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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Geobits It's up
I'm trying to decide if I should remove the "must run in under 15 seconds" restriction
Oh hey, this was an ECOO question a couple years back
I saw it while I was practicing
my puzzle?
Yeah, but it turns out I was mistaken
Nevermind :P
I skimmed, and the board looks superficially similar.
well, hi :P
so what's up?
I'm about to write a Flux solver, I think
I have an idea of how to do it
You should be aware that I went from originally planning to:
"fastest code that solves it reasonably well"
to "fastest code that solves it optimally"
to "this is easy, so i may as well use golf-scoring"
I'm going to use a search algorithm, which is something I've never done before but I've watched other people do it and it seemed fine :P
why am i so stupid ;_;
'search algorithm'
= clueless me
search algorithm is something like breadth first search, depth first search, etc.
what do you know
In computer science, a search algorithm is an algorithm for finding an item with specified properties among a collection of items. The items may be stored individually as records in a database; or may be elements of a search space defined by a mathematical formula or procedure, such as the roots of an equation with integer variables; or a combination of the two, such as the Hamiltonian circuits of a graph. Classes of search algorithms For virtual search spaces Algorithms for searching virtual spaces are used in constraint satisfaction problem, where the goal is to find a set of value assi...
[knowledge intensifies]
i think i now know the meaning of life
but seriously, i just had an idea
like, a real one with actual immediate application
I always thought search engines and stuff stored values in a linear database
Puzzling launched
i just realized you could create a tree and search only the best branches
is this one of those moments where i reinvent the wheel
If we didn't have people reinventing the wheel, they'd still be made of stone. Reinventing the wheel is fine. :P
Now I want to write a NoSQL database.
the real data solution for fat mammas
I can't believe I'm golfing a breadth first search when I've never even written one before.
@undergroundmonorail eh, i do that a lot :P
BFS is easy
wait until you try to implement A*
@durron597 i tried that once
I can't even do dijkstra
or spell
I just copy my Fluidbot code and hybridize it with wikipedia example code for search algos
it isn't the most optimal but definitely the easiest ;3333
Gotta think of name for NoSQL db
^^ inspiration
@Trimsty very hair. much wind. wow.
Such mane. Very Lion. Very roar:
user image
Can someone who has Python 2 installed run the Flux solution
with input RRRRBG_BYYYY
1 hour later…
@durron597 Running it now
I'll be able to tell you how long it takes to terminate... if it terminates...
Oh, there we go
I want to make a challenge somehow related to "Steampunk".
real    1m10.874s
user    0m46.300s
sys     0m1.420s
Unfortunately, this was the output:
oops. cross-talking. sorry :(
In the Difference Engine, there's a description of a machine for displaying pixelated video mechanically, controlled by a deck of punch-cards.
So it could be: Write a program that displays pixelated animations under control of an input file of the following fixed format: ....
It'd be a like a meta-animated-gif format.
And "hackers" in this venue are called "clackers" because the machines go clackity-clack.
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