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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Q: Shuffling evenly

The_Basset_HoundSome trading cards have real value and can be sold for money. Bending the cards is frowned upon because it takes away their value and makes them look less new. Say you have a deck of trading cards (Pokemon, Magic, etc.) and you want to shuffle them. Instead of doing the bridge that bends all of t...

@El'endiaStarman Yeah, they don't really make much sense in the context of PPCG
I figured.
That's kinda cool
1 hour later…
@Justin I've been curious, when exactly did you change your username?
Q: Etiquette for username changes

JustinI'm thinking of changing my username to my real name. Given that I have a presence on some of the sites here (mostly codegolf), what etiquette should I follow when choosing my new name? As my username is currently Quincunx, I'm thinking of changing it to MyRealName (formerly Quincunx). Or perhap...

I've been keeping my avatar so people can recognize me
Sometime I might change it to something else
@Justin I would have suggested The Justin formerly known as Quincunx. :P The avatar helped a lot with the transition though.
Argh. Can't scan an image with 2400 DPI. Maybe I should try a lower DPI
42 DPI?
If that's still too high, try 7.
I'm going for higher numbers first
I think 1200 might work :)
I actually don't need to scan this
I'm scanning for fun
Sweet it worked
Is 23 MB a big image?
It's only 10200 by 14028 pixels.
@Justin That depends on the format.
This is crazy how much I can zoom in. I love it. Scanning took only about 5 minutes too
Pretty big for PNG. :)
I'm going to scan it again as a TIFF this time
Now I can finally get to entering in my information for receiving swag
Try Portable PixMap (ASCII).
The scanner doesn't support that
It supports BMP though
BMP would probably be the biggest.
I'll try that next
What would be cool is if there was an svg option. Like if the scanner performed OCR and constructed paths.
True color BMP should give a nice 570 MB. The PixMap should be closer to 1.5 GB.
* Your First / Last name *
Does this mean I'm supposed to write in the field: FirstName / LastName?
Or does it mean "first name or last name"?
Looks like either/or.
I put FirstName / LastName
Probably not what they mean though.
Let's change that
They should have been clearer
Is this an appropriate question for MetaSO?
I'm curious how many downvotes it would attract
If it's an SO form, sure.
7 minutes of scanning... halfway there
Meme: "Attract ALL the downvotes"
Is this a discussion or a support question?
@PhiNotPi We have a winner:
A: Can we have the ability to retract a close vote before it closes?

Jeff Atwooddeclining -- you can always cast a reopen vote if the post gets closed. Also note that all close votes automatically expire after two days. (and for that matter reopen votes, or any other vote that attempts to reach a threshold -- otherwise, over an absurdly long period of time, say 10 years, e...

Surprisingly, the tif is smaller. I thought tiffs were uncompressed, but pngs losslessly compressed
bmp time
BMP is uncompressed. TIFF can be uncompressed, but any sensible scanner/scanning software should use the compressed form.
I read a blog post by some strange person who believes that lossless compression isn't lossless
You could JPEG it.
For extra-special compression.
@Justin People believe all sorts of crazy things.
The guy doesn't trust the math...
Like how their hard disks shrink by formatting them, when they simply don't know the difference between MB and MiB.
(That's totally Microsoft's fault though.)
There we go:
Q: What does "Your first / last name" mean?

JustinToday I received the long-awaited email: I eagerly opened up the email, then followed the link to the form: As I began to fill out the form, I got very confused. What does Your First / Last name mean? I filled out the logical answer: FirstName / LastName. Later I reflected on it... was I su...

Oh my goodness! For a BMP, it managed to scan at 2400 dpi. I didn't have to reduce to 1200 dpi.
1.59 GB
@Justin Pretty sure it just means Quincunx McFiveMan (or whatever your first and last name is, although I'm pretty sure I've got it right).
Ha . ha . ha.
Why can't windows 10 open a BMP?
All BMPs or just 1.5 GB ones?
I don't know
I don't really want to make a smaller bmp to check... oh well. Paint.NET here we go.
Hmm... it looks like an error in the bmp. Paint.net gave me the following:

