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12:00 AM
Q: Complexity of pattern

Kai78I am trying to find an algorith to determine the complexity of a pattern with this coordinate system on the left and the possible lines on the right handside of the picture: The rules for building the pattern are the following: Only the lines depicted can be used A line cannot stand alone whi...

@NewMainPosts Flagged.
@Downgoat do you have a shitton of rain?
Do you?
18 inches in the past week
I live in southern california
@Riker yes, it is raining cats and goats
12:09 AM
it's hailing outside right now
this is not normal weather
@Downgoat *cats and goats :P
I mean unless they're smashing to bits then dogs and sheep
California is being the Cheddar of whether right now
@MatthewRoh perhaps
12:13 AM
Q: Gear Train, Rotating

user54200Gears transfer different amount of speeds, depending on the size of the meshed gear. Jack has a machine, that rotates a Gear Train. but you don't know the speed of the last gear. Luckily, You are a great code golfer, so you can help him! So, What should I do? Each gear is represented by 2 n...

You might be able to recall me with this
@Downgoat I freakin' love all this rain.
(except for when I get caught in it without a jacket like today)
@Downgoat I'm not sure I get this joke
@quartata Rain would make my day better right now :(
It's 35C here in Australia
But then the rain might make the air humid... which is even worse
Also I'm not sure if I should flag this answer:
A: Don't give me five!

Paul SpiegelA mathematical notation could be something like: |{x∈ℤ|a≤x≤b,∄p∈ℕ(|x| mod 10p div 10p-1=5)}| |{x∈ℤ∩[a,b]|∄p∈ℕ(|x| mod 10p div 10p-1=5)}| |{x∈ℤ∩[a,b]|∀p∈ℕ(|x| mod 10p div 10p-1≠5)}| If i had symbols for mod and div, that would be 35 symbols. Otherwise (counting spaces) 43. That "...

