Hence why I was trying to empty list in Jelly, but given how <dyad> <monad> is parsed, I'll probably end up wasting a byte anyway to get len to not stick to the dyad
Wow, I was so excited for Overwatch two years ago but not only did I not make it into the closed beta but Blizzard is also not supporting OS X or Linux AND they somehow managed to make it completely broken with Wine
@epicTCK Pointers are memory addresses. A string such as "Hello" will take up six contiguous bytes of memory (the last is the null byte, which ends a string in C). A pointer to that string will have a value that is the address of the first byte of memory used. You can have a pointer to the start of a list, or an integer, or an object, or even other pointers, since pointers themselves also have memory addresses. You declare a pointer with * and "de-reference" (get the address) with &.
> Atmospheric scientists try for years to piece together what happened, but no explanation is forthcoming. Eventually, they give up, and the unexplained meteorological phenomenon is simply dubbed a “Skrillex Storm”—because, in the words of one researcher, “It had one hell of a drop.”
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ A place that I closed an account with a couple months back. I guess they don't know what "full withdrawal" means, or I had some slight bit of interest accruing.
Anyone know Android hardware well? Trying to figure out if the sound latency I'm getting (straight mic -> speaker) is avoidable at all, or whether the hardware/api layers just suck.
Tempted to write a simple test program, but figured I'd ask first.
Fuzzy Octo Guacamole, 11 bytes
This takes the infinite route.
01 pushes 0 and then 1 to the stack.
( starts a infinite loop.
! sets the register, saving the value on the top of the stack and storing it. It doesn't pop though.
a adds the 2 values.
ZrZ reverses th...
I want you to write a function (or a program) that takes the height (2*c) and the width (2*a) of an oblate (left image) or prolate (right image) spheroid or a sphere as parameters and returns the volume and the surface area of the shape as tuple. The output must be rounded to two decimal places.