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Puzzling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 hours later…
so apparently the whole linear lines, completing the square etc things are grade 11 math in my country
and trig is covered in later 11-early 12
also the highest qualification you can get here is less than AS level
and they didn't explain that you can break any shape up into triangles and find it's area by adding the triangle's areas
and that that's how the taylor series computes the area of a circle (hence pi, the sin function, etc)
forward unto poland!
2 hours later…
@luserdroog please do!
1 hour later…
Good morning!
The Minecraft server is alive and well, and we have about 5 people on regularly every night
But it's making me lose sleep :(
@Rusher Hey ;D
@Rusher also, aww :c
hi there
gonna go make some ramen noodles (the stuff of legends)
haha I'm so happy I jumped off the minecraft train at some point... I wouldn't sleep at all otherwise ^^
i host an mc server but i don't really play anymore
@m.buettner You don't jump off the Minecraft train. A Creeper might get you...
Uh oh. Doorknob votes are binding now. I wonder how long it will take him to learn some restraint
Can Doorknob confirm or deny that he is indeed a he so we don't feel weird with the pronouns?
Ha, I never considered that
@Doorknob ping
@Trimsty I sense some sarcasm in that sentence. You know there is such a thing as good ramen right?
@Rusher it's not sarcasm, it's just a reference to nerd culture
<3 ramen
@Rusher Not unless you're in a small town outside of Tokyo. Everything else is trash.
The ramen I had in Austin was pretty good imo
Ok, maybe not 'trash'... but I haven't had anything nearly as good in the US. Japanese mom'n'pop restaurants are the best.
@Geobits Have you ever had Pho?
Yea, but I'd prefer udon or ramen any day. I never got into Thai or Vietnamese food much.
is generic, likes italian food
@TheDoctor haihai
@TheDoctor making a site for a client, sucking at it
you? :P
So I put up a lame version of a Flux Solver
almost like i'm trying to set a record for "least golfed" answer
i accidentally open pictures in notepad++ all the time ;_;
hehe... anways a good picture viewer :P
especially if you're trying to do steganography
oh god
I do that too
(compulsively typing ls where I shouldn't, I mean)
my dad always types ls -la
btw, how many of you besides TheDoctor are on the Puzzling.SE?
I only type ls -la when I type ls first and realize I need to see the filesize of something
i didn't know that existed until just now
it's in private beta atm
i assumed "puzzling" was an in-joke :P
well, i'm not, so
alias la='ls -la'
@JoeZ. I'm on puzzling
I see
i feel so excluded
yeah, as I said before, a bunch of PCG.SE people are on there :P
@durron597 i don't need that alias, DASH does it for me :)
regardless, why type ls -la ever
heck, i'm someone who does this
alias t='ssh [email protected]'
I used to do ./server for that
creating an executable shell script for that
since I didn't like mucking around with bash aliases
@JoeZ. ./server is way too many characters
but yeah, t is way better
lol then you can't have any files that start with s
but I get what you mean
mv server bin/t
in the home directory?
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
however, I do make an alias for "up"
and, actually
to cd ..
github.com/joezeng/up <- I even made a github repo for it
now I can't not type "up"
it's just so convenient
especially if you need to go up, say, 5 or 6 directories at once
it's just up 5 instead of cd ../../../../..
that must suck when you have to use an unfamiliar box
I miss it a lot when I'm on a box that doesn't have it :<
of course on my server i have a lot of
alias cda = 'cd /opt/application'
alias cdal = cd /opt/application/logs
alias cdac = cd /etc/opt/application
so, at the risk of sounding like a spammer, would you guys [especially those from the puzzling.se] like to see a riddle site that I made?
(and that I'm still working on, though)
huh why aren't the backticks doing anything
I don't know either
that's weird
no markdown in multiline chat messages
you need to indent by four spaces, that's the only thing that works
@m.buettner Of course I had to indent the top line by 4 spaces also, sigh
or insert an empty line in between
or maybe not, lol
guess nobody's interested :P
i gotta get back to work
too much procrastinating
@JoeZ. sure, post it
otherwise i would
it's also on my puz.se profile page: joezeng.com/quetzalcoatl
oh what, no markdown links?
man i thought my flux solver would be more popular
maybe it's too hard for golf, people want golf solutions to be under 100 bytes :)
ugh, fixed width layout please :D
for my website?
