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^ trying to use node debugger
@LeakyNun What output are you intending? A list of 16 unnamed functions?
All of my codegolf entries are terrible :D
"Ah yes, the leading solution is 26 bytes. Let me just post my 246 long solution instead."
sorry, sprint ran overtime
four pings, six mentions.....
Congrats @Quill :)
@Zizouz212 thanks :) and thanks @quartata
;_; everyone is mod except me
so much blue
Shucks because you probably have double my rep too...
@Upgoat I think I've finally accepted Lambda functions as pretty
@Quill for some resin yoru clone code is borked
@Quill :D
but you put too much on onel ine
@Zizouz212 rep != expertise
Tis is true.
@Upgoat it won't necessarily work for non-object types
well thats not good
@Upgoat 418stat.us
@Upgoat well yeah, you gotta change the copy method
oh nice url
i should get blogo.at
it uses the Object.prototype and an object copy
array copy would be different prototype and copy method
oh god 72 euro for .at domain
@Quill i need class copy
instanceof seems to be not wokring
oh :|
@Upgoat classes instances or class declarations?
class instandce
Ew godaddy
haha the code golfer ungolfed the code reviewer's code
do you really need loops? like i could just like... not make for loops?
cheddar> for (var i := 0; i < 5; i=i+1) { print i }
function cloneObject(type, source){
    var result = Object.create(type.prototype, source.__proto__);
    Object.keys(source).forEach(prop => result[prop] = (source[prop] instanceof Object ? clone(source[prop].__proto__, source[prop]) : source[prop]));
    return result;
everything is an object anyway, so meh. you just gotta change where the prototypes come from
if it's an array type, that's different again
is it an array type?
@Quill is it better practice to have a space between for and ( or not?
it's style choice, depends which style guide you follow
In Quill's style guide, there's a space between for and (
Quill's style guide is wrong :/
In Geobits' style guide, there's a tab between for and (
1/4 of a tab
@Bigtoes still better than StandardJS
@trichoplax Two tabs and a space, actually.
Star achieved. Now I can sleep
@Quill True, although that's not a big brag :P
@trichoplax yw
@Bigtoes Now I'm going to have nightmares...
33 secs ago, by Upgoat
@trichoplax yw
@Upgoat Uh, thanks... :P
no, really.... two space indentation
Ehh.... I agree with maybe half of those things >_>
@trichoplax did you not want to sleep

Proposed Q&A site for members, researchers, believers and deniers of the Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era founded secret society

Currently in definition.

^ Found it on the Interwebz
var myBool = Boolean("false");  // == true
var myBool = !!"false";         // == true
@Quill followed
@Quill wat seriously
@Maltysen ಠ_ಠ
brb running for pro term on Illuminati
Huh. So apparently, imperfect computing is a thing
this will help build my reputation on StackExchange
I don't want people thinking I'm some sort of fool
@Upgoat s/pro term/pro tem/
theres a chip called the Singular Chip which returns approximately the right answer for arithmetic
but because it isn't exact, it can go hundreds of times faster
@Quill 60% of their followers also follow Conspiracy. Coincidence? I think not.
It's a shame they don't follow skeptics
> On what basis there is a conspiracy that CIA teleported Obama to Mars?
@NathanMerrill How inexact is it?
its probabilistic, so its impossible to give a definite range
@Bigtoes He grew potatoes, drove a rover... It was a whole big Mark Watney thing
int add(int a, int b){
return Random.nextInt();
and unfortunately, I can't find any "official" sites talking about it
@NathanMerrill If it's probabilistic, its error should have some distribution, hopefully centered around 0, which should hopefully have a finite variance
right, but I can't get any solid data on that
Ah okay
> What are the benefits of Illuminati membership? Is there a health plan? Discounts on auto insurance?
@Bigtoes Illuminati == AAA confirmed
however, that said, they are targetting it towards image recognition and machine learning, which says to me that it won't be fit for general computing
@Maltysen The dental plan is crazy though. They put little radio receivers in your fillings.
> How many times has the government harvested my kidneys?
