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CMP: Should you be forced to leave a comment if you downvote a post?
No. What if there's already a comment?
@HyperNeutrino Then it gets converted into a comment upvote
@cairdcoinheringaahing no. but you should if you have a comment to add
I don't think forcing it is a good idea but definitely people should, in most cases at least.
@cairdcoinheringaahing well you need a reason to downvote...
Some things are objectively just trash/spam and get downvoted and deleted as such, sometimes without comments because it's obvious why it's downvoted.
See, I don't mind downvotes, as long as they explain why they downvoted. Otherwise, it's useless
@cairdcoinheringaahing yep
Also getting a reasons helps me verify that the downvote was for a legitimate reason and I know how to fix the post; just getting downvote without any comment doesn't tell me how to fix it or if it was just a misclick or some random person downvoting me for the sake of it (I don't think that ever happens :P)
@HyperNeutrino iirc someone does it because it's done in a golflang >_>
@HyperNeutrino Hold on, I'm bored atm, let me go downvote one of your posts :P
oh yeah >_> they're like "golflangs take point out of goinfing" and rip
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino I don't get that. IMO, it's more difficult to golf Jelly than Python
\o/ Dennis improved f in Jelly
oo yay
(negative filter?)
Speed-wise only though :P
Also, it really annoys me that, rather than import sympy; sympy.attribute, Dennis uses __import__('sympy').attribute throughout the source code
@cairdcoinheringaahing :|
@cairdcoinheringaahing *from sympy import attribute as attr
@ASCII-only ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing *from sympy import*?
@ASCII-only ಠ_ಠ
import sympy.* would be shorter; if only Python did things that way :P
@HyperNeutrino but it doesn't
@HyperNeutrino Does Proton allow that?
(possibly because that's Java style import and java and python imports are fundamentally different)
@HyperNeutrino why not import *? :p
@dzaima that... wouldn't work very well
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, Proton is import attribute from sympy; it doesn't support import * from sympy yet.
i mean it's a great way to freeze your computer
@dzaima Just think of the chaos :P I love it!
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh i know, from sympy import sin as cos, cos as sin
@ASCII-only ಠ_ಠ
from tkinter import tk as Frame, Frame as tk :P
import sympy as numpy; import numpy as sympy
@cairdcoinheringaahing i'm sure you can just do import disapproval_face
if not then someone should publish to pip
>>> print(sympy)
<module 'numpy' from '/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>
@cairdcoinheringaahing Which is mostly useless in codegolf challenge.
@HyperNeutrino ss = str(sympy); ns = str(numpy); setattr(sympy, "__str__", lambda: ns)
@user202729 Yeah, but it still allows Jelly to comptete even better in fastest code challenges
@user202729 well it means more programs that use filter don't timeout
I don't think you can use setattr like that
:| oh well
@HyperNeutrino No error is produced :P
dunder functions are read as a class property
@cairdcoinheringaahing no?
@HyperNeutrino If I understand you right, you're asking whether to make it first-axis or last-axis.
> <module 'numpy' from '/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py'>
That's what it shows for me
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's because that's actually the numpy module...
@Adám actually second or last. I decided to go with second :P
well your imports are backwards so of course that happens...
ಠ_ಠ Forgot that my imports were messed up :P
Hello world!
Hello, Xcoder!
CMC: Output Hello, Xcoder!
That should be terribly hard
And dang my wifi is down, I gotta use the iPhone hotspot on mac
Python/Proton: print("Hello, Xcoder!")
@cairdcoinheringaahing Charcoal: Hello, Xcoder!
16 bytes in Pyth: ." r+ºs5 BZím6
Jelly: “ɼṣżỴQñṿd»
@Mr.Xcoder :|
@cairdcoinheringaahing SOGL, 15 13 bytes
lol, so I just tested my calculator on my iPhone ... first time I've opened it. What a bloody useless piece of crap due to the animation speed.
@ASCII-only Yeah no compression beats "Compression"
Yuppe wifi works
@HyperNeutrino Mine is Anyone up for some JHT? (btw I will use it again rn)
@HyperNeutrino Yup.
hm ok
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly, 10 bytes: “ɼṣżỴQñṿd»
Where can I find an updated working version of the 05AB1E compressor? Also how does one use SOGL's compression?
@HyperNeutrino wat
@Dennis ninja'd ;) :P
@Mr.Xcoder for 05AB1E, you can see the starred messages in its chatroom
@Mr.Xcoder sogl's compression? magic there's an online compressor...
Hyperninja :-)
@ASCII-only like for example "anyway gtg o/" is a phrase used mostly by me
@Mr.Xcoder here, input for the 13 bytes was hello\n, Xcoder!
@Dennis Wait, is Xcoder in the dictionary?
@HyperNeutrino *"wat"
@Okx One is outdated and returns an empty program, one is flawed.
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, but coder is.
@dzaima Thanks!
@ASCII-only oh I thought you needed clarification whoops lol
SOGLs dictionary has Mr. Xcoder but not Xcoder :/
@StewieGriffin I started paying out of my own pocket, but donations cover the server costs atm.
@dzaima Uhm, may I ask why?
@Mr.Xcoder I have a bunch of PPCGer names there
Including dzaima I guess? :P
@Mr.Xcoder ν‛F‘
@dzaima Please tell me you have caird coinheringaahing