Just took me 8 hours, but I finally finished the image encoder for my inpainter for BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF and TIFF ... in C >.>
@EriktheOutgolfer you should know that on anarchy golf, solutions don't have to fit the spec, just pass the test cases
@EriktheOutgolfer so with short test cases, answers are liable to just hardcode them
12:25 AM
@mınxomaτ Why do you do such terrible things to yourself?
It's not even 100LOC.
Memory, man.
Windows has awesome APIs for image editing, but the docs are aweful.
@quartata Well what traits do you commonly associate with Cheddar
@quartata ye it's nice but hail isn't as much
Well Cheddar is usually right next to the Tilsit, which I then buy instead.
smoked gouda is better than both of those
12:30 AM
@Downgoat I can't say I really have bothered to form an opinion
what? it's good cheese?
It's gouda cheese?
does anyone have experience with emscripten
12:31 AM
Do you know how it compiles structs?
Like does it generate proper classes in JS
@Downgoat Most likely as arrays
That depends on the target.
Since it takes LLVM output and LLVM would have already done the structure alignment
But it doesn't know anything about data structures. It operates on arrays as memory.
O_o is that not very slow
12:32 AM
Dunno what happens if you target WASM.
I am trying to compile flex/bison output
@Downgoat What do you mean? That's how structures are compiled to any target
@Downgoat The point of asm.js is that it's so simple that it can be optimized to the fullest extent.
each field has an index
@Downgoat Oh god are you doing what I think you're doing
No no I'm putting my foot down
Absolutely not
@mınxomaτ Node does not support ASM.js to my knoledge
@quartata what is so bad
12:34 AM
@Downgoat That question makes no sense.
Everything supports asm.js.
@Downgoat everything
just use a parser generator intended for javascript
@mınxomaτ I mean like "use asm" and it's applicable optimizations
to my knoledge
@Downgoat asm.js isn't any different from regular JS
It's just a set of rules that leads to more efficient transpiled code when transpiling from a statically typed language
@quartata well syntactically yes
> and it's applicable optimizations
12:36 AM
@mınxomaτ Oh, I see what you mean
Still it's V8 right?
It should be doing it
@quartata that is problem
there is none
@mınxomaτ are you kidding me right now
there is jison which was put together as a guy's CS project
@Downgoat Jison, PegJS, ..?
12:38 AM
then there is Peg.JS which doesn't give full power that I need for cheddar
What's wrong with PegJS
@Downgoat How on earth did you make a language that can't be expressed by a PEG
@quartata I am not talking about the algorithm I'm talking about the library
What's it missing?
From it's docs it looks like it doesn't support parser states like lex
it also doesn't seem like it has a "setup" section to where I can define my variables and stuff
12:42 AM
tinylisp looks really cool, you can build everything from the ground up
so only solution is to use lex and yacc and compile to JavaScript
@Downgoat from the recent SO blog post
> Editor's note: American cheese is delicious! Period.
also peg.js apparently doesn't have tokenizer
which is kind of a deal breaker
@Downgoat I mean, lexing is pretty easy
but am I like supposed to implement lexing in a parser
12:45 AM
@Downgoat Well, OK. Let me know how annoying that gets for you
that is ugly solutoin
@Downgoat No?
I mean if you're going for the traditional style parser you just lex in a separate lexer first
That can easily be done by hand
@quartata will it doesn't look like I can pass array of tokens to PEG
Who needs parser generators anyway.
12:47 AM
A top-down recursive scanner is clearly the way to go :P
oh I tried that with Ches
it was a horrible mistake
it is incredibely slow
and yucky
One day... I will finally get around to porting this to Rust and make it a bit more universal.
I found solution :D nearley.js.org
@Downgoat Y'know, GCC uses recursive descent..
yes, but IIRC it is all hand written and all for best speed
12:55 AM
Is Ches not hand written?
A) I am not as smart as very-smart GCC developers B) I don't have as much time C) handwritten parser in JS is bad idea
@quartata yes, it is not good
I fail to see the distinction I guess is the point I'm getting at. There isn't a massive difference so just use whatever is the easiest
@quartata is Pytek parser hand-written?
:O I can generate random cheddar program
1:02 AM
So this just happened to me:
On a comment
user image
there we go
That's really one of the ... less good xkcds.
TIL I can add my own variable to yy
