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It's hard to decide which bot would be best, but the 10 to pick from are all round pretty smart.
@ais523 I don't really want to write the implementation, but want to know if I'm reading this right: So if I took in an input Java program, for example, I could convert it all to /uxxxx codes for a character set of size 18?
@Geobits yes, I think that works (Java allows \uxxxx in any context, doesn't it?)
Yeah, it gets converted before it compiles iirc.
of course, your score there will be limited by the fact that a) you're still using 18 characters, and b) you have to write the program in Java :-P
I think this is a duplicate, sadly.
Sure, just making sure I read it right, like I said. Of course the output will be huge, too, since it's 6 chars for every 1 input.
A: Encode a program with the fewest distinct characters possible,

ATacoRProgN, 7 Distinct Characters, Noncompeting RProgN is newer than this question. ' do.Lc Convert the program to 'oooo...' L c 'ooooo...' L c 'oo...' L c . . . do, where each 'oo...' represents the character code in o's, surrounded by apostrifies to make a string out of them. L c then turns them...

Disregard particular answer.
I just grabbed it from my answers...
I checked for duplicates but didn't find that one
the new challenge is probably better though, the old one's very vague
Better normally isn't allowed, but I'm no-one's boss.
not sure whether to close as duplicate, reverse close as duplicate, or leave both open
I've vote to closed the new one.
bleh, Lenguage postdates the challenge :-(
but Unary doesn't
let me go exploit that
(actually, Unary is easier than Lenguage…)
but in a very vague way
or, hmm, it tried to ban Unary
> TacoGeobots
Are you judging my bots randomly generated names?
I used to go by Geobot many years ago.
Alright, It's now a 10vs10, This may take like, 10 minutes to load, but hopefully the bots will be hella smat.
Maybe even wicked smat
Now to just learn C++ so I can submit one of these bad boys.
If all you need is a lookup table, you shouldn't need to learn much at all.
I should mention, these bots have not been taught to play games any higher than 10 rounds.
As such, their brains cannot get more complex than "9:9"
Push that to 20 and you'll probably cover most situations. 10 might be a bit short, but maybe not.
Ooh, Brains are done cooking!
I may try something similar, but tomorrow. I've put off sleep long enough.
I admire 'RobotGeorge' for only shooting when he has the advantage.
And, good night friendo.
Team Red's ` ` is kinda good.
I have my own plans for the KotH but I think I'll wait for the hill to get populated first
also I'm not sure I really want to enter in C++
@ATaco Your bot name generator is kinda borked >_>
t.name = ""
	for i=1, math.random(0,2) do
		t.name = t.name .. nameStarts[math.random(#nameStarts)]
	for i=1, math.random(0,2) do
		t.name = t.name .. nameBodies[math.random(#nameBodies)]
	for i=1, math.random(0,1) do
		t.name = t.name .. nameEnds[math.random(#nameEnds)]
Require at least one name body.
I may change how the fitness works to give better thinking bots.
I will allow it, But I was keen for Mr but FASTER
Bots now, instead of instantly receiving punish and reward calls after each game, total their wins across all opposing bots. If they win more on average then lose, they receive reward, otherwise, punish. As before there were 10 bots on each team, it was possible to have a 50/50 split, so botsperteam has been lowered to 9.
Of course, now each of the 100000 games these bots get to play for my amusement takes a little longer, but the reward is harder better faster stronger bots.
Bot would be a nice name for a bot.
RobotRobot could be a good name for a bot.
It's amazing these bots did as well as they did, noting their Fitness was broken and set to a permanent 9xGames
Holy cow, I got 50 rep in just 30 minutes in Puzzling
that's five answer upvotes, which isn't really a lot
rep is very easy to get on SE if you want it
especially if you're willing to use underhanded tactics to do so
(like submitting really easy questions to PPCG)
It's the fastest (and easiest) rep I ever got
At least I'm closer to Running Ragged now
I got duplicate marked on my question, I edit it but the person who marked duplicate didn't remove duplicate tag... and I got downvoted for that... What to do? :(
Which question is it?
Q: Tips for posting interesting challenges in ppcg