@cairdcoinheringaahing what does coinheringaahing even mean
@ASCII-only Nothing really
caird, coin, hering and aahing are all words in Jelly's dictionary, FWIW
:| what
lol wow :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing seems like I don't. It was a quick scrape a while ago, so it's probably missing many users
@dzaima :( Shame
To cite myself --- Anyone up for some JHT?
@dzaima Is there a compressor that people can use for SOGL, i.e. to reverse engineer the compressed strings?
13 mins ago, by dzaima
@Mr.Xcoder here, input for the 13 bytes was hello\n, Xcoder!
@Mr.Xcoder I'm torn between getting homework out of the way and doing JHT
@cairdcoinheringaahing I vote for the latter.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't think reverse engineer means what you think it means
@Mr.Xcoder Well, I did set a CMC there a few hours ago
@ASCII-only I couldn't think of a better word :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing reverse engineer = find out the original string from the compressed string
@cairdcoinheringaahing also: i already said it's online... (also as seen above dzaima already linked it)
cool my name is really short: "k!F‘
@HyperNeutrino And mine is "I‽⁽θΦκ⁾≤‚Σ≤ee⅔λ÷═W¡‘
@HyperNeutrino every name is either 3 bytes or many. And right now the compressor doesn't deal well with multi-word words (which doesn't make sense by itself :p)
ah ok :P
CMP: How long is your real name (length, not actual string), when compressed in SOGL? Delimiters included
Mine is 7 bytes :P
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],0
@cairdcoinheringaahing Full name?
@ASCII-only First name and surname
@ASCII-only That compressors not really meant to be used. It has many bugs, like spaces where they shouldn't be. That particular thing is because Java probably had a toString for some object, but not JS
@dzaima .... then write better compressors
ಠ_ಠ My real name is 16 bytes in SOGL and 15 uncompressed.
@cairdcoinheringaahing 12 bytes :| longer than uncompressed
Mine with correct capitalization is 12 bytes, 7 bytes in lowercase ಠ_ಠ
note: the only words with capital letters in the dictionary are PPCG names, functions, and I, I've, and similar
well I basically have the weirdest name ever so that's to be expected
also the dictionary sucks, it doesn't even have coder in it :p
@dzaima :|
CMC : Adám Brudzewsky
@Adám ಠ_ಠ Jelly doesn't like the á
@Adám the dictionary doesn't have Adám :/
> More precisely, -Infinity bytes
@dzaima I think your compressor is broken
Hence this is a challenge and not just a trivial KC dup.
@cairdcoinheringaahing it never was supposed to fully work :p
@dzaima ...
@ASCII-only it was for me to use for ease-of-use. I might've never published it, and the JS version is literally as-quick(ly made)-as-possible port :p
TNBDE only works for whole words: chat.stackexchange.com/…
@user202729 That's the search, not TNBDE
So what's TNBDE then?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I got your name down to 19 bytes - 1 byte less than the simple version :/
wait I'm second chattiest user? I think TNBDE is borked or outdated?
@HyperNeutrino link pls
I've been pinged 6515 times :o
@HyperNeutrino is that wrong?
The query looks right but I was surprised by the fact that apparently I'm the second chattiest user :P
No one was surprised except you.
@HyperNeutrino pls don't claim without evidence
@user202729 [...]
>_> i cleared my steam download cache and forgot i need steam guard to login
@dzaima Are you just messing around with my username? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm trying to compress it, but yeah :p
Apparently I went inactive in chat during the latter half of June and August: ppcg.starmaninnovations.com/tnbde/#HsxFbUMuAT (The August one makes sense, since I was on vacation then)
CMP: What's the best comment you've received? (i.e., a comment posted to an answer or question that you've written)
@AdmBorkBork Define "best"
For me, it's this one on the PowerShell tips thread.
@cairdcoinheringaahing However you want to define it. Funniest. Most poignant. Highest upvoted. Whatever.
Haha, that's cute
@ASCII-only is it possible we can add an expression rule for just + e.g.let a = + which could be same as: let a = { \$0 + \$1 }
@AdmBorkBork Skimming through the comments I've received, I just realized that about half of those are LeakyNun telling me how to golf my answers…
@Fatalize Seems right :P
and sad...
This is still by far my favorite answer on the site, by the way. I can't count how many times I've watched the GIF. — Magic Octopus Urn Apr 21 at 18:55
This one is pretty close:
I've learned more useful VIM tricks from this question than from any other question on the site. Thank you!dotancohen Oct 4 at 10:40
@DJMcMayhem I remember that answer. I also remember that I was the 100th upvoter :P
@DJMcMayhem Oh yeah, I remember seeing that. Still an insane answer. :)
CMP: What should Enlist do with the lightning bolt arrow symbol?
Summon Harry Potter
@HyperNeutrino Zip.
but zip is the down-left arrow (indicates direction of flip) :P
@HyperNeutrino Chop into sublists.
so non-overlapping slices of size y of list x?
Oh I got a better one.
Slice. (like [A::B])
but how does that work without triads
@HyperNeutrino No, I meant B[::A]
oh so modular
Modular in Jelly. Slice like a thunder
hm ok I'll consider that as one of my options, thanks
I'm doing the next OEIS in Pascal, and it has no sort builtin, unfortunately. Somewhat too low-level...
@user202729 I tried doing that with one of the OEIS the other day, didn't go too well.
