If anyone was waiting for a solid opponent before bothering to engage with Speed Clue KotH, wait no more. Against a field of two random AIs and three of my simple AI, the typical outcome is that this bot wins on turn 6.
@mniip The same is true for many esoteric languages, especially Turing tarpits. To take @luserdroog's example, would you know how to write anything at all in Fractran? (I would just about, but only because I've read an explanation of it as a Gödelification of Minsky register machines, which I like so much that I considered doing my dissertation project on a drag-and-drop MRM builder with macros and debugging).
> Starting with n=2, this FRACTRAN program generates the following sequence of integers: > 2, 15, 825, 725, 1925, 2275, 425, 390, 330, 290, 770, ... (sequence A007542 in OEIS) > After 2, this sequence contains the following powers of 2: ...
My problem is that it appears that people CV [code-trolling] questions just because they don't like them. That may not be true, but the close reasons make no sense for some of them. Code trolling is naturally broad, and "lack of criteria" is a simple edit away, since everyone knows what it should be. If you are closing simply because you don't think the entire tag belongs here, you should own up and say it. There's a custom close reason for that.
The appearance of injustice is just as damaging as actual injustice to the askers.
@Geobits I wouldn't close vote a code-trolling question that had more than two sentences of spec (Too Broad), was not a duplicate of MULTIPLE challenges (I only mentioned one), didn't look like a programming question that belongs on SO (how to find square root), etc.
And in fact I've upvoted some of the more clever ones
Code Trolling seems like an art form that 90% of people suck at anyway, so it's no surprise that the questions are bad
Most of the popular trolls are 1)short, 2) common tasks (which explains duplicates), and 3) examples of bad SO questions (indeed that's how the tag started to begin with).
@Rsuher Even that one hits at least two of your three "bad" points though, doesn't it? There's only really one sentence of spec(the first), and it looks like an SO question.
No, I'm trying to figure out what you think makes a good code troll. I'm not telling you what you think, I'm asking. Only the most pedantic reading would suggest otherwise.
Notice the question mark?
You listed three points against one question, and I'm asking how those don't apply to one you like.
Adding "does it not?" to the end of a statement is leading at its best. If you have a question, grow a pair and ask it like a real question, don't you think?
Meh. "If you have no argument, argue about grammar." You know exactly what I was asking. If you don't want to answer, just don't, but don't pretend I'm shoving words in your mouth.
You don't understand. There are people who simply can't be argued with. I know where you're going with your argument, and it ends at "This is what I consider too broad" and "This is what YOU consider too broad." It ends there. Period.
I want to make sure it goes down that path, and if I feel like I'm being led, I won't follow.
If you want to force me to strictly define what Too Broad and Duplicate means in terms of how many sentences, swapping the winning spec, etc., meta would be a good place. Even if you and I did reach an agreement, the rest of the community wouldn't necessarily follow.
But if you do and the community reaches concensus, I WILL follow and change my mind
Then and only then will you force me to say "Code trolling does/does not belong here."
No, I don't think we need to have a meta post where everyone posts their own interpretation. I was honestly just curious what made this one different than others.
But I do think that if people are close voting because they think the tag is bad for the site, they should say so in a custom CV rather than using a "I'll fit this reason to it" option.
That's why I started with "appearance" vs. "actuality".
More than two sentences would be a good start for any question
Otherwise, we could put every piece of trash from SO here and stamp it code trolling
I like that the post I linked to posted some "inspiration"
I also think pop contest is a relevant enough change for sorting an array to make it not a duplicate, because the answers fall in an entirely different class than code-golf
I guess it does, but my primary close vote was Too Broad for the two sentences of explanation
It wasn't until after you said something that I went and found the duplicate(s)
But by then it was too late to change my vote
I do hope Doorknob starts a blog about CG. The idea is growing on me slowly. It would be a nice addition to my morning (along with the amusement from XKCD and the week old news from Yahoo! News)
There are the sites which came out of the Slashdot Beta backlash: soylentnews and pipedot. Neither has really taken off, but I think that they're aiming to be what /. was a decade ago.
