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Java reflection doesn't let you modify private fields, either.
yes but I think that's because you override the integer cache spot that stores the value of 4 and modify it to 5
Python 3.4.3 (default, Nov 17 2016, 01:08:31)
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> class DefinitelyAnInt(int):
...     pass
>>> DefinitelyAnInt.__add__ = DefinitelyAnInt.__mul__
>>> DefinitelyAnInt(6) + DefinitelyAnInt(7)
It throws IllegalAccessException
You can in C# tho
there :P
@Phoenix I thought you can deprivatize the field
I would be amazed if someone did it in brain-flak
^^^ is example 1 out of 700 why Java reflection is terrible
@DJMcMayhem I would be amazed if anyone did anything in brain-flak
Pretty sure it could be done in Jelly
*anything useful
@BusinessCat sure, just modify the +
@BusinessCat Anything that python can do jelly can do :P
But I don't know enough about how the interpreter is set up to actually write it
@Christopher but python can't do it
@Christopher it's probably easier in Jelly
brb doing that
@totallyhuman you broke it all
Use python to redefine + as Leaky said
@Christopher Hmph. I've done some useful stuffs
@DJMcMayhem Did you write Windows 8?
Oh wait nvm windows 8 is not useful
But I don't know if you can call anything on PPCG useful so...
@DJMcMayhem I mean I am here
i think that would work
Well technically this is more accurate
@LeakyNun What does ; do?
but who gives a damn about accuracy in ppcg? o0
but the eval becomes None
@Phoenix I don't know why it doesn't work without it
so it doesn't matter
@LeakyNun I tried using no separator and using ð but neither worked.
wait + isn't overloaded to add and concatenate?
@totallyhuman yes but the latter is a side effect
you're supposed to use ; for concatenate
>>> “abcd”+“efgh”
<<< aebfcgdh
cartesian sum?
because strings are just lists of characters
Jelly doesn't have strings
Because it adds corresponding elements
it's a side effect.
it's an unintended feature.
It just so happens that + works with strings
Yeah in jelly everything is a bool
stop using it.
so it is cartesian sum
@Christopher that's boolfuck
>>> [1,2,3]+[4,5,6]
<<< [5, 7, 9]
so yes, vectorizing sum
@totallyhuman the internal representation is ["a","b","c","d"]+["e","f","g","h"]
@totallyhuman Wait you join here after me then pass me in rep and then insult my esolang knowledge... Sheesh young people these days
becomes ["ae","bf","cg","dh"]
which is very messy
@Christopher how much older are you? :P
@totallyhuman How old are you?
>>> “abcd”+“efgh”L
<<< 4
no :P
that's not allowed and my account'd be deleted
your account was a weird case :P
yes it was xD
Well several of us knows each others name
I was like literally almost 15
i'm 14 turning 15 in a few weeks
@HyperNeutrino wait wat?
@totallyhuman Ha punk
at the time
I'm already 15 now lol
Bad hyper
but there was misconception
I'm turning 16 on Tuesday
You guys are all young
I am the oldest XD
I'll have to actually learn to drive ;-;
@Christopher No. You aren't.
I'm probably the oldest...
@Christopher Definitely not
Out of who's talking now
@BusinessCat How old are you?
I was the oldest out of those in the conversation
@BusinessCat Ya got me there
@DJMcMayhem You are wat 20?
i'm pretty sure we have people over 21...
Dennis is married.
@totallyhuman Not talking atm though
lol k so totallyhuman is 15- dj is 19 chris is ? phoenix is 16- I am 15
I'm 24
I am not 16 yet
Just to chime in
@Christopher I'm am the oldest person who just sent this message right now
@Phoenix Dennis has a child iirc
@Phoenix "married" is not a number
@Christopher yes and she's around 4-5 by now probably
@Phoenix are you here?
It implies significantly over 21
Or that would be weird.
@Phoenix Not really
@Phoenix 16 -
@HyperNeutrino She? Kinda cool
I know many people married at 19