Pascal can be stupid some times
@user202729 psst. Squirrel
Just use bogosort instead :P
It doesn't have random permutation either.
@user202729 I'm sure FPC has a lib or a dozen for that
@J.Salle I can't find the builtin.
@user202729 then maybe it doesn't have one. I know there's a couple of randomizing functions
Maybe you'd need to adapt that to do a random permutation messing with array positions or something
Well, Pascal is the only language for competitive programming for grade 8-9 in my country (IIRC), so I feel sorry for myself.
@J.Salle Bubble sort is certainly easier. Anyway I will implement merge sort.
CMP: Should I delete my account?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why?
@cairdcoinheringaahing not unless you bounty all your rep first
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why?
I've been thinking about leaving, just wanted to see what you guys thought
finds out caird is a sock :P
@Mr.Xcoder Who's? :P
This server is only a day online. China seems to like it.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Uhm, who will I learn Jelly with (at about the same level)? :'-( Don't leave us!!!
China #1
@mınxomaτ Which server? And what are you talking about?
Chinese IPs attacking all my servers. Very evenly distributed.
@mınxomaτ what kind of attack?
SSH bruteforce. Which is kind of useless, because SSH password logins are disabled.
Lol good luck handling those :-)
@cairdcoinheringaahing only if the OEIS challenge doesn't get deleted with it, and even then it's a bad idea
No need for luck in this case, it's just annoying I guess?
@NieDzejkob If I leave, it won't get deleted
Mildly annoying.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Don't delete your account, just go stagnant... chances are you will want to come back eventually... maybe... (I don't know why you're going)
@mınxomaτ I have been meaning to ask, why is your SO account separate from the others? Or are the others hidden from SO and the other way around?
@MartinEnder Out of curiosity, why did you call Retina Retina?
For the subvector reversal challenge: Anyone want to try using multi-phase algorithm (like Rubik's cube algorithm, but with ~17 phases)? Not sure if it can beat the current solution, though.
That is, you solve each phase optimally, and concatenate the result. Each phase places some numbers such that its state space is manageable (say <1e8). May extend to use suboptimal solution in first phases, too.
@user202729 That sounds interesting, it is not entirely obvious that such an algorithm would generalise to an n-length vector.
Specialize the algorithm for vector of length 100 is allowed.
Oh, I didn't read that.
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol, the first Retina answer on the site wasn't by Martin
@AdmBorkBork I found this. What answer were you talking about?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I used to be on here all the time, then I left for various reasons - but I never deleted my account, and I come back every so often (like the last few weeks)
It's better just to leave, but keep the account.
@mınxomaτ What are the servers for? That seems concerning at the very least
ಠ_ಠ A new user just went on an "edit golfing" spree, and misunderstood the question, which was why the answers weren't as golfed as they could have been
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol I'm paranoid about editing other people's answers because of precisely that
@cairdcoinheringaahing Weird search bug? Searching for "Retina" then clicking "Newest" and going to the last page shows the oldest question rather than the oldest post. Need to do "retina is:a" to get the oldest post.
Oh, I see. The "Produce 2014" question itself was edited to add Retina to the leaderboard, which is why it shows up like that.
> had 1 edit suggestion approved, and 7 edit suggestions rejected
^ Is not a good sign
@quartata delete tools
@Riker oh, so it had all the delete votes before hand
why though
I don't understand
well it had 4, the 5th came after I posted in chat
likely somebody who clicked a link, and didn't read the chat before voting
Is there a nice API for chat, like there is for the actual site?
@quartata cuz people saw "off-topic question, is closed, must use these invisible superdownvotes"
@SocraticPhoenix no
@SocraticPhoenix not at all
there's chatexchange, a python interface though
-_- no chat-base challenges then...
3d party
@WheatWizard you give us a bad name
For some reason logging into esolangs doesn't actually log me in, is this a known issue or just me?
though the r/surrealmemes post is also present below that
@Riker LOL!
also, the most visually similar image:
@WheatWizard I've found a picture of you, on the internet
@Riker huh?
@WheatWizard hi! I snooped your mathematics profile and it says you go to RPI! I was there on Saturday for the open house!
(that sounds a bit creepy... woops)
@SocraticPhoenix Oh cool! If you have questions about it I might be able to answer them
@WheatWizard oh, that's not you playing minigolf in a skyscraper?
that makes no sense at all that you're not in a weird stock photo
I'm using ChatExchange and it's not reliable for long periods at all
@WheatWizard I think the open house answered my questions pretty well... thanks though
@Riker Now I'm even more confused.
(google image search identified your profile pic as most similar to that image up there)
What picture?
Oh I reloaded the page and now its there
Q: What's assignable to what?