Well, a blog would be a good place to post when the community reaches consensus on a topic, to give it more visibility. Currently, I check things on meta and then never see them again until Peter Taylor references it in an argument
So I never know when things are decided upon
Also, things like "We have a new minecraft server" or "stack exchange meta is separating" (because I had no idea)
Or maybe there is a class of problems we haven't touched on yet, and the blog could encourage people to write a challenge around it
Yea, like I said, there's potential there. I just think it needs some sort of unifying theme. Otherwise, it'll just a be a jumble of random topics and people will drop off. The problem I see is that any single (or small group of) topic may not have enough content.
I'm not saying we shouldn't do it by any means.
I'm just on the fence about it, I guess. I could see it going either way.
Kinda like action movies. They're either good or very bad.
Yea, it's somewhat unclear what is being used right now, since I think it's changed in the last couple years. I know those are the basic ingredients, though.
To summarize the conclusions and arguments about that question from the last two hours - If you think it is too broad, close vote. If you think it sucks, down vote. If you think it sucks and it is too broad, close vote and down vote. I find it odd that every time a vote happens on a Code Trolling question, all of the tag's supporters suddenly throw a fit and claim that they are being repressed. How many more times do we have to do this before we can vote on a question without being called out?
Trying to fix/improve/reopen a question is the right thing to do. That's why it's called 'on-hold' now, because it's supposed to be a path to redemption.
That's why I asked what made a good troll question earlier, to see how it could be improved.
There are plenty of questions that just aren't good, sure. But are we saying that there's no way that could be edited to make it a good question?
The discussion about goodness is completely different from the close vote discussion. I think that creativity is first and foremost what I look for when up or downvoting CT questions
How is that separate? People think the question is bad, they close vote. That was my assumption anyway. By "bad" I didn't mean the underlying question, I meant the post as-is, so "too broad" would fit as "bad" in that usage.
"Good" meaning "I won't close-vote this", I suppose.
But yes, I agree that up/down should be separate from CVs.
I started with the exact opposite assumption, that each type of vote had a purpose
You got one person to admit in their close vote that they just don't like code trolling questions (bravo to you for provoking such a response), but it's not the norm and your broad assumption that that's how it works here is insulting to those of us who use our votes properly.
My original comment on that post: "Close-voters: Can you help me understand how this is any more "broad" than other unclosed [code-trolling] questions? ..."
I don't think that was an unfair question, considering it was closed as 'too broad'.
The only place I mentioned the other was here in chat. I have no way of knowing whether that influenced the new close vote or not.
Well, obviously the new close vote "I don't like code trolling." was not in response to that, but in response to your bolded text in the chat saying that the close voters should be honest and state their REAL reason
Ok fine. Even if it was not in response to your provocation, it's still not the norm.
Not really. I don't know if any of the original close votes were "bad", as you put it. The tug of war started before that was confirmed.
But it is suspicious when there are several people on record saying "I don't like code trolling" and basically every new question with the tag gets at least a couple close votes.
The bad ones are campaigned for in a very unusual manner. Every one that gets closed starts some sort of argument
I didn't mean for that to be so complicated that it requires references to other sites. I meant "If a tag has 90% bad questions, 90% are closed and should be."
That close vote was mine, and I've given my reason in the comments. It wasn't in response to anyone's comment - I hit 'other' in the off-topic section and then gave that as a reason. It then adds that to the list.
They get campaigned for (most likely) because it's unusual in the SE world for people to close highly popular questions with 10+ answers. Personally, I think if that happens, there should be some discussion over it. I think SO went through the same thing with "fun" questions early on, with lots of meta/chat about it.
@Geobits The correct way to go about it would be to start a meta discussion about the term "Broad" and try to at least limit its use to things the community can agree is too broad.
Hmm, I thought there was one, but searching isn't helping.
But there have been discussions about trolling, so I wouldn't exactly say that it hasn't been discussed on meta yet. Just that there hasn't been a conclusion to that discussion.
I believe that [code-trolling] and to a much lesser extent [popularity contest] here are very much like the polls and 'best of' question types on SO which all get closed for being off-topic because that's not what the site is about.
I don't think the discussion is going to lead anywhere. You are trying to fit a tag to the site's standards, when in fact it's the QUESTION that must fit the site's standards
Well, you made up something like "Code Trolling is exempt from the Too Broad requirement". I disagree that a tag can be exempt from any of the close reasons. Furthermore, a tag need not say "Questions using this tag must also fit the site's standards." DUH! We already know that.
