@CharlieBrumbaugh Please do!!! Obsolete comments are a pet peeve of mine, especially if they've become part of discussions that are distracting from the post. You can also flag the post and ask the mods to delete all or some of the comments as they see fit. Someone told me that's an efficient way to handle a whole group of comments. It might have been @RoryAlsop. I've definitely done it before, and don't want to be the only one!
@Liam I upvoted a few days ago, when it "only" had fifty-something votes!
@CharlieBrumbaugh Wow, that's a highly voted post! I have a friend who was a professional sailor for a while. She would have jumped on the nautical miles thing!
Charlie and @ab2, I like how my measurement units mistake sparked a fun conversation!
@RoryAlsop, Charlie and I were thinking migrating outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/17422/… to DIY might be a good idea. I can't seem to do it through flagging though. Is coming here and asking you the right thing to do?
Can you point me to a post that explains migration, besides the bird kind?
Speaking of birds, @Aravona, @anderas, @ab2, @Liam, @CharlieBrumbaugh, @RoryAlsop, did any of you know that blue birds aren't blue? Birds have no blue pigment. The blue color is caused by scattering light through modified cells on the surface of the feather barbs. There are some great scientific articles about it. I'd like to ask it here, but don't know if would get bounced over to a science site, like biology.
It would probably make more sense over there, but people here might like it too. I don't use that site anyway.
@Sue there are some fixed migration routes from graduated sites. Only mods can migrate to any site. Best way is to flag it using the "other" option and use the free text field to say where.
@Sue it's an amazing fact isn't it. I love iridescence on birds, insects, oil films etc
@RoryAlsop Cool, thanks for the information. I try to bother mods as little as possible, but if we can help someone rather than chasing them away, or leaving a closed question on the site when they could be getting help at a different site, I like that idea!
@RoryAlsop I love that too. Birds as just so fascinating! I used to really only be interested in four-legged animals, but we moved to this house a few years ago, and there are large trees, and birds have just begun to fascinate me. I wish I could tell all the little brown birds apart. There are people in the United States that do "backyard bird count" but I can't tell them apart well enough to join the study. My hubby grew up on a farm and knows more about who's what out there.
I've begun learning about different colors of feathers of many birds as it relates to life cycle. There are not only juvenile, adolescent, adult, male, female, but also winter, spring, summer, fall, breeding, non-breeding, and lots of other categories.