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That about sums up The Nineteenth Byte.
Dr. Steel reporting in. I heard my name.
Wait, how did I get pinged?
Stealth pings are in
It's a long story
Stealth ping bots are still out
I feel like I've missed something.
Also, @BrainSteel, I'm trying to help you restore your identity.
I forfeited my doctorate?! Why would I do that?!
@BrainSteel this should get you up to date:
They're overrated.
I liked my doctorate, thank you! I like being Dr. Steel!
Well petition the university to get it back.
Though, I don't know where you guys came up with Brian...
Stealth pings are now a thing.
They're stealthier than one might imagine.
How does one... what? Why? WHAT HAS HAPPENED?
Welcome to hell The Nineteenth Byte.
See the message before this one by me
@trichoplax That did not clear anything up.
Back to work on the wheel.
More name requests?
Hooray! It's never my fault!
It's only ever Geobits' fault.
Hahaha, oh that's good.
@BrainSteel If you post a link text, the link isn't visible, and a # at the end doesn't break the link, so you can use #@username to make it ping without being visible unless they hover over it
@BrainSteel Like [ this ] ( http:\\ @BrainSteel ), but with no spaces and // instead of \\
Do it on unprintable characters like Phi does or on small punctuation like I do
(but I think it's better if there's a real link in there so clicking on it takes you somewhere)
^ never thought about that, agreed
found the first program in my subleq interpreter that produces unbounded growth
(see my full stop a page up)
@PhiNotPi Stops too abruptly after spinning nauseatingly quickly
Hmm. No onebox ping...
But I love that jimmy23013 is just "Jimmy" XD
That's the idea.
This is magical.
Isn't it though?
Nope. # breaks oneboxing
Super secret ping conversations incoming?
Incoming? They're already here.
I pressed random on xkcd and got the emojic 8 ball. That seems meta
<a target="_blank"> is better than using JS to open the link.
No onebox ping?
What is this one box? Does it rule them all?
One box to rule them all, one box to find them, one box to bring them all and in the darkness bind them...
Certain sites (important ones like wikipedia and xkcd) have a preview in chat when a link is posted
Important ones, like xkcd. :D
Also, image files.
I'm on a list now!
@PhiNotPi I love it.
@BrainSteel Yes, and the NSA curates it.
It's delightful. The suspense every time is immense. The wheel never lies.
I also randomized spinning times a little bit.
So you never know when it's going to stop.
Yet, we always know where...
Is it room-description-ready?
I would say so
Room description?
The description of The Nineteenth Byte will feature the Wheel of Blame
Just below the room title, top right
I could still add more people... sirpercival, LegionMammal, flawr, etc.
@PhiNotPi You could randomize each spin to a subset of the people.
I have no clue how to do that, though.
You could make it 2d, spinning horizontally and vertically
Well we have friends in high places, so if you ever figure it out, I'm sure the link could be updated.
@trichoplax Nausea city
indeed :)
The PPCG Wheel of Barf
and visualmelon
And grc
you should really just source the list from the SE API to be honest...
Nah. Manual is much better.
Back to work, Phi!
I need their icon URLs, though.
It has icon URLS
@NinjaBearMonkey Your name gets truncated on the left to "NinjaBearMon." Makes me imagine someone saying it in a Jamaican accent.
Posting irrelevant oneboxes longer than the visible page:
@trichoplax Example?
Not until I get confirmation that it's funny...
Just browsing through random xkcd and some of them are really tall
@trichoplax Whats a onebox?
@Calvin'sHobbies I asked the same question and got a LotR quote
One of these:
@PhiNotPi Nice. Can you randomize the order of the people in the list? As soon as you see Martin you know it's going to land on Geobits.
So just an image or link...
Certain sites onebox, most don't
Not just an image or link: An image or link that takes up the whole chat window.
It works for tiny images too
Here is the code that appends the entire list several times. How do I randomize it?
var li = $('ul li'),
    spinBtn = $('#spin');

for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
While also making sure Geobits is always the first on the list?
Math.random... (that's all I got)
Generate a random number for each person in the list, sort by the random number.
@PhiNotPi This can shuffle
It's what I used in RvB to shuffle moves
The best way is to have an array of user IDs, shuffle those, and use the SE API to get all the info dynamically.
^ listen to them, not me
Well cgse.tk exists but doesn't work
@Calvin'sHobbies Maybe someday.
Mini challenge: What's the shortest url you can make (via shortener or w/e) that redirects to codegolf.stackexchange.com
@Calvin'sHobbies bit.ly/1MR75KP
Do I get a cookie?
Just 14 bites of a cookie? Can they at least be big bites?
@Calvin'sHobbies goo.gl/Evuez
12 bites
the link should obviously have 19 bytes.
@Calvin'sHobbies bit.do/5uX6 (11)
@MartinBüttner tinyurl.com/6ec944q - 19 bytes :D
Q: Boggle Board Compression

Martin BüttnerWhen working on Non-Palindromic Polyglot Boggle, I found it quite tedious to pack the codes as efficiently as possible onto the Boggle board, even with only two strings. But we're programmers, right? We know how to automate things. Given a list of strings, you're to generate a Boggle board on wh...