System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.
at System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(Stream stream, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement, Boolean validateImageData)
at PaintDotNet.Data.BmpFileType.OnLoad(Stream input) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\PaintDotNet\Data\BmpFileType.cs:line 95
at PaintDotNet.FileType.Load(Stream input) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 496
at PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Eval[T1,TRet](Func`2 f, T1 arg1) in d:\src\pdn\paintdotnet\src\Base\Functional\Func.cs:line 158
The real question is: Why can your scanner make 2400 dpi BMPs but not 2400 dpi PNGs?
I have no idea
Is there a good tool for fixing corrupt metadata? Because it looks like the BMP has corrupt metadata
I suspect an error in the parser, which wasn't expected to handle 1.6 GB pics.
No parser at all?
sublime text, paint.net, paint, photo gallery? All of them aren't equipped?
The Very Large Bitmap Viewer should work, if you can spare the 2,500 dollars.
If I could spare the 2500 dollars, I'd get photoshop
Which doesn't work with high-res BMPs.
I'd get photoshop for other purposes.
I wonder if IrfanView works...
I'm not really skilled in image manipulation. For my occasional needs, GIMP is more than sufficient.
I rescanned as 1200 dpi bmp
It's 400 MB instead of 1.59 GB. Also instead of the ~20MB of PNG and TIFF
Does that BMP work?
1200 dpi is actually very good. One pen-width can be zoomed to about an inch tall
Trying 2400 dpi jpg now
GIMP seems to have the same issue Photoshop does. I downloaded this 31591x31517 BMP. Opening '/home/dennis/1800dpi.bmp' failed: '/home/dennis/1800dpi.bmp' is not a valid BMP file
Gwenview can open it just fine.
Hmmm. Can Chrome open image files?
Yes it can. Trying it on the bmp
Doesn't work.
Just you wait... chrome will crash on me
Cool, at least Chrome informed me there wasn't enough memory
Let's try Microsoft Edge. I expect it to fail
Edge silently fails, putting a little x on the top left corner of the screen
Or should I say top left edge of the screen.
the jpg didn't work
took 7 minutes to fail at scanning it all
@Justin That's pretty similar to what Chrome did (broken image instead of edgy x).
Chromes message actually told me something. Edge barely did
200 dpi is way faster than 1200
@El'endiaStarman Would you like more golfing suggestions on your answer?
It feels about 6 times faster, coincidentally.
@xnor Sure.
the fact that Python 3 has map objects is annoying
a shorter hack to convert to a list is by unpacking *z,=
choosing one of two things to print is generally shorter inside the print function
@xnor Out of curiosity, have you tried the 16 bit one?
@Sp3000 nope, i've done too much ascii art
@xnor I don't see how to get that to work with ["uneven",*z] and "even".
Ah :P k
@Sp3000 That was a fun one to do in Befunge.
@El'endiaStarman so you're trying to print(*_) one of two lists, ["even"] or ["uneven"]+z
yeah, that works
i suspect there's a still better method though
What are we trying to do?
print(*[["uneven"]+z,["even"]][z[:-1]==z[1:]]) is what I've got thus far.
"even" and "uneven" share a lot of chars
That's longer.
but you can do "un"*_+"even"
that's what I had too
the *z*b sure looks funny
I would have come up with...
As far as I can tell, splat is last, so you can even do *L1+L2 for L1, L2 lists
'un'*b+'even' is shorter than "uneven"[2-b*2:], right?
Clearly I didn't try hard enough :P
i think it was more trying too hard :P
while we're at it, is there a shorter way to check if a non-empty list has all equal elts?
z[:-1]!=z[1:] and len(set(z))>1 are the same length (for the negation)
I do believe they're the ones that came up in golf practice
as is z!=z[1:]+z[0]
oh yeah, no wonder it seemed familar
the only hope is that the negation is shorter
set(z)>{z[0]} is also as long
Unless you Python 3.5 it :P
oh right!
[blinks]...what's new?
Ooh, nice.
so that's 2 chars off of set conversions
Unfortunately, I'm using Python 3.3, so I don't think it'd be fair for me to use that feature.
Python 3.5.0 is actually officially out as of 6 days ago
So I think it's perfectly fine :P
Eh. Alright, I'll include both versions in my answer.
What I want to know, though, is what to do with z=list(map(t.count,set(t))).
18 mins ago, by xnor
a shorter hack to convert to a list is by unpacking *z,=
That makes sense!
unrelatedly, there's isn't a % string format that trims a string/number to a length, is there?
i don't think there's any based on this: docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting
but i don't understand what all the flags do
"%?2s"%"abcd" == "ab"
ideally combined with padding if the string is too short
Not with % I don't think...
well, i'm at a total loss for 3 chars on this: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?not+PI
Seems like .format can, but well... .format
What is that site?
@Justin anarchy golf
it's a long-running competitive golfing site in many langs
Never seen it before
Do you think I need to explictly define what "object" means, since I'm allowing things that don't strictly have classes (e.g. C, Haskell) meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/7002/9498
Hm 47
@Justin do you simply means things that have a state?
I don't understand the question
> You must make a state machine class. Sorry, this means that only languages with objects can compete. If there is an accepted alternative to objects in your language, that is valid
when you say languages with "objects", do you mean data types that have a mutable state?
I mean languages with objects. Haskell doesn't have mutable state, but it has a concept of a type/object
I think it should be fine for someone to write Haskell code for this.
I could possibly restrict it to mutable state, but that cuts out languages... I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing
I guess I'm trying to say that GolfScript doesn't have objects. You could make a list and call it an object, but that's not really an object.
C has structs, but the structs can have member functions, and are often used in OOP, so I rekon it should be fine to allow C.
I guess there actually isn't much of a difference between my golfscript idea and my C idea...
And my golfscript and haskell ideas
@xnor I have a really stupid idea which might work but I'll have to think it through...
that's a promising thing to hear :-)
... nope nvm D:
if your stupid idea was the same as my stupid idea, to represent the decimal mathematically, python won't compute to that accuracy
Ahaha no, not that
I was thinking of doing something like the `L`[2::5] thing
oh, haha
... give me a sec :P
hmm, hallvabo used to participate on PPCG years ago
i wonder if they still check PPCG
@hallvabo hi!
@xnor Got it, but this is so stupid
that's brilliant
@Sp3000 What is this code for?
The anarchy golf?
that is the best repr abuse I have ever seen
For some reason, that was my second thought at seeing the question, but it's a byte longer currently :/
Got it!
Shoot I beat hallvabo
(Sorry, I'm still laughing over here :P)
That's... impressive
@El'endiaStarman For the 3.5 one you can do {*t} for the other set call as well :)
Basically, in Python 3.5 you can join sets by splatting, e.g.
>>> {*{1, 2, 3}, *{3, 4, 5, 6}}
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Ooh, indeed.
I think I want Python 3.5
Wow xnor's rugby answer has so many ks and ns :P
Q: The Sine of Greatness

