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@Geobits I think I found a bug at GenericPack:112 and GenericPack117. If there are no prey in sight, the line is blank but the tokens array has a length of 1. Since tokens.length/2 is 0.5 which is greater than 0, it enters the for loop and throws an exception on Double.valueOf. I fixed it by adding tokens.length>1&& to the for loop condition.
@FGreg Hmm. Does that actually happen? I've been using it with no exceptions being thrown so far, and I know for certain there are no prey visible on the first round at the very least. Java uses integer division by default, so 1/2=0 and it shouldn't enter the loop at all.
@FGreg You didn't happen to grab my source when it was still in the sandbox, did you? I has a similar issue with it, but it was caused by the controller side. It was fixed in a commit on the 11th, though, so if you got it after that, that wouldn't be it.
@Geobits Ah... I'm actually trying to use it with groovy
so it must not be using integer division
I know nothing about groovy, to be honest. If it's trying to use "real" division, that would make sense. Glad you got it working with a simple addition, though.
You might want to hit lines 82 & 97 also. Those shouldn't ever be empty, but being sure never hurts.
9 hours later…
So, I was thinking maybe I could host the KOTH competitions thingy?
I have lots of unused CPU time
So, how exactly do you guys imagine this working?
@mniip I'm currently writing up an Easter KOTH right now
I believe I'll be able to test myself though
(The challenge is about 75% done but I don't have the tester program yet)
Like, will the asker create a contest and then upload the entries himself, or will the answerers be allowed to upload too?
The asker creates a contest, and then runs the tester program with all the answerers' entries.
So, there needs to be an API for running the uploaded answers
No, that's what the tester program does.
yeah yeah
but how is the tester going to know which programs to run
By looking in the answers section?
What do you mean?
Oh. It has to automatically fetch stackexchange?
That's not what I imagined
No, you save the answers on your computer and then you have the tester run them.
My question is, the tester program takes, say, 2 programs and determines which one wins
how is the environment going to tell the tester program which 2 programs to use
Some people have given their testers a list of programs to run, and others just say "look in this directory and run all of the programs in it against each other" or something
how is the tester going to tell the environment who won?
Usually it runs all the programs against each other, not 2 at a time.
Besides, not all contests have the same scoring
Yeah, there's a different tester program for each contest...
oh you mean it's the tester's task to loop through everything and then output the scorign?
but but
For example, if I'm making a KOTH, I write the tester. This program takes as input a list of files. It outputs the scores. I post this on my question in the form of a scoreboard.
imagine a simple 2 player game
Every program has to be tested against every other one
N(N-1)/2 tests
now imagine we add another program
normally that's N more tests
but no, I'd have to run your tester which will do (N+1)N/2 tests
"Every program has to be tested against every other one" No, they all run against each other at the same time.
Like the wolf challenge. All the wolves are put on the same board.
Yeah that works for the wolf game
not for a 2-player game
== n-player game
There even are 1-player games
Q: Hangman solver king-of-the-hill

aceYou are required to write a Hangman solver. Testing against this English word list[1], the solver that solves the most number of words wins, with the number of total incorrect guesses being the tie-breaker. All words in the word list will be tested in random order. [1]: This word list is taken f...

Wait, that's not even KOTH. That's just .
I've retagged it
I see
doesn't really explain the N-player-ness
There are a few more answers that need retagging
Also what's up with stars :O
is tempted to star
I'm going to go look through [koth] now and retag the mistagged ones.
... I don't see any. Link?
Hmm, wait, I'm not sure about this. Should we have separate tags for iterated 2-player games vs. all players at once?
Or is it okay to just lump all that under KOTH? Perhaps I'll post on meta later.
Ok, how about this,
the tester receives a list of paths it has to fork-exec to, and outputs a result table in whatever format it wants to
ok, let's get this started
I'm about ready to post my Easter KOTH challenge
It ended up being quite long O_o
Q: The Easter Egg Hunt on the Hill

DoorknobEaster Egg Hunt Bot find egg before bunny find egg. Bot happy. Overview This is a king-of-the-hill challenge in honor of Easter and the Easter egg hunting tradition! Your bot has a vision of two spaces in every direction, including diagonals, creating a 5x5 square around you that you can see....

I have never used debootstrap before :o
IMO, iterated two-player games are fine as KotH. BattleBots ran that way, and I don't see the need for a separate tag. There just aren't that many of them. I'd say if you're pitting 2+ programs against each other, it's good, no matter whether they're all at once, bracket style, roud-robin, whatever.
time to write some scripting
Is there a way to get a list of most popular languages by amt of answers?
@Doorknob That's a recent variation. Originally King of the Hill was 2-player games. The name comes from a children's game in which you become king of the hill by knocking off the previous incumbent.
is there a way to setuid/seteuid from bash?
running people's contraptions as root seems like a bad idea
that's fork+seteuid+exec
most importantly, that's a fork
apparently no
@PeterTaylor Hm, I wasn't aware of that. Okay then, it could all be one tag.
1 hour later…
Q: Program that permutes itself to encode a string (quine-variant)

PleaseStandWrite a program that prints the following 80-character line: This program from codegolf.stackexchange.com permutes itself to encode a string. then accepts one line of input, then prints its source code with its code points possibly reordered (none added and none deleted). When that code is ...

> A submission's score is the number of code points in its source code less 94
As in... if len < 94 then 1 else 0 ?
That's a weird scoring
@mniip No, as in len - 94
Should've been 'minus' then?
Also what's the point of performing a linear transformation over the score
1 hour later…
I've got to get this working by today
@mniip less as a synonym for minus is correct English.

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