I tried to make it mobile-friendly :S
I have yet to dive into the world of having my own website. As much as I love programming and Minecraft, you would think I would be obsessed with building one.
there are plenty of tools to help :P
@durron597 I had a winner that was over 5000 bytes once
@JoeZ. I'm racking my brain here, but I can't come up with anyone who was thrown into a lion's den beside Daniel.
Check this bad boy out. I miss the author. He was a shining beacon of reason in this chat room
wow, you already got that far, Geobits?
I like riddles.... :)
Where is the riddle?
oh i get it ><
anyway, Geobits, I don't really like talking about hints and solut--guess not :P
*hints and solutions in public channels, but if you want, add me to XMPP and I can discuss them with you there :P
@JoeZ. well you could still make it responsive, so that there is a maximum width. anyway, I do like this kind of riddle. do you know ouverturefacile.com?
Yeah, I got to about level 5 before getting bored, I think.
I did try to make it responsive, that's what I meant by "mobile-friendly".
But apparently I didn't set a max-width.
Huh, well I thought I understood it...
you did understand it
there's a clue in the source code to help you figure it out
also, no caps
Wow, everything went dark ^^
it's a dark level, that's why :P
i am on ch2
I'm stuck on ch 3
My brain is stuck on the fact that I haven't watched the television series 24
And I can't shake it
it has nothing to do with the TV series
Whoops spoiled lol
Quickly deleted tho
@JoeZ. Is the answer to Ch 3 somehow related to Genesis 3:24 from the Bible?
Nope, not at all.
Look at the hint in the source code again?
@Rusher that was my first thought too
@JoeZ. it gets insanely tough after a while
@m.buetter (and others) Yes, I am a he. And I do have to think more before voting to close now. :-P (that one just really deserved it)
Also, yay for Puzzling :-D
Wow I didn't realize there were hints in the code behind lol
I think now I am a little more equipped. Some riddles you just don't expect to cross that line lol
ch6, I don't really know how to picture the lock
are there 100 dials with number 0 to 9? or 3 dials with numbers 0 to 99? or?
I'm really bad at these :(
@m.buettner That's the point :3
the riddles in The Temple of Quetzalcoatl are supposed to be simple, yet infuriating
also, for the dials, it's a single dial with numbers from 0 to 99
kind of like a Dudley combination lock
I feel like ch 4 is some kind of cryptography thing
i'm on ch 8
This is cool
The dark room was definitely infuriating. Finally got it after I noticed a mistake on my scrap paper ><
I'm on the third puzzle
ooohhhh, right
level 13 is going to be even worse :3
and level 17, worse than that :3333
I wrote down the two missing letters from the square key
that was actually my first thought (that it's like a safe lock), but the description somehow threw me off
I posted it to reddit for feedback once
and yeah, nobody got past level 17 without me nudging them like crazy :P
Oh wait, you made this?
or level 13 before I gave them a simple hint that made them realize everything
yeah, this is my creation
I didn't even catch the url :P
Welp, I made it to question 4 before having literally no idea where to even begin solving the puzzle :P
and imagine
when I'm done with this
it'll have 260 levels
This is way better than the impossible challenge
they're only going to get harder from here on out :3
does the name have any significance?
how many levels does it currently have?
only 18
it's going to have a storyline and everything :D
also, fuck, I think I'm under a MITM attack
from my ISP
or my DNS server, I dunno
if I try to access "www.google.com", I get a message telling me to "update my Flash player"
and then I get to a site that looks like Adobe's, but has no Linux download capability
and no, @undergroundmonorail, the name has no significance
Can you get to google with this link?
to any of the riddles so far
that link works
traceroute google.com?
still stuck on 8. i recognized many of those names but that's not enough to point me in the right direction
i feel like i'm missing something obvious
It's not obvious. Google was a big help.
