Algorithmic Sudoku Solver
The challenge here is to create an algorithmic Sudoku solver. There are several possible methods of solving Sudoku, including brute-force, backtracking, exact cover, stochastic search, and constraint algorithms. None of these are banned except the brute-force method. ...
Algorithmic Sudoku Solver
The challenge here is to create an algorithmic Sudoku solver. There are several possible methods of solving Sudoku, including brute-force, backtracking, exact cover, stochastic search, and constraint algorithms. None of these are banned except the brute-force method. ...
@MartinBüttner I do know JS, but I haven't worked out how that answer is discarding the {}.
@MartinBüttner I won't say I wasn't tempted, but they'd be rather long.
@Sp3000 I wrote a non-brute-force Sudoku solver in an attempt to estimate difficulty. It only knows 4 basic rules, though, none of this advanced X-wing etc. stuff.
Decompose a number with bit-xor without the digits 0, 3, 7 code-golf
Write a function or program which takes a positive decimal number, call it A, and output two positive numbers, B and C, such that:
A == B bitxor C
B and C must not contain any of the digits 0, 3 or 7 in its decimal...
ie there's two sections which are 5 consecutive numbers
@grc I just had to do it ;)
I also like my 37 one - if it manages to get through the week I'll be surprised, because I don't expect short Python programs being able to manage unless people start getting bored
"Oct 31, 2011: Happy Halloween! '?' operator now works correctly for finding substrings in strings, or strings in arrays. Thank you Peter Taylor!" <- it'd be funny if that was a hint
@user23013 There's probably a bit more to it, don't you think? (I was actually looking for a quote with b myself, but then Stop, Hammer time! was just too good :D)
Oh yeah... I know what more there is to it: the order of the letters in the string -.-
and then to base 19 or 11. and if you have another [BJ]b after it, then that number is converted back to an array of digits (which are printed back-to-back)
In fact I posted something like this in the tetris question: which should look like 95bKG#b:c , and has the right length, but in fact it was 5bPi~C#b:c
@MartinBüttner I reckon the entire code might be wrapped in () to avoid the REPL giving an error, but it would really help to know what REPL he used to test. Or for OP to intervene and declare that a REPL doesn't meet spec.
I found myself too lazy to do high precision base conversions in a sane language after learning CJam. Better start to learn Python... Or just golf a search program.
@user23013 Starting from the least significant digit, pick letters whose code point mod 19 gives the the right remainder. That branches out a bit though. Not a lot, but it was slightly annoying to do by hand.
hm, I'm not really getting anywhere with Programming Puzzles & Code Golf (either single or double quotes)... all the cool things I could do with those letters are missing some other letters to set up the stack
@Sp3000 a bit of both I think
judging by his other answers, it's also just something you paste in the browser console
@MartinBüttner For your Programming Puzzles and Code Golf idea, Pyth could do something with it. You have G which contains "abcdefghi....", the char->int function, map, the prime factor function, sorting and sums, etc.
So, I've got for(;;)printf("%d",); ... the remaining characters are $$$$$$$$+++,3557999<====dddooooo ... the format specifier can't be %o, because there are 8s and 9s in the output.
You can probably assume safely that the characters are paired individually with the dollar signs
Yea, after finally giving up (for now) on the APL one, I wanted to give the other short one a try, but I haven't had any luck. I can find a command line version for linux, but not on the right PC for that at the moment.
I don't know it, but the basic operations seem simple enough. I can get all the right numbers in the wrong order, or 27 3 27 4.34..., etc. I just can't figure out how he got it that way.
At one point I had 3 3 27 4.434..., but that was about it. I'm still baffled by the +. I can't seem to find anything it's useful for, so I've been assuming it's a red herring. Probably not, though ><
It is a red herring. In fact the number I thought isn't supposed to be so easy to figure out what it is. But since it is obvious how you can get all these numbers without a +, I didn't think it would work...
@Geobits Unless you change it only on one site, then you can revert it by going to another site, enter the display name you want and press "Save and copy to all sites".
That would be pretty impressive, since the original didn't go that far over anyway (it's not cropped much).
Fortunately, since his needs to be to the right of mine, it isn't up to him to line it up. All I have to do to prevent it showing up right is not talk directly after him :D
(assuming others aren't helping him by removing themselves from between us)
@Beta Not mine, but it could be because it looks like "chucked chars at an interpreter and this is my output". Your comment of "I have no idea..." probably doesn't help that image.