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@snailboat Only my vote would've sufficed.
It uploaded :)
@TinyGiant I agree.
Is the room gone now?
The transcript will stay there forever.
@DamkerngT. I know you had memories with @snail's plane version.
Along with all thoughts in there?
Forever in our hearts and servers.
But I think we have a new monument now.
It can be unfrozen if people want it to be unfrozen.
Sheds tears I met @Dam there when it was my first time in SE's chat. Good times good times. I met him and said oh hey, these guyses are really friendly; I should hang more often.
One minute silence...
Salute o>
Waves goodbye
Hawk flies overhead
God bless America.
Alright, I should sleep now.
Rest well!
299794 messages
Night everyone, ping me if I can give opinions on anything tomorrow!
Can you sleep @Harry?
Sleep tight!
@HarryCBurn G'night!
Nighty night anyways.
2:37 a.m.
Phew what a day!
Have a good sleep. :)
@TinyGiant Hey I thought of something; as soon as you get outspoken here (I hope we gained you as our chat reg) I'll make you an RO; whaddya say?
Sounds good. I like this room, when it's not on fire.
It's not usually on fire.
@TinyGiant You happened to come at an unfortunate time.
@TinyGiant Blame it on me. Sorry about that.
Well, I hope to contribute in keeping it from catching fire in the future.
But hey, we got you to ELL. :-)
Do you think I'd stay in a room with fire everyday?
My boiling point is 402 degrees celsius.
@DamkerngT. Lol, a roundabout way, but I guess it worked :)
And I don't wanna evaporate. So!
So let's keep the fire low. :)
Reloads water faucet I. Am. Ready.
We don't want to "put out the fire" entirely... we just don't want the room to burn down.
If you get the pun
Well, put out can mean a lot of things. :-)
Hey just to make sure - @Tin are you a native Englisher?
@M.A.Ramezani Yes, born and raised Canadian.
@M.A.Ramezani You're one of those people who take the red markers and write the word "blue", aren't you? :-)
@M.A.Ramezani Emboldened!
@snailboat I fully disclose my real self.
@TinyGiant He can be very bold. :-)
I'm back at my computer. (Oh, no!)
@DamkerngT. I hope you're not putting out in the chat room, that could be awkward
@TinyGiant Or put out, that could be fatal!
Room owners, you can update the room description if you feel it's necessary.
And you can pin or unpin messages at the right. Pinned messages are the ones with hollow stars that appear above the regular starred messages.
They're automatically removed after 14 days, mind.
How about we propose and vote on a new description for the room?
@TinyGiant Yes sure.
I propose "A place for general discussion and advice for non-native English speakers learning the English language."
I also propose starring the proposal you most agree with to vote for it.
+1 Sounds good to me.
After allowing for other proposals of course.
@TinyGiant Okay I gotta leave. It was nice to find you in Tavern. Thanks for everything man. Good to have a neutral party here.
@Arrowfar Have fun. :)
See ya! :)
I forgot to mention the Be Nice policy in my proposal.
Alok, your approach is smartly. It grammatically sounds well. — kenn 4 hours ago
I see bad grammar o_0
@TinyGiant It's on another stack.
I know
Maybe he was trying to talk funnily?
Oh, Alok is a name.
Ahh... he (the message's writer) is the OP.
Yes, but that grammar is still wonderfully flawed.
There will be a lot more of it coming on the main site (ELL). :-)
I think grandparent or the one before last would work. Judging from the OP's question, I think it's the latter that fits better.
I would use next-to-last.
That sounds good to me too.
I should've read more questions today, but I feel a bit tired now. So I'll skip it today.
It's not very often that our review queue will be empty. But it is! So I can skip that too. :D
Only 109 more reputation points and I'll be able to contribute to the review queues as well.
I've got one question that I think I can't explain it very well. So, in case anyone is interested...
Q: If the lava will come down as far as this, we will evacuate these houses

DeepSomeone said the following sentence is grammatically correct. If the lava will come down as far as this, we will evacuate these houses. I think this is grammatically incorrect because there is the following grammar rule. http://www.englishcafe.jp/englishcollege/etense2/e1-2-4.html "In the t...

