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Oh man he's on a roll.
Last one wasn't Arm.
Would anyone here be stubborn about closing his questions if I fix the English and formatting?
Last time I tried to do that, a group refused to acknowledge that a challenge had been fixed, simply because it was poor to begin with
If you fix them up I won't vote to close, but the value is still pretty low
Ok. I got the php one first.
I haven't CVd (yet). I'm still undecided. On the one hand, it's very simple, but it could be valid. I just don't see how we will get any variations in answers (on either) besides what I posted in comments.
yeah Geo.
I concur. I'm trying to decide if I'll vote to reopen. Kind of thinking no.
Meh, technically the reason I closed it is now corrected, so I should open it.
@ProgrammerDan That doesn't follow.
Too trivial is beautifully subjective
I've seen questions hit three separate close reasons.
@PeterTaylor I voted to close due to no objective criteria. With the addition of it has that now. But ... I still am not going to reopen. I can't do it in good conscience, it would be better if I could just change my close vote reason.
@ProgrammerDan The problem with retracting is that if you later see something else wrong, you can't CV again. Not very helpful, that.
@Rusher Sure, but something which requires no loops and only basic arithmetic will fail to reach any bar of non-triviality.
@Geobits Yeah, that's why I didn't retract.
@Geobits I should get into the habit of downvoting more, close voting less .. that would probably steer me closer to the true spirit of the site at least for trivially bad questions like these
teach me, oh great SE warriors.
@Rusher One delete vote short.
Try hitting F5
@ProgrammerDan I DV much more here than most SE sites:
@PeterTaylor Can you at least name a single reason why you would downvote a code-golf question but not vote to close it?
I think you have a problem distiguishing questions you dont like and questions that arent a good fit
Or, if there is no difference, one or the other feature should simply go away
@Rusher That's what I'm struggling with. There is a difference, but not always as much a difference here.
Once you corrected the new user's submission, it was technically a valid question, although incredibly trivial. In that case, i should just DV.
Well, I'm glad you asked yourself what the correct course of action was. Too many others just acted on impulse and drove away another new user.
I find it interesting that a new user, seeing the kinds of questions that get answers here, would consider a simple "resolves to a trivial math formula" question as a valid, good contribution to the site, however.
I find it interesting that you think he looked around at other questions much ;)
@Geobits True, true. Giving too much benefit-of-the-doubt.
How long did you have to be here to understand Peter Taylor's definition of trivial? It is HIS definition, after all, that appears to make the difference.
First time I read it
which was probably a week or so after I arrived
but I didn't start by asking questions, that seemed ... risky. Better to answer a few first, suss out the skill level of the typical question, and eventually start to formulate my own questions (have yet to do so)
All it really takes is a reading of the FAQ. Yes, I know plenty of people don't do that, but how is that anyone else's fault?
Here's an idea. What if the community introduced a twist to poor questions so that it wasn't so trivial?
I think there's an active debate on meta about that, @Rusher. Something about the inherent difficulty of modifying an OP's question while staying true to OP's goals, etc.
I think by the time someone can come up with an interesting enough twist, it will have already been DVd into purgatory (most of the time).
From what I read, the general consensus seemed to be "Close it" and encourage OP to create a new, better question through the Sandbox, or via Chat, or something.
So someone on meta said that the community shouldn't modify the original post in order to change the goals of a question. I am well aware that it was Peter Taylor (again) but that doesnt make it right
All he really did was use some buzz words that encourage closing and starting over rather than fixing in place
Considering no-one is championing the cause to success, I'd say the community is answer that "yes", that is the correct course.
@Rusher Not just Peter, I agree with him on that. Refining details is one thing, but completely changing the question (which is what those examples would need) doesn't make sense.
You might as well post your own and get some rep.
not "right". Just the community's direction.
Well, the problem is that you can't actually stop me from editing a post. Your opinion of whether it should occur is really irrelevant
The problem is what happens AFTER that. Do you stubbornly maintain your vote or do you recognize that the question has changed?