@Mego I think I have a Clojure answer for your thing
1:13 AM
btw, does anyone know what %token does in bison?
I know you can use it for aliasing but I often see it without a second operand
@DJMcMayhem link to comment?
@DJMcMayhem I ended up going 5 or so characters over once, because my post contained 2 links. I had to very seriously cut down on spelling, etc
Is bonzi buddy just a clippy with some more shit
one day I'll give an answer where regex never even occurred to me to use it
What do you think of my dont give me five answer
I packed all those absolutes and logs and mods and much math as I could in 187 bytes, with C++. What do you guys think?
So, floor(log(abs(x))) calculates the length
@DJMcMayhem ah nice
And floor(abs(x))%int(pow(10, i + 1)) / pow(10,i)) retrieves the ith number of x
I just packed all those in 187 bytes
@aditsu that's what my username means
@wat so it means you think ruby is weird and javascript sucks? :)
1:47 AM
@MatthewRoh selfping
@aditsu no
ruby is cool
but the other part, yes
^^ Ruby
@quartata btw I figured out why Jison was throwing a tantrum and it is beautiful I have written a parser which would have taken me days to write :D
> img-wat-a-lightning-talk-by-gary-bernhardt-from-codemash
I am not sure what to take away from this image title ._.
it was the first result from google images
I'm not sure what to take away from that typo
code mash 2012 no less
you know you can edit messages ¬_¬
1:56 AM
yeah ik
@wat Do you use dvorak?
Because the s isn't too close to the t normally ;P
It isn't a "slipped keys" typo, it's a "had another work on my mind that was close to the real word" typo
Ah lol
Tempted to post the giant spider xkcd
2:20 AM
OK so this is hella weird. Remember that CS169 room I found a while back that had an IRC relay?
I found a similarly named room that appears to be general discussion for what was a StackExchange site
All the URLs redirect to A51 now but judging by the transcript it appeared to be some sort of test for a partnership between SE and edX to provide custom private SE sites for each course
This is so weird. @Doorknob might know more about it since it was around 2014 and he's our resident SE graybeard
I believe the course was Intro to Ruby on Rails judging by some of the chatter in the IRC room
2:45 AM
I just invented a new preprocessor directive - #defile
@quartata link?
oh nm
doesn't your app work, idk, on your own account? or in the sandbox?
this is for testing because plaintext passwords
3:00 AM
So what's the password for Stack Exchange App Testing?
why would I tell you
You said it was plaintext.
That means everyone can see it.
Including me!
no, that means I'm storing/transmitting it unencrypted
imma ask downgoat
pls help me
You set up that TF2 chat relay, what API did you use?
App kinda works btw, I can recieve messages but not send them
I think you need API Keys for that
3:17 AM
@quartata Yes, that happened pretty much exactly how you described it
I remember there being users with double diamonds cause they were admins or whatever on the edX site. Weird stuff.
@Downgoat Please help me...
@wat I made the relay.
@quartata oh?
Did you ever have any issues with 404's?
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/240/messages/new
It's on Github, it uses a modified version of ChatExchange
I'm using ChatExchange right now
What did you have to modify?
3:26 AM
I dimly recall that 404s are used for generic errors
no, but
that URL does not exist
Source isn't thread safe so I had to make modifications to the threading
@wat That's how messages are sent. Looks right to me
@quartata umm.
Let me post an error dump
@Doorknob Oh wow hole in one. I was totally guessing
INFO:chatexchange.rooms.Room:Queued message 'wat' for room_id #'240'.
INFO:chatexchange.rooms.Room:Queue length: 1.
<< INFO:chatexchange.client.Client:Now serving customer 1, ('send', '240', 'wat')
Exception in thread message_sender:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/threading.py", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/threading.py", line 864, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/home/dmitry/work/ChatExchange/chatexchange/client.py", line 185, in _worker
3:30 AM
How are you logging in?
I have specified my username and password
The User ID reading code was not working so I commented it out
replaced it with a constant pointing to this bot's \/ user id
can you move to the beep boop room?
...ok, but why?
@quartata Wait Doorknob can teach us how to Shout?
3:33 AM
Why haven't we learned this yet?
@wat clutter in tnb
beep boop room is almost dead
but I connected the "bot" to it
@quartata pls join