FalconI'm looking for some interesting ideas which I can apply to code-golf problems which keep track of programmers interest as well as some what tricky to solve. It can be of any language (e.g Python, R etc). The task should rely on algorithm rather than languages. The purpose is to capture programme...

you edited an old closed answer into an entirely different question
you probably shouldn't be doing that? it makes it very hard to follow what's going on
(also that's a duplicate of a post on Meta)
So, how can I change my question as that other person said its a complete duplicate. So, I have to change it.... I'm sorry I'm new to this so I don't know much...
Should I remove my question?
yes, better to delete it and post a new one
you should be able to delete your own question
although, with duplicates, sometimes the duplicate question can help people searching for the question
but doesn't the duplicate gets downvoted?
if it gets downvoted, that's normally a sign that people think it's worth deleting
Doesn't a duplicate eventually gets deleted by people who got more badges then non-bagers
Isn't this something wrong btw, its actually use of power (kind of)
deletions aren't really related to badges, but to reputation
and actually, most deletions are done by Community (which is a bot) on posts that are downvoted, closed, and have no answers
Its' written that code golf users with badges can single handedly close questions as duplicates and re-open them
this is not some bot closing or deleting it... right?
I do not love C++
No sir
@Falcon that's possible but it's not the normal reason; the vast majority of closures on PPCG happen as a result of five close votes
and most of the rest happen as the result of moderators "shortcutting" a vote that's inevitably going to go one way or the other
Ahaaa.... thanks @ais523.... :)
My C++ just swore at me.
When I try and get the turn number and opponent ammo, it gives me not the correct values: Turn -858993460 ammo: 0 opponent's ammo: -858993460
The winner of my messy Gene Pool is BotRobot, a name that I could not have made better myself.
@ATaco BotRobot might be a great name for a bot.
BotRobot is his name. I don't plan to rename my victor...
Is anyone on now?
Anyone is on now.
@zyabin101 How much Processing do you know?
Did someone say Processing? :)
@Qwerp-Derp Not much.
@KritixiLithos Yes! Something did say "Processing"! :D
Thinking of making a Processing answer for this: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/104782/…
You chose the right tool :)
It's just that I don't know how to put points around a circle
You can look at this Processing answer of mine to see how I put points around a circle: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/101902/41805
I used the formula for the Rotation Matrix on wikipedia: m=x*cos(a)-y*sin(a);n=x*sin(a)+y*cos(a);x=m;y=n;
Fell free to ask me any questions you have with it :)
@LegionMammal978 oeis.org/A061377
I added the formula!
and it got approved
How to make arrays in Processing
@orlp Oh that's why you're called orlp
@KritixiLithos Halp
float[]array_name=new float[array_size];
oh wait i have to specify an array size?
float[]array_name = {12,12,45,6,8,...}
I want to generate an array of factors of a number
So do I just set the default array size to the number?
What do you mean by that?
I want to make a function factors(int n) that generates an array of prime factors of that number
How do I initialise the array
You can use ArrayList. First do the import java.util.ArrayList;
ArrayList a= new ArrayList();a.add(4);println(a.get(0));//4
So is the arraylist arbitrary length
Yes, you can also remove elements
But the contents will be Objects
Is there any way to turn the arraylist to an int list
I am a complete noob to both Java and Processing
ArrayList<Integer>a= new ArrayList();
So is that now an int list?
I added a. Now there are somewhere over 50 glyphs, including compilations of other glyphs (composite glyphs and duplicate glyphs).
How can I get the length of an arraylist
The font normalisator tried to close the latter as duplicate, but did not know about one specific checkbox... ;)
