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@vzn that still doesn't have objective winning criteia
I know that Milo is 14 and PhiNotPi is likely under 18 - close enough anyway.
I am not under 18, but I am close enough...
Stop it! I am starting feeling old :(
is PhiPi on this site though?
He was back during Christmas break.
So me, mniip PhiPi, Milo, possibly Timtech, Doorknob, hosch250, etc...
Well, you guys definitely have more experience coding than me.
I haven't even been coding for 1 year, with less than 6 months actively learning C++, 4 months learning Java - or the syntax anyway, and 1 month with Python.
I have two ideas for challenges.
Anyone interested in picking them apart before I take up sandbox space?
The first is to input a number and output which number patterns that number is in (including primes, perfect numbers...) and its position.
The second is to generate random avatars - graphical output preferred, ASCII output alright if the language doesn't include a graphical library.
I'm back
@hosch What's the winning criterion for the second?
@hosch250 - call them Identicons
Like yours?
in The 2nd Monitor, 12 secs ago, by rolfl
Yeah, @Doorknob - we even have a better chat room than PCG ;-)
rofl, i disagre
We (as in hosch250, mniip, Doorknob, and I) should create a virtual hackerspace
@TheDoctor What does that mean? In any case, I like it! :P
@mniip @hosch250 any input?
@Doorknob like a code club
we make cool things
Okay, kind of like the ASCII club thing I and hosch and PhiNotPi and Volatility did?
"virtual hackerspace"?

 The ASCII Collab Club

Users collaborating on ASCII art games and stuff. See pinned m...
^ @TheDoc that's where it was
in The 2nd Monitor, 34 secs ago, by Malachi
that is a whole new set of 30 stars
in The 2nd Monitor, 17 secs ago, by Malachi
in The Nineteenth Byte, 12 secs ago, by Malachi
in The 2nd Monitor, 34 secs ago, by Malachi
that is a whole new set of 30 stars
spam :(
@Chris Quick, mod power! Or make me room owner so I can clear stars :P
I could setup a Github organization for us, and we could share code
don't do it!!!
I mean do the github thing
@Doorknob Wait a second. Are you seriously 13?
but don't make Doorknob Owner
@TheDoctor Sounds like (the beginning of) a good idea! But I have to sleep now soon, so not now
@mniip yes
@Malachi Then clear the stars! >:O
so sorry. not all of them are mine
>_> damn. And I thought I am smart.
@Malachi :( We're under attack!
lol, @Malachi or whoever the other starrer was, you just got me the Outspoken badge :P
@mniip That's still irrelevant to me. ;)
By that I mean that other people have no effect on how smart you are :P
Subjectivity and contrast...
meh, still. Okay I have to sleep now. Bye all
@Doorknob Really? :(
@mniip rofl. You... kinda don't know how many of us are 13. (yes, I'm 13 also)
@Doorknob I'll grant you room owner.
Reminds me: I need to bother people post on P&CG.
>giving a 13 year old powers
@mniip Wait, have you seen the BoltClock thread? :P
@mniip He is a least more sane than several other people.
@hichris123 You don't have an awesome PCG history like Doorknob's though.
GTB I'm looking at you
Q: Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network

user774411I have a David vs Goliath case here involving a teen moderator on Stack Overflow. His display name is BoltClock. I'm a low reputation SO user (less than 150 points) who was recently suspended for Voting Irregularities by BoltClock. Eventually the mistake was corrected by another non-teen moderat...