  Beep Boop Bingus Bin

@betseg is topkek a common turkish food? at least where you are?
all I know is twitch chat likes it
4:16 AM
@StackExchangeAppTest can we not do bot testing in here
This is supposed to be public chatroom for discussion among programmers, not an play ground.
@wat also:
Q: Let's talk about chat again

El'endia StarmanAround March of last year, chat users started becoming really annoyed by the level of noise in chat and became motivated enough to speak out about it, which lead to The state of chat being posted. Several months later, We need to talk about chat was posted to address the worst of the noise and th...

"wat" and "pls" and all contribute to noise
4:43 AM
@DJMcMayhem is there alternative of I that goes to actual line beginning instead of first non-whitespace char
@Downgoat gI
huh, thanks :)
Q: A prime test that's LITERALLY prime

Noah LWrite a program that will test the primality of a specified number, and give the output as a Boolean value (True is prime). Your prime test can (but doesn't have to) be valid for the number 1. Here's the catch: your program itself has to sum to a prime number. Convert every character (including...

@Doorknob huh. TIL
You also taught me gr the other day, I had no idea
@DJMcMayhem Taught myself that one too while looking through the g commands for the purpose of that challenge, in fact. :P
4:54 AM
I think Bison has gone crazy. It is saying:
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is . in state 25
- reduce by rule: PropertyExpression -> PropertyHead PropertyTail
- shift token (then go to state 27)
@Doorknob (I also didn't know about this until now, when I was looking through :h I for Downgoat's question.)
but there is no state 27
I would have just said 0i since it's the same byte count
I think that is more key distance though :P
Not repeatable, either.
4:56 AM
@Doorknob that's actually a great point, I didn't think about that
you can record it no?
Yeah, but it's easier to use .
@Doorknob I've been thinking about this for a while, maybe you can help. Frequently I'll want to replace one word with another, so I'll do something like yiw<move to other word>viwp this works great, but it grabs the new word and replaces the register so I can't repeat it. Can you think of a workaround?
I thought of xnoremap p pgvy but I don't always want to do that (like if I'm exchanging two words)
Actually since all vim experts are here rn, does anyone know what is the command that opens the window with the most recent commands used?
@Downgoat q: IIRC
so that's why it keeps opening up by accident
5:02 AM
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, I've had that problem in the past before many times too. I can't really think of anything good other than "_cw<c-r>" maybe, but that feels obscenely clunky.
could I use nnoremap q: :q to fix?
Oh, well you could do viw"0p, which is marginally bettter.
@Downgoat I don't see why not.
@Doorknob Actually, this breaks with . for some reason. The first one doesn't, but it's still awful.
hm. does it seem like this would be a good idea:
5:06 AM
Yeah, I just wish there was a way to specify the to register as well as the from register.
let lambda = n -> for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { ... }
i.e. letting non-expressions statements be allowed in non-block lambdas?
@DJMcMayhem Well, visual mode breaks . in all sorts of ways anyway (or at least has unintuitive behavior). Better to stay away from it if you want to repeat things.
I'll probably end up doing this:
xnoremap <leader>p pgvy
xnoremap <leader>P Pgvy
It'll take a little bit of training to get used to though, I'm used to <leader>p == "+p`
5:10 AM
he just went thrhough and made like 5 answers in less than an hour, in the same language
@DJMcMayhem That could be useful, yeah.
looks like a future-chatbot account to me (nothing wrong with that, I'd just like to know)
@Doorknob Since you're in here, I've a couple moderator-ey questions. First off, I noticed that CR also has a "Best of 2016" post, and they edited the winners into the main post. Do you think we could do the same thing for ours?
Sure, don't see why not.
The other question is about the "New TNB room owners" post. Is there any update on how official that post is?
Dennis mentioned that it wasn't (yet) officially sanctioned but that you guys would talk it over.
5:15 AM
@DJMcMayhem I'm also interested in this, for obvious reasons :P
(If you're still talking it over, no pressure on updating us, I'm just curious)
Question: If I have rule A→N₁ and N₁⊃B. how should I do something like B→C A where C∈∑ with an LR?
Bison throws tantrum regarding conflicts because of right recursion
@DJMcMayhem It's not "official" in the sense that the <n> candidates with the most votes will automatically become room owners. It'll definitely help in deciding which users (if any) will become room owners, though.
> (if any)
Why would you not add additional room owners when it's very very clear that the community deems it necessary?
5:22 AM
I'm saying that not to imply that we won't, just that we aren't committing to any one course of action in particular as of yet.
Well, I suppose that's the best we can ask for at this time
OK, that makes sense. Thanks for the update
Also thanks :)
Thanks to all of you who have been awesome at self-moderating as well, even without the offical owner status (yet). :)
Now that the "Best of 2016" is over, I'm super proud of winning a category and nominating 3 winners. :)
That was a good moment for me
5:26 AM
On a not-so-related note: has anyone heard from Alex in a while? It's been over a week since he was (briefly) in chat, and hasn't posted anything on main in nearly a month. I hope he's doing alright.
And on the topic of the Best Of: this is my first year to offer up a bounty for a winner. I'd like to do it for the category I proposed (best explanation) - when will bounties start going up? Or has that not been figured out yet?
@Mego I was talking to him semi-recently (yesterday, actually); he's likely just been busy lately.
Ok, good. Glad to hear that he's just busy.
Chat's just not quite the same without him inciting pun wars :P
I love that the Best Explanation winner was the one that inspired me to propose the category
5:34 AM
Then why didn't you nominate it?
Because I was really busy while the nominations were going on, and didn't ever get enough time to write up a good nomination text for it
And then you nominated it and all was good
I'm going to write a graphical output challenge. What tools can I use to generate the requested output? (Along the lines of triangles, inscribed circles, line-segments, etc.)
Of course, I want some exact rather than eyeballing it
Nevermind, I think I'll use LaTeX (unless someone else has a better recommendation)
5:50 AM
@Mego the chat isn't as alexciting?
I was going to Recommend $\LaTeX$ to be honest.
Yeah, it just takes ages to install
2 hours later…
7:33 AM
When does the bounty process of Best Of begin now that the voting's finished?
At some point this week.
I'm guessing one of the mods will contact the volunteers later this week
Ninja'd :P
I find it really funny that I won a category and volunteered to spend a bounty. If both happen, it'll be as if the whole thing never happened, haha
Since you have a lot of rep it's likely that both will happen. We have more volunteers than we need bounties, so I'll probably pick the top 8 volunteers by rep.
Makes sense
In the Call for Categories, 7 people so far have volunteered to give bounties
7:39 AM
plus Dennis and myself
BTW @KritixiLithos Thanks for nominating my keyboard answer! I've been planning on self-nominating for a while but you beat me to it. :)
@MartinEnder What if someone with lower rep wants to offer a bounty to get a precious badge!?
It really is a good answer as it showcases a lot of V features :)
@Fatalize ...
Yeah, it's now my highest voted post of all-time.
7:42 AM
Whoa, that's freaky how you spent more than 2 minutes on your highest-voted answer.
This more or less proves that science doesn't work.
A co-op answer that I worked on for 4 days only got 5 upvotes (1 of which was mine) :/ But an answer that I spent less than 10 minutes on got 20+ upvotes and is my most voted answer :/
Right, that's what we normally expect to happen.
For a really long time my highest voted answer was a jelly one-byter that took about 30 seconds to write.
After that, it was a decent vim answer that Udioica kicked my butt in. I got like 40 votes and he got like 7.
Jelly, the only language where it takes 30 seconds to type 1 byte.
8:11 AM
how do you get 40 votes on an answer?
my highest is like 5
and something like 4 on my main account
Are you wat?
it says it in my account description
can confirm is me
also please look at this, I need answers
Q: Writing a Stack Exchange chat application in GTK+ 3, what should I use to display messages?

