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@Rusher Meta is an art all its own for sure. I have a couple questions on meta.se that were voted down quite quickly.
1 hour later…
Woo, saved 6 bytes on my pigeonhole sort. len('i is not None') > len('i!=None')
Additionally, I keep spelling it pidgeonhole on my first try. Pokemon has ruined me.
New pokemon games this November... my kid's already in waiting mode.
Ok, so am I ^^; ...
My friends are all super hyped. I'm interested, but I don't really love Hoenn the way they do.
I'm still getting it day one, don't get me wrong. :P
I was never a big Hoenn fan, but I heard it was going to be quite different from the originals. Haven't seen much on it, so I couldn't say for sure.
That reminds me, I should probably work on updating Pokedextra. I haven't even gotten X/Y data in yet ><
Oh, that's cool.
I looked up Pokedextra. :P
Yea, I had fun working on that. It was originally just a project for my kid, so he'd quit asking to look stuff up on the computer every 5 mins or so.
Do you play on Showdown at all?
Nope. I've got some nicely-trained pokes, but I haven't gone competitive. I just use them to lay the smackdown on friends and family.
Heh, fair.
grrr i'm so mad, i tried to buy something with my hard-earned tokens on tetrisfriends but it didn't work at first so i clicked the button a few times, eventually it went through but it charged me for all the attempts at purchasing it that i could afford, so instead of losing 1000 i lost 4000 and couldn't afford the other thing i wanted to buy
The internets have trained me not to ever click the submit button more than once when paying for something. The hard way.
Luckily it wasn't actual money, just tokens that you get for playing
But still, getting tokens takes a long time.
Shit. Playing is time, time is money, et cetera and so on.
I contacted support and maybe they'll give me my tokens back? It only happened an hour or so ago so I'm not surprised at the lack of a response so far
@Geobits It's not like I'd be working if it wasn't for tetris, I don't think "time is money" applies :P
Don't know the site, but anything with decent customer support should be able to see it as a dupe.
Shhh! Customer support doesn't know that :p
@Geobits Blech. The new pkmn games are terrible IMO. Gen III or below is good. The new ones add a perspective tilt that looks bad. Also, the ideas for new pkmn are weird (e.g. saggy pants teen).
Gen III has a nice top-down view
And the pkmn haven't gotten strange yet.
The new pokemon are so good though! And the perspective tricks are gone as of X/Y, since it's just actual 3D now.
Ugh. Actual 3D? And the battle graphics are too good. I don't like graphics that are too good.
@Quincunx Ah, damn. I stepped on your lawn again, didn't I? :p
Honestly, my biggest complaint with gen III and below is the stupid, stupid way they handled physical/special attacks. In gen IV they were like "Hey, what if we stop being idiots and make each move either physical or special, instead of saying 'every water type move is special, every fighting type move is physical, blah blah blah'".
@Geobits??? Stepped on my lawn? Haven't heard that before.
I've heard the "new pokemon are weird" argument before. I can pick a few out of any generation that suck.
@Geobits Me too. Gen III: ... I can't think of it right now...
@undergroundmonorail That's true. But it makes some things interesting
Gen 3? The immediate picks for me are Plusle and Minun. Gimmicky as hell, and no good at anything, really.
@Geobits Are you implying that I'm old?
@Geobits Actually, they are very good. Try the battle frontier in 2 on 2. They can save your pkmn.
Nah, it's a generic "back in my day, we had real pokemon" thing :p
I'll take a couple extra sweepers any day.
@Quincunx I don't play much doubles, but as far as I'm aware they don't get used at all in pvp
@Geobits I still have pkmn cards. Even have one that is in Japanese and says Pocket Monsters.
I never got into the card game. My son's starting to, though :)
@undergroundmonorail They aren't terribly useful, but in battle factory (where you get to use rental pokemon), they can be invaluable.
Ok, I could see an argument for them in rental. But you can make something work with just about anything in rental.
@Quincunx I suppose that's true. I'm more of a Singles guy myself, didn't experiment in 2v2 much.
@Geobits I didn't play it too much, but I did have fun constructing decks. I constructed a normal type deck once. It was a lot of fun playing it. But that was years ago. The cards are now in a box that is collecting dust.
Sounds like my MTG cards.
@Geobits Some pkmn are useless in rental. :-). They really are useless. Well fine, you can take out half another pkmn with them, but that means they are terrible.
You know what pokemon is underrated? Ditto.
"Oh, you're setting up? Let me just switch into Ditto real quick, steal your stat boosts, outspeed with Choice Scarf and wreck your whole team."
I like Ditto and all, but it's a pain to get a good one. It's not like you can breed one with good stats.
All that really matters is HP, everything else is copied from the target.
31 HP IV and Imposter is enough.
Now I may have to go play around with a ditto.
I mean TECHNICALLY you want 0 speed and 31 SpD so that you win a Struggle war against another Ditto, and you can tank a hit from a Zoroark if you mispredict, but in practice it doesn't matter.
Gen 6 it's scandalously easy to get a 31 IV anyway. Friend Safari and all that.
Oh, and you might want a good Hidden Power. I had a friend RNG me one from gen V with HP Ice :)
Ah, yes, I found what I was looking for. Ditto is fantastic and if you disagree you're wrong.
Oh, and Ditto can copy Mega pokemon, too. I forgot about that.
@TheDoctor but }}big isn't working
@Quincunx Earlier he said he made it him-only because there was an exploit.
@undergroundmonorail Probably when I just typed }}big
Oh, I didn't know Ditto could go mega. Makes sense, but didn't know.
It's especially cool since it doesn't use up your one mega-evo for the battle.
Hmm. Well I've got a few Ditto with good HP for breeding purposes. Maybe I'll give one a spin.
Dr. Doge reappears
in Charcoal HQ, 1 min ago, by TheDoctor
gets back from scouts
Is this getting too close to code-trolling?
Q: Duct Tape some sorting