This website gives a list of ArrayList functions: tutorialspoint.com/java/java_arraylist_class.htm
@KritixiLithos Or he could just read the Javadocs. docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html
@ais523 Users with gold badges can also insta-close challenges as duplicates (i.e. they have a supervote in that one situation).
my boss changed the password to the server so now I can't sync my local copy of the source code with the server, so I've been waiting for him to come into my office (all of 30 feet) for the past 10 minutes. I'm gonna be as blatant about not doing any work in the meantime as I can until he gets his ass in here and types in the new password for me.
I think I have most of the code done
Gtg now
well I got my boss to come in here
and then he walked out without entering the password holy shit
I have no chill today
Pro tip: never use a proprietary company server. :P
Does your company have a GitHub?
yes but neither my boss nor I has any idea how to use github
and since we're the only developers, that kinda leaves us nowhere
@Qwerp-Derp yep
@GabrielBenamy how do you guys handle merges and history and such? o.o
Github is not the only Git remote in existence :P
They probably run their own Git or SVN server
@redstarcoder "handle"
@quartata I wish
we both download local copies of the files to netbeans and upload them as we modify them. since we're both in the same office, we can just yell back and forth when we edit files to make sure we don't override files the other is working on.
I honstly couldn't even imagine working like that anymore :p
You could at minimum use co
@quartata co?
check out?
Rabbit Control Systems rcs-co.com
Older than time itself but since they've fallen through a portal to the 70s I thought it apropos
@redstarcoder no
I know :p
Just checking
@quartata Revision Control System? D:
It's too old!
It's actually not that bad
Is it better than SVN?
honestly I don't mind the means for coding -- it makes testing very simple, just upload and test -- but I just wish my boss had included me in the development of the new system before it was almost finished. He has some good ideas but a LOT of this is more complicated than it needs to be. He could have done all of this so much easier rather than hard-coding literally everything.
Then there's this great thing called CVS which layers on top of RCS
Is this still open? I see people adding new submissions, but I don't see the leaderboard being updated. — ASCIIThenANSI Apr 10 '15 at 16:36
Or it did what, 10 years ago?
Maybe 20
@ASCIIThenANSI The caveman war is kinda done, being that an answer is accepted and the last leaderboard update was long ago..
@GabrielBenamy on Github you can configure it to run the tests for you!
@orlp Your username makes much more sense now :P
@redstarcoder How am I gonna configure github to test if uploading a file visually displays the way we want it to in the system, when the file upload software is licensed for only one IP address?
I figured you were talking about unit tests lol
@MetaEd Unfortunately I'm pretty sure people still use CVS
Licensed for one IP address though? That sounds rough ..
@redstarcoder I have a degree in mathematics, not CS, so I'm not even 100% sure what that means
Unit tests are one of those things professional software engineers use as excuses for artificially extending compile times
@GabrielBenamy Unit tests test how the system as a whole functions. You use them when you have two separate components that interact, so you want to be sure that the interaction works and that both components interact as expected.
@quartata I was thinking of using a photocopier and optical character recognition. Creates just the right amount of trepidation about actually going back to a previous version.
@MetaEd ahahahahahaha
@GabrielBenamy Usually refers to the standard run of tests to ensure all the code is working. Usually you want your tests to run over all the code, so you don't worry about one minor bug breaking your new function, or your new code introducing said minor bug.
@El'endiaStarman That sounds more like integration tests
Q: Score a hand of Cribbage!

