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That's the one. Seconds before posting, I realized I had the wrong permalink.
Whats the shortest way in python to check if something is a list (but not any iterable)?
Just type(x)!=list ?
Nevermind, type is one char shorter. It seems that type is the shortest, although I'm not completely sure.
Q: Find the area of the largest convex polygon

orlpGiven a list of integer coordinates find the area of the biggest convex polygon you can construct from the list such that every vertex is in the list and no element of the list is contained within the polygon. Example: (0, 0) (8, 0) (0, 1) (3, 1) (7, 1) (1, 2) (5, 2) (9, 2) (2, 3) (5, 3) (7,...

without the parens
@isaacg Nifty, thanks!
Does anyone know a shorter way to set the environment in lua then setfenv?
@Calvin'sHobbies What are your other possibilities?
As long as the default function environment table's name is less then 9 characters I think I can do it but I can't find anything on what the default function environment table's name is...
@Sp3000 I've got it down to '('in`s` for checking if s is a tuple and not a list. I dont think it can get shorter
Can continue in python be shortened?
If it's guaranteed to be either a tuple or a list, `s`>'[' could work
And I don't think so, no - you might have to find a way around using continue
@Sp3000 Just updated my Prindeal answer. Any improvements are welcome :)
You can switch all your n<'d' inequalities around to save on whitespace
Also, could you possibly do v[s]=v.get(s,0) before all the inequalities? You do checks in 3 places
v.get(s,0), if s in v else, elif v.get(s)
Ah, I see. Thanks :)
I'm trying to figure out how your solution handles empty lines
elif l:
I feel like we should have a test case where we have an empty line/comment line in the middle of an alias
(just to prevent a simple "if alias, read the next three lines")
@Sp3000 Added some misc comments to the test program
Thanks :)
moderator election?!
sign me up
You can nom yourself
@PhiNotPi SE moderators truly do live on the edge
@Sp3000 (Shhh...)
Yeah I think the JS submission breaks with comments in aliases
Well, something you changed anyway
Mentioned it to edc
(is anyone actually interested in me nominating myself?)
Are you actually considering nominating yourself? :)
I'm writing up my paragraphs now.
What's your angle?
1.618 degrees
^^ should have done radians so I could drop a not-so-straight joke :P
@Dennis Done. You can choose to accept or deny the nomination as you wish, but at least it's there if you want it. :)
I'm going to write about a different website I was a mod on.
@PhiNotPi Oh nice. I was also thinking of nominating you.
But you know more about your achievements and experience than I do. I can speak to your character though.
Where I actually improved the mod tools myself, by getting access to the back-end and teaching myself Python and Django.
I'll add that hashtag into my post.
Can I be on multiple teams?
I'm on #TeamPhi, #DennisSquad, #PeterTrain, and #AlexOrWhatever
I'm only truly on #TeamNoOne
Can I nominate Chat Relay?
I nominate Sandbox
user image
Or maybe Definitely Not Doorknob
Elect all the chat bots!
Whoever wins, can I be your Secretary of Stack Snippets?
If I win, yes.
@Calvin'sHobbies You can be Haney's Secretary of Stack Snippets. :-P
Who gets to be the Code Review Ambassador?
@Calvin'sHobbies Hosch250, of course. :-P
I can be Secretary of Snacks to the Minister of Exchanging Stacks
"I've seen this site at its best and its worst. The best being StackEgg and the worst being the fallout from it."
@PhiNotPi So true.
(not actually going on my nomination, because I'm lame)
@PhiNotPi Don't go starting another Code War. No more mutually assured distraction.
@PhiNotPi You've got a week, so you don't have to rush it :)
@Sp3000 Yeah, just don't forget to actually post it.
Downside to less urgency: too little urgency.
@AlexA. Thank you for the nomination and the kind words.
> I think I have the personality to be a good mod. When's the last time you've seen me get in a flame war with someone? Not in the last 20 minutes, at least. My username is literally about "keeping things in proportion."
@PhiNotPi Can you keep your flag-handling frustration in proportion too? ;-)
TBH I've never seen any flame wars here
^ also probably true
(Not a snarky comment at all. It's just flag-handling is the #1 most important activity for any SE moderator.)
@Dennis :) You deserve more words. Just couldn't think of what else to say at the moment.
@ChrisJester-Young Are most flags related to low-quality/spam questions and answers?
@PhiNotPi No, actually most flags I dealt with were user-written ones.
The proportions may be different for higher volume sites like SO.
But for PPCG, user flags were most common. Oh, and comment flags too.
Makes sense, since only mods can act on those.
@BrainSteel I know she's going to rock it. After all, it was you who tutored her. :)
@AlexA. , always the master of flattery. ;-)
(@Chris In case you missed me mentioning it earlier, I've been a mod on a non-SE site before, so I've handled my fair share of flags, but they were flags about different things.)
@PhiNotPi Ah, I didn't know that. What kinds of flags did you deal with most?
@ChrisJester-Young I consider you all my friends and I like to be nice to friends. (And everyone, but especially friends.)
Mostly spam, flame-war-related flags, etc.
It was a discussion-based general Q&A site.
@PhiNotPi FWIW, I've already nominated myself and Dennis and expressed support for Peter, but I also think you would make a fantastic moderator here.
@AlexA. ;-)
@PhiNotPi Yeah, our community-based moderation deals with a lot of that without moderator intervention, which is very nice. I consider it one of the strokes of genius about the SE system.
It'd expect the community to handle spam flags in no time. IIRC, six spam flags is all it takes to delete a post.
@Dennis Yep.
(I've been on the wrong end of those flags on a few occasions, because on SO, haters gonna hate.)
@ChrisJester-Young XD
In fact, my CipherSaber puzzle drew an insane amount of ire from vocal SO users.
Like it's been flagged offensive at least 3 or 4 times (meaning that about 20 or so people hated it).
Yes, offensive. It used to link to Arnold Reinhold's CipherSaber page and people found the content of that page (politically) objectionable.
Subsequent iterations of the post focused only on the technical aspects and minimised the reference to the CipherSaber page.
Part of the reason my previous mod experience had a lot to do with handling "personal attacks" is that a significant portion of the site allowed free discussion on almost any topic, like politics or religion.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Alex Van LiewWeight Configuration Introduction Gyms have machines that contain a stack of weights and a pin. You insert the pin into the hole that matches the amount of resistance you want, and then you work out. However, the machines often have an additional set of smaller weights at the top that are pinne...

