@NathanMerrill check my math... the product with base "score" (you should choose a different word, how about "productivity"?) 3 will enter the game at a rate of 3 per player per turn if everyone chooses it, right?
@Geobits you said earlier that [pick-your-side] might not fit when you could be paired up in coops once with each other player. I think that would not necessarily fall in the same category as the tag you originally proposed. that's still more of a KotH, because you'd declare a winner in the end. the point of the new tag is to signify that there is no single winner, but a group of people.
@MartinBüttner not a useful metric, that's part of my table-generation step. I'm only generating up to 8+8 and 8*8 and 8^8 for right now. that's just 5^8 optimized
I'm just trying to track down bugs in my code before making bigger tables