Speaking for myself, I re-evaluate.
This is all assuming that there are no answers currently. If there are answers, changing the question is downright wrong imo
Otherwise, your question is my playground :)
I didn't say I could stop you from editing, just that I probably won't do it since I don't see the point. If the question does change enough to make it a good one, then good. I'd most likely retract my DV.
Great. If everyone behaved like YOU, then people like ME could waste my time bringing poor questions up to a decent level
Then again, I'm much quicker to DV than close.
If I close a question, it takes a higher bar for me to retract/reopen than simply removing a DV.
@Rusher I think you've convinced me to at least prefer DV to CV in cases of excessively trivial questions. Perhaps they are valid to some users for whom basic algebra is challenging? I'm not sure. I'm not convinced they are appropriate here.
I doubt I would ever upvote an answer to a question of excessive simplicity
so there's no value to users who do interact with those questions, at least from my perspective. Perhaps others would upvote those answers?
If I got downvoted into oblivion because it was too trivial, I would retract it myself.
Off to lunch. Take it easy!
Okay, testing @Rusher's theorem out
adding minor complexity to the bad question.
which has been revealed as a programming exercise, sigh. Why do they come here?
@Rusher Looking through my recent downvotes, I see that I've done that for a couple of questions which are on the border of being too trivial or duplicate and a couple of questions which have a spec but have stupid restrictions.
@Rusher But I have started always down-voting questions which I close-vote for two reasons: firstly, because to help the auto-deletion bot; and secondly, because the down-vote will stick.
@Rusher What happened to the netiquette of lurking and trying to understand what a site is about before participating? If a user can't be bothered to do that, why should we be bothered about them not sticking around?
@Rusher -- tried to employ your theory of question improvement. Still getting mostly CVs and DVs :(.
@PeterTaylor Your theory on netiquette doesn't apply here, because of the attitude that we are different than every other Stack site. Users here have to jump through hoops to not only write a "valid" question, but one that also "pleases" people.
Everywhere else, a valid question is valid, albeit potentially bad.
Ok, let's say we are to keep closing trivial questions. I think I would be satisfied if "trivial" were well-defined. Some very complicated algorithms revolve around adding or shifting numbers to the left or right. Perhaps rather than arguing about it, we can constructively find a way to categorize trivial and non trivial questions?
Weigh in here ?
That's a good idea.
Err... @Geobits If you don't write up your "too narrow" suggestion in the next hour, I will do it for you.
I don't want to straight up jack it from you.
Go ahead, busy :)
Quick question, do we want to encourage them to edit the question or close it and start over? The "Too Broad" close reason encourages editing.
I'm basically writing a counterpart to "Too Broad" called "Too Narrow" (credit Geobits)
Make a proposal and see what comes of it
I'm not sure which is the best approach
I'd hazard that in general people generate a first impression, and do not move from that, consequently, a bad question might just need to die.
Well, this is going from constructive to comical. Do you think he is posting an entire problem set from school or do you think he is really trying hard to be a part of the community?
problem set from school
these read like typical professorish questions.
I should know, I used to make them.
I think he is trying, but that's only because no teacher writes that poorly. He must be translating?
yeah, that could be. But his latest post references an example that isn't posted. And don't assume that no teacher writes that poorly, I had a few doosies in my day.
Sorry, I meant to say no computer science teacher writes that poorly.
Hah, yeah, I'm feeling the same -- in IRC parlance ... /me throws up arms and walks away
I think what's awesome is everyone answering is doing so in niche or obscure languages, frustrating OP's true purpose completely.
Makes me wish I knew non-mainstream languages well enough to contribute to the dance. It's trolling in a very non-trollish way, and it's lovely to watch.
I could write a Scheme version.
Now we're talking.