PyRulezYour job is to make a sorting algorithm. The catch, you must copy it from Stack Overflow. Your program will take an input array (or equivalency), and output a sorted permutation of the array. Your program must consist solely of copy and pasted code blocks from Stack Overflow. You may not take...

@TheDoctor Yes - and uprooted both the question and answer.
Oops, uprooted.
My computer keeps changing it.
Just now.
Now, I don't think we need the Primarily Opinion Based close reason.
It can be applied to every question.
Those we leave open
@Doorknob the pinned messages have become unpinned...
Who pinned my typos?
Starred. i did
Someone should pin them
a joke
The suggestion implied is hilarious.
Yeah, I did that @TheDoctor. They're both over.
Deleting the room? freezing? leaving it?
9 hours later…
Bot initialized. Type >>help for help.
>>help !
@Geobits Tetris Friends support reimbursed me for all but one of the erroneous purchases :)
I'm honestly surprised at the speed. Wasn't expecting a response today
I made a new email account specifically for applying for a job ([email protected] doesn't sound very professional). I tried to get incoming emails to redirect to my normal address, but it wouldn't work for some reason so I gave up. Now, whenever I check to see if my potential employer has contacted me, I see the test email I sent to see if it's working
Is adding a tag a significant enough edit to be worth doing? That new sorting question is begging for .
Eh, I'm just gonna do it, if it gets rejected then who cares.
Eh, I'm just gonna do it, if it gets rejected then who cares.
If the tag is correct, I don't see a problem. If you're doing it en masse to reap the rep, that may be different.
Underhanded it too close to trolling in my opinion
What if I started all my posts with a quote box containing "Thanks for your edit! This edit will be visible only to you until it is peer reviewed." to confuse people?
(comment removed)
Wow I am more popular than I thought I was. I have 10 posts with score of 2 or more on meta :)
I really like that challenge
Wait... nobody knows what I am talking about
Seels open-ended
a little too much so
I won't CV yet, tho
I'm mad at google because I used to be able to type "chr" into dmenu to bring up chromium, but now there's something called "chromedriver" that is useless to me, but comes first alphabetically so I have to type "chromi".
Is this Linux? Windows? Mac? Chorme OS? BSD? OS/2? BeOS?
Cool. what flavor?
But it does break down a lot. B)
That's been my experience with arch
(jokes within my jokes. i am a comedy master)
@TheDoctor I like the challenge because optimizing sorting algorithms for data with specific qualities is useful in real life.
It doesn't actually break that often for me, and when it does it's 100% my fault. I just wanted to play off of "lemon".
I prefer Elementary OS
One time I deleted /lib because I wasn't in the directory I thought I was in. That was fun.
Doesn't linux ask if you are sure?
I immediately thought "Oh, fuck. I messed up. I guess it's time to see how badly I messed up..." bash: ls: command not found
@Rusher The thing I was trying to delete needed sudo and rm -rf anyway, so I was already perfectly set up with all the permissions I'd need to destroy my system :)
The only thing that i've had break in Ubuntu is the package manager.
The only thing I've broken in Ubuntu was my spirit.
And Elementary once killed the graphics card on a 6-year-old computer
Cuz it was so old
Puppy linux is cool
in The TARDIS Console, 13 mins ago, by TARDIS
 ▄▄                     ██
 ██                     ▀▀
 ██▄████▄   ▄█████▄   ████
 ██▀   ██   ▀ ▄▄▄██     ██
 ██    ██  ▄██▀▀▀██     ██
 ██    ██  ██▄▄▄███  ▄▄▄██▄▄▄
 ▀▀    ▀▀   ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
I'm so close to a third gold badge!
But I have to wait like a year before I get it lol
Which one is that?
@undergroundmonorail 100 favorites on a question
Only 11 more!
Yup. More importantly, I'm going to be the first ever to have a tumbleweed badge.
Oh wait
Already 4 awarded :(
Today's my 100th day on the site. If only they were in a row, I'd have my first gold badge.
I can wait 13 days, though.
> visited 98 days, 78 consecutive
22 more...
Geobits, did you know that you only joined the site 4 days before me?
I thought you were a way older user than that!
Hi everyone!
Aw man it's too bad we burninated code trolling
Q: How can I switch contents of lists?

