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22 messages moved to Attache
annoyingly, chat still says there are 20+ messages, when in fact there were just two
@Neil That's a known chat bug - hard refresh the page
@quartata 0/10, the blocks aren't even square
3 hours later…
Q: Golf a Solubility Chart

soktinpkGiven the name of a cation and anion, output "S" (soluble) or "I" (insoluble). The table we will be using is from wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solubility_chart. It is copied at the end of the question for future reference. Input: The cation, followed by the anion, separated by a spac...

3 hours later…
Q: Calculate the sum of the first n prime numbers

xanoetuxI'm surprised that this challenge isn't already here, as it's so obvious. (Or I'm surprised I couldn't find it and anybody will mark it as a duplicate.) Task Given a non-negative integer \$n\$, calculate the sum of the first \$n\$ primes and output it. Example #1 For \$n = 5\$, the first fiv...

3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tshJust like the BSOD Write a program (or a function), which will display a full screen blue background with some optional white texts. Input No input. Output Output a full screen blue background with some optional white texts. Output must be displayed on the monitor. Not to a file or other w...

the code golf site looks so bad now :(
it really discourages me from even visiting in a way
@orlp how so?
the bar on the left mostly
funny how they said it's responsive. It's definitely worse than it used to be
@Downgoat The userscript no longer displays the leaderboard.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OMᗺMost Turing-incomplete Instruction Set Tags: code-challenge, language-design This challenge expects you to define an instruction set \$I = \{ \texttt{instr}_1 \dots \texttt{instr}_n \}\$ which is provably Turing complete. The catch is that any subset \$I'\$ that is proper (ie. \$I' \neq I\$) ...

A: "Hello, World!"

Taylor ScottPikachu, 1562 bytes So simple even Pikachu can do it! pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu pi pika pi pika pikachu pi pika pika pikachu pi pika pi pi pika pi pi pika pi pikachu pi pikachu pi pikachu pikachu pikachu pi pikachu pika pi pika pi pi pikachu pi pikachu pi pi pikachu pi pika pi...

I've not really worked with stack based languages before and I am certain that this is a suboptimal solution - if any of y'all see a better way to solve this, please let me know - cheers
What the heck SE?
For some reason reputation changes don't show up in the Achievements menu...
Report it on the stock theme rollout meta page
I am not sure if it is even remotely related to that. It works fine for changes from yesterday, for example.
it may not be - definitley should be put on the meta though
Q: Reputation on SuperUser not appearing in Rep. Notification Queue - yet it is given silently

RobI answered a question on SuperUser and while on other sites I did not get a 'Reputation Notification' to explain that I was given 2 UpVotes for my answer - yet if I manually check my Profile here at meta.SE my total Reputation is in agreement with the amount there. I'm not knowledge about the in...

It's already been reported apparently
They haven't fixed it in 5 hours :C
That's what I call a real hype :P
Really worth it to sticky it in the feature posts
Page not found = Code of conduct not found = anarchy and anything goes. starts chainsaw
A: Link to code of conduct broken?

Tim PostThere was an error scheduling the blog post. Somehow (we're looking into it), the time zone that the post scheduler used was flipped, so what was supposed to go out at 1PM EDT actually went out much sooner. We've un-published the post until the actual routes go live, at which time the post sche...

I think I'm going to go out rn and buy an actual pie b/c why not
Q: Symmetric Numbers

Whalalalalalala CHenwrite a function to tell if a number is symmetric or not. for example: input: 151 output: True input: 142 output: False and so on: 1111 True, 2390 False, 1226221 True

@orlp It can be hidden. Then you can use the button or keyboard shortcut.
Sorry for bumping like a million questions >.>
I found a bunch of links that can be changed to HTTPS.
I'm done now.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Define X as non-empty non-self-contain array of X and "1". Split an X into smallest amount of continuous parts Y, length of each of Y don't exceed n, so that each X is either part of a Y, or exactly some Ys. It's fine if output only express which part has how many 1's. Samples: [1,[1,1,1]],3 =>...