Python 3.4.3 (default, Nov 17 2016, 01:08:31)
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> dennis is married
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'dennis' is not defined
Well, what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think I'm the youngest in the room now :(
Well TBF that's still unusual
@Mr.Xcoder 10?
@Phoenix R, 68 bytes: function(a)a[a==sapply(1:length(a),function(i)max(c(0,a,0)[i+0:2]))] tio.run/##K/qfpmCj@z@tNC@5JDM/…
It just isn't necessary to be significantly over 21 to be married
@Phoenix would you post it to main?
@Christopher My account would get deleted, no
@LeakyNun Sure
@Christopher what is with your first guess being 10
Does "Extract Local Maximums" sound good?
@totallyhuman Well I mean counting in base 12 so...
@Christopher 12 is still too young for SE
I guess that would make me 0x13 years old
I am 0xf years old :P
@Phoenix sure
Only one year until my hexadecimal age is no longer 1 digit :(
@LeakyNun If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
0xe then
@DJMcMayhem 1999/06/07, 18 years old and a month and 8 days
@DJMcMayhem Shrug
I'm 12 years old in base 12.
that was very specific
yay leaky nun is now officially an adult :D
I always thought you were older than me
unless the standard is different where you live
@HyperNeutrino yes I'm an adult
wait SE has age restrictions that actually get people banned?
@Poke yes
pshh standards who needs those
@Poke Yep
i thought everyone just lied about their age on the internet
@Poke It's because it's illegal to store information from people < 13 in the US because of COPA
@LeakyNun ok. i was thinking more so like you had already been an adult for longer than 1.whatever months
@DJMcMayhem you?
@Poke POLITIFACT says: mostly true
@HyperNeutrino yes I have
oh ok
@LeakyNun I'll be 20 in November.
yeah but who is actually divulging that they're <13
what's the threshold?
@DJMcMayhem I see
that seems silly
@Poke me on chat that's why i got deleted
(except I was talking in past tense ><)
CMC: Write the shortest program that prints your Stack Exchange password /s
My girlfriend just turned 20. That was kinda weird
The girlfriend part?
@musicman523 <insert look of disapproval>
@musicman523 Pyth, 4 bytes: 1234
@musicman523 print 'hunter2'
@musicman523 print('[REDACTED]')
@musicman523 7'**
@Phoenix rip
@totallyhuman All I see is print '*******'
@musicman523 ಠ_ಠ
@musicman523 print("your Stack Exchange password")
@musicman523 Python: print('your Stack Exchange password')
wait I just realized that my screen has a polarization cover on it
@Christopher What?
@LeakyNun It's not the same thing, just similar.
@HyperNeutrino took you a while..?
I might post anyway and see what the community decides.
@DJMcMayhem As in having a girlfriend is kinda weird XD
because I usually don't use the not child computer section in the library
@HyperNeutrino heuheu
@Christopher Are you saying it is or asking me if it is? :P
the threshold for adult is 14
@HyperNeutrino hehehe may want to clarify
@Phoenix because of how the first and the last elements are treated?
@HyperNeutrino not in the terms you're speaking o0
I mean for the library card to be accepted on this computer
@DJMcMayhem It was a joke. Saying it was weird that you had a GF
@LeakyNun Because it also consideres values lower than both adjacent.
@Phoenix right
Extremes, not just maxima.
ok fine go ahead and star that so everyone thinks I'm an idiot
RIP HyperNeutrino out of context stars
> extrememes
@Phoenix extreme memes?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mr. XcoderHow fast does the ball hit the cushion? Background Consider you have two (unconventional) pool tables without pockets, that both have the same width, but different lengths. You and your friend launch two balls from the corresponding cushions of both the tables, under the same angle Ω (relative ...