pyniI have two lists, a and b. I want to reassign the content of a into b and the content of b into a. or in other words, after running a few operations with two lists, I want to switch the names of the lists. so that the list that was named a would now be named b, and the list that was named b woul...

@durron597 Up until just last week I was swapping items like temp=a;a=b;b=a; in python
Even if you didn't know about the tuple packing/unpacking way to do it...
>>> print a, b
10 5
>>> a ^= b
>>> b ^= a
>>> a ^= b
>>> print a, b
5 10
(probably a bad idea in practice because unreadable and the interpreter doesn't know what you're trying to do so it can't optimize at all, but B\) regardless)
I can't Google the ^= operator
I'm too lazy to think of a word that would go beside it and put it in quotes
like "^= operator" Python
a^b does a bitwise xor of a and b, a ^= b assigns the result of a^b to a.
i swear half the questions these days on SO are in another language
I love it when I learn a new thing I've wanted to know for a while, and it feels like I've leveled up.
New skill unlocked: Decorators!
@undergroundmonorail Oh man the day I finally got pointers in C
it was like a whole universe opened up to me
"why would you need to know the address of something in memory? wtf?"
@durron597 I'm still struggling along in the high-level languages. Maybe I'll get there one day :P
Out of curiosity, why would you need to know the address of something in memory? I'm sure it's useful I just can't think of anywhere I'd want to use it.
If you are hacking a game, you often need the location of items in memory to 1) know things you shouldn't know and 2) modify things you shouldn't modify
think about if you want to iterate through an array
That's a good point
pointers are about two things
relative locations in memory
e.g. in an array x[0] and x[1] are adjacent in memory
c pointers clicked for me one day when working with strings. err... char arrays.
and about passing by reference
my only programming before c was in basic/qbasic, so it was definitely foreign.
if i have void swap(int x, int y)... it can't be done!
but if you do void swap(int *x, int *y)
then you are passing the memory locations of the two variables
I remember completely getting star (*) pointers in C++, and then the professor introduced the ampersand (&) for references and I was lost again. Took me forever to stumble back from that
Then along came Java for OOD and I was like weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@Rusher Object oriented... development?
oh, once i understood * i understood &
* = a -> b, & = b -> a
it's like + vs -
@durron597 In python, that syntax does something entirely different. If a == (x, y, z), then f(*a) == f(x, y, z)
Or something. That specific piece of syntax constantly trips me up.
man when i was first learning python
i hated it
"this is the bastard stepchild of java and laziness"
i'm such a purist ;)
Purists have a hard time with Python
because Python has a Pythonic style, and purists have to learn it all
Meanwhile, the rest of us can just use regular constructs until we learn the Pythonic ones
my only problem with python is the evangelists who proclaim it to be the "One True Language" :p
Python is the only language I've ever truly loved. Not that I've learned too many other languages.
First I learned Turing for school, a dumb made up language for stupids.
It would be my one true language if not for the poor class declarations. Who declares methods with __ImAMethod
Then C#, again for school, but I found python on the internet and adored it from the start. I don't even know why.
I can't stand C# because I can't stand being married to windows