they must have fixed that rep reporting bug, my rep just reportedly jumped by 50
@Pavel strawberry rhubarb
@quartata I was boring and just got apple
That's kind of ironic
Getting *Apple* pie to celebrate a new version of Android
@Mr.Xcoder ah shit
Mmm, pie
And now I'm hungry for some pie
I'm always hungry for pie
I feel like something's wrong on the second line here:
user image
@Pavel whatever you do, don't click the middle one. Microsoft might explode
@J.Sallé This survey is complete BS by the way. It's like 50 lines of random adjectives
What do all of these even mean
That's not even half the page that's just what fits in my viewport
How do I assess how secure the Visual Studio UI is
@Pavel totally looks like one of them buzzfeed quizes
Also I have to fill out the entire survey since I work at MS
> On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend Visual Studio's UI to a friend or colleague?
@Mr.Xcoder @Downgoat made pr
Not how likely are you to recommend Visual Studio, how likely are you to recommend it's UI
@Pavel ¯1
Although, since it's the UI and not the software itself, I wouldn't be able to tell anyway
First thing I do to every IDE I use is to customize the UI asap
VS doesn't really allow you to do much in that respect
You can change the color scheme from light to dark
No custom color themes?
Also you can add more UI elements with extensions but you can't really move existing ones around
@J.Sallé Nah, but tbh the VS dark theme looks nice anyway
You can set the editor font but not the UI font
@Pavel I see. I really like the Recogneyes color scheme, I use it everywhere
@Downgoat why do you have a button gradient?
@J.Sallé I mean you can change the individual colors for syntax highlighting with extensions
@Cowsquack easier to do gradient than find good solid color combo
@Downgoat Yeah but your gradiant is bad
Can you reuse the colors from tags?
@Pavel ;_;
@Pavel tags meaning like the ones on questions?
simply the colour you used seems good on its own, #25b666
The gradiant just doesn't fit in with the rest of the site
It doesn't look bad by itself but it stands out and feels kinda "fake".
the contrast is reduced noticeably in the lighter part of the gradient
ok fixed in 4.0.9
TY :3
Ooh, and favicon finally works
@Downgoat Uh, I think you unmerged the leaderboard fix or something?
github.com/vihanb/PPCG-Design/commit/… shows the line that got modifed being deleted
@Pavel yeah that's supposed to happne
that line put the PPCG logo that was for legacy format
Oh hey new code of conduct launched for real
@Cowsquack @Downgoat Thanks!
The page buttons are in the stock blue theme and should probably be green:
> No subtle put-downs or unfriendly language. Even if you don’t intend it, this can have a negative impact on others.
RIP all SO people with >10K rep
@Pavel oh heck
@Downgoat flags as subtle put-down
> Join us in building a kind, collaborative learning community via our updated Code of Conduct
As if we needed another message that detracts from the purpose of our site (yeah, I know the banner goes away as soon as you want it to, but still)
@AdmBorkBork :|
@Mr.Xcoder learning isn't exactly tangential to this site...
I've learned a lot here.
The Our Expectations box has such a particularly pale color that I can barely distinguish it from the background
can someone link me to the code of conduct I lost it
thank you
What's different about it?
@BetaDecay Well the old one was literally just Be nice.
Oh haha
But is there a need for such a detailed code of conduct?
Telling someone to "just google it" is explicitely banned
I'd say that's useful
I'm sure SO was no small offender to this revised code
@Pavel did you at least put cheese on it
@quartata Who the fuck puts cheese on pie
Oh, apple and sharp cheddar is great
I mean, cream cheese I guess would work
Like a danish
@Pavel Tommy Lee Jones in MIB3
@Pavel me
watch yo mouth
@AdmBorkBork thank
I bet you put pineapple on pizza, too
cheddar on pie is a well-established flavor combo
I have literally never seen that before in my life
i just dont think you eat enough pie then, sorry
Unless you mean like, a meat pie. I've seen cheese on those.
But I don't think that counts as an actual pie
those are real pies
but no
i mean on an apple pie
Give it a go; you might like it.
Meat pies are delicious but IMO a true pie is a dessert
What's the best flavor of pie and why is it sour cream and raisin?
about 2 trillion people deluding themselves into thinking England is a real country would like a word with you
@AdmBorkBork I've never had that before but I already agree with you
That sounds great
ive decided that in exchange for all the Shit they get, the british should at least get the right to define all pies
just a bare minimum. a pitiful bone tossed.
I think the "traditional" idea of apple pie is german
all the meat pies were assembled by the Queen
and the Jack
not to be confused with @jack
@AdmBorkBork I was raised in the southern US, so I have a special place in my heart for pecan pie
My mom considers a Charlotte to be a valid apple pie
Oh yeah, pecan is good, too
I can't eat pecans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
why cant you eat pecans
never seen a nut allergy like that actually
seen walnut allergies
