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Q: Super speedy totient function

qwrThe goal is simple: calculate the totient function for as many numbers as you can in 10 seconds and sum the numbers. You must print your result at the end and you must actually calculate it. No automated totient function is allowed, but bignum libraries are. Your score is how many numbers you...

I swear it said "toilet function"
2 hours later…
shuts down for several hours (aka sleep)
I've replied to Chris on the mod post. Hopefully we can discuss this with the current mods here in chat.
I don't know the other 2...
@Doorknob are you a scout?
Are they both you, @Doorknob ?
"I put a bunch of random letters on it sometimes"
Nice wobsite
5 hours later…
so i made some more graphics for Dogebound...
those'll be floating around on the map :P
4 hours later…
@TheDoctor Yes
@TheDoctor The second is a 404, is it not? I changed my name
so i'm working on my wolf
for that old koth
how does one use static variables the create a 'hive-minded wolf'? Are static members also shared across multiple instances of a class, or what? :P
(by multiple instances i mean multiple instances of the jvm)
also, i can't choose between PlasterboardWolf and StepmotherWolf
for the name
@Trimsty If I understand it correctly, a static variable is a variable attached to the class, not a particular instance of the class. All instances of it would read the same value for it, and could set it to something new.
I don't know if that's what you're asking, though
I've used Java for 15 minutes total in my whole life, but that's how they work in C#
@undergroundmonorail Oh yes, I seem to have forgotten :P But more specific to that question. How do you keep track of a wolf's ID?
I have no idea how it's been done in practice, but I'd try something like generating a random string on the initialization of each wolf, then having a static list of those strings
Again: Not good at Java. :P
@undergroundmonorail I also had that thought, but as a systems programmer, even a 1 in 2**32-1 chance of a clash is too high
UUIDs? Or is that not good enough either? :P
I'd probably just do something like
Something like static int lastId = 0; public int id; public YourWolf() { this.id = (YourWolf.lastId += 1) }?
@undergroundmonorail That should work (unless background radiation)
(warning: python-style pseudocode incoming:)
@Doorknob YourWolf.lastId++ in Java :P
@Doorknob but thanks, that should work ;3
Ah, right. :P
@Doorknob Thoughts on what to name it from the two names above?
id = random_string()
while id in id_list:
    id = random_string()
I'm terrible at naming stuff. Sorry. :P
that took me too long to type and now it's no longer relevant
@undergroundmonorail oh well :P thanks
@Doorknob chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/15385475#15385475 << 2 names i can't choose between
@TheDoctor what's up, doc?
not much
<3 pestering people on online relay chats
imma get to that wolf now
launches NetBeans
The other day I had an idea for a web game but I don't think it would work as well as it sounds like it would
you should know better
Scrape headlines from The Onion and reddit.com/r/nottheonion, and you have to guess where each one came from.
@TheDoctor I'm doing it because i don't want to use the wrapper class
The issue is that most of the Onion posts are really obviously the onion, because they're not "news"-y at all.
@Trimsty If you need anything for the challenge lmk. I'll be a lot more happy to help than I was when it was really busy
I have a control program for a KOTH challenge all written up and everything, I'm just too lay to actually run it
@Rusher Thanks! Right now I'm typing up it's description. :P
Also, the more I think about it, the more I don't know if it would even be fun to participate in
@undergroundmonorail You could commit to only posting results for the next two Saturdays, not including this upcoming one.
@undergroundmonorail any koth is fun just for being a koth
@Rusher It's not an issue of when I can do results, because that's not hard to do or anything, just writing up a proper spec and rules and all that. Bleh.
Haha describe it to me and I'll write it up for you
But only if you promise not to CW it. I want you getting rep for your challenge

Beta Q&A site for developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with Arduino

Currently in public beta.

Uh oh
Finished the desciption
# StepmotherWolf

The evil Grand Order of the Stepmothers conspires against all living creatures. They're indescisive about where they want to be, though this strategy is very effective in making them unpredictable.

The members of the Order observe their surroundings and gossip to all the other members about it. Descisions are made on the whim of the moment. When thretened, the Stepmothers will mimic the opponent, rendering any deviances from the predictable suicide.

