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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Imagine if someone's first name was Lorem though...
@Dennis Those are not pronounced the same, even though they're spelled the same. Stupid English.
@Zacharý I know several Lorens ... close enough?
@AdmBorkBork AI AI, CAPTEIN :P
No. Loren is a common enough name to not be autocorrected.
@AdmBorkBork They're not even spelled the same, Aye aye, Captain!
Ia ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
I want to comment on a 10% speedup on Arnauld's post but the code is so long it won't fit :-(
URL shortener?
any preference?
char limit is like 500
Use Jelly's text compression to compress it, then link to TIO ;-)
that would make it longer... ;-) ;-)
seriously, Jelly's compression is only good for English
Probably the best compression algorithm if you ignore speed
Oh jeez... I get back and check... what have I started
The topic ... meandered ... some.
I fully expect to see all of PPCG at top 10... lol
probably not...
If you hack together IO in Bash you could write all the logic in Brainfuck
yeah, unfortunately brainfuck doesn't have internet commands
@Pavel actually thats SHA256
@quartata That's Many-To-One though
include the length of the message
then you cut down the search space
patented technique, very good
@Pavel that just means its lossy
100%, but only sometimes
Well if we're compressing code it needs ot be lossless
100% lossy compression is best compression
Lossy compression of code doesn't just make the code quality slightly worse, it just makes it not work anymore
Everything is 0 bytes
I think hacking together Io would include the internet commands
That would be a sight to see
Actually Brain-flak would probably be more PPCG
Or GoL
@Pavel no
have you seen piet
But with GoL you can't just pipe the output into bash or something
CMC: What is the longest word you can come up with that alternates between vowels and consonants? The longest I've found it [[[Topological]]] at 11.
@Pavel Wait, I missed context. What?
challenge in PPCG hmm
that would be a fun game
one person gives a (simple) regex
humans have to give the longest matching dictionary word they know
no robots allowed
@Quintec yeah, that's Puzzling stuff
@PostLeftGarfHunter phonemes or letters?
@quartata .* go
@quartata This one is not quite a regex since y can act as either and it is not determinable easily.
@ngn Leters, phonemes are just something linguiss made up to keep their jobs.
@PostLeftGarfHunter :) is "y" a vowel or a consonant?
@PostLeftGarfHunter I suspect some form of honor could be long, honorific, honorifical, ...?
@ngn Whichever it is pronounced as.
This is harder than I thought it would be.
plot twist: WW did use a computer
@PostLeftGarfHunter no semivowels allowed
@Quintec this is fair, its just pretty easy
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes unfortunately I did, TNB still doesn't allow me to mail in my messages.
no protein names allowed
The longest I've come up with is repetitive
But that's only 10
@PostLeftGarfHunter lol
Here's another 11 '"'Homogenizes"".
Oh, repetitively is 12
honorifical happens to also be 11
although that has a y
@AdmBorkBork Nice, that's a new record.
Homogenizates is a word or no
@EriktheOutgolfer Right, but the y is pronounced like a vowel, here
if the vowels are aeiouy then that's valid
or if y is a whatever
Y is a vowle in this context
@DJMcMayhem halite.io, you can make a bot in any language
It shouldn't matter there is not going to be a case of vowel y vowel where y is a vowel or consonant y consonat where y is a constonat
/me sorts /usr/share/dict/words by length
i couldn't resist, i grepped
you're both out... :P
@Pavel And you're saying it should be in bflak?
@DJMcMayhem Well someone said they would do Jelly I think
@Pavel New CMC whats the longest word I've heard of that alternates.
@DJMcMayhem All my rep if you can get top 100 with Bflak :P
@Pavel Oh, I didn't think about the -itis words, that's a good ending to use.
TIL: "bounty" means "do"
@PostLeftGarfHunter One sec filtering all the words with hyphens, which I forgot to do the first time
@DJMcMayhem I'd be down to work on a Brain-Flak bot. I'd like to have someother people working though so I don't go insane
Here's my script btw, open to improvements:
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Modern::Perl '2019';

my @words = ();

while (<>) {
	next unless $_ =~ /^[^aeiou]?([aeiou][^aeiou])+[aeiou]?$/i and not $_ =~ /-/;
	@words = (@words, $_)