@PhiNotPi So, more like Discourse instead of SE.
I want to set up a Discourse instance to host comments for my blog.
perhaps (although Discourse seems to be offline for me, so I can't see what it is exactly.)
Wow, that's unusual, but it's not just you. How bizarre.
@ChrisJester-Young Oh, those people. I don't agree with you. == You're offending me.
Perhaps a flame war burned down the servers.
@Dennis Welcome to SO. ;-)
@AlexA. Must have been a pretty hot topic to have started such a heated discussion
@Sp3000 There's no shortage of hot topics on Discourse. ;-)
@PhiNotPi Here's an active Discourse instance: bbs.boingboing.net
discuss.howtogeek.com <-- another Discourse instance
the site I'm talking about: fluther.com
@PhiNotPi Is it just me, or is it just a slightly less insane variant of Yahoo Answers? :-P
How many flags do you handle per day?
it has changed quite a bit
^ for those who want to creep
@PhiNotPi Looking at the stats, currently the site has about 500 flags in the last quarter.
In contrast, Code Review had 1200 flags in the last month.
I think it used to be a better website than it is currently (which is why I'm no longer very active). Since it has boiled down to a small set of users, moderation has started to become more hands-off. (When there's only X number of users, the users decide what they want the site to be about.)
@ChrisJester-Young Pfft. Code Review. Am I right?
@AlexA. Hahaha. I actually have a good relationship with the Code Review mods and community, but that's just me and I don't speak for other PPCG community members or mods. ;-)
@PhiNotPi That's pretty much how I ran PPCG. Mostly hands-off.
@ChrisJester-Young That's all? I was hesitating to accept my nomination because I thought it would require too much time.
It's hard to estimate how big the flag queue can get if you cannot see it.
@Dennis Yeah, it's not a lot. SO has had 14,000 flags in the last week.
That's why SO has 18 mods, and they all have to work very hard.
I would ask "why only 18?"
@PhiNotPi I guess they find it's enough for now.
@ChrisJester-Young I actually ran for mod on SO once, but I had more free time back then.
@PhiNotPi I handled 11 in the past week. The vast majority of our flags are automatic "too many comments" or "too many edits" or "too many answers" flags.
@Dennis Which year? I ran in 2011. ;-)
and I know Doorknob ran in 2014.
I ran around the block earlier.
@PhiNotPi Because of Bill the Lizard, and then bluefeet, and then Martijn Pieters. :P
Aka flag handling machines.
@Doorknob Martijn Pieters is no longer a mod??
@Doorknob Handling 11 flags per week is... actually not too bad.
I voted for him in the SO elections.
@AlexA. Of course he still is.
Oh okay. Because Bill and bluefeet aren't (right?)
Right. Bill stepped down, and bluefeet got hired.
@AlexA. Bill resigned after 6 years, and bluefeet joined Stack Exchange.
That's what I thought
@PhiNotPi Yeah, the workload here in terms of flags is barely anything. There have been under 200 flags here total in the last month (almost half of which get automatically dismissed before a mod handles them anyway).
@Dennis Oooh, your candidate score is painful (for SO), but I'm glad you cared about SO for so long. :-)
My nomination statement was too jokey for many people's liking, and I was almost forced (by SE staff) to withdraw my nomination: stackoverflow.com/election/1#post-4730876 :-P (Be sure to read the revision history.)
I feel like my candidate score would be garbage on PPCG, regardless of how much time I spend idling around here.
@PhiNotPi Well, since we're only doing an informal election, there's no candidate score.
IIRC, those candidate scores weren't there back then.
@Dennis Right.
They just showed meta participation and flag weight, of which I had plenty.
@Dennis I'm actually glad that flag weight was done away with. Even one declined flag would completely destroy your flag weight, if you were high enough.
Speaking of flags, we really don't flag much - 3 Deputies and no Marshals
@ChrisJester-Young Pretty much. That glorious, almost unattainable 750, with its oh-so-weird stepping.
Kinda reminded me of the warp scale.
@Dennis I used some of your SO nomination to improve your PPCG one. :)
Q: Print all 2 letter Scrabble Words

qwrThe Challenge: Print every 2 letter word acceptable in Scrabble using as few bytes as possible. I have created a text file list here. There are 101 words. Rules: The outputted words must be separated somehow. Case does not matter, but should be consistent. Trailing spaces and newlines are a...