I could do 8 bytes (I have a couple of 4-char .com domains)
If freenom forwards correctly ppcg.cf should work at 7
what are we trying to achieve ?
27 mins ago, by Calvin's Hobbies
Mini challenge: What's the shortest url you can make (via shortener or w/e) that redirects to http://codegolf.stackexchange.com
@PhiNotPi What was that challenge of your that was about matching as many of the 100 random numbers as possible. (I think it was yours)
@PhiNotPi Did you get edc?
Or maybe you're doing the API way
And I remember someone (Martin?) had a greedy approach that got 50 maybe (n Cjam possibly?)
@Calvin'sHobbies Definitely not me.
I'm trying the API way, but I don't know what I'm doing.
@MartinBüttner do you know what I'm talking about?
@PhiNotPi I can help!
How do I use the data generated from a URL like this? api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users/…
As in, how do I assign an object to be that object?
@Calvin'sHobbies nope sorry. maybe something that never left the sandbox?
Q: King of the Hill - Liar's Dice

SuperJedi224Liar's Dice is a fairly simple dice game. I've seen a few different variations of the rules, but here is the version I'm most familiar with: Each player starts with 5d6 Except when tallying the dice at the end of a round, each player may see their own dice, but not those of any opponent At the ...

@PhiNotPi Use get with jQuery and handle the data in the callback, like this
Seems nifty.
@MartinBüttner No. I'm sure this was a real and decently voted question. I might have the people all wrong though
slowly working on it...
@Calvin'sHobbies I'm having problems with getting the animation to scroll.
Can I see the code?
It was li.first().animate( but obviously that's not going to work now.
Somewhat minor, but the possessive s's issue is fixed: jsfiddle.net/bj18dk9s/15
@Calvin'sHobbies ^
You should add the users to the ul when the page loads, not on every spin(). Something like:
$(function() { //runs when interface is fully loaded
    $.get('https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/users/' + encodeURIComponent(ids.join(';')) + '?pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=reputation&site=codegolf&filter=!qGS3sF0JLgspZPzdn__u', function (data) {
        var ul = $('ul')
        data.items.forEach(function(user) {
           ul.append('<li><img src="' + user.profile_image + '" alt="" />It\'s ' + user.display_name + '\'s fault!</li>')
Well, the problem that I was running into (when I didn't use API) was that the random shuffle would be the same every spin.
I guess you'd need to clear the ul and add back in the reshuffled users before every spin
Any luck getting it to animate?
Not sure why it ends up empty
Because the spinning goes beyond the length of the list.
I think that shuffle function is wrong :O jsfiddle.net/CalvinsHobbies/9sm9qfz5/3 kinda works but the first person is never shuffled
That is intentional, so that Geobits would always be in the same spot.
wow, we have quite a few koths now, top 4 active sandbox post is koth, and there are like 4 active on the main site
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mbomb007king-of-the-hill Snakes on a Torus This would be representative of the classic Snake video game, but multiplayer. The game would be 2-4 players. Game Description: Each of the 2-4 snakes will always start at one of four fixed position on the board. Each snake continuously moves forwards at a c...

Come on guys! Post answers, this question is really easy. If that's true, I've done something horribly wrong...
@PhiNotPi Well this kind of works. Not sure how to make it stop at "Geobits info"
@randomra I wonder why there are no takers for your Rearranging Words challenge. It's the most fun I had all week.
@Calvin'sHobbies marginTop: -(li.first().outerHeight(true) * li.length) + 55
trial and error
@Dennis I think this line speaks for itself
@Dennis maybe this comment will bring new entries :)
code-challenges doesn't have too many solvers, but yeah, usually more than 1
@Optimizer Not quite sure I got that...
the thing that you had the most fun is surely to be tough
I'm good at making short code for more or less trivial problems.
The fact that CJam is the language I'm most fluent in shows how much of a coder I am...
anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it (or maybe you still do)
@randomra I'm still thinking about it, but I've more or less hit a wall.
I'm trying to find a case where my code gives a non-optimal result.
But I don't know how since this is the only approach I can think of...
Haven't read the new version, will do tomorrow.
Now time to sleep, good night/evening all!
Good night!
Added a verifier to the boggle compression challenge.
I can imagine the boggle compression challenge receiving incremental improvements on answers for a long time. I can't think of a good approach but I'm intrigued to see what will arrive
I guess first it needs any answer ;)
(I thought the same about Counting Diamond Tilings, but no luck so far)
Well your examples show it's trivially easy to find a grid that works, it just won't be very competitive...
Whereas for Counting Diamond Tilings it needs to be a fully working solution - I expect you'll get answers on Boggle Compression first
although a constructive solution for diamond tilings is probably not too hard if it's based on young diagrams
and once you've got that you can start omitting diagrams which you know will only yield duplicates anyway
or maybe, looking at the full list of diagrams for larger N will give more insight into the problem for a new approach
maybe it's even easier if it's based on aditsu's and Matty's approach to the random diamond tilings challenge
I've added a basic JavaScript (Stack Snippet) solution for my Manhattan Exclusion sandbox post and it is horribly slow. I'm wondering whether to optimise it before using it as a time limit for the contest. It's golf so I don't want super fast answers, but I want them to finish in a "reasonable time" for small inputs
@MartinBüttner Are you hoping there might be a formula for the diamond tilings one? Or have you ruled that out?
There might be. But it's definitely beyond my number theory/group theory/combinatorics fu to be able to tell.
foo seems appropriate... :)
foo? I thought it's a word play on kung fu or something like that.
But since it's found its way into a programming environment the typo seemed apt
If I optimise my example solution and then say answers must be at least as fast for, say, 12 by 10 with radius 5, is that going to put people off who would rather golf a slow solution?
I don't have the golfing mindset and I'm guessing one way or the other would appeal to some but not others.
By optimise I mean use an approach which is slightly less brute force
Argh! 180 rep today and 30 minutes to midnight. I'm never getting my Epic badge...
Today I "rediscovered" Minecraft.

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