or if you're the person who made the music my school used
"stars wars"
@NewSandboxedPosts Feedback?
how tricky would it be to parse the formulae on oeis
8 stars moved to Trash
bu-but... ok ;-;
@DJMcMayhem Oh, you can customise the text of n messages moved to Trash?!
@DJMcMayhem I'm really tempted to star that because of the edited trash name but at the same time I feel like that's not a good idea under this situation
@Mr.Xcoder editing
No, you can just edit them
@Mr.Xcoder it's just any other message
It posts a message on my behalf, so I can edit/delete for 2 minutes
Got it. Thanks.
dear lord all of you got ninja'd
Actually, I'm not sure if I can delete
@totallyhuman Which ones?
wait so you can trash something and then delete it so nobody knows where it went :o
@PeterTaylor All of them...
@HyperNeutrino Maybe, I'm not really sure. I could test it though
or at least try on most of them
@HyperNeutrino let's begin with your message ;)
I can go test on a room. I have to go visit that room now anyway.
1 message moved to Sandbox
@Mr.Xcoder Ugh. People don't always follow the style guide, then there are formulae which aren't valid for the first one or two terms, there are cross-references to other sequences, ...
@DJMcMayhem dangit
To pick a random sequence, A060654: a(n) = gcd(n, lcm(dd(n))), where dd(n) is the first difference of divisors (ordered by size)
@PeterTaylor so basically you're saying that just don't even try
> max(NA,4,2)
[1] NA
> min(NA,4,2)
[1] NA
You'd be better off trying to parse the Mathematica programs
so NA is both smaller and bigger than other numbers
:c i wanted to make my library infinitely better
@totallyhuman You could just have it pull from the b-files
@DJMcMayhem but you can move your move message to create an infinite tunnel
@WheatWizard yes that's what i'm doing rn
but even those have limits
@LeakyNun Nope
CMC: Get the sum of all positive integers up to a positive integer n, without using the Gauss sum, n(n+1)/2
@DJMcMayhem ?
@Mr.Xcoder it's n+1...
Any built-ins are forbidden
@Mr.Xcoder unobservable requirement
Just a minute
@Mr.Xcoder Brain-Flak ({({}[()])}{})
@Mr.Xcoder ),1b (CJam)
@LeakyNun typo
@Mr.Xcoder any builtin?
Anyone here play Dota2?
@totallyhuman Yes any
@Mr.Xcoder wrong ping?
@LeakyNun Yes
well then i can't do anything in any language
R function(n)sum(1:n)
sum is a built-in I think
@Mr.Xcoder it isn't a built-in that solves your problem
R function(n){s<-0;for(i in 1:n)s<-s+i;s}
@LeakyNun Better
R f=function(n)if(n)n+f(n-1)else 0
Anyone willing to post an easy CMC (time for Pyth)?
@Mr.Xcoder Including n or not?
@musicman523 Yes, including n.
@Mr.Xcoder solve your own challenge
@Mr.Xcoder lambda s:sum(range(n+1))
@musicman523 sum and range are built-ins
oh I just saw the built ins forbidden message
@LeakyNun Ok, but please outgolf me after I finish.
@Mr.Xcoder sure
dunno how to do either of them
@LeakyNun Outgolf me (without using built-ins): VQ=+ZhN;Z
@Mr.Xcoder but what exactly are built-ins?
=+ is not, but things like sum are. Loops and map are not built-ins.
@Mr.Xcoder is + a built-in?
can you define built-in?
@LeakyNun These are the problems I have with banning "built-ins"
@LeakyNun No.
@Mr.Xcoder VTC unclear
Ok, forget that rule.
just don't even try to ban builtins and let the community decide
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 5 bytes: ẋµJ+/
@Mr.Xcoder .U+bZS
@HyperNeutrino curses i should've tried jelly
assuming I'm allowed to do generate range of the same length as input list
and reduce by addition
without the builtin restriction it's literally just RS (unless there's a builtin)
@LeakyNun Without banning built-ins, I can do it in two bytes: sS
@Mr.Xcoder good
RS- goddammit ninja'd
@LeakyNun Good enough? I mean, is there a one-byte built-in?
@Mr.Xcoder of course there isn't
,,, in a few minutes, 2 bytes: r#
Ok, I forgot Pyth is not Mathematica
lol no builtin for sum yet
@Mr.Xcoder you have an excellent memory
@HyperNeutrino I know
@HyperNeutrino which lang?
or no builtin for range?
oh it has sum
it doesn't have range
@LeakyNun posted
@Phoenix Wow.
@Phoenix upvoted before you said it
I'm thinking about writing a point-free golfing language
it's just so much effort
dammit there's no sum in positron
Q: Extract Local Maxima

