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@LeakyNun Did you see my earlier ping?
@KritixiLithos what did you say?
14 hours ago, by Kritixi Lithos
@LeakyNun https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/120621/golf-a-transcendental-number‌​/120674?noredirect=1#comment296307_120674
@KritixiLithos ok
So it 's invalid, I guess?
It's not a Louvilelele number
why is it not?
oh wait, you commented on it, thanks
@ASCII-only Thanks a lot!
@KritixiLithos would you commit to this? area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/101509/…
(cc @EriktheOutgolfer)
@LeakyNun I don't think I will be able to "ask or answer at least ten questions."
why not?
I don't know much about the Greek language
Q: X marks the spot – a print job

AdámGiven two numbers, print a page with an "X" in the specified location (±10%). The numbers must be either percentages or fractions of the page's print area dimensions, e.g. [25,75] or ["15%","0%"] or [0.33,1]. You do not have to consider margins. Just remember to state which number is width, and ...

@KritixiLithos I thought you are Greek
@LeakyNun There are always exceptions but "sp" and "st" usually only result in a "sh" sound when they are at the beginning of a word (the primary exception are of course compound words, where the "st" is at the beginning of later compount like "Kleinstadt" (small town)).
@MartinEnder sure, but how do you know, from spelling alone, that gestern isn't ge-stern?
@NewMainPosts someone popped a Ritalin this morning
@MartinEnder I thought you were talking about english until you said Kleinstadt and I was so confused because I haven't seen "sp" or "st" make a "sh" sound anywhere in english :P
@LeakyNun well you can't, but it's usually a safer bet to assume that it's not a compound word if it's not particularly long
@MartinEnder this is a word that actually got me
I didn't learn the word gestern
fun fact: Gestirn is also a word which has the sh sound, because it does derive from the same root as "Stern"
fun fact: gestern and "yester(day)" are cognates
/ge/ in German corresponds to "ye" in English
@LeakyNun Nope, it's a pseudonym
anyway, "st" and "sp" aren't the worst letter combinations in terms of ambiguous pronunciation. there are at least 5 pronunciations for "ch", and which one is used often depends on which language the word was loaned from (there are also two distinct pronunciations for originally German words, but I believe these follow some rules depending on surrounding letters).
@MartinEnder also, in the official wordlist provided, I saw the word "Job" with anglicized pronunciation
@MartinEnder after "a","o","u" > /x/, anywhere else > /ç/
@LeakyNun that's right
"Orange" has a french-ized pronunciation in German
@LeakyNun pretty much, but there are cases where it isn't directly preceeded by a vowel, and I believe there are cases where it depends on the vowel after it, but I'd have to try harder to come up with an example
I don't think there is any dependence on the proceeding phoneme, whether vowel or consonant
CMC : Given a number, output all the possible ways it can be expressed as the powers of the number of which the given number is a power of. For example 4 (2**2) -> ["2**1+2**1", "2**2"]
a preceding consonant counts as "anywhere else"
@Arjun what should 8 give?
Q: Relation between numbers

Tomas RandomasI have quick test for you car house wife john 1 2 0 pavlik 3 8 7 artur 15 1 14 vadymka 7 4 2 Which 2 guys have the most in common? (closest number) Shortest answer wins.

Q: Generate triangular signal

xakepp35Task: Given sample index, x, calculate sample value f(x) of triangular wave, with period of 4 samples and amplitude 1. Offset can be negative and sample value could be either {0, 1, -1}. Test cases: -5 -> -1 -4 -> 0 -3 -> 1 -2 -> 0 -1 -> -1 0 -> 0 1 -> 1 2 -> 0 3 ->

