have no idea wtf it means. 7 was the seventh popular major release. 8 was the 8th popular major release. Wtf does 10 mean?
tl;dr: Wtf does XP and 10 stand for?
> On February 5, 2001, Microsoft officially announced that Whistler would be known as Windows XP, short for "experience".
CC#: 5396 6028 8489 7103
CVV: 102
Exp: 01/03/2017
We good?
And 10 apparently represents that it's a huge jump from 8:
> Windows 10 is such a substantial leap, according to Microsoft's executive VP of operating systems, Terry Myerson, that the company decided it would be best to skip over Windows 9, the widely expected name for the next version.
Which are both terrible reasons IMO.
Let me run this through Amazon's "card checker" and I'll let you know.
Oh... I'm sorry, I don't work well with Mastercard. Do you perhaps have a Visa or American Express?
Visa: 4354 1972 1255 0428
CVV: 622
Expirires On: 09/01/2017
@Geobits you missed Vista, although I like to call it "Windows 7 Beta"
I don't understand how Windows 7 got its name either
@Martin I think my mind had blocked that one out altogether.
@Geobits that's why there's no Winamp 4
3 (first in the list), 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7 (eighth in this list), 8 (ninth in this list)
I think only one of ME/2000 "counts", but I don't know which ;)
If you count 98 as a point release to 95 (it wasn't) and ignore ME/2000 completely, then 7 works.
just finding the apollonian circles does seem to be quite challenging in itself
@Martin I think you should stick with what you've got
hm yeah... I think if I did split it off, that would basically make the gasket challenge a duplicate
Agreed, honestly. Drawing them would be the simplest way to validate answers IMO, and it's not hard to draw once you have the circles.
in fact, everything else in the gasket is just the recursion which should be fairly trivial once you've got the apollonian circles down
Wooooow. My CEO just sent this out: "[Bob] accounted for 12% of the 18.4% growth in food sales this year."
Bob is a big guy. I think he'll laugh it off, but that has to sting a little.
"Sting" is also really hard to type correctly. I typed "string" three times in a row before getting it right.
Does that mean that Bob accounted for 12% of the 18.4% or just 12%?
In other words: 0.184*0.12 or 18.4?
@BetaDecay Good question...
*or 12
@Rainbolt Which way were you thinking at first?
I was thinking 12% was due to Bob, and 6.4% was the rest of America getting slightly hungrier (or food getting slightly more expensive)
Ahhh. Poor Bob...
@PeterTaylor "The" GPS question?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

professorfishGPS: Golfed Positioning System code-golf geometry 3d Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write code for a GPS receiver. Input The current time, as nanoseconds from the Unix epoch. Four satellite signals, in the following format: The time the signal was sent, as nanoseconds fr...

@PeterTaylor I'm not sure the Apollonian gasket is really a simplification, except that it's in 2D. It seems that the GPS question is only asking for the intersection of 4 spheres, whereas the fractal requires you to find out the radii as well, plus the recursion and plotting part.
I'm quite surprised that I can't find the centre of the Apollonian in-circle in the Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers.
@MartinBüttner Yes, it's closer to a simplification of the GPS question if it didn't tell you the current time.
@PeterTaylor sooooo... would you suggest not posting it? modifying it?
Based on the research I've been doing (bad! should be cleaning), if you supply an initial set of 4 circles rather than three then you open up some quite different approaches. In particular, circle inversion coupled with Vietà jumping means that you never have to take square roots.
Hm, I have no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds interesting. What would the interpretation of the 4 circles sizes be? That is, how would they be placed relative to each other?
Centres and radii of one set of 4 mutually tangent circles.
ah okay
but never having to take square roots would probably still not mean you could actually do it all in rationals, because at least one of the initial radii ratios will be irrational?
Actually the circle inversion might require a square root.
Most likely some of the centres will have irrational coordinates.
But the possibility of chaining rather than calculating the Apollonian circles from scratch makes a significant difference to the GPS problem.
@Peter Taylor What do you mean by Vieta jumping? Storing the two roots by their sum and product? I though it was a technique to prove things by infinite descent.
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