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@M.A.Ramezani I'm a top 10 user on ELL this year and I've never asked a question. :P
Hello :)
Hi. :)
How's life?
I have a splitting headache. So... not the best.
How about you?
Ouch, that sucks. I'm good.
I stabbed myself in the face with a hunting knife yesterday, but other than that I'm good
Not on purpose...
It didn't actually hurt very much when it happened, it was a sharp knife. It really hurts every time I try to laugh now though
3 hours later…
Any Korean speakers around? The Korean Language proposal has just moved to the commitment phase: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/74083/…
Well, I'm out for now, I'll be back in the morning.
1 hour later…
Q: 'Wear the shoes' or 'put on the shoes'?

Jude NiroshanWhich is the most correct one? Most of the cases 'Wear' is used for cloths or dresses. When it comes to speaking, I have seen some people use both of these.

5 hours later…
@Catija Well I didn't mean ELL. I meant chem.SE.
3 hours later…
@M.A.Ramezani I figured. I do think it is interesting that there are clearly sites that have people who only ask and people who only answer.
Hullo @Cat BTW.
Hydrogen Iodide?
That's a good acid.
@Catija I guess that most stacks are like that.
@DamkerngT. I would guess that, too. I'm just not an "asker". I don't find that I have questions about stuff very often... I even have an Area 51 proposal and I've not managed to create a question for it. :(
@M.A.Ramezani You're being silly recently. This and the discussion of what TX means. :P
Bah. It's too small.
@Catija Bows I'm always silly.
@Catija I planned to get more involved in our Raspberry Pi stack. Still hasn't got a perfect time to join. :-)
@DamkerngT. Yum Raspberry Pie. Sign me up for that one.
Our Raspberry Pi stack?
@Catija Ah, it's not Pie, but I think you know that. :D
@M.A.Ramezani On SE.
Hey, cute Santa up there.
Squinting You guys planning to conquer SE?
@DamkerngT. Arduino stuff?
Yes, a bit more powerful than Arduino.
@M.A.Ramezani squinting (too) -- I thought that's what we are doing. :P
@DamkerngT. We've played around with some of those from time to time. I'm not a programmer but my husband is. We made a light-up motorcycle jacket. It actually even connected to the bike so that the blinkers turned on when he turned them on on his motorcycle.
I'm telling Shog9. You can't catch me.
@Catija That's so cool!
🎳 🏂 🌁 🌉 🌋 🌌 🌏 🌑 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌛 🌠 🌰 🍏 🌱 🌼 🌽 🌿 🍄 🍇 🍈 🍌 🍍 🍑 🍒 🍩 🍕 🍖 🍗 🍠 🍤 🍥 🍨 🍪 🍫 🍬 🍭 🍮 🍯 🍷 🍹 🎊 🎋 🎠 🎣 🎭 🎮 🎲 🎴 🎹 🎻 🎼 🎽 🏡 🏮 🐌 🐜 🐝 🐞 🐡 🐢 🐣 🐥 🐩 🐼 🐽 🐾 👅 👓 👖 👚 👛 👝 👤 👪 👰 👹 👺 💌 💕 💖 💞 💠 💥 💧 💫 💬 💮 💯 💲 💳 💴 💵 💸 💾 📁 📂 📃 📄 📅 📆 📇 📈 📉 📊 📋 📌 📍 📎 📏 📐 📑 📒 📓 📔 📕 📙 📚 📛 📜 📞 📟 📤 📥 📦 📧 📨 📪 📰 📹 🔃 🔋 🔌 🔎 🔏 🔐 🔖 🔗 🔘 🔙 🔚 🔛 🔜 🔟 🔠 🔡 🔢 🔣 🔤 🔦 🔧 🔩 🔪 🔮 🔵 🔶 🔷 🔸 🔹 🔼
@Catija Is it running on an Arduino?
🎳 looks kind of like a snail
Kinda. Sorta
squinting... -- A bowling ball and two pins?
@DamkerngT. Yeah. We got one of the bigger arduinos and used conductive thread to wire in the LEDs.
Poor pins - Ten of them can't beat that ball, now they're only two.
🐌 🐌 🐌
sad -- There's no robot icon.
🤖 🤖 🤖
@Catija Neat! I think HarryCBurn is working on similar kinds of projects too.
It was added in Unicode 8, that is, very recently, so it won't show up for most folks yet
But that's the robot
@snailboat It's 01F916 on my screen. :(
@snailboat Three little squares.
Starred it anyway. :D
That's okay. A rectangle containing hexadecimal is kinda robotic :-)
OMG I made my most sarcastic ever comment on SE.
Hi. Good Evning!
So, a lillypad arduino with red and white LEDs. He's talking about doing a new one but he'd wire it differently.
Hi @JudeNiroshan
Oh, that's awesome!
I have a problem, cn anyone help me?
@JudeNiroshan \o/
Looks a bit like Spidy's logo. :-)
@JudeNiroshan We can try.
@JudeNiroshan I can't. I mean I can.
Hello @JudeNiroshan!
I mean @Dam knows if I can or can't.
I am preparing a proposal document
i need a good summary of my project
We are doing a project for a bank in Sri lanka. So, it is a big system
Oh man, it's gotta be so fun to mess this up. Gimme gimme gimme!
it includes HR management, Vehicle Management, Cheque book request, so on
Oh boy.
Well, full disclosure: I'm out after less than an hour.
Length : ½ page
This should not be more than 150 words.
Sate the client (company) to which you will develop the software. State concisely the significance of the project, what is to be accomplished and how you are going to do it.
The abstract is extremely important in creating a favorable first impression of the proposal.
What am I supposed to write, again?
@M.A.Ramezani Brief description
Of what?
Hey I think having us write it is gonna be messy. It's better if you write it and we proofread, don't you think?
@M.A.Ramezani i'm sorry. First i'll create a one. Then you can rearrange it. Please help me today @M.A.Ramezani @DamkerngT. ^_^
I may see what I can do, but don't expect anything much from me today.
OK then, I'm leaving in 50 minutes, so be quick.
I'm here, though I'm still half asleep.
@snailboat You can't sleep and let your linguistobots flow the info.
Oh ma gawd.
Hullo @Arrow!
Hallo MA!
How you be?
I am okay. You?
Q: How to use the verb 'Remember'

