« first day (415 days earlier)   

@RoryAlsop hey, can i talk to you for a minute?
Hello @kimholder
Sorry - was picking up kids from gymnastics
What's up
Don't think I've seen this room before
i was mulling your comment that you are in touch with Tildal, which i let pass in the TL because i wasn't sure what i wanted to say about that
no, i'm trying to fly under the radar
it's just a little awkward
i think i need to ask you to ask him to let me speak to him. he's been ignoring me, i think. i try emailing him at his biz email
I can do that, sure
i've tried to let it go, but this affects me a lot. i'm pretty isolated and the dysfunctional truth is that he was the core of my entire social world for the last couple of years
thanks, i appreciate it
that was all. but it is genuinely important to me.
:-( really sorry to hear that :-(
ok - i'll close this again. i suppose it remains a deleted room
@RoryAlsop i'm alright, but i'm trying to fix something i think i'm partly responsible for if only because i was always balking at feeling so involved with relationships in a chat room
I have PMd him
Hope he responds and it gets sorted
oh cool. thanks. alright. So, this room remains deleted right? i'm fine with the mods seeing it but it probably shouldn't go further
i'll figure it out - i can always redelete it if it isn't. Duh
Thanks Rory. Have a good one.

« first day (415 days earlier)