Uh, well you only start with two kidneys, and you need one to survive, so that kinda puts a cap on it....
why is it that the room devolves into chaos when @AlexA. arrives
@Bigtoes well, it doesn't have to be an integral number of kidneys
wat happened that this room went from illuminati to government harvesting kidneys ._.
@Quill I'm pretty sure it was you that posted the Illuminati link >_>
@Upgoat You think they're not connected?? Sheeple.
@Bigtoes that's what the Illuminati wants you to believe
Oh god, how many kidneys do I even have?
Not enough
@Bigtoes well they're the ones you took from Chatgoat's corpse. You could always take Marky's, I wonder if the upvote buttons have kidneys...
@Upgoat Huh? No, Marky made a pie of those.
did he like mash them up?
Steak and kidney pie is a savoury pie that is filled principally with a mixture of diced beef, diced kidney (often of beef, lamb, or pork), fried onion, and brown gravy. Steak and kidney pie is a representative dish of British cuisine. == Pie == The gravy typically consists of salted beef broth flavoured with Worcestershire sauce and black pepper, and thickened with refined flour, beurre manié, or corn starch. The gravy may also contain ale or stout. Hot water crust pastry, puff pastry, and shortcrust pastry are among the pastry crusts prepared for steak and kidney pie. Among the various vernacular...
> often of beef, lamb, or pork
there's no goat D:
@Bigtoes Was it good?
I only had a bite to taste, but it wasn't bad.
:D well I'm glad Chatgoat's corpse is satisfying people
Not as good as his curry though.
@Bigtoes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Upgoat Sorry, I'm just not a fan of kidney in general. Nothing against Chatgoat. I don't like liver much either.
I like steak and kidney, it's a cool place to live :)
O_o TIL hacking a mac is as easy as restarting it
@AlexA. Are you sure you didn't mean to lenny the one above that? >_>
@Bigtoes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Sp3000 where is it google maps can't find it
Maybe try Cake in Sydney?
> Steak and kidney pie is a representative dish of British cuisine.
I don't like British cuisine anymore
Geobits got it :P (it's just Sydney)
> Rhyming Slang
Rhyming slang is so damn weird.
do phones blow up due to overheating?
I don't think I've actually heard anyone use any of those in actual conversation, but it's probably not something you hear in urban areas anyway
Sydney's nice, I had dinner on one of the waterfront restaurants earlier this year... pretty nice experience :)
@Sp3000 idk, I'm not australian but maybe @Quill or @MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ would know
@Upgoat More likely to melt the battery and possibly catch fire. I wouldn't expect one to actually explode.
batteries can explode though
@Sp3000 I don't think I've heard the word "kidney" spoken in months
@Quill As a CR person who knows ES6, would it be better (in general) to do new Map or new Map()?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ new Map()
that's what I thought
@Upgoat Sure, but it's very rare. Like I said, it'll more likely leak or catch fire.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Map is a function, Map() is a function result
Probably one of those words you know is common but hear very infrequently
still i like my phone not on fire ;_;
Australia is just like USA, except it's a lot hotter and we don't have donald trump
@Upgoat Stop overheating it then. Goat fur is not a good phone pocket.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ new Map is valid, but you're not supposed to do it that way as the JS specification doesn't allow it but implementations do (i think)
@Bigtoes I can't stop it ;_; im updating to ios10 and its borking
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ night!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ night!
@Upgoat Oh. Well that's your problem right there. ios and all.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ bonne nuit
(well I guess that's a had technically)
@Quill TIL Australian slang "bonne nuit" :P
my french is horrible <_<
? should I call them aussies or somethin?
Call em kiwis. They really like that >_>
Not sure if there was sarcasm there, but "bonne nuit" isn't English
@Bigtoes well right now i have no OS, just kernel borking
@Bigtoes ... stares
Me? What did I do?
@Sp3000 are you aussie too?
Nah it's all good, NZ's nice too
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I thought you're californian
@Upgoat Yup
does anyone read profiles before asking questions?
I just assume everyone avoids the location question like a sensible person would :P
like "what's your X?".... it's in my profile man ;-;
Profiles can lie though :P
> The name derives from the kiwi, a flightless bird, which is native to, and the national symbol of, New Zealand.
@Sp3000 can't fly, he is a very pixelated city.