Julian LachnietGoal: Given a hand of 5 cards, determine its value in the game Cribbage. Input a string through any reasonable means. You can assume the string will always be in this format: [Card Value][Card Face],[Card Value][Card Face],[Card Value][Card Face],[Card Value][Card Face],[Card Value][Card Face...

Then again unit tests has kinda become a catchall
@quartata I guess that would make more sense.
for any kind of automatic test
My workplace separates tests into unit and functional, where the latter is for testing specific functions.
Maybe we have different definitions because the latter is what I would call unit haha
Wikipedia says In computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use.
So we're all right?
my workplace just sends things into production after my boss and I have tested them because we are both amateurs
@redstarcoder Vague enough for me. Let's hit the bar
Sweet! Great way to start the day.
@NewMainPosts Wait, I think I know another post with that name...
Is anyone here using Github + Firefox?
Q: Score a Cribbage Hand

boothbyThis challenge is to score a Cribbage hand. If you don't play Cribbage, you've got some learning to do. We play with a standard poker deck, and a hand consists of four cards plus the "up card". There are two types of hand: normal, and a 'crib hand'. Cards come in the format vs where v is one ...

@GabrielBenamy Let me know how that works out for you
@flawr I use GitHub on Internet Explorer.
I always have issues with pasitng multiline text in there, whether it is gist or on github itself. They always get collapsed to one liners.
Wow that sounds extremely annoying.
@quartata [shrugs] I just wanna write code, I don't really care about spending all of my time worrying about which github command I accidentally broke everything with
git's really not as bad as it's made out to be
I find it saves me from writing code and saves me time more often than it costs it
Especially when you only have two people. Conflicts are pretty easy if they happen
unless github writes my application for me, it's not gonna save me any time code-writing
@flawr :/
@flawr Weird.
Also, Unbenannt datei? That's wierd.
@zyabin101 that's german=)
@flawr it's those german newlines, they're not as effective as real, authentic, us-grown newlines
@GabrielBenamy hahaha, that might be the issue
perhaps they are just overengineered=)
Maybe the carrot return borks the line feed.
@GabrielBenamy you'd be surprised. Two people can work on different features in the same files, then merge them into one on the master branch. This certainly saves time on communication at minimum.
Q: Text to fraction

orlpThe fraction 2264129042459209 / 3656158440062975 when written out in base 36 has the following infinite expansion: 0.makeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstop.... Write a program or function that takes a string consisting only of lowercase characters and output the integers a and b (forming reduced fract...

Q: Programming a Puzzle

devRicherTask Pretty simple. Print this ASCII art of a puzzle, but stay conform with the rules. _______________________________________________ | (_ (_ (_ (_ | | 4 _) _) 8 _) _) 17 | | _ _( (__ __ _ _( (_ _ | |_| |_| |...

Q: Column deletion game

andreas xaralampopoulosI am stuck on the following problem for about a month.(its from greek programming training site hellenico.gr) The problem states : You are given a table 3 X N .The first row consists of numbers 1 through N (each number is used only once and not necessarily in order).The second and third row co...

@NewMainPosts spammer!
@NewMainPosts next time you're going to get kicked
Can't resist the close vote.
@NewMainPosts Please make that go away.
@zyabin101 I just experimented with that, doesn't seem to be the issue!
@flawr No, it's a Rare Line 8-)
@flawr What if you try copy-pasting into something like the Minkolang code box? That should help narrow down whether it's GitHub or Firefox.
@El'endiaStarman It seems to work just fine!
Also In TIO
But it doesn't happen in Github + Chrome...
@flawr Why did you close as duplicate? It's not a duplicate...
Isn't it?
@NewMainPosts this question makes me think we should be called programming games because the question is a programming puzzle, just not a suitable one for this site
@flawr The input is given as text
@orlp You asked to just a subset of the other challenge
@flawr no
an answer for the other challenge can not be used to solve mine
I disagree
@flawr if I were to follow your argument then a challenge "convert a base36 number to base 10" would be identical to the "implement the identity function"
In my opinion this really does not add anything new.
@flawr where is that one framework for Koths?
Well you can go ahead and reopen it if you want, I'm not gonna close it again.
@zyabin101 is there one framework for koths?
@flawr it's a subset (which adds more golfing opportunity), on top of having to convert bases
on top of that there's additional merit because it allows fun phrases
such as 2264129042459209 / 3656158440062975
for 0.makeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstop....
that's something the other challenge can not replicate
@orlp I see that, and I agree that this is fun, but I don't hink it's worthy of a new challenge.
@flawr Well, there's a framework by Nathan Merrill I want to base on...
@zyabin101 KOTHComm?
Q: Introducing KoTHComm: A framework for your King of the Hill challenges

Nathan MerrillI'd like to introduce KoTHComm. I've been working on this for many months now, and I feel like its at a (somewhat) stable point. KoTHComm is a modular framework built to help write King of the Hill challenges faster. It provides: A communication system to communicate with other languages A d...