The Stepmothers tend to make assumptions, and the relevant assertions, about everybody around them and get very aggressive
thretened => threatened
@Rusher that was fast
@Rusher I already have something really roughly written out, it's just not incredibly thorough and I'm not 100% sure it's entirely accurate. I was writing it from memory :P
fixed, ty :P
Ok that is dramatic
@Rusher do you like my algorithm though? :P
I'm concerned. There is a 1 in 6^100 chance of all wolves being allocated to one branch
(that's a 1/6 in 10^78 chance)
(less probable than a random formation of atoms being a human)
Is the algorithm supposed to be parsable from the description about evil stepmothers?
Oh I see.
@Rusher Yeah, there're a few technical changes though
@Rusher Branch aggression levels are recalculated every 10 turns
When a Wolf dies, the least successful group donates a Wolf to replace it. Have you given any thought to saving the "successful" branches into a file for use in later runs?
@Rusher yeah, I did :P I'm planning on that
In that case, you might take a look at EvoWolf
@Rusher I also failed to mention that the branches have leaders. The imperfection in branch aggression inheritance comes from the leader's influence, and the leader is the wolf donated to the other branches. A new leader is then randomly chosen.
@Rusher If all the wolves in a branch's average aggression is more than the leader, and the branch is unsuccessful, they'll overthrow it and choose another
also, hi @m.buettner :D
You are starting to make me sad that the challenge isn't busy anymore. I love watching people make ridiculously complicated Animals for a simple game board I built. I've been wanting to revise and repost it, but I don't know how much I would need to change before it became "not a duplicate".
@Rusher I'm making a much more complicated browser game quite similar to yours, if you want you can help me with it
@Rusher it's also a KoTH, the bots play on the server and you can watch it in the browser
@Rusher realtime, 24/7 :D
I want to 1) Increase Line of Sight to three tiles instead of one 2) Have Lions Bears and Stones scale with the number of submissions 3) Give tiles an elevation, and give higher elevations a "reroll" if they lose rock paper scissors and a bunch of other stuff
I'm terrible at Javascript tho
@Rusher you can write it in anything you want ;3
@Rusher The core of it isn't a web server, the browser part is just to watch the madness
You could write the KOTH in arduino!
Hay ^^ idea!!!
(Starts coding furiously)
@TheDoctor xD
anybody know how to make an array of Vectors in Java? :P
My school has such derpy wifi
Q: How to create an array of vector in Java?

MauricioSo, I want an array of Vector of Integer in Java. If I put Vector<Integer>[] matrix; matrix = new Vector<Integer>[100]; I get cannot the compilation error cannot create a generic array of Vector Should I use matrix = new Vector[100]; instead? (which gives a warning) Or should I...