Dmitry KudriavtsevI am writing an application for Stack Exchange chat using GTK+ 3. I was wondering what components are generally used and recommended to use for actually displaying messages. My options right now are WebKit (for easy HTML rendering), a GtkListBox (for easy list management), or something else. Wha...

If you're gonna be drawing some rows of text, you definitely need an HTML rendering engine.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Super ChafouinPolytope of the pops In 3 dimensions, there are 5 regular convex polytopes: the platonic solids. In 2 dimensions, there is an infinity of regular convex polytopes: the triangle, the square, the pentagon, the hexagon, etc… In 4 dimensions, there are 6 such polytopes, and for 5 dimensions or mo...

8:17 AM
/s Post trivial and short <5 byte answers to popular questions a short while after the challenge was posted to get tons of upvotes.
@feersum The thing has a built in list view with rows
@StackExchangeAppTest IDK. It just happens sometimes
But TBF I have 5x as many answers as you :P
8:33 AM
Q: Hello World!... in pure x86 opcodes

180FiveThis is a Hello World challenge! Those plain ones! Yeah.... However, it's different this time. Because here, you can't use C or C++ or Stuck or ArnoldC or whatever you want. You can only choose raw x86 opcodes from this list, or any other x86 opcode lists. It is also assuming you have no Prote...