@TinyGiant Yay!
@TinyGiant Holy. . .
@M.A.Ramezani ?
What's your success's seekrit?
Being trusted on another site gains me 100 points when joining new sites. I have 5k+ rep on Stack Overflow.
I know.
I haz the assoc. bonus too.
I'm confused, is there still a question?
Pro tip: Never take me seriously, unless I said so.
@TinyGiant Oh, btw, if I may ask, what is your dialect? BrE or AmE?
Yes that's a thing
Thanks! I asked that because I think the OP could use more opinions from BrE speakers in this question: ell.stackexchange.com/questions/61147/…
@TinyGiant I don't know why, but CanE sounds like half-AmE half-BrE to me.
It's closer to BrE
Tell me about it.
@M.A.Ramezani I know one thing! In CanE, "want to" can sound like "wanno". :P
Hey, are there free bananas in CanE?
BTW, I love the variety of dialects of English.
So my quest continues.
But it is interesting to note that both color and colour as well as favourite and favorite are acceptable in a CanE. We like to be neutral.
Ahh... good to know!
I guess it's the same for -ise, -ize, -yse, -yze, too.
I love PerE.
@M.A.Ramezani I'm sure you do. :D
Yeah, there isn't much differentiation in that respect, both are correct in CanE.
@M.A.Ramezani You can unpin my old pinned messages if you want to.
Though it is more commonly written as -ize
I guess it's unnecessary after we change our room description anyway.
@TinyGiant Would it be weird if you read -ize and -ise in the same article?
Probably because of them damn Amuricans influencin' ar' darn culture.
I felt a bit weird at first when I switched to use American /r/.
@DamkerngT. Depending on the usage. -ize is most commonly used in word endings, but I wouldn't think twice about the sentence "The organisation terrorized..."
In PerE, everything is acceptable as long as you sound equal to or smarter than M.A.
Oh! That's interesting!
Sheesh I'm used to av=bbr'ing SE.
Was ist das?
Oh, not I can't remember even a simple German question!
Hehe I looove whines:
Q: This question should not have been closed.

StephenI'm referring to this question: How many of you *really* surf around without JavaScript enabled? No offense to moderator bigown, but I don't see how this is fair or constructive behavior. The question has plenty of upvotes. The answers have plenty of upvotes. It has been viewed 1,305 times at...

A meta surfer, ain't you? :D
@DamkerngT. Methinks I've gone through 50 metas by now.
That's quite a lot, methinks!
Hey @Cat dat's a nice about me!
Hey does TX stand for Terrific X-ray?
@M.A.Ramezani Ah, TX can be a lot of things. T-X is one of the most fearsome terminators. :D
And on that note, I have to leave.
@DamkerngT. Hah! I winz!
Anyways, have a nice hibernation!
TX is Texas.
Nah, it's Teletext.
Or maybe T-reX.
but not TaX?
Terrifying ankle Xenophobia?
Totally obnoXious
Tank Xylophone.
@TinyGiant Downvoted.
Thanks :)
Don't mention it!
We seem to have lost a majority of the viewers...
@TinyGiant Chat?
Or ELL in general?
Well, it's not like it's 24/7 chat.
But @snail's been chatting from the US.
Well why not?
Why not not?
Because that's a double negative.
People sleep (Even @Dam - He's a robot); go to classes, Kung Fu cough, go all nerdy cough cough. . .
But I bet SO's chat never dies.
You can use here as a niceness mine.
Today's shave is the third overall shave that's happened here; so it ain't common at all means
BTW @Tin what time is it there?
OMG @Tin sweeps ELL. . .
sweeps ell?
Yeah, but also, note that ELL has some voting problems.
how so?
Learners voting learner's stuff is sometimes a blind leading the blind.
Disclaimer: I'm a learner.
Most definitely
I'm from Iran, and it's 4:13 here.
K I gotta hit the bed, and I totally beat @Dam. Cya good sir in a future tense.
@TinyGiant Yes.
Have a good sleep :)

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