Good ole SO
You can use a Collection(or Vector) and convert to an Array after filling it?
@Geobits Thanks, I think i'll make a vectors vector as suggested in that question ;3
You may also want to consider using an ArrayList or similar instead. Vector isn't all it's cracked up to be: stackoverflow.com/a/1386288/752320
hii @Trimsty :P
Okay, so, adding to a Vector in a Vector. Would StepmotherWolf.list.get(this.branch).add(this.id); work?
@Geobits ArrayList, you say? o:
For most things it will perform better. There may be a few specific circumstances where Vector is preferred, but in general, yes. Vector is considered a "legacy" class.
@Geobits Any idea why I get a warning with new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(StepmotherWolf.branchCount) and not new ArrayList<>(StepmotherWolf.branchCount);?
What's the warning and what JDK version?
@Geobits 1.7, "redundant type operator in new expression (use diamond operator instead)".
@Geobits Well, not too sure of the version :P
@Geobits just checked, 1.8.0_05
Ah, it's just telling you that you don't need to write out the type argument. Since the variable has the types listed at the declaration, the compiler can infer them from that. It will still work either way, but it just saves some typing.
I think that was introduced in 1.7 (the diamond operator)
Unfortunately, all the code here at work is in 1.6 ><
@Geobits So should the former work in 1.6?
Yes, and the latter won't.
If you're looking for backwards compatibility, ignore/supress those warnings.
If you're looking for backwards compatibility, you should be using jdk 6
Or just change the warning checker to 1.6 rules.
@Geobits Thanks! :D @Rusher lol
I need to watch a course on stream manipulation in Java 8. I used to say I knew the language, but I'm missing this huge chunk of it now
I've taken a few glances at it. It seems useful in certain areas, but I haven't really internalized some of it yet. I still tend to code without it being the "obvious" solution so far, even when it should be (in hindsight).
This video looks promising. I don't have sound though. Can someone tell me if the guy has a voice that can be listened to for 113 minutes?
Slightly clipped/concise accent, otherwise normal-sounding.
Can't speak for the content :p
For comparison - here is my favorite video lecturer of all time - youtube.com/watch?v=uK2eFv7ne_Q
That guy is a genius. I would be a scholar if he taught other subjects besides Physics
1 hour later…
StepmotherWolf is in the alpha stage ;3
I just got an email from SE asking whether I'd like to become a mod, so I guess this is official now. It'd be nice to get a meta post about the incoming new mod, but I can't make one right now. Oh, and thanks @dmckee. — Doorknob 1 min ago
It's "official" now that we're getting a new mod :-D
I spoke, and the world moved a little
I hope this isn't my life's 15 minutes of fame :-P
Haha :-P
Though I think if the people in charge of making this move made it move when it should've, we wouldn't have needed a new mod :)
On the other hand, once it did get raised again, less than 24 hours was pretty quick, so that's cool.
Yeah, I can only wish I'd been here when PPCG was new so that I could have done... something, I don't know what entirely :-P
Gtg, bell in my school is about to ring
this was fun ... I'm getting better at this golfing thing... beating 10 existing answers, yay! :)
I like the rounded edges. Gives it a look of... class?
:D I'm still afraid it will disqualify my answer (at least without adding PlotPoints->#, which adds 13 characters... would still be the leading answer, but it seems soooo unnecessary. ^^
Sweet we get a new mod. I nominate myself as tribute!
@m.buettner I dunno, it would have to be a very strict reading to disqualify it on that. Personally, I like that the output looks like something you might actually use in a typeface. It's also about 10^39 times better than the Comic Sans version.
:D 'The EU was going to sue us over that.'
j/k I vote for Doorknob. He will open doors for us.
Wait are we even having an election
Doubt it. Usually doesn't happen for betas.
They're assigned by fiat, chosen to quash the nonconformist mob into something resembling a community that might graduate.
modulus in java isn't working :/
I'm... going to bet that it is? Example?
static char getLocation(int x, int y) {
    int ny = y % StepmotherWolf.perceivedMap[y].length;
    int nx = x % StepmotherWolf.perceivedMap[ny][x].length;
    return StepmotherWolf.perceivedMap[ny][nx];
it throws the error on the nx line
'char cannot be dereferenced'
Thats because perceivedMap[ny][x] is a char
Just guessing
length isn't, though.
right but a char can't be dotted
like 'c'.length
Yeah, that makes sense ><
Trimsty can you explain what you were trying to do?
Not that char.length would make sense anyway.
@Rusher whoops, had a brainfart x3
@Rusher compensate for board wrapping
new, functional code:
static char getLocation(int x, int y) {
    int ny = y % StepmotherWolf.perceivedMap.length;
    int nx = x % StepmotherWolf.perceivedMap[ny].length;
    return StepmotherWolf.perceivedMap[ny][nx];
I love the submissions that attempt to rebuild the map
I started writing a new challenge an hour ago and it will come in handy again
This one is going to shrink the map every time an entire row or column is empty
@Rusher ooohohh, spiffy
@Trimsty You can wrap both ways by adding the length before modulus:
`int ny = (y + length) % length;`
This can account for `-1`, for example ( -1+30 % 30 = 29)
@Geobits I assumed the modulus operator works like the modulus operator (-1 % 30 = 29)
Not in Java it doesn't: ideone.com/N8zdkc
@Geobits :P
@Geobits Python has spoiled me
@Geobits thanks for the tip
repl.it/SZL The python version
Python spoils a lot of people
myself included
@Rusher too bad you can't deconstruct the operator assignments
@Rusher e.g x,y%=len(z[y%len(z)]),len(z)
So far I have my leader system in place and everything...
Forgive my object oriented memory loss, but is there such a thing as "BECOMES A" in object oriented design?
A Square IS A Shape. A Square HAS A Area
@Rusher Not afaik
@Rusher you'd have to implement it yourself by modifying all instances, which is inconvenient to say the least
@Rusher or you could assign this.
What should BECOMES A do? Change types?
The code for StepmotherWolf is quite funny atm
package animals;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class StepmotherWolf extends Animal {
    static Random random = new Random();
    int branch;