Zach GatesIntroduction Everyone's heard of sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), and secant (sec). Every angle has them. Far less known, or remembered, are the exsecant (exsec), cosecant (csc), excosecant (excsc), versine (versin), coversine (cvs), and cotangent (cot). Every angle has those as well. T...

@Sp3000 Are there lots of clashes?
Well I was just surprised at the k/n/n,k/n%n,k%n route, but I can't think of anything better
So you're saying it's a touchdown for him?
2 hours later…
Q: Counting the Endpoints of an ASCII Art

randomraYou should write a program or function which receives a string representing an ASCII art as input and outputs or returns the number of endpoints in the input. The input will consist of the characters space - | + (with 0, 2, 2 and 4 endpoints respectively) and linebreaks. E.g.: -|++- + Two a...

2 hours later…
@xnor Darn... until I saw xsot had 42 I didn't realise I could take another byte off. If you want, you can give it a shot - it's a nice puzzle :)
If you're reading a string from stdin in code golf, can you require the user to quote and escape it?
tbh, I'm still not sure. Up until now there have been many solutions which use Python 2 input() and there haven't been many complaints, but I'm not sure if there's a clear concensus. At one point Vioz- added 2 bytes "for the quotes".
@xnor's last answer is what I was looking at
@Sp3000 Vioz then removed the 2 byte penalty, if we're thinking of the same example
i also think it's common practice, but it could be worth a meta post
I like your grid btw :)
the random numbers question made me appreciate the power of string formatting for insertion
and here I said I wasn't going to do more ASCII art...
I won't do ASCII art...unless I have a 2D language.
How long is tuple(... for ... in)?
@Sp3000 too bad about that byte
@Sp3000 hmm, i should actually check that
@Sp3000 same length, apparently
D: wow
@xnor print(a+'| %s '*4+'|\n')*4%s+a
Although... now that I think about it the grid ends with a double newline
the problem said "Final newline is required."
right, you can substitute first...
Hmm that's a confusing rule... shrugs
Well I guess even if single trailing newline was required, it'd only be an extra byte anyway
Do we already have a base conversation challenge?
We already have several dozen
2 hours later…
What happened to the "Why I am leaving Code Golf" post? I feel like it had ten votes less just yesterday.
@randomra I don't understand why you reverted my change to your challenge's spec when it was in the sandbox. I could have sworn that the repeated |\n+ in the list of valid pairs was a typo.
@MartinBüttner opps, when I added the examples I copied the whole question from my previous version on my PC
thanks for catching it (twice)!
user image
Has there been a Quater-imaginary base conversion challenge?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiThe Algebra of Reflecting Points This is a challenge based on manipulating points with a specific set of operations, each dealing with the reflection of some points over others. Warning: There's not actually a challenge here yet, just the basis for a challenge that could be to "simplify the giv...