it's like signing up to have your wife cheat on you and max your credit card in advance
Whenever the teacher makes us write pseudocode, I generally write python and then change syntax at random until it's not recognizable.
@durron597 I use C# on linux. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mono
I don't know how to read that website but I'm assuming the point you're making is "mono is slow"
Which may very well be true, I don't use it for anything serious.
Hows it going?
Good, you?
Writing a bunch of posts for Puzzling meta
Hi m
@TheDoctor is that launched yet?
@TheDoctor Yeah I was gonna say, I havent gotten an invite yet
My very first post is going to be "we need MathJax" if they don't give it to us out of the gate
Mine is going to be... highly top-secret
NO WAY! Guys looks at this.
Yeah, you just have to know what class the method is a part of (str in this case)
He did what I was trying to do without wrappers
Very clean. I had to accept it
Unless anyone else thinks another one was better?
Python is cool :D
The other one was not very byte-saving
Oh, @Rusher . Disregard my TwoSwap results yesterday. There was a bug in the controller. It's been fixed now, but I haven't tried to run the test again. (I still assume it's not perfect, but no proof)
@Geobits I found out that what we are studying is called Pairwise Exchange
Except that instead of reconnecting the broken path in the best way possible, we are swapping them
So they just get reconnected in the exact opposite order
Usually you would take out two points and place them back where they fit best
but for your problem, that might shift the entire list and disqualify us
I think you managed to eliminate the "greedy" solution and made it a hard problem again
Hmm. A Game with a TwoSwap and two ThreeSwap has been going for a while now. A couple hundred turns in, the distance in down to 3k from 12k.
One swap means two points displaced right?
Even if it's not optimal, the TwoSwap is looking pretty good. ThreeSwap sometimes times out, so it's riskier.
2 swap means at least 2, and at most 4?
@Geobits Keep track of the time so far, if it's > 58 seconds spit out the best one you've found so far.
Well, they get 60 seconds per turn
@undergroundmonorail The way this one works is that it spits out the first it finds, so that wouldn't help much ;)
It's just that there are 5050 possible swaps for each depth, so 5050^3 things to look at.
Oh. I misunderstood how the bot worked :P
It's down to path length 2800 now. If my math is right, a rough lower bound for optimal is around 1400 for this size problem.
If that's not right, blame either Wikipedia or my bad understanding of their math.
@Geobits can you copy and paste your test input here?
I don't want to generate a 100 element list lol
I might be able to later. I have to flip a switch to make it output that. With it on the console is a pain to read, so I usually turn it off. Can do later.
Alternatively, you could just download the controller which will generate them for you :p
Does anyone know what this guy means with his 4th point?: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/27036/9498
Oh, but that lower bound was for Euclidean. If you estimate an average conversion of sqrt(2) from Euclidean to Manhattan, it comes out around 2k.
4. Store the second largest element of the second helper (this is allowed, right?)
From a quick glance at the code, I don't know what he means.
Looks like he's literally just storing the second-largest element size from one of the spare stacks in a variable.
To me, it looks like he is storing it, but not popping it. So he created a reference to it.

Hello Goodbye

7 mins ago, 6 minutes total – 30 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 56 secs ago by Quincunx