@undergroundmonorail I'll do it.
weird, it's gone now
either way, I've changed my servers to Google's Public DNS
apparently beforehand they were the router's default
I thought I had figured out 4 because the first couple results were promising, but it turns out
Okay, now trying to figure out how to add numbers to words and what that has to do with eight years ago... wth, be back soon.
Hm, in the dark room as well... I suppose there is a way to figure it out other than just trying all of them?
yes, there is
btw, irc.badnik.net #toqtz
Although it's non-linear
I don't want to spam up the chat here too much
(as in, go to that IRC channel to keep talking about The Temple of Quetzalcoatl)
here's a mibbit link for those of you without a client: client00.chat.mibbit.com/…
So I was thinking about giving KotH a go in a week or two (i.e. hosting one). I've got three ideas around which it could be based. Using all of them seems like too much ,but maybe combining two into a challenge could be interesting. So here are the ideas (if it's not obvious, I'm asking for feedback, what you find interesting and might be worth expanding on):
a) In the KotHs I've seen, submission whose only purpose was to support other submissions were disallowed. I think strategically that could be very interesting though. So I thought making a KotH where each player may submit a main bot and, say, up to two supporting bots could be interesting. I'd limit the way in which they can communicate, but the helpers could for instance be used to gather some form of (cartographic?) information for the main bot.
Like a "blind" main with mapper-bots?
b) A KotH where you have to choose a "class" for your bot (in the RPG sense). So you the KotH lets you choose between one of, say, three classes that have different skills. This could be hard to balance but would also expand the strategy space, I think.
c) Less of a conceptual thing, I'd like to do a 3D-sequel to Rusher's survival (with his permission and/or co-operation if interested). That is, it could be underwater or something. On its own just extending the rules to a 3d grid is probably not interesting enough to not be marked as a duplicate, but I was thinking about combining this with idea b).
@Geobits yes that's one option. Or the main is just quite slow and needs faster scouting bots to map out the area so he doesn't waste precious moves.
The supporting bots could also work more in a fighting context as well, I don't have any fixed ideas about it so far. I just thought it could be interesting to not only stage bots against each other but also introduce multiple bots communicating and working together.
Hmm. Sounds interesting. But you're right, using all three in one could be chaotic.
I like c/a and c/b both, really.
Yes, I don't really intend to do that.
In general, I prefer simple rules and emergent features of games... which is why I prefer Go to Chess. ;) So I don't want to overload any single KotH with complex rules either.
@Rusher (forgot to ping you above)
@m.buettner Can you ping the message you were referring to?
Nope, guess not lol
I can't ping my own message
I guess I'll read a bunch
@m.buettner well, in part c) I did
@undergroundmonorail Are you sure?
I'd be happy to hear your thoughts about the rest as well though
wait that worked a couple days ago
it does work
There we go
you forgot the colon
Lol nice work
I put it on the wrong side :P
figuring out the message id is annoying though ^^
Not really, you can click "permalink" and copy it from the end of the url
@m.buettner Ok, in response to your first idea - if you allow up to three submissions and you allow support, keep in mind that now every competitor will feel obligated to write three submissions (which can be tedious) in order to win
@undergroundmonorail yeah, that's cumbersome :D
@Rusher yes, I thought about that. an alternative would be writing one helper which you can use two instances of. (or one or three, or any number)
that would somewhat reduce the effort for participants
@m.buettner I like the class idea if you can do it correctly (i.e., provide balance). Rock-paper-scissors is a game of perfect balance, so use that as a baseline?
yeah if it's three classes, they should probably each be designed to outperform one of the others (starting pokemon style). good point.
You can also build balance into the game by providing a "catchup" mechanism for those who are behind.
ah yeah, that's good, too... I should take notes :D
@m.buettner This post has some interesting insights about "come from behind" mechanisms and avoiding situations where certain players simply have no chance of winning.