Just saying'
@mniip Totally true. Which means... to post! :P
@ChrisJester-Young why add doorknob but not mniip??
Grr! I need to wait till @Doorknob's back to continue my starring regime. :P
Damn, now, whenever I see a double question mark I am instinctively looking for trigraphs
@TheDoctor I took mniip off because they were auto-granted ownership when the room was dormant, and I didn't know at the time whether mniip was a regular. Doorknob is definitely a regular given the regularity of their posts on meta.
Well I'm not much of a meta-er
@TheDoctor Also, did you see my comments elsewhere? I haven't seen your responses yet.
yep i have
@mniip Yeah, meta participation is very important for people who want to influence policy and general running of the site. This is actually why they display meta participation stats for all moderator nominees.
(And my meta participation for SO actually sucks, which is probably partly why I didn't win the SO moderator elections. ;-))
Damn I should get off imgur and start doing productive stuff.
@mniip You should get off imgur and onto CGSE instead. ;-)
But I haven't contributed anything in days! And yet still, all of the questions I see fall under 3 categories: 1) Too boring 2) Already solved 3) Hold on I need to CV this
"need to CV this"? No comprende.
@ChrisJester-Young Need to close vote this.
Gotcha, thanks.
@ChrisJester-Young Wait, you're... 10k on SO? Or 20k?
@hichris123 I'm 96k.
~100k. Close enough. :P
I feel so alone now in the 3k but not yet 10k on SO club now... :P
Actually, looking more closely, everything I wanted to CV is already on hold
@hichris123 I am still less than 300 on SOMeta
I'm currently on my 102nd consecutive day on SO, which means I qualify for the Fanatic badge. (Except that I already earned it a long time ago.)
@ChrisJester-Young I was close to getting that one on Code Review, but then missed getting on one day by like 20 minutes....
now I am half way there again
@Malachi Oh no!!! Bummer. I almost got that badge for CGSE but I broke my streak for some stupid reason, and I lost my motivation to try again.
@Malachi cough
yeah I need more Meta Rep
uses 20k+ SO user to advantage
@TheDoctor so why the github team...?
@ChrisJester-Young Go vote to delete this: stackoverflow.com/questions/22623706/…. :P
29 mins ago, by TheDoctor
I could setup a Github organization for us, and we could share code
except apparently there isn't anything
@ChrisJester-Young The issue is, I have some code to write, before 1st April. If you know what I mean.
Q: building circuit for divisibility by 3

vznthis is related to another recent question but will not ref it directly just to wipe the slate clean. a boolean circuit in TCS is basically a DAG consisting of And, Or, Not gates, and by what is known is "functional completeness" they can compute all possible functions. eg this is the basic pri...

I have a working algorithm for that one
Unfortunatly it uses bit shifting to count :(
Step 1: make a 8-bit karnaugh map
qp.mniip.com/y/38 Hmmmm I have no idea
@hichris123 I'm not delete-happy enough to want to do that, but thanks for the link.
@mniip Ooooh. April Fool's?
@ChrisJester-Young One reason I don't participate in the meta a lot, is that it usually implies generating pages of explanation of your own opinion about the topic.
I prefer laconic things - like code golf :P
@mniip I'm sure you can just write laconic explanations on CGSE meta. ;-)
IMO no. wouldn't qualify as a valid meta post :<
Oh, here's a shorter one, still invalid: Ok
@mniip Just like too many people auto-approve everything they see in Suggested Edits.
People do that?
Q: What are review tests (audits) and how do they work?

AsheeshRI recently received this rather amusing message while reviewing a user's first post: Congratulations! This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. This post has already been removed, but thanks for taking time to leave feedback for the author. What is t...

What is this? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/18936/7162 Either I don't get some vital detail, or this might be a sockpuppetting suspect
@mniip Thanks, nuked.
The thing is, that was the accepted answer o-O
A: building circuit for divisibility by 3

TimWolla2×24 NOT, 2×10+5 AND, 2×2+5 OR, 2×2NOR This totally does not scale. Like not at all. Maybe I'll try to improve it. Those 2 big circuits are counting the number of active inputs: The upper right one counts the number of bits with an even power (zero to 4) The lower left one counts the number o...

Finally xX
@hichris123 I'm in that club currently. But not for long.
@Tim 9k, right?
@hichris123 I insist on the point six
9,643 currently
10k finally's coming.
Going to bed, see you later!
I need to find some good questions to ask/answer here...
Oh yeah.
Most of the new questions currently are in my opinion bad or answered :(
Yeah... :(
@hichris123 You might want to have a look at one of mine (with a bounty by xfix): codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/24118/minesweeper-solver
And now: Really bed. The first people are probably getting up already :s
It's 5AM here in Germany. I'm currently on my semester holidays.
@Tim Ooh, cool.
Nightowl. :-)
@hichris123 What is cool? The question, Germany, that I'm awake all night?
@ChrisJester-Young Yeah :)
Everything @Tim. ;)
It's only midnight here, not that late.
It's midnight here in Eastern, I wish I could get Reaper of Souls already.
The last message was posted 7 days ago.
Oh lol. I guess it's because I was messing with datetime.
8 hours later…
@ChrisJester-Young Thanks; I shall use my power wisely. And by wisely I mean by clearing all the stars from those pesky CR users! :P
1 hour later…
@vzn I've said this before, but could you please use capital letters and punctuation in your post? Reading an entire post that consists of two sentences and no capital letters, with & scattered all over the place, is extremely annoying and difficult. Could you at least spell out the word "and"?
Pfeh. That's 3 keystrokes, while & is just 2
Finally. I came up with an understandable explanation to the IO monad
A: Trolling the troll

mniipHaskell Check this manual page, removeDirectoryRecursive deletes a directory with all of its contents! import System.Directory main = return (removeDirectoryRecursive "/")