@AlexA. Did Dennis accept the nomination?
@Dennis Yeah, insane.
@Calvin'sHobbies He hasn't said yet
@Dennis Haha thanks for correcting the spelling errors
I'm more used to saying "infarction" as in "myocardial infarction" (heart attack)
@AlexA. It's alright. That's how you differentiate words from the heart from copy-pasta.
@AlexA. You're hereby disqualified on the basis of your typos. :-P :-P :-P
@ChrisJester-Young Nooooooooooooo
@AlexA. Do not want.
(Sorry, whenever I hear "nooooooooo" I automatically translate it to "do not want" because of the meme. :-P)
Oh, that's what you were referencing. I was confused by that. :P
@ChrisJester-Young hahahaha this one
If spelling mistakes are going to be a problem, I should resign right now.
@Dennis Assuming they're not a problem, does this mean you accept the nomination? :)
Thank you for the kind words. I hereby accept this nomination.Dennis 13 secs ago
@AlexA. Hehehehe.
@Dennis Yay!
@Dennis Lol. (Was just pulling Alex's leg.)
@Dennis :D :D :D :D
@ChrisJester-Young You pulled my legs too hard and now they're all stretched out.
@AlexA. Eh, they'll meld together easily enough. :pillsbury-doughboy:
Is that a fat joke? :P
@ChrisJester-Young Seriously. Only a couple of days ago, I wrote a WhatsApp message to my colleague Pedro. My finger and touchscreens don't like each other, so I wound up referring to him as Pedo.
@AlexA. Not at all. :-)
@Dennis :-OOOO
Just to clarify: In Spanish, pedo means fart. Better than child molester, but still...
Funny either way.
We went to a Korean restaurant last week and found so "pedo brisket" on the menu
@Dennis I'm just going to assume you know what pedo brisket is and are not claiming "fart brisket" or "child molester brisket" to be tasty.
Found a photo. The internet is stupidly good when it comes to times like these.
Sure. Point End Deckle Off.
@Sp3000 Wth is "none marinated beef"?
@AlexA. Unmarinated (plain) beef.
I thought it might be related to none pizza with left beef.
Quite frankly, that doesn't look like beef.
Oh, Internet.
@Dennis Welcome to America.
Don't eat the beef.
Speaking of Welcome to America, so, I'm a New Zealander, and I write my posts with New Zealand English. And sometimes, some user (invariably American) comes and changes my post to use American English spelling. Drives me insane.
@ChrisJester-Young That's just rude. :/
@AlexA. Some people just don't know any better, though. I don't blame them per se; I just rollback the edit and move on.
For example, in British (and New Zealand) English, we spell things with -ise (optimise, analyse, etc.), -our (colour, humour, candour, etc.), -l instead of -ll (distil, instil, enrol, etc.).
People who've never seen British spelling might consider those typos.
spelt (as opposed to spelled), dreamt (as opposed to dreamed), etc.
("That word is misspelt!")
I was up with you until the ls part. Frankly I'm not sure how I even spell distill? any more
American: distill. British: distil. :-)
I'm Australian and I don't use the word enough to care :P
enrol I use though. What on earth is enroll
@Sp3000 In New Zealand, we use "labour", not "labor". :-P
@Sp3000 In the US, people do use "enroll" instead of "enrol".
@Sp3000 It's when you enrol in the US.
We use labour as well (e.g. Labour Day). Out Labor Party on the other hand... that's something else altogether :P
In New Zealand, we say "fish and chips", not "feesh and cheeps". :trollface:
A long, long time ago (in a country far, far away) I learned BE in high school. I'd immediately recognize colour and centre as BE, but spelt...?
I thought it was fush and chups :P :trollface:
@Sp3000 Well played. :-)
@Dennis It really is "spelt", though "spelled" is acceptable too.
Oh, another thing, many "ae" and "oe" in British English get collapsed to "e" in American English.
For example, pedo is spelt paedo in British English.
I know, but my head still identifies it as wrong when I see it. Gladly, before editing a "typo", I always use a search engine.
I feel like I use a mix. encyclopaedia one I like to keep the ae in though
encyclopaedia, oestrogen, foetus, faeces, manoeuvre, etc.
@Dennis That surprises you because you seen to usually spell things using American English.
coeliac disease
@ChrisJester-Young Makes sense. It's pädophil in German.

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