@Doorknob no use.
@MartinBüttner Are you around?
@Dennis You secretly want to discuss the graduation surprise party with him, don't you ?
@Dennis hm?
@Dennis you here?
you have this answer linked from your profile: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/51228/rearranging-words/…
you say that "The minimum number of horizontal moves can always be achieved by pairing the nth occurrence of each letter in the first line with the nth occurrence in the second line."
doesn't that lead to a really simple algorithm?
identify where each character should go
then for each character identify whether it should go to the left or to the right
then in each category (left-moving or right-moving), go from left-to-right (and reverse for the other category) and move the characters one by one
with the only exception that if left-moving character has to go through a right-moving character, only one of the two has to go vertically
1 hour later…
@isaacg @Jakube do you know any better way to see if all elements in a list J are equal than .AqM.:J2?
.AqLhJJ is one byte shorter
although that messed with the ordering for J =/
.AqM^J2 is also a byte shorter without that problem
!snM^J2 is even better, because it allows you to drop the ! if you want to
in CJam it's )-
a sad cyclops?
if you say so
@MartinBüttner What do you mean what happened to it? It's still there...
@Doorknob There should be a qualifier: Except for PPCG, which would devolve into a post-apocalyptic shitscape should it ever reach 10 questions/day.
@MartinBüttner Nevermind. I was going to ask you if you could take a look at this answer, but somebody already left a comment.
@MartinBüttner Oh, used wrong search terms =//
My birthday was yesterday. I should have capitalized on the popularity of the recent birthday challenges by posting my own.
@AlexA. How does that even make sense? Does round return a string?
No. I just want the zeros.
In most languages you would use printf("%.4f") or whatever, not round anything
Oh, good idea.
I'm used to SAS where rounding actually applies a format to the numeric value so that when you view it it has exactly the requested number of places but is still a numeric value.
(Just kidding with the close tag. I can't make it stop.)
Sounds confusing
@feersum Are you a professional programmer?
What do you do?
Nothing atm.
Unemployed, student, or both?
Not working or a student.
Well PPCG is kind of like a job.
Except you don't get paid for it.
shh. forget I said anything...
feeling dizzy?
Q: Avast, ye scallywags!

Zach GatesBlackbeard was an English pirate of the early 18th century. Although he was known for looting and taking ships, he commanded his vessels with the permission of their crews. There are no accounts of him ever harming or murdering his captives. This challenge is in honor of the infamous Blackbeard ...

Am I the only one who finds it extremely amusing that "quantifier" in Polish is "kwantyfikator"?
I'll rewrite my pattern matching language source in Polish now so I can say that.
"analyzer" is "analitikator"?
translate pl: quantifier
(from French) oszacowania
... what?
translate pl: this is English you silly bot. Quantifier
(from English) to jest Polski ci bot głupie. Kwantyfikator
translate: kwantyfikator
(from Polish) the quantifier
Oh, the quantifier.
One quantifier to rule them all.
I'm pretty sure Polski is not the correct translation of English...
I didn't catch that
translate pl: polski
(from Polish) polski
translate pl: English
(from English) Angielski
translate: Polski
(from Polish) Polish
I blame Bing.
translate fr: English
translate: Bing sucks
(from English) Bing sucks
translate fr: English
(from English) Anglais
my bot is on an oil break?
Mods only, bro.
I still don't understand why we have this ability.
Mostly to figure out whether posts in a different language are spam or not.
Are posts in a different language otherwise allowed?
Ohhhh good point
@feersum Por quoi non?
@feersum No, but generally nuking an innocent user's account as spam is a Bad Idea™.
I've never seen one.
An innocent user?
SE is langist?
They're linguists.
@AlexA. I meant that it seems like it got a massive surge of attention/upvotes over the last 24 hours, but maybe I'm also remembering it wrong.
Oh, okay. Idk.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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