    static int branchCount = 6;
    static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> list = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(StepmotherWolf.branchCount);
    static ArrayList<int[]> branches = new ArrayList<int[]>(StepmotherWolf.branchCount);

    static char[][] perceivedMap;

    static int cid = 0;
    int id;

    static int turns = 0;
if you look at the bottom
if only switch(opponent) with "idiot"; were valid code
Sorry I got sidetracked for a sec
@Geobits If I take a hammer to a square, it BECOMES A triangle
Or better yet, if I saw it in half along the diagonal
@Rusher yeah, that'd be this = new Triangle(5, 5); i think
You can't assign to this (In Java 7+ anyway)
@Rusher Java sucks. :P Python can assign self, right?
oh god, this = new ... would be so wrong if they allowed it
i can't decide what's worse, that or try { return true; } finally { return false; } (which actually is legal)
@durron597 yeah :P
I had to go test that one

public static void main(String[] args) {
public static boolean foo() {
try { return true; }
finally { return false; }
@Rusher Tested in Python 2, can't assign self ;_;
Fortunately there's a warning even though it's allowed.
Python 3 does it too
>>> class a:
...  def __call__(self):
...   print("hi!")
>>> class b:
...  def __call__(self):
...   print("*knock knock*")
...   self = a()
>>> g = b()
>>> g()
*knock knock*
>>> g()
*knock knock*
>>> g()
*knock knock*
@durron597 Not anymore! @SuppressWarnings({"FinallyDiscardsException"})
@Rusher Java has a lot of O(n) errors, doesn't it :P
I've heard of algorithms having a Big O
@Rusher Errors that can't be derived from a single statement, rather an entire block
I've never heard of errors having a Big O
@Rusher You probably also need to add @SuppressWarnings({"IAmBeingAMoron"}) to that one too
@durron597 I believe that's an NP-Complete warning ;3
@Rusher Algo to calculate whether or not to give warning. I think strangely :3
No, because the boolean satisfiability of that warning can be solved in O(1) time
I can't figure out what to put in my Attack function
public Attack fight(char opponent) {
    Attack atk;
    switch(opponent) {
        case 'S':
            atk = Attack.ROCK;
        case 'B':
            atk = Attack.PAPER;
        case 'L':
            atk = Attack.SCISSORS;
            atk = Attack.SCIPAPOCKICIDE;
    return atk;
Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock is an expansion of the classic selection method game rock-paper-scissors. It operates on the same basic principle, but includes two additional weapons: the lizard (formed by the hand as a sock-puppet-like mouth) and Spock (formed by the Star Trek Vulcan salute). This reduces the chances of a round ending in a tie (from 1/3 to 1/5). The game was invented by Sam Kass with Karen Bryla, as "Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard". The game was mentioned in four episodes of The Big Bang Theory. According to an interview with Kass, the series producers did not ask...
yay, meta silver badge
Does Java have a sort function?
...for hash tables?
why do you want to sort a hash table
have 3x3 matrix of floats, want to move to reachable block with highest score
make hash table with coords as keys and the values as the value of that coord
get key of item in hash table with highest value
@durron597 thanks ;D
@Rusher Going from Square to Triangle is... ugly. I suppose it's possible, but only if it wasn't really a Square to begin with, but a Shape, and you'd have to define some kind of Triangle constructor that takes a Shape. I can't see a good use for it, but you could do it with some ugly hackery.
@Rusher You could just define a Shape type with a Type attribute that is an instance of a class that inherits from ShapeType which contains basics
@Rusher then use this.type = new woahShape()
in Root Access, 25 secs ago, by TheDoctor
usermod -aG moderators TheDoctor
@Rusher and interface the commands, e.g void render(){this.type.render();}
@TheDoctor :ooooooooooooooo
userdel -r TheDoctor
Wait, you're logged in. Maybe it should be deluser --force --remove-all-files TheDoctor
chown -r / TheDoctor
User TheDoctor not found
sudo su -
sh-4.3 $userdel Geobits
my algorithm is harder to implement than i thought it would be
rm -rf /
Error: /: permission denied
sudo rm -rf /
Error: /: permission denied
sudo dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda
Error: /dev/random: permission denied
sh-4.3 $ userdel ProgramFOX
holds power button for four seconds
Error: /proc/powerbutton: permission denied
Fine. I'm pretty sure no permission is needed to unplug it from the wall :)
Error: /proc/powercord: permission denied
sh-4.3 $ service ssh stop
Goodbye h4x0r2
Hey guys... I just came across this postscript answer which presents its score for binary token encoding. I'm not familiar with that, but it just seems like a hand-compiled binary version that can be interpreted by ghostscript. So what's the opinion on that? I'm not sure where to draw the line here between that and posting my "code size" as the size of a compiled binary C file.
The related question is, do we even have a problem with submitting code size as the compiled binary. There is an old meta post about that, but I'm not sure if it's outdated or not, and it also doesn't really feel like people got to a consensus there.
The particular case of postscript binary tokens is also suggested in the PostScript tips.
I wouldn't really have a problem with it if you provide also the C source, but I don't think you'll make very much advantage.
Okay, another example that falls into this category (more or less): if my interpreter happens to be able to deal with zipped code directly via command-line switch or something. Can I count my zipped source code size?
How different is that from, say, PYG or Rebmu?
I'm not very familiar with Postscript in general.
As for zipping, I'd say no. Jar files are basically zips, but we don't count the size of those (as an example, I doubt the jar would be smaller in most cases).
Why does this not work?
    for(int i = 0; i < StepmotherWolf.branchCount - StepmotherWolf.list.size(); i++) {
        StepmotherWolf.list.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(0));