Alex can, but isn't australian.
I've flown lots of times.
@Sp3000 Like Chatgoat's profile says he lives in Chatgoat's barn but he's really in Marky's pie
@Bigtoes yes
Kinda funny how NZers are called "kiwis" but you don't see people calling Aussies "emus"
but Sp hasn't.
@Upgoat o_O
14 mins ago, by Bigtoes
@Upgoat Huh? No, Marky made a pie of those.
Define: "flown" :P
@Sp3000 We could start calling you 'roos.
what about koalas?
Emus aren't distinctive enough. You need either kangaroos or koalas for sure.
I guess walas could work. It's the last half of koala and the first of wallabies :P
Ah yes, the good old days where we'd ride in a kangaroo to school...
You're lucky. We didn't even have shoes, and it was uphill both ways. And snowing. And, uh, broken glass lined the street beneath the snow.
New rule of TNB: Don't trust the downvote, Mark Wahlberg, goat curry or the llama.
@Quill That's actually a pretty good guide for people who can't tell.
A friend told me that (he is korean).
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ;_; why would you not trust me
the other goat curry
the chatbot
oh ok
Wait, why would you not trust me? When have I ever steered you wrong?
That's the problem with young people these days. No respect for their elders.
@Bigtoes Three words: fake graduation announcements.
@El'endiaStarman Uh... we're graduated.
@Bigtoes Five words: Letting Marky kill my goat
@Upgoat Marky did that, not me.
@Bigtoes fixed
Marky is an autonomous being. You "let" him just as much as I did.
Maybe we had already graduated back then, but Stack Exchange inadvertently forgot to tell us.
@feersum Now that wouldn't possibly happen >_>
@feersum whaaaaat, when has Stack Exchange "inadvertently" forgotten about us
@Upgoat *gasp* That's a thing they do?
:D iphone updated to ios10 without blowning up
Did it at least brown up a little? That's how you know it's done cooking.
yeah, it's gold
golden brown usually means it's cooked right...
Ask Marky. He's the chef around here.
shit I forgot my facebook password :|
Oh, let me look it up for you. Just a minute...
Ok, it looks like it's 2seXXXy4myGoat
how did you hsck my facebook
I have the list. It wasn't a hack.
TIL I can't downvote on A51 until I get some rep. I truly didn't know it worked the same that way. Sad me :(
This song I just heard for the first time today has potential to become a favorite of mine.
O_o I think npm is larger than node itself
Marvel next movie confirmed: The Unscopables
@El'endiaStarman its way good
> Downgoat[Symbol.species] === "goat"
< ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Downgoat
ooh, that will be good for faking delegate arrays
ono sudo apt-get install npm is broken D: D: D: D: D:
@Upgoat exactly :D
;-; why is there no tutorial on how to install npm without apt-get
I might write a blog post on the Symbol prototypes and how computed property keys allows for modification of them
@NathanMerrill I really love epic vocals. ^_^
i already tri all googl link
@Quill brb stealing idea
install npm first
i already tri
curl -L npmjs.com/install.sh | sh
such fanciness
What's a synonym for "property" that begins with S?
@Upgoat I don't see any S- synonyms here, but what about attribute, characteristic, or trait?
I need to make a alliteration "Special Symbols Set [...]"
@Upgoat damn, I forgot about Object.assign, that's what you should use instead of that function I wrote earlier
@Upgoat Errrr.....signs?
> gunzTarP
TIL npm speaks lolcat
So I ran npm install script and it ended with:
It worked
@Bigtoes .....
I finished my blog post on computed property keys, but I'll publish it later
@Quill nice
I'm struggling to find a decent topic to blog about <_>
@Quill Dumb, annoying, but rarely mentioned design choices of common software.
@Quill idk, maybe your coding style? and what you'd reccomend
@HelkaHomba common design choices?
e.g. how the default Win10 video player "Movies & TV" makes the video gray when you pause it. What if I'm pausing it to see the still frame Windows! >:|
Or how Android volume rockers control the "notification" volume if no sound is playing. A huge annoyance if you're queuing up a video and have to wait for it to load and start playing before easily setting the desired volume.