Well, rather, explanation of how the IO wrapper works. It doesn't explain the monadic properties of IO.
Q: Racing java.util.Collections.sort

Ilya_GazmanI found a more efficient sort algorithm with average and best performance of O(N), and worst performance of O(N Log(N)). On random data. I need your help to tell me if my tests is correct, and my biggest question is: How can I test it on real world data? This question going to have five parts: ...

How do I place this question in here?
in where?
in this site
its from stack exchange
stack overflew*
I'm not quite sure the question is quite fitting here
You could as a SO mod to migrate, but i agree with mniip. it's kind of off topic
I used the word "Racing" in the title so...
You need a winning criterion for a programming puzzle or it will be removed
I lost the game
"Racing" ain't a winning criteria, sunshine
@Ilya_Gazman would make a criterion, but it's arguably subjective.
;) Well I had to try
But your puzzle is asking us to test/optimize your own code
Yeah, if anything, it's more fitting at CR than PCG
Q: Golf your favorite language

TheDoctorTask: Your challenge is to make a tool that will golf your favorite language. It will take input as a file or stdin, and make it as small as possible. The golfer can be created in any language, and it must be able to golf at least one language (polyglots are ok). Rules: Your program will take...

@TheDoctor unclear what you're asking
@TheDoctor I don't mind the code club, but I won't have much time to participate for a while with finals coming in about 9 weeks.
@Doorknob The winning criterion for the identicon challenge is
A: Golf your favorite language

xfixHQ9+ - Perl, 9 bytes y/HQ9//cd Sample input: # Increment accumulator nine times. +++++++++ # Say standard thing to say. H Sample output: H

@TheDoctor: Too easy.
@TheDoctor Yes, identicons like mine.
(but seriously, unclear what you're asking for)
@xfix This.
I can golf my golfer by making it golf less.
@TheDoctor ??? what is gate-golf? that tag is nonexistent. note to participants: please state what language/visualization tool you are using. if anyone else wants to enter plz comment. otherwise will accept winner tonite. thx much to respondents so far this went "BTE" better than expected! — vzn 20 mins ago
That spelling is so annoying.
@xfix that violates the rules
Edited it...
Voted for reopening...
@hosch250 do you have a Github?
Yes, not sure if I remember my password though.
If you want, i'll add you
Add me where?
@TheDoctor Popcon :(
Popcorn is better than Popcon
@TheDoctor Popularity Contest
@Ilya hey dude funny seeing you here ... did you see that high voted P=NP question.. right down your alley wink.. its what brought me here...
Mar 17 at 17:41, by Gareth
popularity-contest is the lazy question writers tag. Can't be bothered to write a tight spec? Popularity contest! Can't think of anything particularly challenging? Trivial task with a popularity-contest tag!
I agree
←recently got great turnout on luv it =)
Sure, you can add me.
Github username?
3 hours ago, by Doorknob
@vzn I've said this before, but could you please use capital letters and punctuation in your post? Reading an entire post that consists of two sentences and no capital letters, with & scattered all over the place, is extremely annoying and difficult. Could you at least spell out the word "and"?
13 yo hacker giving me lessons on grammar/punctuation?
got my toy apl to reduce!
there is no spelling errors
You just had a grammar error...
sic :p
And two punctuation errors...
zen question: if computers are smart enough to parse lower case, why not humans?!?
zen question: why do computer languages generally not require capitalization?
Will you stop Doing this???
The uppercase/lowercase distinction originally was a fancy font effect.
borrowing letters from a different script.
Yes, in a very real sense, effective use of capitalization is "syntax highlighting".
@vzn If you really want the basic words, learn Myanmarese (or whatever they call their language).
I hear they don't use any spaces.
What's going on here? Full house?
Q: What is the underscore actually doing in this Java code?

another ordinaryI just began to learn Java. My friend who is helping me study just sent me this and said 'figure this out'. Unfortunately I am unable to read this. It looks like Perl to me. class _{_ _;_(){_=this;}} What does it mean?