It's hard for me to see how a well-specified (as compared to golfs, say, with full spec) code troll would allow much creativity. If you don't allow some leniency, you really might as well just CV every single one of them, because I haven't seen one yet with a full spec.
If code trolling is to exist, then yes, it needs a slightly different interpretation of the rules. The same way that PPCG in general is "exempt" from some of SE's rules.
Also the same way the entire "tips" tag works. That doesn't seem to follow any rules at all, IMO.
It's a blatant example of the type of thing that SE is against, polling questions where everyone chips in an answer and none can possibly be considered "best".
I think it should remain under the rules of PPCG, and die if there are no clever trolls out there who can generate good questions that also fit the site's standards. I also think tips belong on meta (but that's another discussion)
I think the fact that it is on the Help Page is evidence that a few people took action on a whim (3 votes on a meta post does not equal community concensus)
The Help Page in general is somewhat "off" for this site, I think. Some of the pages simply can't be edited to fit our somewhat-different outlook here, leading to things like "Sharing your research helps everyone. Tell us what you found and why it didn’t meet your needs," which obviously doesn't make much sense here.
@PeterTaylor You remind me of my old Subway manager, who refused my suggestion to save thousands of dollars by switching from sticky labels to easy wash grease pens because we'd been using labels for years.
That's a rather free association, isn't it? "You're getting cause and effect the wrong way round" isn't at all the same as "We'll carry on doing it like this because we've always done it like this"
@PeterTaylor I'd be interested in knowing why it was decided that way, since I haven't been here that long. Do you have any meta links to old discussions? I tried searching, but couldn't find anything relevant older than a year or so.
It was discussed more than three years ago. And although I'm sure you'll say that 2 upvotes on each answer isn't community consensus, for the meta in 2011 that's a lot.
While Peter Taylor has me sidetracked with years old meta posts (as usual, you devious bastard), nobody has addressed the fact that a question about questions is a meta question.
dmckee's one is "I don't think there's a consensus yet, but my opinion is that they're fine on main". Since no-one disagreed in comments or answers, I assume that at some point between then and the end of the year the mods added it to the FAQ.
I'm not actually primarily arguing for tips being on main: I'm just trying to correct your perception that someone took recent action based on 3 upvotes on a meta post.
"I think the fact that it is on the Help Page is evidence that a few people took action on a whim (3 votes on a meta post does not equal community concensus)" seems to indicate that you believe that adding it to the help page postdates the meta post.
I think that a few people made the edit on a whim. Three posts does not equal community consensus. Is that better now that I have made into a separate sentence for you?
I will argue that a CURRENT lack community concensus is evidence of PAST whims. Evidence being difference than "causation"
If there is no concensus now, there likely was none when the edit was made
I'd argue that it had to be decided one way or the other initially. It went to main/CW. There hasn't since been any consensus to change it, so it has remained.
Whether the initial decision was based on whim or not doesn't really matter, since apparently nobody's cared enough to argue much for the change.
If "tips for answering" belongs on main, then "tips for editing", "tips for asking a good question", and every other meta question ALSO belongs on main.
It's not "tips for answering", it's "tip for golfing". The former would be "format your code blocks", "explain the code for esoteric entries", etc, and would definitely belong on meta.
I was about to post tips for editing questions on meta the other day due to a disagreement with Peter Taylor about how best to edit questions. Should I post that as a CW on main then?
The task is as specific as making programs for an unknown question shorter.
I think that we separated at the analogy I gave. I think that "Best way to golf answers in X language" and "Best way to golf how do I sort an array" are in two different leagues
Yes, it's like every post on main
Shortest code to sort an array is a VERY typical challenge
Eh, I think every site has to decide what exceptions to make. For example, you can still find old listy, pollish questions on SO, simply because they were/are valuable resources.
Really wish my wall of text would just disappear. I think I'm getting a fever and just writing things out of frustration at lack of sleep and said fever.
Without using strings (except when necessary, such as with input or output) calculate the nth digit, from the left, of an integer (in base 10).
Input will be given in this format:
726433 5
Output should be:
as that is the fifth digit of "726433".
Input will not contain leading zeros, e....