The one I like most is "If you take me out, I'm going to make it so that you can't win afterward."
btw an alternative to the multiple bots thing, which would also introduce the communication thing would be to just let people write one bot, which can communicate with other instances of itself.
@Rusher Thanks, bookmarked, I'll give that a read later.
@m.buettner I would LOVE to cooperate on a 3d game board. In fact, I had one written (the board that is) but no rules or any kind of interesting idea to go with it. I also wrote an alternate 2d board with "elevations" thinking about height advantage. Both of them lacked an interesting "game" to go with the board.
@Rusher Oh sweet, I really like the height map idea as well.
Well, I've got one more exam next Wednesday... until then I don't really want to procrastinate with implementing anything. But after that, should I just ping you so we can sit down and try to come up with some interesting set of rules?
@m.buettner I think you should XD
awesome, will do
GL on your exam btw
What major?
Before you say silly question - I know some engineering and math majors who took a ton of programming courses
so not a silly question ;)
I love Physics. My college created a minor for it just for me :)
sweet! I wish my first college had done that (I did a BSc in software engineering before)... but it didn't so I decided to do second degree separately ^^
Everyone else got certified in Security Systems, but the professor teaching them thought he invented the Internet and I couldn't stand listening to him.
He had this foamy thing on the right corner of his mouth that got larger and larger as he talked, and his eyes were glassier than a cats.
And he showed porn on the projector during a class on ethics :-/
he probably thought he was being edgy
"What happens when you turn off safe search on Google and search for "girls"?"
"Oh dear not even I thought it would be that bad"
hmm :) having much fun with the KOTH Hot Potato Salesman
Ah. moved to c++ for speed. Nice.
I've got another hot-potato challenge ready, just waiting for this one to die down before posting :)
I might do a whole series of them. There are a lot of things that could work well with it.
Who is winning so far @Geobits?
@Geobits for some reason, the c++ one does not win that much over NiceBot.rb, it seems that being more performent is more of a handicap towards the end-game O_o
I haven't done a run today. Not at my main computer. Last one I did was without yours, @Rusher , but NiceBot was in the lead at that point.
@Geobits Was that yesterday? Seems like forever ago
I pitted all entries so far, including the ones you did not publish, TwoSwap does the best :)
NiceBot comes second
Oh, did I commit TwoSwap? Oops :)
Probably BlockPermuter, too.
yes, that one seems to have issues, it usually breaks earlier
I spent ages trying to generalize my One Swap and TwoSwap to be a NSwap but gave up and BozoBotted.
@Geobits I found an issue with the timeout code... if a player starts outputting, it goes outside the timeout checking code, so it can run indefinitly. I sent you a pull request, although it has some issues on its own.
Yea, I was looking at that. I'll play around with it later, but it might be simpler to just check the time inside the reading loop in addition to the available loop. Whichever works better, I'll use.
I stopped testing DivideAndConquer, it just make the tourney too long....
Yea, I probably should have lowered the time limit a bit, but oh well.
I underestimated the number of turns it would take for bots to start dropping out.
otherwise I love this :) the interactions between bots are a quite interesting topic, I'm starting to think that there are some points in a game when a bot should not try to do as good as possible
What if you set up the list early on in such a way that the algorithm you are using can easily improve it later?
I feel like months could be wasted tackling that kind of solution
Kind of like how insertion sort works quickly on almost sorted lists
it seems like some bots can cause some "dead-ends"... for the test which starts at 12476, I sometimes see them struggle at 3400, but the best I saw was around 2800
Lowest I've seen yet was 2750, in a match between two TwoSwaps.
Don't know the seed for that one, though.