Socratic Phoenixrelated What's assignable to what? In this challenge you will be given two types, A and B and determine if A is assignable to B, B is assignable to A, or neither. The Type System (I will use t to represent any type) Basic Types Basic types are represented by a single capital letter, such ...

@DigitalTrauma I was trying to come up with a nice word that would work as an acronym, but failed. The word "retina" was quite close to some of the attempts, and I liked the word. I never managed to retcon it into an acronym though and have since given up on that. So yeah the "re" is sort of for "regular expressions" and maybe the "n" for ".NET", but ultimately it's just a word that sounded nice. — Martin Ender ♦ Feb 9 '16 at 21:41
@SocraticPhoenix mind if I edit your challenge into proper set notation?
that's what you seem to be using at least
ah, nvm
still, formatting could use some clarification
I changed the tag with , since you have more output situations.
A: Largest Number Printable

Eric ShermanJulia, (still calculating)/75^3 (9.22*109813667847213481458647)/1003 for i in range(zero(Int),typemax(Int)) print(typemax(Int),typemax(Int)) end I think this qualifies? Not sure what the optimal number of times to print typemax(Int) is, and this is still running on my machine. If anyone has a ...

a) Edit pending.
b) Anyone wanna check to make sure this answer is sound?
Seems a bit large that score
dones't that challenge say no hardcoded constants?
typemax int is >10
@Riker Ah right
:-/ that's why the score seemed larger than I expected.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I also left a comment, clarifying that it's the typemax(int) bit
your comment doesnt' address that?
I'm sifting through the other answers real quick to check if anyone else used crazy constants like that
A: Largest Number Printable

TobiaAPL, 10↑↑3.4 Here's my revised attempt: {⍞←⎕D}⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⍣n⊢n←⍎⎕D 100 char/byte* program, running on current hardware (uses a negligible amount of memory and regular 32-bit int variables) although it will take a very l...

Predefined string constant hm
@SimplyBeautifulArt that's a builtin in APL
not sure if they disallowed builtins though, didn't read the question
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SteadyboxOutput the Source, One Bit at a Time Write a program or a function that when called outputs a single value, 1 or 0, and when called multiple times, the output numbers produce the binary representation of your program's source code (in the same code page that your program is written in). For ins...