How is this unclear if 15 answers are doing the same thing?
to be fair reading it I can't tell wtf it's asking
@LeakyNun 8 (2**3) -> ["2**1+2**1+2**1", "2**1+2**2", "2**3"] It's just partitions expressed as powers.
how is 2**1+2**2 = 8?
should probably be multiplications
@Mayube Likewise
I also don't see what's unclear about it. Compute the function that goes -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, ... with f(1) = 1.
Oh, sorry. I accidentally added + instead of *, sorry. @LeakyNun
@MartinEnder true.
CMC: change "..." to <...> in a given text, where the last " shall remain, if it is not balanced.
@LeakyNun example?
"abc" def "ghi" j"k -> <abc> def <ghi> j"k
@MartinEnder so it's just an endless array of [-1, 0, 1, 0] and you have to, given input n, return the nth item in the array? Seems fairly simple, but the challenge is still poorly worded imo
@LeakyNun Retina, 12 bytes: Try it online!
@LeakyNun JavaScript (ES6), 31 bytes: s=>s.replace(/"(.*?)"/g,'<$1>')
->n{n.gsub /"(.*?)"/,"<$1>"}
@KritixiLithos nice
Q: GottaFix for WannaCrypt?

Notts90GottaFix for WannaCrypt Introduction I like to think programmers are inherently good people, even if some aren't so nice, so lets help people make sure they are protected with the MS17-010 patch. Challenge Your challenge is to write a full program or function that returns a truthy or falsey v...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Steve BennettConvert ambiguous dates to "the correct way" (YYYY-MM-DD) A problem I run into often with spreadsheets of data is dealing with dates of unknown ordering. Your task is to take a series of dates that are in one of the following three formats, and output them as YYYY-MM-DD: DD/MM/YYYY MM/DD/YY...

an answer on PPCG that's actually useful for practical purposes? I'm impressed. — Jan Dvorak 6 mins ago
would somebody with the full editing rights be able to edit the leaderboard snippet in codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/58615/65532 to use HTTPS URLs instead of HTTP? It currently doesn't work in Chrome because of that
Whoa, that's a lot of one-lined code.
haha yeah, ikr
Change made. Please test.
yep, it works! Thanks @JanDvorak!
Can someone have a look at this for me, please and let me know if it's valid?
@ATaco I need that
@LeakyNun I commited
@EriktheOutgolfer nice
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OkxCorrect peoples grammar code-golf string (yes, that title was intentional) Your task is to correct common grammatical mistakes. You must: Capitalise the first letter of each sentence, ie the first non-whitespace letter after any of .!? and, additionally, capitalise the first letter of the in...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin EnderOutput with the same length as the code code-golfquine In this challenge, you should write a program or function which takes no input and prints or returns a string with the same number of bytes as the program itself. There are a few rules: You may only output bytes in the printable ASCII ran...

@MartinEnder nice challenge
@NewSandboxedPosts that. was. seriously. furiously. extremely. superfluously. quick.
@EriktheOutgolfer It's improving.
@NewSandboxedPosts Carrot, 4 bytes: 1^*3, outputs 1111
it has progressed from 15m to 5m to 2m rn... but I think it has become aware it's a bot
@NewSandboxedPosts ES6 4 bytes: _=>4
@KritixiLithos There's a lot of trivial solution's to Martin's challenge. For example, if we have a builtin in language X where the variable Y is set to the value 1, and it implicitly outputs.
o_O Firefox uses 500MB of RAM with nothing but TNB open
But we have "Your code must be at least one byte long."
@TuxCopter too much goat power in TNB
@TuxCopter and much of it is noise...
Please, stop answering sandboxed challenge here.
@EriktheOutgolfer it was posted as a comment so that the question would be changed to exclude it as an answer. — Jan Dvorak 3 mins ago
@LeakyNun and Martin disagreed (also I removed my message before this...)
@ATaco what is that red/blue thing below the send buton (teamspirit)?
Just the scores.
you mean stars or something?
He can. But that doesn't mean he won't gather closevotes.
Retina, 1 Byte. $
5 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
Please, stop answering sandboxed challenge here.
I couldn't help myself...
Mine included the reply arrow, though
@muddyfish hey, how did the foo.bar thing go?
@KritixiLithos I've done level one and I'm going to wait until my exams are over before I try some more
@muddyfish I think you will not be able to do it again
@EriktheOutgolfer It's associated with my gmail account so I think it's good
I think that you will still be unable to do it though, you can't just "sign in" to it (although I dunno anything more since it's Google confidential information apparently)
There's a login button on it which I can press to restore my state
And the timer only appears to take effect if you have a challenge open
oh... well do you know of any way I can hack through to get there?
Q: Infinitely Print Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox (1/(2^n))