jihoonHere's a context. A month ago, I met a friend of mine and we talked about him going to America next year. And I met him again yesterday, but I don't remember what exactly we talked about. So, at that time, I said like this: I vaguely remember you saying that you are thinking of going to A...

To close, or not to close -- that's the question.
@Arrowfar Am fine; tanks.
@DamkerngT. Burn it down!
@M.A.Ramezani Have you thought about changing the room's description?
@Arrowfar I'll let @Harry decide, or I'll ask when everyone's ready for me to ask.
I kinda like what Giant Tiny proposed yesterday.
The current description is way too long and wordy.
@M.A.Ramezani Yeah okay.
@DamkerngT. I find a lot of his questions get closed...
That question isn't particularly well focused, and I can understand why people would vote to close it, but I don't think I'd personally vote to close it as a proofreading question
I think that user has asked some good questions. For example, I upvoted this question:
Q: I'd like to know how exactly 'infinitive' modifies a noun

jihoonI'd like to know how exactly 'infinitive' modifies a noun. I suggest you write out the speech you will be giving at the conference and practice it as many times as possible. When you think you're ready, gather up some people to listen to your speech, so you can have a rehearsal before the ...

Hi snailboat!
@snailboat Yeah, it doesn't read like proofreading to me and I think the answer he has is actually pretty good.
How are we all? :)
Hi Ip
@HarryCBurn We are okay. Good to have you here.
@M.A.Ramezani Did we decide on a description?
@Arrowfar Good to know :)
May I propose:
of course.
Either something boring like "Official ELL chat."
Or something with a pun or silly side.
(I prefer the second one.)
@Catija Ooh, arduino c:
I love mine c:
I just made my first project entirely on my own.
@HarryCBurn Nice :D What did you make?
You may have seen it when I sent it to Dam.
@HarryCBurn How about this "Official ELL chat where you can talk about language or anything"?
@Arrowfar Hmm...
@HarryCBurn How'bout
Apr 30 at 19:15, by MARamezani
> Dunno, but it's kinda like a sticky thingie if you step in!
> "The pen is mightier than the sword, but not as durable as the learner who wields it"?
@M.A.Ramezani Hah!
Because general purpose chat seems more welcoming than the one with rules and regulations you know.
I like that, actually :)
@HarryCBurn What? We're not samurais!
@Arrowfar Of course, but our room culture will likely be apparent. We're all friendly anyway :)
@M.A.Ramezani Ah, I meant the learner with a pen c:
@HarryCBurn That's fun! Nice job.
Awesome, should we have a vote? Any more submissions?
@HarryCBurn Yes we are :-)
@HarryCBurn Can someone create a voting form so I can see what the options are?
I'll do it.
Hi @Catija!
Hi @Arrowfar
But I'm about to leave. :(
@M.A.Ramezani Why?
Well, we are going to an iftar party.
And I couldn't even finish my meta Q.
I see. Have a nice time.
It's okay. Your meta Q will still be there when you get back. :-)
> 1) "Dunno, but it's kinda like a sticky thingie if you step in!"
2) "The pen is mightier than the sword, but not as durable as the learner who wields it"
3) "Official ELL chat where you can talk about language or anything (else)"
Cast your votes now! :)
@snailboat I know, but I was indicating I left a lot of chores here.
Guys before you vote, note that 1 was trying to demonstrate what coined words are memes here.
@M.A.Ramezani I'm voting 1, but I'm not sure what you mean.
I vote for option 3.14159265357989.
K I gotta go. Cya later guys!
@M.A.Ramezani yay, thanks.
I take that as 3? ;p
Cya' @M.A.Ramezani!
@HarryCBurn You programmers. Ya always round up stuff. . .
real_ans = int(mar_ans)
I've put you down for three c:
@HarryCBurn Like the way you make it time-lapse. Love the green notepad. Great project!
I vote that pictures of snails should be on-topic.
@snailboat Seconded.
Will cats be allowed?
:22694155 Sorry! Just got back to the desk.
A little dizzy, but don't worry.
@DamkerngT. It's OK. :D