I get java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions :/
I assume you get the error because the size always changes because you add a new item to the list.
Yeah that's my point, I don't know how different it is. That's why I'm asking where we draw a line (if we can draw one). Because the zipping thing is similar - the interpreter/VM provides a way to run a compressed version of the code out of the box. Where is the difference? (Okay you probably won't be able to write a .jar by hand, but compiler-compiled binaries are okay, too?)
@ProgramFOX ...well. xD
Assign StepmotherWolf.list.size() to a variable outside the for statement.
@Howard @ProgramFOX Thanks, did so and it works :)
Or even better the full expression into something like numberOfAdditionalItems.
@m.buettner That's a hard line to draw IMO. If you write in CoffeeScript, that compiles down to JS, right?
@Geobits yes, exactly.
(so does LiveScript and TypeScript, I think)
@m.buettner And you can write a .jar by hand - not that I recomend it.
It'd be a hard sell to ban all of these. I'd say just use your votes accordingly. If you think someone is skirting the spirit of the challenge in a way you don't like...
If enough people agree with you, it would be a disincentive to post that way. If not, people will continue.
Maybe it's in the line of a standard loophole, although not yet mentioned in the meta post
@Geobits yeah I suppose that would be a sensible way to proceed in such cases.
@Howard I think the standard loopholes are supposed to fall into the category "no longer funny". I'm not sure if the case of binary tokens was ever intended to be "funny". :D
And still it would be hard to draw the line if an answer exploits the loophole or not (if it were a loophole).
where are your wonderful mods at?
CR stats 8478
@Malachi Mansoor Siddiqui (http://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/8478/mansoor-siddiqui) has 101 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 0 answers, for a q:a ratio of http://i.imgur.com/F79hP.png.
avg. rep/post: T͎͍̘͙̖̤̉̌̇̅ͯ͋͢͜͝H̖͙̗̗̺͚̱͕̒́͟E̫̺̯͖͎̗̒͑̅̈ ̈ͮ̽ͯ̆̋́͏͙͓͓͇̹<̩̟̳̫̪̇ͩ̑̆͗̽̇͆́ͅC̬͎ͪͩ̓̑͊ͮͪ̄̚̕Ě̯̰̤̗̜̗͓͛͝N̶̴̞͇̟̲̪̅̓ͯͅT͍̯̰͓̬͚̅͆̄E̠͇͇̬̬͕͖ͨ̔̓͞R͚̠̻̲̗̹̀>̇̏ͣ҉̳̖̟̫͕ ̧̛͈͙͇͂̓̚͡C͈̞̻̩̯̠̻ͥ̆͐̄ͦ́̀͟A̛̪̫͙̺̱̥̞̙ͦͧ̽͛̈́ͯ̅̍N̦̭͕̹̤͓͙̲̑͋̾͊ͣŅ̜̝͌͟O̡̝͍͚̲̝ͣ̔́͝Ť͈͢ ̪̘̳͔̂̒̋ͭ͆̽͠H̢͈̤͚̬̪̭͗ͧͬ̈́̈̀͌͒͡Ơ̮͍͇̝̰͍͚͖̿ͮ̀̍́L͐̆ͨ̏̎͡҉̧̱̯̤̹͓̗̻̭ͅḐ̲̰͙͑̂̒̐́̊. Badges: 0g 0s 2b
They're out back shooting trolls.
well that guy is a little messed up
shooting trolls huh?
Yep, we're going to burn the bodies later. Awful stench, but it'll be nice and clean afterward.
@Geobits let me know when you start
Just keep an eye on this to know. I may not be around.
CR remind me in 225 minutes to come back here
@Malachi That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Malachi Nudge #3 registered.
So we have an invader bot now, huh?
I think I better get him outta here now.... I have been found out
CR codeworks
@Doorknob, go put your post announcer in the CR chat. Make sure you use the full-size links :)
CR /unsummon
I am willing to create you guys one as well, when I figure this one out all the way.
I have a laptop that I am using right now almost strictly for the bot.
I could create another anyway and then fix them both up and let you guys use one, what do you think, soon to be mod @Doorknob?
Doesn't matter to me. I haven't found much of a use for chatbots in the last 15 years or so ;)
Others may disagree with me.
@Doorknob what is this post announcer? is it set up somewhere? can I play with the code?
@Geobits they are fun to play with for a little bit after that they get semi boring.