Stephen SWikipedia: Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second one orders half a beer. The third one orders a fourth of a beer. The bartender stops them, pours two beers and says, "You're all a bunch of idiots." Reddit ...

@EriktheOutgolfer why would I?
also why do you censor parts?
@EriktheOutgolfer because that's got my name and email in it
not that you don't want to get a job at Google ofc
oh you play just for fun
@EriktheOutgolfer I know about the job thing but I'm leaving it until I can realistically do it without messing up my revision for my exams that get me into uni
I wish good luck then
Q: Does the sum of 2 numbers in the list equal the desired sum?

maple_shaftThe Task This is my first challenge so apologies if it is very simple! In this challenge, your task is to write a program or function which takes in a list of integers and a desired sum and outputs a truthy or falsey value based on whether the list contains two numbers that can be summed togeth...

Yay got Sportsmanship
@muddyfish yeah, you can definitely leave and come back once you've associated your account. That said, the scenario on your screenshot looks new
either they've updated their challenges, or they are hiring you for a different position
@LeakyNun your explanation is not right. It says "the input is a subset of a list of two elements" when it should say "the input contains a subset of two elements"
@Fatalize sorry, superset. Edited.
…or that yeah :p
(Also damn it I came in 20 minutes too late to answer it)
ok i'm probably missing something
why does this not work
it's go but i'm probably missing something basic
you also forgot the spaces
oh i see. sorry i don't go :P
me neither tbh :P
i just noticed that i don't see a lot of go on ppcg...
@LeakyNun who, me?
@totallyhuman yes, you
what spaces?
You know, it always annoys me when someone measures internet speed in "mbps" (millibits per second) instead of "Mbps" (mega bits per second)
@totallyhuman sorry, nothing
"millibits" eh lol
especially when they meant MiB/s
But yeah, a 100mbps connection would just be smoke signals :p
yup lol :P
Anyone could read faster than that lol even a 5 year old
Wait 100mbps would take 800 seconds to transmit a single ASCII character >_>
@JanDvorak So mebi byte s per second? I thought everyone just measured it in bits to inflate the numbers :p
Good comparison, although I think you could get smoke signals a bit higher than that.
@HyperNeutrino the trick is to use a good compression scheme with a preagreed dictionary.
Like Morse Code or something like that?
Also Emoji Button isn't working :I
Morse code is the OSI-2 layer.
Data Link framework or something?
Well, the average English word has ~11.82 bits of entropy, and assuming that the 5-year-old reads at 150wpm (2.5wps), then they'd be reading at ~29.55bps
rereads the OSI model I meant OSI-1
nvm, was three orders of magnitude off
Well, your 5yo could read 295 multiplexed 100mbps smoke signals
I don't think anyone can read at 2.5 words per second though, let alone a 5-year-old.
@JanDvorak The average adult pace is 300wpm, or 5wps
I need a video of someone speaking at five words per second...
I'm talking about reading, not listening
For instance, I can read all your responses within seconds
oh. I read it as reading aloud, sorry.
oh, lol
That would be silly :p
What about Eminem though?
@JanDvorak I read 5wps
And I didn't read it aloud that way :-/
how fast is this guy talking? youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w
You know what? Let's just change our connection speed unit to aiBpdhs (atbibytes per hectosecond)
Let's not
@JanDvorak whoa 53 sins in under two minues what the hell
That was Youtube decided to pay authors per second
shouldn't it be slow motion then?
I'll start: My connection averages out at 0.000000000260209aiBphs
That's below the floating point typical error.
go is pretty much as bad as java o0
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen SCustom Fibonacci code-golf fibonacci sequence number The Fibonacci sequence is a fairly well known thing around here. Heck, it even has its own tag. However, for all that, we sure like to stick to our roots of 1, 1, ... (or is it 0, 1, ...? We may never know...). In this challenge, the rules ar...