Provided that the cats don't harm the snails, I think cats are acceptable, too.
Cats are unpredictable.
I'm in favor of cat pictures!
@DamkerngT. I suppose the snails can be safe in their shells.
Snails are very good at hiding, too!
And cats aren't very smart. :P
@DamkerngT. Them's fighting words.
The cat that lives outside is the apex predator of my yard. Everything is terrified of it. And the cat is the only animal that watches us humans through the windows.
Only one cat outside?
The squirrels warn each other when the cat is about.
@snailboat My cat, on the other hand, is always alert when he's outside.
There've been other cats around, but only one cat hunts in our yard on a regular basis.
And there are snakes and lizards, oh and dogs, too.
A mole lives in our yard, too! It's cute, but like all moles, it stays hidden most of the time. It's also smaller than a regular mole.
Do you have its pic?
Love the moles, but I've heard that they aren't very garden-friendly.
Oops, I mean gopher.
I said mole again when I meant gopher! I guess I get those mixed up... :-)
Got it. No worries. I'd better take a break. See you all around.
Our cat doesn't go outside. She's old and tubby and had her front claws removed before we got her..
@snailboat Nice
@Catija Aww
The cat that lives outside is feral. It won't come within 15 feet of a human. I'm not sure if it's a boy cat or a girl cat...
@DamkerngT. Thanks man, I appreciate it!
Sometimes you can tell at a glance, like with calicoes :-)
@snailboat For some reason, that reminded me of the collective nouns question I answered when I first came here. Probably because I was trying to remember the name for male/female cat... I think females are queens?
I've never actually heard anyone say that before, only tomcats for males, but I've read that that's right!
> A group of cats is referred to as a "clowder" or a "glaring", a male cat is called a "tom" or "tomcat" (or a "gib", if neutered), an unaltered female is called a "queen", and a prepubescent juvenile is referred to as a "kitten".
But no one is going to call a group of cats a "clowder" either... which was part of the argument on the question in the first place.
Ah, I'm not familiar with half of those!
Cats (Felis silvestris catus), known in Ancient Egypt as "Mau", were considered sacred in ancient Egyptian society. Based on recent DNA comparisons of living species, it has been estimated that cats were first domesticated from the Middle Eastern subspecies of the Wildcat about 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent. Thousands of years later, the peoples in what would later be Upper and Lower Egypt had a religion centering around the worship of animals, including cats. Praised for controlling vermin and its ability to kill snakes such as cobras, the domesticated cat became a symbol of grace and...
Gods, then queens, and now just cats
That whole collective noun thingy is mostly archaic, I think. Like, in centuries past, there was a bit of a fad where people made up new ones, but then most of them disappeared from the language. It's more or less impossible to find a legitimate example of an escargatoire of snails or a walk of snails
> At the Capuchins I saw escargatoires, which I took the more notice of, because I do not remember to have met with any thing of the same kind in other countries. It is a square place boarded in, and filled with a vast quantity of large snails that are esteemed excellent food, when they are well dressed. (1705)
But if you go back far enough in time, you can find occasional examples :-)
Yeah, the collective nouns are a bit silly.
Anyway, I'm off to lunch. See you later.
Have a good lunch!
Good evening all!
"How many people did you invite?" vs. "How many people have you invited?" - I wonder if there's any difference.
@CopperKettle Evening!
@CopperKettle I think that have implies the event is still to come, the other doesn't.
@HarryCBurn Thank you! Are you a native English speaker?
No problem!
I've been going through the Blue Murphy and it got me wondering
I mean Murphy's English Grammar in Use
I'm not sure what that is c:
Hello :)
Hi big dwarf!
How are ya'? :)
Good, and yourself?
"Where have she gone?" vs "Where did she go?" - seems the same to me.. I wonder if these two sentences also have some slight distinction
Oh, she might've returned in some of the situations evoked by sentence 2, I guess.
Where has she gone?
@snailboat Is this a mole?
@TinyGiant Thank you!
You're welcome
If you would keep your soul
From spotted sight or sound,
Live like the velvet mole:
Go burrow underground.
And there hold intercourse
With roots of trees and stones,
With rivers at their source,
And disembodied bones.
There's no real difference between the usage of the two. Unfortunately the English language is full of phrases that mean the same thing
But the second is the most semantically correct.
@CopperKettle Great, now I have to challenge your skills ;)
@TinyGiant Thank you!
@HarryCBurn It's not my poem. (0:
@CopperKettle Ah, then I shall challenge the poet! :)
The Eagle and the Mole, probably her best
@TinyGiant Sorry to hear about your knife having stabbed you in the face. Hope you'll get well soon.
@CopperKettle Nice poem, as always. :-)
@DamkerngT. Thank you! (0:
The author, Elinor Wylie was a friend of Edna Millay, that's how I stumbled upon this poem, it was mentioned somewhere in a text about Millay. Now Millay is one of the greatest poets..
I haven't read any poems lately; but I think maybe I'll try Dante's Inferno.
@DamkerngT. Thanks, doesn't hurt unless I laugh, or eat.
You can start with smallish ones, and less hellish ones
Well, Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate is intriguing, isn't it? :-)
And I was a big fan of Se7en.
"Lis is away on holiday. - Is she? Where ___ (she / go) ?" - the task implies that the pupil should pick either Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive
@DamkerngT. Maybe. (0: I only could guess the meaning of speranza
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"
@DamkerngT. This sign was written above one of the rooms in our university in Tyumen, where exams were taking place
Sounds very appropriate. :D
@DamkerngT. @M.A.Ramezani i'm sorry. just only i came home. Give about 30 min. I'll just write that project proposal introduction and i'll show you. I believe you'll stay here for a while tonight :)
They leave all hope behind who enter there:
One certitude while sane they cannot leave,
One anodyne for torture and despair;
The certitude of Death, which no reprieve
Can put off long; and which, divinely tender,
But waits the outstretched hand to promptly render
That draught whose slumber nothing can bereave
(James Thomson, "The City of Dreadful Night")
Just saw in newspaper, that Archie got a new look, got all his pimples cured :-)
This Archie?
Yes this is the old one.
Oh I am now on phone. Upload button is not available here :-(
Hmm... I think the pimples are still there. :D
I'm pretty sure those are freckles
Oh, that's possible too. I haven't really read this comic.
Maybe. Not very sure. I used to read these comics a lot as a kid :-) Archie was released in cartoon version as well.
Yeah, they're freckles
@TinyGiant Your name is very interesting :-)
And ur Jerry (profile pic)
It's a paradox.
I love Tom and Jerry :-)
Profile pic is a rat, which is a large rodent, and rodents are small animals.
So its a large small animal
@CopperKettle Ooh, fancy!
@DamkerngT. I have the book, I haven't read it yet c:
@CopperKettle Man, that's haunting.
Gah, I've finished my Ode to Moles, but I'm not happy with it.
@HarryCBurn Well, maybe you like poetry of other kind
Like, humorous verse
@CopperKettle Hi!
@user62015 Hi!
@CopperKettle How are you?
@user62015 I should be busy preparing for an English lesson
@CopperKettle What kind of English lesson?
But I digress poetrywise
Do you teach somewhere?
@user62015 Well, I'm trying to give lessons one-on-one
@CopperKettle That's what I'm trying to do c:
@user62015 Via Skype
@HarryCBurn Great!
Okay, so are you a professional teacher or helping your friends?
@user62015 Helping my friend
@DamkerngT. http://www.hastebin.com/litoxoyuka.vhdl