*\*::shrugs::\** I'm not a programmer, so I can't understand what you're saying. =P
They disallow hardcoded constants larger than 10, so I'm not sure how one applies this rule to hardcoded strings
@SimplyBeautifulArt in this case a builtin is a function already implemented in the language (this specific one returns 0123456789)
So you can just do ⎕D instead of '123456789', but again, not sure if that's allowed for that specific challenge.
@Riker Sorry, I posted the challenge and had to leave... What kind of clarification does it need?
nah, just the formatting is hard to read
oh... okay; for the test cases? Or just the interesect<A,B> thing...
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks; I was looking for a tag like that but couldn't find it :)
just the intersect thing
TBH I didn't put much thought into that... It feels somewhat natural to me because of Java's generics, but I suppose proper set notation would be nicer... unfortunately the test program I wrote doesn't accept that notation...
I also don't really know set notation xD
CMP: If I come across an old answer of mine and can golf it, should I?
Why wouldn't you?
unless you're just nicking the golf from someone else
Bumps the question
bumping's ok as long as it's not just for the sake of bumping
*::coughs::* I make way too many bumps via edits of my own posts, and no-one's complained.
ಠ_ಠ My function version (stack based) is only 2 bytes shorter than a register approach
2 bytes is 2 bytes
Yeah, there is that :P
@FlipTack Unless it's Jelly, in which case it's 1 byte built-in
TFW you realise that the approach you've been working on is actually 3 bytes
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Challenger5Transitive Equality The Challenge Given 3 inputs: A positive integer which is the number of variables, A set of unordered pairs of nonnegative integers, where each pair represents an equality between variables, and A positive integer which represents the starting variable, Return a set of n...

@SimplyBeautifulArt again, if it's for rep only then nobody minds
@AdmBorkBork Boats have something to do with Game of Life, it could work :P
wow, markdown fail
ok, I give up
Hey @Mego, whatever happened to your handwriting challenge? Still in development?
@AdmBorkBork Yep. Too many other things started going on, so I had to put it on the back burner for a while
ಠ_ಠ You know its a bad sign when you don't know what S does in your language
When you do CTRL+F "ಠ_ಠ" and all three results are from caird
Same with CTRL+F ":P". Intriguing.
@FlipTack :P is definitely Hyper's symbol :P
@HyperNeutrino You use :P too much
@FlipTack Yes, I'm very disapproving of everything :P
@AdmBorkBork ftfy
@Riker Thank-you
CMP: When typing, do you hyphen "thank-you" or not?
@AdmBorkBork no
@AdmBorkBork no
@AdmBorkBork Why on earth would you?
Good grief, apparently I'm in the minority
@AdmBorkBork Why on earth wasn't that on ELL?
Umm, it is?
ಠ_ಠ I thought it was Workplace.SE
Stupid site designs
@cairdcoinheringaahing Shh, you'll make SE not give us one if we don't show proper gratitude
@AdmBorkBork We gave ourselves one :P We don;t need SE, unless they ca give us something better than downgoats
@AdmBorkBork We won't get one anyway. SE would have to remember our existence.
That reminds me, I still haven't heard from SE about the stickers...
We do, however, need privilege level increases
@Mego This is discrimination. I reckon they'd give stickers to a non-penguin.
@Mr.Xcoder It is? Didn't really pay attention to that - I don't care about SO. I have a separate enterprise SO account because we use StackOverflow Talent to recruit.
@Poke Build servers, staging, production, mail and a few Munin / Elasticsearch / GrayLog2 nodes. I'm not the only one, seems like the data centre is being attacked / scanned.
CMP: What is the oldest reply you've ever seen in chat?
@mınxomaτ are your staging servers public facing? o.O
@cairdcoinheringaahing I've seen quite a few people respond to the first message
@Feeds Welcome to you Feeds!
@Poke It's for customers who have access to Insider previews, not the development staging ;)
Huh, I just noticed the GitHub favicon is reflecting the state of the PR/Issue now.
Speaking of first message, I'm terribly disappointed that it's not "Hello, World!"
@AdmBorkBork It was a Feeds message. I don't think it's customizable beyond the room name
No, meaning the first user message.
CJY could've made funny history but missed the opportunity.
@AdmBorkBork To use a meme from 2015, blame CJY
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000answer-chaining code-challenge The XOR Quines! Your challenge is to make a program that outputs its source code but when each of its bytes are XORed with its answer number, it outputs the source code of the previous program. For example, if the previous program was: print 1 and your program...

heh, renamed Cortanas folder and now half of the fonts are gone

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