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@LoLAnnouncements Step it up, you missed the new rotation
@Alok Have you seen the new rotation?
Just making sure. =P I own all but two of them.
Varus, Evelyn, Garen, Sona, Shen, Heimer ... all ones I wanted to try
which two?
I only have Ali & Trist lol; saving up for runes @ 30
I have 6.3k IP and want to save 15k before I spend on heroes -.-
@Alok I've spent... a ridiculous sum of money on Riot Points. <_< Shen and Viktor are the only champs this week that I don't own.
btw I forgot your LoL name is something else ... and saw a game with a 'Flutt3rshy' or something, who really sucked hehe
or rather, he was ok but his allies were terribad
My LoL name is NihilistRonin. Also, I own 69 champions. >_>
wow nice - you got most of them thru RP or IP? :)
and yeah I remembered the name later; I used ur referral remember ;)
@Alok Mostly RP. I bought all of the starter champs (450 IP) with IP, and a couple of the 1350 IP champs, but the rest have been RP.
Oh yeah. >_>
wow :o
CE & Champ's Bundle I hope
Also, Varrus and Heimer are a lot of fun. As is Garen. Shen can be rough. If you're playing against humans, be prepared to die a lot. Same with Sona. Evelyn I can't really say... I haven't played her since her rework.
So if you have most of the champs - who are your faves?
hmm I thought Shen would be great to team up 2v1 etc. with his ulti
I bought the Champion's Bundle, yeah.
My favorites are Riven, Ahri, Ashe, Irelia and Jax.
Agree with Irelia; haven't tried the others yet (except for Ashe in tut.)
I really want Ahri to be free so I can try her
She's a lot of fun. =D
I see her in so many of the 'spectate' games lol; I could prob. figure out how to play her w/o a free week if I watched enough
@Fluttershy, anyone else: Any feedback whether mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/… is worth following; I'm saving up IP to get the recommended all-purpose runes there (around 10-15k IP for them)
@Alok It is very recommended, it is what I did and I don't regret it. Especially if you focus on the survival stuff, it will give you some wiggle room to help you learn and survive. :)
Thanks, I have no clue on runes besides what I read in the guide ... seems good and has very high rating; just wanted a second opinion from people here ;)
Also, most of the recommended S-Rank ones there are fairly cheap.
err aren't they 3k or so; that's half of the most expensive champ :p
Maybe total, but individually they are cheap. :)
5 hours later…
@Thanatos Have you ever tried playing a kill lane on bot? (like leona+graves) Could be fun. :)
yeah, maybe I could try but i never tried before.
Do you own Leona?
Don't know
I think yes
but i've never played her
Does not matter. It's like blitzcrank and Alistar mixed together somewhat.
Just rapetrain?
No I mean you have a "hook" but it can't hit creeps, stuns, damage reduction.
But yes she is pretty strong the whole game. And she can catch enemies pretty well with her ultimate.
Okey, i'll play her soon
Q: How do I decide between a Wit's End or an Ionic Razor?

AlokWit's End gives 40% AS and +42 Magic Damage Ionic Razor gives 50% AS and every fourth attack procs a chain lightning Several builds for AS focused champions such as Irelia recommend a Wit's End, in her case it also benefits Bladesurge which helps with killing fleeing enemies. However, in the ge...

Q: What are the maximum allowed stats?

AlokI know that Cooldown Reduction is capped at 40%, and Attack Speed at 2.5 (i.e. +150% to cap?). What are the various caps for all the equipment properties (life steal, armor, +%damage etc.), and which of these are limited to just a single source? (e.g. Rabadon's Deathcap gives +%AP, I'm not aware ...

5 hours later…
Q: Target Priority for Turrets?

Strife7xObviously, turrets prioritize minions unless a friendly champ takes damage from an enemy champ within the turret's range, and if there are no minions the turret will target the first enemy champ to come within range. My question is this - if there are multiple enemy champs within range as the las...

7 hours later…
posted on August 07, 2012 by nikasaur

Summoners! On an average day it might qualify as a bit unusual to strap on a pair of wings or grab the ol� broadsword out of the umbrella stand...

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