@orlp Feel free to reopen it, as I said I'm not gonna close it again and turn it in to an open/close-war - I just expressed my opinion!
Said what?
I'm blind
normally I agree
in that base conversion + other challenge isn't enough to warrant a new challenge
but the novelty factor here IMO is strong enough
@Dennis I've just pushed a complete rewrite of the Pushy interpreter (git), most programs should run the same but there are a few new/changed features, and the command line syntax is different to before (see git description) - if you're not busy, please pull it to TIO when you can :)
@flawr this time I'll reopen, if other people also close it I'll leave it closed
@orlp ok, let's see :)
That is somehow the curse of the gold-badge-hammer. I'd love to get rid of it.
Someone played way too much half-life 2:
@flawr yes
I was just about to say
I wish there was a way to sometimes not use it
"I think this is a duplicate, but I don't want to be a dictator" vote
@orlp right
Does the badge get revoked if you delete enough of your answers?
I'm pretty sure I read a story about a guy who makes sure he keeps under whatever he needs to hammer things.
Q: How Do I Opt Out of Privileges?

CommonsWareAccording to multiple mods, gold badge holders can now unilaterally close questions as duplicates. I hold seven gold badges for tags on SO, which means I can, on my own, close questions as duplicates for those tagged questions. Simply put: DO NOT WANT. However, I do not see any ability in SO (t...

@flawr you will get banned for that
self-vandalizing is still vandalizing
that is somehow ridiculous
Q: Composite Factorization

PythonMasterThis is similar to prime factorization, where you find the smallest prime factors of a number (i.e. 8 = 2 x 2 x 2). But this time, you are to return an array/list of the smallest composite factors of any given integer n. If n is negative, equal to 0, or prime, you are to return an empty array/lis...

Well people have been demanding the feature be optional for so long it's surprising that there's still just nothing at all you can do
@flawr for codegolf it's somewhat ridiculous yes
but consider the wider stackexchange network
if suddenly a bunch of useful information disappeared because someone decided they wanted it gone that'd be a bad thing
and once you post information on stackexchange it's not really 'yours' anymore, it's the community's
@orlp But it is content they have written themselves
@flawr and subsequently released under CC-BY-SA by posting on stackexchange
I actually like that people can't take their content away. There was a whole repo I lost once because a developer dissappeared and I just assumed it'd always be on the net.
That means if someone else wants to copy it they can, but it doesn't prevent you from deleting stuff
@flawr from the point of the community there is no difference between someone vandalizing other people's posts or their own
so the community doesn't accept it when someone vandalizes their own posts
really, once you post an answer for a question that is knowledge kept by the community
The way I see it, Stack Exchange is all about collecting and preserving useful information. Self-vandalization runs counter to that, so measures are taken to prevent that.
the fact that your name is on the bottom right of the post is attribution
not ownership
@flawr if you specifically ask stackexchange staff to delete your account they still keep your posts, but just put it under 'community' or some anonymous thing, I don't exactly know
your account will be deleted, but your content will still be there for the community
that being said, all these rules aren't exactly the best for codegolf as they don't really apply
but they're stackexchange wide
@orlp The name associated with posts (and all actions) gets replaced with something like user12345.
In 5 years of GPUs: 2x the transistors, 2x the graphics, 2x the fans, 0.5x the weight, 0.5x the power draw
@El'endiaStarman ah that's why we see so many user12345 posts!
I haven't been here in a while. When is the new PPCG site design supposed to come? Last time I was on it was supposed to be November.
@BaldBantha I'm waiting until April
@BaldBantha I guess that was a lie @Geobits spread=)
@flawr no those aren't all people who have deleted their accounts
that's just the default username you get if you post without logging in
@BaldBantha .....wow, @Geobits, look what you've done.
@BaldBantha Soon (TM)
@orlp can you post without loggin gin??????
@flawr Hah, well, I should clarify: when a user is deleted, that username becomes gray and unclickable.
@flawr Yup. That's by design.
@flawr loggin gin
Hi people. I think I need to write wrapper for the C++ gun KOTH. But how can I get the return code of another process?
I'm afraid this is an XY problem?
@FlipTack Will do as soon as I get back home.
> Enjoy the beating
Made in/by China? :P
I obtained ! :D

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