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saves some interobject/process communication
The buyer doesn't know the product the seller is going to offer
they can give a price in all 5 goods
I don't understand the scoring, but it sounds quite interesting
You just need to make sure that people will on average produce less than 5 products a year
@MartinBüttner actual scoring is just how long you survive without starving. the part about product scores is related to production, not score-score
there are 5 products, with an average score of 20
@Sparr oh okay... it's getting late over here
I should turn to video games instead of PPCG at this hour :D
furthermore, one of the base scores will be 3...meaning the max a player can produce is 5
@NathanMerrill check my math... the product with base "score" (you should choose a different word, how about "productivity"?) 3 will enter the game at a rate of 3 per player per turn if everyone chooses it, right?
average rate
and the average for a given will be 4 per turn if all players choose that product
leading to an average of .8 of each product produced each turn
will those base scores be different each year? or game? or?
each game
ah I see
does the productivity vary per person?
I hope not ^^
sort of
the total productivity doesn't
well the base score doesn't right?
but the individual goods do
the base doesn't either
including base scores?
ah okay
so only the variation about the base score is player and year specific?
not years
every year, every person can produce the same amount
oh, not even the variation?
but individual persons have different variation?
which stays constant for them thrughout the game?
so... if the base productivity is 3 for product A, then people will have values from 1 to 5
but from year to year, the same person will have the same productivity
aren't the people with a high variation on a product with a low base productivity favored?
but that's why I play 50 games
why not make the variation change every year? that would probably also be more realistic
So, in terms of production choice, my bot has the same options every round of a game?
The point is to figure out what is rare I suppose
Martin, because then it becomes more obvious what values you under produce
yes overactor
you need to figure out what is rare AND what you have an advantage in
that's clever
what's the lowest base score for a product?
didn't think about that
probably 2
so you could have 0 productivity on a product?
That's a maximum productivity of 4 of a certain product across the game
which means, maximum base score is 6?
no, Martin...you could have 2,2,2,2,12
yes overactor
But people might overproduce it when they find out
I can see it balance out
...but its impossible to survive forever
Here's a problem I think could happen without careful planning:
What If everyone always produces their best product?
no wait
20+2*5 = 30
your right
the one they have the best variation on
@NathanMerrill you can edit chat messages by pressing the up arrow key ;)
I've done it before
habit from other chats :P
If I have high enough productivity levels, I would hardly have to trade, ever.
That would average a production of easily more than 5
If the productions levels are A B C D E, then we must ensure that 1/A+1/B+1/C+1/D+1/E < 1
@PhiNotPi why is that?
Otherwise, they would be able to avoid trading forever.
very high numbers for fulfill that inequality
I actually meant >
that makes more sense
Didn't edit in time.
But, if the sum of the reciprocals is less than one, they never have to trade, ever.
In order to ensure fairness between players, you should make sure that the sum of the reciprocals is about equal for everyone.
it should be close to 1
so you get enough time to figure out what you should be trading
wow I'm really stumped... where do you guys get the reciprocals from?
oh that's how often you can produce to stay at one product per year on average
or something
they all represent how often per turn you'd have to produce each product to have enough
if they'er all 1/5 that means you have to produce once every 5 turns
of the sum is smaller than or equal to 1, you can survive on your own, guaranteed
if it's lower, you can't
ok, back
so, I decided that each person will have to consume 2 of each product
and the total base score will be 30
which means that if each person produces their top product
the total score will be 30+5*2 = 40
how is that different from reducing the base score to 15?
its not
but if I go down to 15, then +2 makes more of a difference
than at 30
less variation?
So when do people necessarily start to drop?
so, average max product production each turn is 8/5 and consumed is 2
@Geobits you said earlier that [pick-your-side] might not fit when you could be paired up in coops once with each other player. I think that would not necessarily fall in the same category as the tag you originally proposed. that's still more of a KotH, because you'd declare a winner in the end. the point of the new tag is to signify that there is no single winner, but a group of people.
@NathanMerrill where does the 30+5*2 come from?
25 turns overactor
so, there is 30 base of each product
however, say each person produces the product they receive the +2 in
there are 5 products
so 5*2 is the max additional product
is that the total over 5 players on average or something?
Yeah...let me explain it a different way
The easiest situation is where each base productivity is 6
there are 5 players, each with a +2 on a different product
the decide to trade with each other 1 for 1
Oh, I got it
so, they are producing 30 of each product each turn
but if they do their maximums
they are producing 40 of each product each turn
but they consume 50 of each product each turn
Which is just enough to sustain the entire population
no...it takes 50 product to sustain 5 people
Oh right
not 25?
I think there may be a problem with there being only 1:1 trades and nothing else.
@Sparr he upped it to two of each product per year
Yes, it is now 50.
why Phi?
got it
@PhiNotPi someone will start offering better trades when they are about to starve
okay, that makes sense
390625: (30, 2, 2, '[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]', '5^2^3')
getting some results that make me happy from my new bracket numbers algorithm
How long did that take?
My personal victory is that my Rock-Scissors-Paper-Lizard-Spock bot was in second place earlier today. (Edit: it probably won't stay that way, though)
@NathanMerrill will people know how many other players are still alive?
@MartinBüttner not a useful metric, that's part of my table-generation step. I'm only generating up to 8+8 and 8*8 and 8^8 for right now. that's just 5^8 optimized
I'm just trying to track down bugs in my code before making bigger tables
No Martin
actually, I don't see why not
There should be more of an opportunity to explore the market I feel
I could allow the player to query the number of players currently trading before they decide whether to buy or sell
go on overactor
info about previous trades and offers would be useful, but maybe too much info
info about total amounts of each product offered or traded might be a happy middle ground
as a trader, though, you wouldn't know that
how about you get shuffled into an array
total offers: XA XB XC XD XE
total trades: XA XB XC XD XE for XA XB XC XD XE
depends on the market. in a public exchange you know totals and prices.
and you can trade with the two people besides you?
no, I don't like either of those
how about the age of the products you're trading for?
that's realistic-ish
but a lot of data to track on the back end
how am I supposed to know that?
assume FIFO on products produced?
whenever someone eats a product, pick it at random
if I have 10 apricots, and I produce 4, and trade 3...which 3 did I trade?
I dunno, just brainstorming
the age isn't a bad idea
it is a lot to track, but I'm ok with it
if products are old on average, there must be more of them going around
...I would probably do a queue, not a stack

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