I don't know
wow lotza peeples
@#%& who reviewed that code?!? terrible
ooo. I should add underscore to my toy apl.
This is not nessecary, vzn
@ChrisJester-Young Are you there?
@vzn If someone asks you to stop using excessive emphasis in your chat message, it would be nice if you would do so
@OliverSalzburg Thanks.
I am trying to protect submissions to a challenge I am writing so that they can persist data to a file and others cant access that data
I thought about "include your username in the file name. You may not read or write to files including another user name"
But then some jerk will change his name to ".txt" and break my rules
How can I cleanly allow for persistent data and protect against tampering with other submissions data?
.txt? Pfft. su, now that's a name
Or even, init
Maybe require the file to be called [USERNAME].txt? .txt.txt is a valid filename.
@undergroundmonorail Good idea.
@Rusher Just wait until someone includes a slash in his username.
Or a colon if you are using Windows.
New name: /./../.././>@?>?>%^&>?>$??#>@?>#$%^.txt
Ugh... broken again then
I'm just going to invoke the Don't be a Jerk rule on this one
If a submission reads or destroys another submissions files, they lose.
A "nonstandard loophole that is no lonnger funny"
there was an xkcd pertinent to this. little billy tables;* DROP
I don't subscribe to the nonstandard loopholes page. It's an excuse to poorly define a challenge
@Rusher What about "Use Common Sense" to the Standard Loopholes?
What is common sense?
I like abusing tasks in ways that weren't abused like this before.
@luserdroog His name is actually Robert');DROP TABLE Students;--
@xfix Things like that filename issue above. It should be obvious to not break the environment.
I don't see an issue with this file name, as long you include it in name count.
His name is Robert');DROP TABLE Students;--
His name is Robert');DROP TABLE Students;--
His name is Robert');DROP TABLE Students;--
If you need file name like >@?>?>%^&>?>$??#>@?>#$%^.txt, and you cannot simply embed it in the source code, then I think you made a creative solution.
2 kinds of people: those for whom the above repetition alludes to Gertrude Stein; those for whom it refers to Fight Club.
Oh I know how to fix the problem. I just don't provide a spec at all. Like "You may neither read from nor modify another submissions's file."
Then it's up to you how you make your filename unique and I don't bear that burden.
I don't know how entering the text DROP TABLE in a table could delete the table - it ought to be just processed as text.
Some programmers are stupid, and don't use prepared SQL queries.
I don't know SQL, so I don't get it, and I probably wouldn't anyway as I am just recovering from the flu.
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE name = 'Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;
Get it now?
Prepared SQL queries do what you say, just process it as text. By default, though, SQL is stupid and interprets the input.
mysql_query("INSERT INTO student (name) VALUES ('$name');");
@undergroundmonorail: SQL is not stupid. The programmer is simply not using API with placeholder queries.
Sort of.
@xfix I think he meant SQL is "stupid" in that it it only does what it is told
whenever I read "undergroundmonorail", the Monorail song from the simpsons starts to play in my head.
But I don't know the words! Just that damned chorus in a loop. :(
@Rusher: What do you want? INTERCAL which requires the program to have reasonable number of PLEASE before commands?
@xfix Did I say I wanted something?
Well, programming language do what you want.
I want a donut.
Even if the request is just stupid.
It's not that programming language can guess what the user actually meant.
@xfix I was merely interpreting what undergroundmonorail said for you. I didn't mean to make a claim that programming languages should be able to read my mind.
I wonder if everybody's trying to watch The Clone Wars on Netflix all at once. That would explain why it keeps cutting out.
I wonder... is there some kind of 3D mouse you could operate with a magnet implant in your hand?
I remember some command interpreter for Xerox PARC.
It tried to guess what you mean.
You mean Smalltalk?
For example, let's assume you tried to remove backup files (ending with $) using DELETE *$. If it couldn't find any backup files, it assumed you typed $ by accident, and ran DELETE *.
So it would essentially wipe your drive?
Whoever did that probably felt bad.
Could you stop it?
It's not my story.
I just read about this.
I know, I was just wondering if it could be stopped.
Maybe if you cut power to the cpu right away.
They should have made the DELETE command exempt from the guessing.
@hosch250 I wasn't being 100% serious :P

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