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@Sue I am not sure you understand metric, outdoors.stackexchange.com/revisions/17405/3 bwahahaha funniest thing I have seen today :)
@CharlieBrumbaugh I completely don't understand metric!!!! :)) I did that because I was looking at charts and they had the measurements marked the way I changed them, so I thought I was helping! For instance, skiessentials.com/size-charts. ...
They called 32 Euros 20.5. I just realized I didn't check which measurement the 20.5 was! My husband, who works in metrics and measures things by the width of a hair will have a good laugh when I tell him what I did! Thanks for keeping your eagle eye out! :))
7 hours later…
@Sue 20.5mm is about 0.08 of an inch
Its prob 20.5 cm
Hey @Aravona
@Liam heya
How is it going?
@Liam That seems kind of weird, considering that 1inch == 2.54 cm == 25.4mm;-)
Morning, btw ;)
@anderas ha
I mean who uses inches anyway ;)
Well my parents....
Me, on sceen and bicycle wheel sizes :-)
(Even though I prefer the metric sizes, most people immediately know what I mean when I talk about 28 inch wheels vs 700C ones...)
There's a great sketch by Mitchell and webb (if you know who they are?) where Mr Celcius meets Mr Fahrenheit. They start chatting and discussing their scales and Mr fahrenheit is like that'll never catch on. I mean why would set 0 as the freezing point of water everyone knows it's 32...
@anderas Strangely I think that's the only thing I measure in metric
I don't really use Miles as I'm used to Os maps that are all in KM
I don't know mitchell and webb, seems like I should search for that sketch :)
Are it's John Finnermore
Even better, love this guy
@Liam well I measure them in metric as they are much easier to get right, but I dont even remember the wheel size in mm for a 26 inch MTB :)
I have to admit: I completely forgot whether the UK uses metric or imperial measurements o.O
@anderas As usual we use both
Generally people under 40(ish) use metric older people use imperial
We changed in the 70s I think
@Liam Congratulations, great choice!
I'm listening to that sketch again, it's amazingly hilarious
Lol, it is indeed :)
3 hours later…
Afternoon guys :-)
Left Honeywell, took up a new job. Its fun!
Vote for my question
A: Developer Survey 2018: Any Topic Suggestions?

Liam How long is your daily commute? Choose one direction (so if you travel 1 hour to work and 1 hour home, choose one hour). I work from home most days < 30 minutes 30-45 minutes 1 hours 1-2 hours 1 hour My best time is 8 minutes door to door (just saying)

Shameless promotions post ^
@Liam Voted :) But I would prefer adding the commute both ways; e.g. I ride my bike downhill to and uphill from work, which makes a difference of about 30-40% in the travel time
I've literally just been listening to John Finnermore all day now...
I couldn't, too many meetings... Plus, I just can't concentrate on difficult programming stuff while listening to British comedy :D
@anderas I'm finding it's helping with ym implementation of Webpack... :)
@Liam It's not that helpful for fiddling with indices, SSE intrinsics etc in image processing stuff... Instrumental music ftw!
@anderas Go Go penguin is my go to for complicated stuff
For me, that's Frontline Assembly, Perturbator (highly recommended!) or prog metal :)
Anyways, I'm heading to the bouldering gym now. Have a nice evening!
6 hours later…
@Liam 20.5 mm is 0.8 inch

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