And its been getting bigger.
I was trying to see if I could trick it into saying the same thing twice. I thought I had done it once, but when I came back to the room, there was a Goodbye between the Oh, Hello's.
I tried that some last night. Not nearly as many times, though. If you do it fast enough, it lags a bit on the "hello", but it still seems to get it right eventually.
Yay! I submitted my answer
@Geobits Ping me if you need help running it. Shouldn't be a problem since you are using java
@Geobits In your Potato Salesman (I will forever call it this. The salesman sells hot potatoes and needs them to not get cold), is multi-threading allowed? You never mention it, and your computer's specs say that you have 4 processors.
4 processors with 2 threads apiece, to be exact. I'm surprised nobody's asked yet. Yes, it's allowed.
Since each player is playing sequentially, I don't have to worry about having a bajillion threads going.
@Geobits If someone beats me, let me know and I'll add more lines of code for 3 points lol
I'm basically hard coding the depth to keep it fast
@Geobits I thought that each processor can really only do 1 thread; more threads are imitated threads.
@Quincunx In theory, yes. In practice, I've see dramatic speed increase going from 4->6 threads (like for my flood-paint program)
Imitated or not, they seem to work the same.
Perhaps the processors can execute the extra threads when doing some long operation, or perhaps if the programmer doesn't use the extra threads, some other process on the computer will.
Probably some voodoo like that. I only go so deep into the hardware side of things. Press buttons, make work.
@Geobits But I needed to understand how it works. That is how I think for many different things. So now I know how processors work.
Oh, I totally get that. I'm that way with most things. The intricacies of modern CPU design still escape me, so I've accepted that level of abstraction. :)
Yes, I don't totally get it either. But that doesn't stop me from trying.
Wow. I was thinking of multiprocessing. This is multithreading.
@Geobits Is it legal to continue outputting garbage after I output the result?
"the output consists of only and all the 100 points present in the input"
If it's comma-separated, the program would probably let you. It would reject bare garbage, since that would be attached to the last comma-separated value (like your \n issue earlier).
I haven't tested that, but it splits on commas and takes the first two hundred tokens as input.
@Geobits I wrote a multithreaded bot
At least I think I did
I don't feel like messing with the internals of your code though
Just gonna assume it's better and edit my post lol
Hi @TheDoctor!
Hows up?
Fine, thanks!
@TheDoctor Why does TARDIS say that the command big is invalid? It shows up in the command list.
@Geobits I replaced the entire bot with a new one
can someone please check if I'm talking nonsense here? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/27028/…
@m.buettner Seems irrelevant to me. The output has to be accurate according to that massive formula, but you don't have to actually use that formula to get the output.
I'm not sure how that changes anything?
I'm saying that the burden lies on you to prove that you actually need 10^37 digits for an output that is only 9 digits long
if I compute said formula for x = 90, n = 50, the accurate result is 10^37.
I'm not talking about intermediate values
I was under the impression that his formula was only an accuracy checker. Is it wrong?
Since it's talking in radians, x should probably be modulus 2PI before plugging it into the forumla. Not that the question mentions that.
it's an approximate computation... it's only accurate if you include all terms up to infinity. since we're truncating it's largely inaccurate far away from 0.
@Geobits ah, that's a good point
The 90 limit is very.... misleading.
I thought sin(x) had to be between -1 and 1. I don't understand how an approximation ends up at 10^37. You guys have completely lost me
It must be the worst approximation ever...
Or I'm just really bad at math
are you familiar with the concept of Taylor series or Maclaurin series?
it's just that... the taylor series of sin(x). which is just an infinite polynomial, which we truncate to compute it in finite time. but any finite polynomial will shoot off to infinity at some point, right?
have you seen this graph before? that's what happens if you only take the first two terms.
you can take more terms to include more of the maxima/minima, but at some point it has to shoot off
well I need to head off in a bit, so I'll just look for further comments tonight or tomorrow
@m.buettner The trick is that you take a number of terms, then use the fact that sin/cos is periodic to compute it in the most accurate location.
@Quincunx yes, but as Geobits mentioned this is not specified and there is no example clarifying this.
or maybe there is, wait
@m.buettner This answer looks like it got your 10^37 repl.it/Sji
run and then type in 90 50
in fact, there is one example that shows he doesn't truncate (the 6.54).
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
' 90 50
Did you click the run button and then type '90 50' in the terminal?
I believe you though
the problem is
this doesn't have 8 digits of accuracy
it has 8 digits of precision
like, the result is correct. but the OP wanted to have 8 digits after the actual decimal point
Oooooh... I see what you mean now
-1.4213558317646852e+37 I suppose has zero digits after the decimal when expanded
yeah, it's IEEE-754 floating point so there are no more than 15 significant decimal places
I have nothing to add to your comment on the post. Hopefully he'll fix it. I don't want to close vote yet, but technically it's unclear.
Visual Studio lost intellisense at 9:00 this morning and I have been happily plugging along not knowing if what I'm writing even works or not
And I'm too lazy to restart it
So I wrote a solution to this:
A: Proposed Question Sandbox - Mark XII

durron597Game similar to the Fifteen Puzzle Because I may factor in "date of solution posted" as a tiebreaker, I don't want to say the exact rules in the sandbox... but the exact rules aren't the reason I'm putting this in the sandbox. Basically, the challenge will be to "solve the given puzzle(s)" in t...

With little optimization it takes like 2 seconds to populate the solution Cayley graph and then spits out the answer nearly instantaneously
So maybe speed is not the way to go
Golf it?
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking
and when i say the cayley graph i mean the optimal one
my prog is just dumb BFS
Nice. Nothing like finding out your carefully crafted puzzle isn't as hard as you thought :)
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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