@Upgoat that sounds interesting.... I've been meaning to do up a GitHub repo on that, actually
;_: SE app crashes on ios10
Is it true iPhones (and iPods?) can't natively be used as flash drives? I was flabbergasted when I heard that the other day.
@HelkaHomba yeah they kinda can but you'll need either itunes or a special app to access the files
apples all about "cloud" and wireless so I guess they want you to buy icloud storage rather than your phones
@Upgoat So if you just wanted to store a txt file on your phone copied from your computer, what would you do? On Android I could just plug my phone in and drag the file to the phone listed as a drive like a usb stick.
@HelkaHomba idk probably use icloud drive and access it from icloud.com or if it's your mac, then you can use universal clipboard
@HelkaHomba why would normal users want to do that though?
@Quill So they don't have to carry around a flash drive. Why would Apple restrict such a fundamental convenience?
because normal users don't really consider their phones as a flash drive
@HelkaHomba I don't know anything that would be better for the "nothing playing" volume rocker function. I most commonly use it with nothing playing to silence my phone before a meeting/date/etc. While the pre-video thing is annoying sometimes, I'd rather it be the way it is than to default to media volume.
idk but it takes lots of time, money, and a lot of other things to make a single feature. and most people won't use it, so I guess they didn't think it was a good idea
@Upgoat less about that, and more about adding unnecessarily complicated versions to an environment
@Quill I care that I can fill up my gigabytes any darn way I want to :/
@Quill though after apple fired their senior UX designer, they have totally given up on "don't over complicate", seen with iOS 10
the messages app & widgets is like "WTF"x
I found a bug in the new photos app :D
Stack underflow much
report it
I had like 15 bugs reported during iOS 9 beta and I never got any replies from Apple about any of them
@Bigtoes Well I keep notification volume off usually. It could at least be an option
ik, they get like 1000000000 bug reports tho
wat, there is no bug reporter app
maybe thats only in public beta
only in beta
i am in beta
@Quill Apples avoidance of "complicated" things has always irked me. Like not making two button mice standard
two button mice are standard
@HelkaHomba apples mice suck anyway
technically it's one button but they're partitioned
halp, how to rename memori
@Quill Not until the 2000's. I went through grade school forced to use one-button Mac mice. I've never trusted Apple since.
questions about beta iOS versions are not allowed there
@HelkaHomba oh my god, that's horrible
@HelkaHomba ouchie
you weren't allowed to BYOM?
@Upgoat Well maybe but that's a hassle
;-; halp, how install homebridge, i tri fo thritee minut but gyp-node rebuild fail
oh hey, I bought a link shortener domain that I'll use for SE chat in general
I'll set up the htaccess rules and github it later
Everyone's always talking about link shorteners, but what about link lengtheners?
Inserts several hundred bytes of random base64 noise in the link.
For those times when you want people to think you are watching them, but don't want to go to the trouble of actually watching them.
@feersum hmm, not as bad as an idea as I thought it would be
:D I got homebridge to install
@Quill Gratzi on the diamond!
:) thanks @DrGreenEggsandIronMan
I feel dumb. I spelled it wrong, and picked the wrong word: google.com/…
I thought it was just gratz like congrats and then you accidentally pressed i
@LeakyNun Truthy/falsy depends a lot on the language - 0's not always falsy (although tbh this does get a little confusing for some challenges with truthy/falsy outputs)
No, I usually accidentally press i at the beginning.
Because my fingers have learned vim better than my brain has.
So how does moderator pro tempore work? Who picks them?
Stack Exchange pick the pro tems
hang on, I'll find the blog post
Robert Cartaino on July 27, 2010
There's a bit of a leadership vacuum inside the new Stack Exchange communities in public beta. We've put a lot of responsibility on each group to take ownership of their own site. The Stack Exchange team can act as guide, but we don't always have the domain knowledge to understand the needs of each group. As the Network expands, this stretches our ability to assure that each community's issues are properly addressed.
@LeakyNun According to our definition, only true and false are truthy/falsy in Julia.
Btw, did you see my comment on your challenge?
tbh I don't think we've ever gotten over the "what about truthy/falsy of printed values" problem :(

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