unless you are creating new things they can do
@Geobits thank you
it's in ruby huh? the one that I am using is JavaScript. I wonder if I can get them to work together? not much documentation on @Doorknob's bot either.
So many pings O_o
Who needs comments ;-)
@Doorknob sorry
@Doorknob now that you're close to becoming a mod, people want all sorts of stuff from you :P
Hrm, that's the bad bot. I made a better one with WebSockets and stuff that can listen for messages too. It's on GitHub.
Gah. I'm on mobile; I can't keep up with all of these messages :-P
I will have to check them both out, the first one is one that I might be interested in trying to implement through my current bot if I can get them to work together, or even figure out how it works and write it in JavaScript
But the WebSocket one is much better because 1. Much cleaner, 2. Respond literally instantly (chat.SE uses WebSockets to show new messages and stuff), 3. It's more extensible
@Doorknob you are talking about chatty now right? does it still post new answers from main and meta?
I haven't read through all the code yet.
The chatty one never did that. It's the new one with WebSockets.
you gave me chatty and the other one is chat watcher (from the meta post) which is which now?
I see Websockets mentioned in both sets of code.
@m.buettner The last rule I heard was that the exact compiler or interpreter for your submission had to exist before the challenge was posted. It seems logical then that if your compiler could compile zipped source code, then it is just as valid as a GolfScript interpreter that can make sense of a 7 letter program, as long as it existed before.
Chatty is superior in all ways. :-P it uses WebSockets for retrieving new chat messages; the other one uses them for listening for new posts.
@Doorknob what happened to DoorknobChatbot? Why is it no longer posting things? I enjoyed the notifications it gave regarding new posts, etc.
@Rusher yes I am aware of that rule. I suppose it could be interpreted like that. I suspect though that if I stretch this interpretation too far, it's going to hail downvotes. ;)
@Quincunx Not all were fond of that feature.
I don't think it'll get many downvotes - but maybe not so much upvotes if it is unreadable in the zipped from.
@m.buettner I guess you can't stop the downvotes. Some people go out of their way to avoid answers written in GolfScript-like languages when writing challenges. This guy's answer even begs other challenge posters to use bonuses to put them at a disadvantage. Moral of the story - people probably don't like losing to things that require new languages or techniques to beat.
@Doorknob that is what I need is the new post feature, but I also will want to look at the listening for new chat messages later on when I get a better handle on the code.
Yeah sure... I mean... I don't really mind. I was just wondering what we want to accept and what not. Btw, I just checked, python can run zipped code out of the box. I still think people might not like it if I claimed my code size was that of the zip file. Might be worth a try though.
@Howard What might be the problem? It was in its own chatroom.
I remember that it once wasn't and there was some discussion.
I was growing fond of DoorknobChatbot when it was posting single line messages instead of massive boxes.
Then Doorknob said it crashed, and then he was tinkering with it as an actual chatbot, and then that's all we heard of it
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