Haha... Arm103 says "Could you do this in php? " codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/25281/18487
@Rusher Heh, I'm waiting for the OP to edit the question to say they want a PHP answer specifically. That would give me the excuse needed to close the question. ;-)
Yeah, that's what inspired :14662800
@ChrisJester-Young Check out that obvious language-trolling duplicate! Kill it with fire, oh great mod :D
That was... Unexpe-No wait, it wasn't.
Heh, then the OP tried to edit the original question to be PHP-only.
Nice try, but no.
We could redirect him to stackoverflow... Or just assume that everyone here has the basic troll-mindset of not answering in php and end up with the answer in literally every language ever, except php. I think the second is what will happen.
@Synthetica Well, migrating to SO is a death sentence for the post.
@ChrisJester-Young That's what I thought.
@Synthetica I'm really, really hoping for the option (2), as my amusement can then continue.
@ProgrammerDan Yep :)
`<?php $line = fgets(STDIN); ?> – User011001 26 mins ago
"Where does it fit in?"
We should sneak in a code-trolling tag. :14664525 , is there a "shadowban" on tags?
My gosh, JasonC would...excrete a brick when he sees how much fun you are all having in this thread. ;-)
@Synthetica What on earth is a shadowban?
@Synthetica Oh, hellban.
No, no hellbans that I'm aware of.
@ChrisJester-Young That's a shame, that'd be perfect.
Just put one in overtly.
lol @Synthetica
Now just to get it accepted.
Anyways, gotta go, that edit'd best be accepted when I'm back ;)
/me is going through all the flags now. This is quite time-consuming. :-)
Whew, I bet
Really, people?! Meh, I suppose code-trolling is for the best on this one.
@ProgrammerDan I weighed in on the "Too trivial" issue meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/1396/18487
You might want to divide the possibilities between answers, or pick one and advocate it
I did pick a favorite. Should I simply not mention the others?
clock struck go home time, ttyl
Did you guys know there was a Stack site for Bicycles?
Yea, I've been seeing them in Hot for a bit now.
Yea? Those are some hot bicycles
Seems it would be rolled up into some other stack
Like "sports"
meh... too broad
@Rusher I don't understand your reasoning. Are you saying that people who lurk won't figure out what our culture is because it's too unusual?
@PeterTaylor Stack X has a culture. Stack Y has a similar culture. Stack Z is more of a play site, and so has a different culture. If you are familiar with X and Y, but new to Z, you should be forgiven for missing the difference in culture.
I also did NOT say that people who lurk will be unable to figure it out. Your powers of deduction seem to only work in a way that suits you most of the time.
In other words, "failing to lurk" does not equate to "lurking but failing to understand"
My biggest problem with you, Peter Taylor, is that you force me to expend so much time and effort tip-toeing around the English language. Every other thing you write is either a misinterpretation of what I just said, or the correct interpretation cast in a more negative light. You basically always start with "I don't understand what you said.", then you wait for me to type a long explanation, and then you find the ONE mistake with my long explanation. You're just a troll in a mask.
@Rusher Every stack's different. This one might be more of an outlier, but I don't think that familiarity with one stack should be used as an excuse for not trying to understand a different stack's norms. (Not that it's likely to be relevant in the particular case in point, because that user doesn't seem to have participated much in any other stack).
@Rusher If you think I'm a troll then don't reply to me :P
@Rusher Lol, @PeterTaylor is a troll? That just made my day ;)
That statement is so opposite the truth that it just degenerated to humor :P
I've got an idea, but I'm not sure how to specify it. Simulate a computer display from a science fiction movie. Like the vector graphics displays in Alien or Star Wars.
@Rusher These are most of the reasons I like Peter Taylor.
Think of it as kind of "litmus test". If Peter likes it, and thinks it's well specified, you have very little else to worry about.
I kind of treat Keith Thompson the same way in comp.lang.c. Even if he (Peter here, or Keith there) expresses a negative opinion, he will state it in a precise manner; so you can come away from it with more knowledge, and not just hurt feelings.
And if you address the concerns, the opinion will change.
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