PhoenixGiven an array of positive integers, output an array of all the elements that are greater than or equal to the two adjacent ones. The first and last element of the array are special cases, and must be greater than their one adjacent element. You may assume that the array contains at least two el...

@HyperNeutrino what do you have in positron?
i wanna make a practical language as well except everything i think of is pythonic
'cause i like python
@HyperNeutrino your code literally has no whitespace
(there's also no and operator... um...)
@LeakyNun When I try it, it doesn't give an error or anything, it just silently fails and the messages stay in the same spot.
@DJMcMayhem alright
@HyperNeutrino since a only takes a single argument, do you need to parenthesize $1-1?
Otherwise it would (a@$1)-1
I think
phoenix is right
mm ok
makes sense
if @ had lower precedence than - then bad things would happen
because then it would do return ($1 + a) @ ($1 - 1)
(since + and - have to have the same precedence)
@musicman523 foo, 9 bytes: "hunter2"
@Riker i already made that joke :P
Is `hunter2' a reference to something?
Done it in Python :)
@Phoenix bash around the bash
@totallyhuman aw damnit
@Phoenix yes
@LeakyNun Where's the Jelly and R answers? You already wrote them.
@Phoenix I don't want to feel like cheating
Anyone help golfing this?
A: Extract Local Maxima

Mr. XcoderPython 3, 84 bytes lambda l,k=[0]:[l[i]for i in range(len(l))if l[i]>=(k+l+k)[i]and l[i]>=(k+l+k)[i+2]] Try it online!

@Mr.Xcoder enumerate might be shorter
Hmm, doing it now.
also recursion might be shorter too
@totallyhuman I don't like recursion xD
me neither lol
but that's how everybody out-golfs me
@LeakyNun Thanks
recursion is the best thing about python golfing
Recursion is awesome once you fully grasp how to use it
Thats why I really like golfing in Haskell.
:o I got an answer to snowball koth
A: Snowball Fight KoTH!

Solomon UckoDefender, Python Reloads when neither player has snowballs. If it has snowballs, it throws. If it doesn't have snowballs, but the opponent does, it ducks if it can, otherwise reloads. def get_move(turn, snowballs, opponent_snowballs, ducks, opponent_ducks, max_snowballs): if snowballs == op...

will need to test when I get home
@WheatWizard Teach me >_>
Golfing suggestions?
A: Extract Local Maxima

HyperNeutrinoJelly, 22 bytes 2ị⁼Ṁ ML=1ȧÇ 0;;0ṡ3Ç€Tị Try it online! I think this is like 5 times too long...

22 bytes of Jelly seems a bit too long
@HyperNeutrino @LeakyNun ^^
@PeterTaylor * Related
@HyperNeutrino I did it in Jelly here.
Right, it was like 12? bytes
5 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
@Phoenix Jelly, 11 bytes: 0;;0»3\=⁸⁸x
Might not work with the "greater than or equals" addition, but still.
well um
it still works
Ye just TIO'd it.
oh you changed specs
EZ just remove the second line for me lol
I didn't change them, I just specified what should happen if there are two equal elements.
It was undefined in the CMC
well I misread then lol
but -7 bytes lol
anyway gtg now, may brb in a bit

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