CMC: if input is 0, return 1; otherwise, return input*2.
Python lambda n:n*2or1
Haskell: f 0=1;f x=2*x
@LeakyNun Brain-Flak, 26 bytes: ((){[()](<(({}){})>)}{}{})
@LeakyNun Jelly, 3 bytes: ḤoṆ
@LeakyNun APL, 4: 1⌈+⍨
Correction on python - lambda n:n*2or 1
python doesn't get or1 ^^
Funny website of the day: the main page has a text box that warns you to turn down your speakers before clicking any menu buttons because some pages have music or sound.
I was looking at a list of all airports in my state when I came across one airport's website: gilbertairpark.org/home.htm
@LeakyNun brainfuck, 23 bytes: +>,[[->++<]>.<<->]<[.-]
(Test 0 input by not giving any input)
@PhiNotPi lol that's so 90s
@PhiNotPi oh wow
@LeakyNun will input always be positive?
@Mayube non-negative.
@PhiNotPi you killed it
and I thought the other one was 90s
@NathanMerrill I'm trying to do it in Python. Is there meant to be a simple way of getting output from it without encoding it in which exception you raise?
@LeakyNun oh nice in that case braingolf: !?2*:1| 7 bytes
And are you meant to be able to copy+paste?
Q: Hard/Long Challenges Don't Get Attention

Stephen SI recently posted two challenges. One of them I really really liked, and took some time and typing to finalize. The other I thought of on a whim and posted (after Sandbox, of course). The difference? The first one was harder, and its explanation was a block of text. The second one was (relativel...

Q: Be the richest Mammut!

Kaito KidThe Game This game is an adaptation of a board game called Mammut, and basically an optimization problem. Each match contains five players and five rounds, in which every player participates. Every round starts with a bunch of tiles being flipped at random on one of their sides, and put in the ...

Oh hey the snowball KOTH got reopened.
why'd it get closed?
As a dupe of some similar KOTHs
Wait my KoTH challenge got reopened? :D
I just spent 1 hour in LaTeX just to round two opposite corners of an image in a poster, a detail probably no one will ever see………worth it
lol :'P
You'll get your recognition here
You can have (unrounded) stars as recognition :D
@PhiNotPi Also looking at this site, those people are calling it an "international airport" but it's literally a grass landing strip... I'm gonna call their bluff on that.
eh lol aerodrome, yes, but not an airport
> Use your browser's BACK button to return to previous pages.
Gee, thanks
10/10 website
first of all i don't think it has runway lights so it automatically does not comply to US airport standards
no landing side indicator lights
"runway" doesn't have a number or a bearing ID
no terminals
oh wait it's runway 27 apparently
so it faces west
actually I misread their little logo thingy, it says "international airpark"
Dupe check: would this be considered a dupe of this?
Could also be an "intentional airport"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kaito KidBe the Richest Mammut! The Game This game is an adaptation of a board game called Mammut, and basically an optimization problem. Each match contains five players and five rounds, in which every player participates. Every round starts with a bunch of tiles being flipped at random on one of thei...