@m.buettner the koth rpg thing makes think of the Tower Of God manhwa, which features team games with specific positions (ex: fisherman=melee combat, lightbearer=centralize communication in the team, wave controller=restrict opponents movement, scouts=detect opponents without being seen...)
see towerofgod.wikia.com/wiki/Position#Basic_Positions for more details... this might be interesting
@SirDarius combining classes and interbot communication would make for a very complicated challenge, I suppose. it would be very interesting, but it might be too much effort on the side of the participants, such that there would only be very few participants in total. I think it might be possible to give this a try if the two concepts turn out to be successful independently. thanks for the link though, I'll have a read!
that reminds me
dem rpg koth people ;3
i wanna continue working on that online rpg ai koth i <partially> had the idea for some time ago
oh you mentioned something... dogebound? was that you?
yeah, that was that :P it kinda died ;_;
ha, I didn't know that was supposed to have an rpg component, too... didn't mean to steal your idea ;)
eh, it's not mine :P
but running it on the vps in real time 24/7 is unique...right?
imma get working...
haha, good luck!
@m.buettner heh, ty :P I guess i start at the totally not copied from you 3D terrain generation and the js rendering backend, i guess i should do it on the centos box ;_;
launches as root, gets warning
writing terrain gen now
got some ideas
my computer froze
I wonder how hard Minecraft classic would be to recreate
@Rusher the hardest part would be mob AIs and terrain gen
probably very doable
and of course, the textures
Terrain gen I think would be much easier than the graphical stuff
btw I just thought of another potential KotH (which anyone may feel free to snatch away from me) that wouldn't require a lot of originality to make balanced and interesting: Risk!
I mean, we are all algorithm oriented here, but how many of us know how to generate 3d graphics?
(i do)
i'm writing a terrain gen now, I'm making a noise map for every biome and contrasting it; hybrid biomes can exist between any amount of biomes
hey @TheDoctor ;3
@Rusher 3D graphics aren't that hard unless you need something complex that runs smoothly at 60fps ;)
I haven't played with WebGL much, but I'm assuming it's basically the same setup as other openGL versions.
I've used WebGL for some 2D stuff. It's very similar and also very convenient for prototyping stuff, because you don't have to worry about all the correct types and stuff. Other than that it's very similar, but you have to limit yourself with the more sophisticated features.
I have no idea how to even go from boolean[][][] world to a bunch of cubes on the screen. Is it something you officially "learn"? Do you have to do all the "perspective" math yourself?
Like this:
Well you can do all the perspective math if you want, but any framework/engine will abstract that away.
So what your are saying is - there is a framework and people don't write it all by hand?
You just define things in 3d space (x,y,z) and it will take care of putting it in the right spot.
people do, but people don't have to
Good god yes.
It's still a bit tricky when you first start. Learning about cameras, frustrums, zbuffers, clipping, face culling, etc. There are quite a few areas where you can trip yourself up and have no clue why.
There are tons of good tutorials out there, though. Draw a cube first, and work your way up :)
i haven't finished school yet so excuses self
I can really recommend this tutorial for learning opengl (so that's the more hands-on approach without any frameworks in between). it's quite well-written and addresses both how to use OpenGL and the underlying maths you should no to work comfortably with 3D graphics.
Is it modern approach GL or direct?
NeHe used to be the go-to source, but they're a really bad place to start now because you have to unlearn it all.
it's the modern approach
@m.buettner Yeah, I originally learned from NeHe. That hurt when making the transition.
oh btw, what's the story behind this room's name?
It's a golfing thing. The 19th Hole is a traditional name for the clubhouse/bar area where you go after a round.
oh, that makes sense
i'm really liking my terrain gen
@m.buettner Thanks for that
@PeterTaylor what's the status of your waving hands koth? :)
too bad i can't actually see it yet :P
Someone save me on puzzle number 4. I'm still stuck on it
All of my ideas so far have been tedious ones
With 25 letters and more than that many numbers, plus the numbers in the hint, it's kind of overwhelming
Think in tuples instead.
I tried that, but the zeros are solo
Plus the indexing into the grid could be topleft based or bottom left based
Yeah, so zeroes probably aren't represented on the grid.
You can try whatever index you want, but most likely only one will generate a question.
FML I tried the indexing idea almost first thing
I must have indexed from the wrong corner
Who makes indices using a Cartesian coordinate system? Every real table (2d array) I've ever seen starts with row 1 and reads like a book
you could also figure it out by making an educated guess what the last character is likely to be
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