**can anyone please re-arrange this project proposal introduction**

Great. Then make me your best friend, as I am in need. :-)
@user62015 I need to read up on how to plan for lessons..
I mean I see no use in (of) just chatting via Skype, I should give problems to solve and then check the homework
@CopperKettle Sounds good but what about my offer? Make me your best friend.-:) But I am a boy, is that okay?
@user62015 If all goes well with my current pupil and I will get the knack of teaching, I'll think of that. (0:
@CopperKettle I am serious about it. I have been learning English for ten months and I think, I am almost done. But when it comes to writing I don't feel confidence.
@CopperKettle Thanks.
@user62015 Only ten months?
You are so fluent.
Yes. But I read a lot.
I just love English.
@user62015 What self-study books have you used?
@user62015 It's just amazing. I guess reading a lot helps a lot.
I used to read for a few hours as I didn't get much time. But for the last ten months I read a lot. I just read novels and try to read small stories books etc.
@user62015 So you started learning English earlier than 10 months ago?
@CopperKettle Will you help me? I want to write professionally. I meant to say I want to be a content writer for next few months.
guys, can anyone will be able to help me?
@user62015 I've no idea how to help you, I('ve?) only started to read up books on teaching a couple of days ago.
I couldn't read much but before ten months I used to one-two hours. But after that reading became more important than breath.
@user62015 You might try write a lot on what you read at Lang-8.com
@CopperKettle I did that but that didn't work because this website doesn't have that much users. I just need a little help from you.
@CopperKettle No, I should have said gopher
@user62015 I'm afraid I cannot teach someone write better, especially a person who already is so fluent..
@CopperKettle I write a small story every night and it's about 200 to 300 words I want you to tell me my grammar mistakes.
@CopperKettle Do you think so?
@user62015 Do you post it at lang-8? Give your account link and I will be checking it up (out!) when I have time
@snailboat I see!
Sure. Please wait, I am getting the information.
@CopperKettle I request you if you find any mistake during our chat session, please let me know.
@user62015 okay
@user62015 this is my account, just sent a friend request!
@CopperKettle I have two topics which I have written. Should I send them to you in a file format or I simply paste here, what you suggest?
@user62015 I don't have time now, I asked you to put them on lang-8, when I have time I'll look them up
@CopperKettle Sounds good.
@TinyGiant Appreciate this very much Sir ! :)
@user62015 Fine! (0:
It's probably not perfect, but it should be easier to read.
@CopperKettle I am going to paste the content on Lang-8. Please wait, I will send you the links.
Back! (Took an unannounced break ;p)
Welcome back!
A bit of a delay there
No problem ;p
Back in a bit!

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