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07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

also the that ratio is obviously going to be larger in the beginning than later on, because interesting strategies take more time to write
I think it's only the optimal strategy if a) you have no history and b) you can't see other entries' logic. Since you have both, it becomes more of an exercise in pattern matching IMO.
I'm not saying it's a terrible challenge or anything. I just think it's not one of the more interesting ones.
@Geobits What I'm saying is, as long as no one adds a silly strategy, you can't do any pattern matching. And any attempt to do so will give you non-equal probabilities for the 5 options, which immediately makes you more beatable than a completely random submission.
So pattern matching is only worthwhile in the first place if there are enough silly entries which can be beaten by it.
I admit that some silly ones are good, for just that reason.
@Geobits I don't see why many silly bots would do any harm though
Maybe it wouldn't irk me as much if we hadn't just hosted a large, popular koth based on pattern matching :)
KotH generally benefit from getting as many answers as possible. And if nothing else, the silly answer help get you into the HNQ :P
@Geobits (or two of them ^^)
IMO, many silly bots make testing your own submission take longer. I like to test on actual competition before posting most of the time, and if each trial takes hours, that really sucks.
@Geobits fair enough. then again, 3 decent strategies can easily take as long as 50 silly ones.
Sometimes. Except that this one has a minimum 100ms time for each throw, assuming each bot does no work at all. That and the matches scaling with n^2 makes 50 silly ones much worse unless those 3 are taking some serious time.
@Geobits ah I didn't see the thing about 100ms, that's a good point.
Still I don't think I'd bother writing up a really decent strategy if there weren't a couple of dozen bots to beat (silly or not)
@VisualMelon did you get a larger grid for the gif in the end? :)
just made a 75x75
the randomness doesn't really work out too well, uploading now
hm, I'd recommend using a smaller height if you want to put it in the post
yes, probably
which took far too long to make
square sizes aren't square in ASCII anyway
ha, that's amazing
but it was easier than working out which way round the ruby script was doing the dimensions ;)
also, how does that randomness not work out well ^^
TBH I was only watching the console output, it looks much better in the gif when it isn't shaking
@VisualMelon lol, I actually told you ^^
I'd have had to remember/look it up though ;)
I think 100x20 would look nice in the post
I'll create one, give me a minute
(or the "Domino" one, or both)
... also my program eats the data undelimitated, so the dimensions don't matter...
(I removed your puts)
lol, right
now I have to work out which way round /my/ program handles the dimensions
bit unbalanced
just drop in another letter in the left half
@MartinBüttner that is a good idea, however I may have overwritten the data file
the 100x25 is neat!
keep that
are the gifs supposed not to loop?
well, I don't know how to decide that for them
so let's pretend yes
lol okay
I think it's just a flag in the gif format, so there's probably simply a boolean you can set somewhere in your gif API
aye, you'd think, however after clicking on all 3 top SO results on Google for "C# gif encode" I didn't find the answer, so it must be impossible
2 hours later…
cool, looks like gif transitions can be triggered by user input
(spec'd in the format)
Netscape == Looping
joy of joys
this shouldn't be hard to bodge
Anyone here know C++? I'm trying to teach myself via project euler, but I'm stuck on problem 1 (find sum of multiples of 3 or 5 < 1000). I have two functions that should get the same result, and not only are they different, neither is correct.
#include <iostream>

int add()
	int sum = 0;
	for(int i=1; i < 1000; i++)
		if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0)
			sum += i;
	return sum;

int multiply()
	int total = 0;
	for(int i=3; i < 1000; i+=3)
		total += i;
	for(int i=5; i < 1000; i+=5)
		total += i;
	for(int i=15; i < 1000; i+=15)
		total -= 15;
	return total;

int main()
	std::cout << add() << std::endl;
	std::cout << multiply() << std::endl;
	return 0;
07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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