print for (sort { length $b <=> length $a } @words)
@Pavel When I was first thinking of this problem I notiched that "homotopy type ''alternates but it's two words
@PostLeftGarfHunter Same, but the unfortunate thing is that we could work on that for hours and hours and build up a massive framework to make it slightly easier, add one thing and then all the sudden the entire thing is completely broken
@DJMcMayhem Why? I haven't looked at the challenge two carefullly
@PostLeftGarfHunter not sure if that's allowed...
Cause that's how brain-flak always is, it's just you notice it less with small-ish tasks. With a large task, you accidentally zero something? Leave an extra 1 somewhere? it all blows up
Oh is collaboration illegal?
@PostLeftGarfHunter Here's the longest 200 words: paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/4-jF3d38BgB1JvbXoMaHCw
@DJMcMayhem If we actually comment though ...
it does say code must be your own, pretty sure
Collaboration is allowed
That's why there are teams
I haven't looked through too much but "municipalized" doesn't seem too uncommon
but then who is the leader
@Pavel adenolipomatosis
overimaginative is the longest I've know've
@PostLeftGarfHunter -ly
Well there you go
bonus: politico-economical only if the dash counts as a consonant
which was funny because "economical" was the first thing i thought of before i decided to cheat
@quartata My dict has that but hepatoperitonitis is longer
@PostLeftGarfHunter What is the longest brain-flak you've ever handwritten?
Hm. There was something I was writing a while ago that was pretty long
Probably this actually:
A: Fastest Mini-Flak Quine

Post Left Garf Hunter128,673,515 cycles Try it online Explanation The reason that Miniflak quines are destined to be slow is Miniflak's lack of random access. To get around this I create a block of code that takes in a number and returns a datum. Each datum represents a single character like before and the main ...

91,000 bytes
How many cycles is your short but slow mini-flak quine?
A: Golf you a quine for great good!

Post Left Garf HunterMini-Flak, 6900 bytes Mini-flak is a Turing complete subset of Brain-Flak. It works exactly like Brain-Flak except the [], <> and <...> operations are banned from use. Programming in Min-Flak is thus much more difficult than traditional Brain-Flak. The main difficulty with Mini-Flak is the la...

6,900 looks like
What? No, not bytes, cycles.
A lot. Like more than the lifetime of the universe.
I'd be hard to calculate exactly
Remmeber that time you wrote a miniflak quine that was shorter than your brainflak quine
Yeah that was the one.
We could try a genetic brain-flak bot
Or better yet we could build a neural net in Brain-Flak
We'd probably train the net in some sane language or an abstraction. but we could encode it back into Brain-Flak
@Zacharý A dozen and a quarter by my last count, not counting Brainflump
No, it it is in a esoteric language... We must pay tribute to Dennis and do it in Jelly.
*if it is
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly, 5 bytes D²S_@
Can someone link to the room for Halite again?
@Pavel JELLY.
yeah we discussed Jelly pretty extensively already
NVM, I found it
@Pavel overimaginative really is the most normal one
@PostLeftGarfHunter I take it we can't answer in Japanese?
Q: Conjugation in Real Life

lirtosiastIn @Adám's Dyalog APL Extended, the ⍢ (under) operator means conjugation: apply one function, then a second function, then the inverse of the first. It's fun to think of real-life actions in terms of conjugation: A problem is transformed by g into another domain where it more readily solve...

@dzaima there. also oh god it's a week later now
@lirtosiast uh... why did you delete it?
@dzaima lmao "public things are good" me when i'm too lazy to write getters and setters
@Neil Ah, so it was you. :) The edit appeared under "anonymous user".
well... he could have used e.g. bit.ly :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lirtosiastNumber of Unit Squares Intersecting a Circle [WIP] This is https://oeis.org/A234300. Input A positive integer n (or nonnegative for zero-indexed). Output Either the \$n\$th term of the sequence, or the first \$n\$ terms. You may index from \$n=0\$ or \$n=1\$. Need: drawings of example circl...

@EriktheOutgolfer I joined TNB for this exact reason. I was wondering too...
yeah... and my Python solution is almost finished
well... the skeleton only, not the aftergolf
I stopped at a=>. :p
@EriktheOutgolfer @Arnauld I had originally intended for there to only be one inverse in the input, but your comment made me doubt the challenge as it was
@lirtosiast Oops. My bad. :(
dunno what the comment said, but the challenge is very good
it's not your fault
what do you think is wrong?
Worried about it being too easy
My comment was: "should A / B / C / unB / unA produce C under B under A?"
yeah, the answer there is "that can't be an input" :P
I think I'll undelete and keep it that way
Then I realized that and deleted the comment. And then the challenge vanished. :)
It's back, sorry for the inconvenience
Now to get back to trawling OEIS for challenge ideas
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lirtosiastSums of Bessel Polynomial Coefficients [WIP] This is https://oeis.org/A001515. Interesting alternate characterizations include: Equivalently, number of sequences of n unlabeled items such that each item occurs just once or twice (cf. A105749). - David Applegate, Dec 08 2008 Numerator o...

Do we have a functional square root question?
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