@Riker kinda. is oreo a common american food?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenMulti-user CRUD: Fine, Problem, or Error? code-golf Introduction: Ever used dropbox with some other people and you both modified the same file? Ever had a multi-user application with a relational database, and two people were modifying (or worse, one was deleting and the other modifying) the...

wise words from fortune | cowsay | lolcat
Where's the cat?
Cows quack
8:49 AM
@feersum lolcat makes it colored
Is that funny?
fortune outputs some random things (some "fortune"-like sentences, funny things from LKML, funny things from history of GNU, etc), cowsay makes a cow say it, lolcat makes it colored. The funny part was the sentence that fortune output. :(
Well, why do you need lolcat if it has neither lols nor cats?
It looks too dull if it's one color.
9:09 AM
and I keep getting confused
what is a solid way of generating all cycles (not even deranged sets of them)
actually, I think I figured it out
first generating any permutation that ends in 0
and then following the list and mapping it
(super vague)
def permutations_ending_in_0(n):
    for p in itertools.permutations(range(1,n)):
        yield p + (0,)

def map_to_cycle(p):
    l = [-1 for _ in p]
    pos = 0
    for e in p:
        l[pos] = e
        pos = e
    return l

for p in permutations_ending_in_0(5):
this works, but I wonder if there's a better direct way
2 hours later…
11:48 AM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LaikoniOOP: Overlapping Oriented Programming code-golfmultiple-holesstring One of the lesser known programming paradigms which seems to be aimed at code golfing is Overlapping Oriented Programming (OOP) *. When writing partly identical code, many bytes can be saved by simply overlapping the identical p...

1 hour later…
1:01 PM
Any chance anyone could give me some feedback on my sandboxed question? meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/11294/737
1:40 PM
Q: Shutdown the computer!

P. KtinosChallenge: In the programming language of your choice, shutdown the machine that your code was executed on. Rules No shutting down by resource exhaustion (eg: forkbomb to force shutdown) The code you write is allowed to work only on a single OS. Standard loopholes are forbidden This is a ...

2:23 PM
I'm so glad my regex clippy meme has 4 stars
Anyone use outlook 2016
I occasionally run into a situation where my inbox reports I have unread email but none show up. I click on the Unread button and none are listed. Upon loading more emails from microsoft exchange sometimes I'm able to see the missing emails and other times not.
It's a bit frustrating
2:43 PM
@Poke I have the same problem in Outlook 2013. I can fix it logging into Microsofts webmail and marking it as read there.
@Emigna well at least the mild ocd around the number being there can be solved...
i don't remember seeing this issue in 2013
looking on the google a lot of the answers i'm seeing are "Use Cache Exchange Mode"
but i already have all that jazz
so idk
After hearing horror stories from colleagues upgrading I've decided to stay in 2013 :)
You use Office 365 or just outlook?
We have office 365 but I rarely use anything other than outlook
ooo by not upgrading are you still on microsoft office communicator?
or do you have lync
2:52 PM
Lync is upgraded to Skype for business
yeah yeah but it's all lync
or sidegraded is perhaps the better term
pretty sure lync came with office 2013
the process name in task manager is still lync.exe
fail :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

izlinKnit me a sock ascii-art code-golf kolmogorov-complexity Sorry for the bad formatted ASCII-Arts, I'm on it. Introduction Long story short: a few days ago i accidently started knitting a sock and the pretty logical structure of the plain stitches lead me to the idea: Why don't we just ASCII-...

3:48 PM
@Poke Ok, Microsoft Office communicator I haven't heard of. Is it really new or really ancient?
@Pavel really ancient
4:18 PM
@betseg more or less yeah
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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