Uh, I think it's all tree nuts
I'm not actually too sure I just avoid anything with "nut" in the name just to be safe
are almonds OK?
I haven't tried
Almonds are tree nuts
I know but sometimes it's only certain trees
was just curious
I don't eat peanuts either. Not because of allergies but because I don't like them.
I was confused because I thought you specifically were allergic to just pecans
anyways, bummer
Yeah, bummer, because nuts are delicious
I ate a spoonfull of nutella once and it was delicious for a few seconds but then the swelling didn't go down for a whole day
Oh dear
@Pavel yikes
hazelnuts show up in a lot of chocolate these days so that's probably a nuisance
It's not that bad. It's fine in small quantities, I won't die or anything
Chocolate with hazelnuts is the best chocolate, naturally
@Mego challenge idea: nice or snarky?
@EriktheOutgolfer snarky
@Adám um, I don't get that joke, Mego just recently had a couple of ideas, so why not add one more? ;)
@EriktheOutgolfer I was jokingly suggesting that your idea was snarky.
@Adám lol I was referring to this (and the ensuing discussion‌​)
@EriktheOutgolfer I know.
@BetaDecay you should make a challenge out of the question you posted on the Board Games SE
CMC: Output A000581, starting with 9.
@ConorO'Brien Jelly, 9 bytes: _8Ḷ¤P÷8!¤
@ConorO'Brien APL, 6 bytes (8∘!9∘+ if you want f 0 to be 9)
lol you don't need the first
@ConorO'Brien JS, 33 bytes: n=>eval('++n*'.repeat(8)+1)/40320
(btw, there's also a 2-byte Jelly solution, c8, but that's boring)
@ConorO'Brien 29-byte recursive version: f=(n,k=8)=>k?++n*f(n,k-1)/k:1
@J.Sallé That's exactly what I was planning to do ;)
@LuisMendo better stay inside =P
@ConorO'Brien Catholicon, 13 bytes: /ȯA+9H*ȯ8ȯ-B8
@Okx Never noticed that language before.
@dzaima Likewise, RAD, 5 bytes: 8!8+⍵
@ConorO'Brien 05AB1E, 7 (there's also 8c)
@Zacharý Does RAD have tacit?
Yes, one could have just done 8!8+⊢.
Uses the fact that $\prod_{k=0}^7 (N-k)=\frac{N!}{(N-k-1)!}$
I think I will end up posting a 500 bounty for an answer in SMBF for this question. If someone wants to work together on a solution, I have some ideas, and I have some roadblocks.
W W is lost in his language, Lost
Wait ... wasn't his username just WW (without a space) at one point?
that's how you @-ping them
I'm probably just remembering incorrectly
Does anyone else get a redirection error for i.sstatic.net/49CEI.png ?
I can confirm it happens on Safari mobile
imgur seems completely broken, some of the avatars here in chat are just the names
Using firefox
do those errors have to do with "ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE" or similar?
Same for me, I can only see wastl's and Zachary's icons. Mine, Pavel's, Erik's, mbomb's, Adam's etc. don't show up for me
Now it works for me
restarted Safari?
No... The icons do show up but imgur still has redirect issues. It can't be just me, it just happend to wastl on firefox too
I see Mr.X, Erik, Pavel, Zach, and from dzaima upwards. Arnauld, flawr, wastl are missing
Yeah ^ that is happening here as well
it happens way too often for me on Chrome, with SSL errors
but not atm
It has never happened to me before
Reloading the page caused almost all images to go away. Only Zach, Okx, dzaima, Conor, Mego remain. All userscript images are gone.
ctrl+f5, images still show up
no redirection errors when opening on new tab either
These are at gravatar
no, i.stack.imgur.com
@wastl oh, you weren't replying to me
No, e.g. Zach is at gravatar, dzaima is at googleusercontent.com
Those that still work are not at i.stack.imgur.com
looks like I'm experiencing different errors with SSL then, there's no solution for me
If I try wget, it always redirects to itself
The main site seems not to be affected so far.
This is very odd. I checked other SE chatrooms and there were no issues
@mbomb007 oh boy, that must be really hard
but, if JoKing killed the titan, and QfT disproved the unexpected, we should be able to write up an answer to that!
@mbomb007 I tried it a bit earlier today. I'd be happy to collaborate
@Zacharý WW alone isn't a valid username.
@WW wait. what
@EriktheOutgolfer titan?
@ASCII-only It's only 2 characters usernames must be 3
@ASCII-only titan = answering in Lost on a challenge
@WW huh, TIL
@EriktheOutgolfer The real titan is this in Lost.
nah, not gonna risk that, I might get lost in the process and then nobody would be able to find me
@WW O_o it only has one answer rn
and that answer is outsourced
All images there are gone for me and all icons in chat are so too
most are gone for me. I see mego's, aditsu's, mine, orlps, aa few others
working for me
I only see Mego's and Beta's, and in chat I only see Conor's icon
I like the name for profile image.
It's got a funny look to it.
mine is hosted with google
@ASCII-only is the ad showing for you or users icons? have you refreshed/cleared cache?
Someone please report it on our meta... I am on mobile
@Mr.Xcoder there's already an SE meta post
To everyone who has broken imgur what is the A dns record u are getting?
how do i see that?
it pings d1ckyhj6wj0d9i.cloudfront.net []
huh ok
nslookup -type=A  i.stack.imgur.com
it also says the response is "untrustworthy" lol

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