Peter Taylor points out that the former is a special case of the latter, but I don't know if it's close enough to matter
It'll be a much easier challenge, IMHO, since it's just yes/no vs. a long-ish process, so more languages will be able to participate
Looking for a bit of feedback on the following challenge idea before I write it up for the Sandbox: Given an integer n and 2 other values representing different shapes, output a set of the first n numbers of both shapes in ascending order.
Partly inspired by this challenge
I think I may have accidentally drained the player base from this KoTH...
that koth is boring as hell though
So, given n=5 and triangle & square as the shapes, the expected output would be [0,1,3,4,6,9,10,16]
Thoughts? Or has it been done before?
I think we already a challenge like that, but where you only have to do one shape (as opposed to two)
@ETHproductions Is this the one you're thinking of?
This is a little closer
@ETHproductions Yeah, just found that one too.
Question to native English speakers: Which is more correct: body worn sensors, bodyworn sensors, or body-worn sensors?
The third option IMO
I believe whenever you're using a multi-word phrase like that as an adjective, you connect them with a hyphen
That was my choice too
I would say the third too
#3, but I'm not a native speaker
bodyworn sensor has a wiktionary entry but it says it's a medical term
Oh, haha, I did just that with "multi-word phrase"
I'm in favour of using hyphens only when a compound word is newly introduced, until it is in common use and then write it as a single word, like email
Right, as it becomes a common word it loses the hyphen
So I'd only tend to hyphenate words if I'm conjoining non-standard combinations
I'm in favour of hyphen-usage when word-compounding in general.
@muddyfish yeah, I actually did my development locally
and then copy/pasted into it
while its definitely possible to cheat, their anti-cheat is the interview process
Great, now I'm feeling like that guy in xkcd.com/972 but with hyphenated compound words
@NathanMerrill Huh. It's not letting me do copy paste in firefox
@trichoplax porteau
maybe they changed it?
Maybe I'll try it in Chrome :P
@Adám Now that sounds more correct. What have you done to my brain??
Mayube it's maybelline
Huh. It's working now
Maybe I did something wrong last time
Though for my next challenge, I'm asserting on the types they're giving me
@trichoplax It should be portemanteau but they forgot the e…
Let's not reference ads here
I did not understand that reference
Well, I'm off to do another past paper for my exam tomorrow
Good luck!
Gone from a U to an A* in 4 days :D
I actually remember the steps to do now rather than... not
See you guys!
survived another power surge
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ShaggySet The Shapes code-golfarray-manipulationmath Challenge Given an integer n and 2 other integers representing different shapes, output a set of the first n numbers of both shapes in ascending order. Input 3 integers, n, s & t where: n>0 2<(s<>t)<11 The values of s & t each represent a diff...

Q: Numerical, Gauss Quadrature linear transformation

Axel PfennigIt is part of a Gauss quadrature formula. I have the weights and the nodes for the range [0,1]. But I need the nodes and weights in for the range [a,b]. I have to use a special formular. So I only have the option to change the weights and nodes. I think: for the weights: new weight = ((b-a)...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ChristopherI have a large collection of fine art. My toddler is learning to use scissors and glue; lately she has started playing with my art collection. Fortunately she is really quite good with the scissors and cuts things up into perfect squares. She then uses glue to randomly tile the cut-up squares ...

Sheesh. TNB has been very quite the last few days
What the heck. Every time I mention that it is quite a user joins.
@Christopher 1) quiet, not quite. 2) Silence is golden.
@Mego But Silence is lonely
@Mego My english is dead right now
Anyone got any feedback on my Sandbox post above?
Q: Get this annoying song stuck in my head

programmer5000Your challenge is to play some variation of these chords: C Am F G It forms a common tune that is heard in a lot of music. You may also play transpositions: F Dm A# C You can play the notes in any format. This is allowed: C A F G And so is this: C E A C F A G B And so is this: C E ...

A: GottaFix for WannaCrypt?

Kevin CruijssenPowerShell 2.0, 24 20 16 bytes hotfix KB4012212 -4 bytes thanks to @whatever by removing -id. -4 bytes thanks to @DankoDurbić by changing get-hotfix to hotfix. KB4012212 is the patch for Windows 7. This can be replaced with any KB-code from the linked page of the patch. Will return the Sourc...

and I thought mathematica had all the builtins

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