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Nice one, very appropriate to your alias :D
2 hours later…
I'm working on a challenge and I'm wondering if it should be or . And for the first time, I'm going to try not sending it through the sandbox (in response to Doorknob's meta post). I'm thinking of "Tower of Hanoi Sort".
Bascially, you are given an unsorted list/stack and need to sort it (into itself) using two other stacks and itself. And the other stacks follow the Tower of Hanoi rule of no larger "disk" being on top of a smaller one. But the first stack/list can have larger "disks" on top of smaller ones.
So, should I go , or and score based off of the number of moves required?
good question. I'm probably too tired to give a good answer, but with you're going to basically guarantee a win from very concise languages that optimize against stack operations. might encourage further afield language submissions and better algorithm design. Not sure which would be "better", but I'd probably go with ... sleepy brain is sleepy.
@ProgrammerDan Gnight sleepy brain :-) Thx for your opinion
np @Quincunx, g'night to you too!
2 hours later…
@plannapus Yeah, kinda assumed it would've been done before
Also: does anyone have a golfscript tutorial that's not the one on the official site? DDG came up with nothing but that one
Tutorial no, but I do have a much neglected blog: cheddarmonk.org/golfscriptblog
5 hours later…
Bot initialized.
2 hours later…
Q: Code Chess: Fibonacci Sequence

SLaksBuilding upon the proven success of Code Golf, I would like to introduce Code Chess. Unlike Code Golf, which strives for concision, Code Chess will strive for cleverness. Can you create a clever or unexpected Fibonacci generator? Your code must print or return either the nth Fibonacci number o...

Can someone back this statement, "If you aren't sure how to read and test a language, you are NOT obligated to accept it until another known user says it works or the user provides instructions for how to compile it."
I'm not even sure about it's correctness
Are we talking about GTB? :P
No, any language
Any subjectively obscure language I guess
I was trying to reassure this new user that a language restriction was not necessary, and that if he didn't know how to test an answer for correctness, he could challenge it by asking for instructions
But then I would just be making stuff up I think
3 hours later…
Guys, is the imgur integration offline?
i.stack.imgur.com is not doing anything it seems
Never mind, seems it's back
3 hours later…
@Rusher How about (well-documented) single-issue languages (like, say HQ9+)
@synthetica those should be a "standard loophole that is no longer funny"
@Synthetica What about them?
@Rusher Would those fall within this rules? Maybe HQ9+ is an bad example, I'm talking about about people that go "Hey! I just created this language, here's an interpreter, it's only command is x, that just happens to solve this program in one char."
Bot initialized.
@Synthetica I think we are talking about two completely different things. Your question already has an answer on meta, but I can't seem to find it. It said something like, "The language of choice must exist prior to the challenge being posted".
@Rusher Which still contains the loophole of the current version of the language, but oh well ;)
@Synthetica Is that a loophole? Are you SURE that you are allowed to use a new version of a language for an old question?
Actually, I can answer that myself with logic. Say I have a language called MyLanguage (I claim that it exists as of right now). Tomorrow, I can update it to solve any challenge that is posted in a single line. I can call it MyLanguage v 2.0. Obviously that is not allowed.
By single line I meant single letter.
@doorknob why do you ping your chat bot?
@TheDoctor Because that way people know exactly which post I'm referring to :P
Bot killed manually.
okay, I've removed the "Bot initialized" message
so all it should do from now on is post new questions
@Doorknob Except for those people who followed your advice "You can always ignore the bot if it bothers you too much", who just see you apparently asking for CVs on random comments.
@PeterTaylor I suppose they could always check the newest questions page, but meh. I guess I'll just copy the links instead.
@Doorknob Are you asking your bot to cast a close vote, or are you asking the community in this chat room for a close vote?
@Rusher My bot doesn't even have enough rep to CV :P
it may need a few delet votes
> 8 more votes are needed to delete this post
Oh ho ho
its interesting to see what people thought of code-golf
@Doorknob Hah. How DID it get 119 rep?
Them's mighty educated words for a chatbot — Pëkka Feb 3 at 3:27
@Doorknob Nice :D
@TheDoctor Haha how did you find that? I love the suggestion for Code Tennis. "I write code, you improve it, I improve it, and whoever can't improve further wins!"
@Rusher I don't think "back-and-forth" works on the Stack Exchange platform.
Nooooo you responded the same second I deleted
Something similar was tried in a chatroom, which has a sufficiently rigid ordering that it becomes reasonable.
@PeterTaylor We aren't like other Stack Exchange sites. I tried fighting that concept and have only received negative attention for it.
@Rusher We have a different culture, but the same software.
@PeterTaylor If upvotes can be abused as a mechanic of a puzzle, then other features can as well. Have an imagination!
Ohhhh I just thought of an objective reason for why popularity contests are bad. It artificially boosts the rep of users on the site by encouraging votes.
Is that necessarily so bad right now considering the meta posts about the lack of users with sufficiently high privilege levels (e.g. rep)?
@ProgrammerDan I guess I thought that sites graduated from beta on their own (without any artificial boosting). Should a new user be handed truckloads of rep and instant access to all privileges for posting one good question? On most other SE sites, you have to show a pattern of good behavior before being granted all privileges.
I said before, and I'll say again: I think that focus on graduating from beta is misplaced.
On an unrelated note, it's just turned midnight in my timezone and the sidebar now has some nonsense about unicorns. I fear that StackExchange has decided to do an April Fool's makeover.
@PeterTaylor Well let me make it clear that my comment was of the stance that the site should be allowed to graduate on its own without any kind of push from its users.
@Rusher Mostly being devil's advocate. I'm with @PeterTaylor, I'd rather earn my reputation "the hard way" and encourage all others to do the same. The site will graduate or not based on the other all value of the site to its users. We'll create our eventual graduation if we continue to produce valuable challenges and answers :D
Wait, now both of you are telling me what I just said...
Again, my comment was AGAINST an artificial push towards the end of beta.
It's not April Fool's here, so please no pranks. On the bright side, it is 5:00 and its time to go home and play Diablo 3! WOOOO!
@Rusher, happy to confuse, but yes. I agree.
6 PM here, same solution.
@doorknobchatbot you are so quick
@Rusher I didn't press a reply button, but I was replying to ProgrammerD rather than to you.
If people on SE could buy rep, how would life be different?

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