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Dragonfly mission (drone to Titan) greenlighted!
2 hours later…
@lyxal Get golfed lol
Actually looking at yours now we have pretty much the same algorithm, my way of getting the length is just two bytes shorter
Also mine's longer vyncoded lol
skill issue
I can make yours 8.875 bytes
I like my ƒ thank you very much
3 hours later…
Gonna fill out my housing application for CMU tomorrow
Most of the options only have like 50-100 people each which is cool. There's only like one or two big dorms with over 100 first-years
@AidenChow What is wrong with them
they released it just as I was going to bed
@Bubbler yea pretty much
It’s craaaaazy
I can finally do challenges that ask for “output the nth number that satisfies so and so condition” and other problems that can’t be easily solved with a bounded loop
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer lolol unfortunate timing
2 hours later…
CMQ Fast addressing to array A[3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3][3] /* 20 dimensions */
Recommendations for an esolang that requires self-modification to be Turing complete?
2 hours later…
> DRAM latency = 65 ns = 195 cycles
And usual fetching 20D is 40cy, can 1/5 be omitted?
8 hours later…
@mousetail That is the idea behind Brian and Chuck; also, maybe Forte, although I'm not sure if "changing the definition of integers" counts as self-modifying
missed opportunity to name this "Jekyll and Hyde" or something of that sort :P
@mousetail Emental probably does
Or whatever it's called
I am convinced that college board's servers consist entirely of someone's laptop running Windows Vista lying under a dusty pile of papers
How is their website so slow
@RydwolfPrograms ikr i was doing ap classroom the other day, it took like 30s to load each problem
Every single time I try to log in it freezes up on the first attempt to I reload to try again and that erases the state so it dumps me on the homepage instead of AP classroom
Oh and then I just logged in and it did a popup asking if I want to go to the free score send page with no other option
Like 1. yes I do want to do that and 2. not right now
@RydwolfPrograms oh thats strange, it gave me an option to continue to ap classroom without sending free score
And I hit the back button and IT DID IT AGAIN
I literally had to do like you do with paywall popups and delete the modal element and the overflow: hidden styling on <body>
@RydwolfPrograms i think u have to click it once then it will give u option to continue on subsequent times, at least that’s what i did
Ah, maybe
There was an option labeled like "I'm not going to college or I don't want to send my score for free" but knowing College Board they'd be like "okay no more free option for you 😚"
new image uploader has been deployed to every non-SO site in the network :D
(except chat, of course)
and it comes with two new error pages
featuring a dog and a cat
@RydwolfPrograms i clicked that and they said i can change my mind later if i want
@Ginger Time to go post some answers
1 hour later…
Hey, hole pickers and maths fans! Yeah, you :)
Is there anyone in here with a decent knowledge of set cover? I am not 100% sure what constitutes proof that a problem is isomorphic to a set cover problem, care to take a look at https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/272763/53748 ?
Any feedback? I'm not sure about the "multiset" phrasing
@Ginger it's a horrifying concept that they'll be adding it to chat
Because that means they'll have to actually change the chat code :p

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