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@FAE @DoomyPie
@Fluttershy XD
@Fluttershy Apart from the joke advice; are the skill order progressions good?
And is Caitlyn just right click to win lol, she's in free rotation this week and I may try her out later
@Alok If you build her right, she really is. Also... As far as I can tell, yeah. They're pretty decent skill rotations. Some of them at least.
Nice, honestly as a noob I love this sort of cheat sheet - since pretty much that is the first thing I try to read in a guide; which skills to focus on first.
Should be fun trying out Caitlyn later; I was also looking up max ranges and she's way up in the list (gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/19320/…).
@Alok She has the highest default range. The only champion with a higher range is Tristana at level 18. =P @OrigamiRobot doesn't play anyone but Caitlyn.
@Fluttershy If a future Terminator thinks she's good, that is a big plus for her :)
@Alok I have no idea what that means......
Thanks @FAE! =D
@Fluttershy You're welcome :P
Because he is a robot! =P
@Fluttershy I thought it was established in chat that he's just trying to blend in while he decides on a plan for world domination?
@Alok Probably. I tend to block him out from time to time. (Not really. I just have a bad memory.)
@Alok Caitlyn is the best. Vayne is second best.
How would you rate Tristana? Since I only have Cait for this week; and Trist is unlocked from the promo
@Alok I have not played her because she is not Caitlyn. I don't even own her.
@Alok Tristana is one of my favorites.
@OrigamiRobot Talk about bias :D. Well, explain to a LoL noob why Caitlyn is >> other ranged? I did enjoy playing Vayne when she was free.
@Alok TrapsTrapsTrapsTrapsTrapsTrapsTrapsTrapsTrapsTrapsTraps
Hmm so yordle trap is that good ... will check it out, thanks
@Alok Trap > Peacemaker > Win
I like to play Vayne top lane against bots
And he hates when I support him in either lane. :P
I played her twice (vs bots) ... did fairly well; though I am terrible at actually getting them stunned into environment :(
@DoomyPie Support as whom? Another hero I have to try out this week is Zilean, and I have no exp at all playing a support hero (and he has only 1 dmg skill >_< )
@Alok Anyone really, I love support. :)
Support isn't too bad, but you have to be aware about what your laning buddy can do and how to make them get that kill.
:O What are your fav supports then, and why?
That is a hard question for me...
though I won't be trying to support for a long time; doesn't seem to be good for newbies to try
I like all the supports for various situations.
Though Lulu, Taric, Leona, and Sona all have special places in my heart. :3
Well, do you go for traditional supports (Sona, Soraka etc.); aggressive traditional ones like Leona; or champs usually less played as supports
@DoomyPie Lies!
I go for them all! :)
Lulu is awesome just for the overall theme hehe
@Alok I am too, chasing is where her strength is.
@OrigamiRobot That I can do; but AIs are very smart about staying near center of lane ... tbh I never noticed it before playing with Vayne
I bet @OrigamiRobot can tell you how horrid I do as support.
@Alok I like to use her top because you can go around the outside of the lane much easier.
@DoomyPie Hush, you.
@OrigamiRobot NEVAH!!!
You should play Nunu with me (or another support who buff AS)
Any support can, granted they get the right item. :)
Which I promise to do from now on. ^_^
Will you let me support you again? :D
@DoomyPie Zeke's Herald?? and what did you do last time lol
I just want all the IAS
@Alok Yeppers! ^_^
@OrigamiRobot If you play with me and I am Janna or Sona, I can buff your AD! :D
Ehh I got that right; and now I have mixed feelings about actually figuring out LoL jargon :P
Though I tend to buff that anyway. (Hurray for Aegis of the Legion! ^_^)
@DoomyPie Oh man I could dominate with Sona supporting me
I tend to overreach a bit
It is true! :D
I just want all the kills! Is that so wrong?
I now want to play. >.<
<- chased an AI bot with near 0 hp right thru tower area; died to tower :(
Hey, @Alok what is your summoner name? :)
Oh I have another noobie question; which hero would be best for a noob to learn jungling with?
@Alok I would say Warwick. He needs just about no Summoner Levels or items to do well.
Uhmm Kermit666, are you going to look up stats or something? Coz I'm unranked haha, else they would be terribad for sure
No, just want to play with you some time. :)
@DoomyPie Ty, will wait for him to come up in rotation. Unless I decide to try on Sejuani over weekend
@DoomyPie I'm level 8; I think all of you are 30 already :D
I started ~ 2 weeks back
I am. :)
I am Zamual Darkholme by the way. :)
I don't know how to add people yet; but will figure it out and add you ;)
oh, I am on NA server ... though I have a lvl 2 a/c on EUW for when NA is down
Are you in game now?
I am OrigamiRobot, and I am not very good.
@OrigamiRobot Is better than I am.
Psssh Yea right!
@DoomyPie I am now; got your friend request
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