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A suggestion: use chat to ask questions of almost a similar kind. — Maulik V ♦ 9 mins ago
An interesting suggestion!
There must be a similar old question that has been answered, I think.
7 hours later…
Hello, @agent5566!
hi everebody!
Present Perfect Continuous, aka Present Perfect Progressive.
yeah :(
Think of it as the Present Perfect + the Progressive aspect.
Lets take a look on sentence "Recently, I have been feeling really tired."
Why is this tense here? is it simpler to say "I felt mysef really tired recently". What is the difference?
If you said "I felt tired lately", it would mean that you are not tired now.
It's similar to "I played tennis yesterday". I'm not playing it now.
And what if a person just say "I'm feeling myself tired" ? What is the sence of the tense in this situation? I mean in this situation without any time duration
"I'm feeling myself tired" is weird!
really? interesting
I mean, you don't feel yourself (feeling yourself is like you're touching yourself for your own pleasure, which is weird, isn't it?), you feel tired.
feeling myself reminds me of Russian "я чувствую себя уставшим"
the same construction
On the other hand, "I'm feeling tired" is okay.
yeah, it is
i understand purpose of the tense when we use it with time duration
This construction won't work in English for some interesting linguistic reasons
"I've been feeling tired" could mean either that you're still tired or that you've just now started feeling refreshed.
"She has thrown her bonnet by,
And her feet she has been dipping
In the shallow water’s flow:
Now she holds them nakedly
In her hands, all sleek and dripping,
While she rocketh to and fro."
She has been dipping - but she is no longer dipping her feet in the water.
But she has been doing that up to this moment.
The author uses no "time duration" construction with the Present Perfect Progressive here.
I've been watching TV and now i'm going to bathroom.
is it ok?
@agent5566 Yes.
@agent5566 Seems fine to me.
"I've been watching TV and now i'm going to the bathroom."
the bathroom
But it's better off as "the bathroom".
yeah :)
articles are real pain in one place
Yes, definitely. Or maybe indefinitely.
@agent5566 The best way to see if a speaker is a NS or NNS.
"For example, in the comprehension category, the machine was asked "Why do we shake hands?" ConceptNet 4 searched its databases for concepts of "shake", "hand" and "shake hands." And its answer was "epileptic fit.""
@CopperKettle Poor thing!
@DamkerngT. Looks like it's quite a smart thing.
4-year old boy don't know the word 'epileptic' :)
Unless the 4-year old boy is epileptic himself..
It reminds me of another kind of intelligence.
@DamkerngT. Why do we shake hands?
proud :-)
Smart robot!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M In order to transmit bacteria and contribute to genetic diversity in this way.
Gives @Dam some fish tuna dog food screws
@CopperKettle Or zap and laugh about it.
@agent5566 a ... doesn't
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I thought about that too. (0:
@CopperKettle double fail
> The Iron Man came to the top of the cliff.
How far had he walked? Nobody knows. Where had he come from? Nobody knows. How was he made? Nobody knows.
@DamkerngT. Then ask nobody!
@agent5566 bah, that's some minor details.. (0: The key thing is to learn words, the grammar will pick itself together by and by
@DamkerngT. IS that from Riddles SE?
@CopperKettle It's a story.
The Iron Giant is based on this book.
Morning Everyone !
@DamkerngT. Which is . . . grandpa?
@JudeNiroshan \o
The Iron Man: A Children's Story in Five Nights is a 1968 science fiction novel by British Poet Laureate Ted Hughes, first published by Faber and Faber in the U.K. with illustrations by George Adamson. Described by some as a modern fairy tale, it describes the unexpected arrival in England of a giant "metal man" of unknown origin who rains destruction on the countryside by attacking industrial farm equipment, before befriending a small boy and defending the world from a monster from outer space. Expanding the narrative beyond a criticism of warfare and inter-human conflict, Hughes later wrote a...
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Wait, why grandpa?
@CopperKettle Aye!
@DamkerngT. Nevermind. :P
Ah, he's just a remote cousin. :D
can anyone please tell me what does this mean? I found it in SO careers (in one of the vacancies)
401(k) with company match
It's about then pension after the retirement. This is common in the US, afaik.
Google for "401 k" for more info.
@DamkerngT. Autocarrot?
TODO: Make template TeX files
I'm not sure. :-)
What's up?
TeX and 401(k). :D
@HarryCBurn Gas molecules.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M everything is up
@HarryCBurn No, my toes are (currently) down.
What if the universe is a loop?
but i still don't understand what does that "company match means"
@HarryCBurn I thought I'm the only one with a lack of sleep here.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I'm just too hipster for expansion theory.
Anyone got any good books they've read? Andy McNabb kinda' sucks. Not too awful, but not great.
Hey @Arrow!
Hey @HarryCBurn!
How's life?
Long time no see. How goes it?
@HarryCBurn Life is pretty good, how about you? :)
Goes it well it do.
@HarryCBurn Still not getting my hands on Clayden. :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Organochem book.
Ah, right ;p
Q: Nevermind - got it

user25082Nevermind - got it Nevermind - got it pls. delete Nevermind - got it

Hi @DamkerngT.
Hi! I'm not really here, BTW.
Not much of a loss really ;p
Although could be a good question.

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