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The comments on the rattlesnake question are pretty great.
2 hours later…
@Charlie: Absolutely agree.
I am totally confused between two answers on this question: outdoors.stackexchange.com/q/15411/2303
Both are right
@Aravona has given great details but for a use-case which is less frequently applicable by me.
And @Olin has given lesser details but right ones which are generally applicable to activities I do.
I love both answers, and now I am confused which one to accept.
@WedaPashi the question was quite broad in terms of activity. But go for the one which suits best? Or leave without an accepted answer a while longer? Either way it was a good question!
You may get more answers over time.
1 hour later…
@RoryAlsop Tell me about it.
@WedaPashi I think the problem is that the question is applicable to such a broad range of activities each of which use it differently. Maybe restrict it a bit more?
@Liam: I totally agree with you regarding the suggestion to restrict the scope a bit. But, now if I restrict it to Hiking, Mountaineering (which I do the most as compared to any other outdoor stuff) it will be unfair to @Aravona because her answer may no longer be applicable, and I'd hate to do that.
@WedaPashi you can change it. I'll just delete my answer.
Morning all!
@anderas Monring
@OddDeer nice question regarding the horses! :)
2 hours later…
@Aravona: Let it be there I guess. I know the answer now. Lets not change anything now :-)
@WedaPashi sure! Just accept olins answer :)
@Aravona: How are you BTW? I have started following goliveoutdoors on instagram :-)
@anderas: Afternoon!
Very mature...
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is a cooking question and has been answered here: cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/16681/…kelevra88 1 hour ago
@Liam I voted to leave it open because it's relevant to our site as well ;)
@WedaPashi I am well thank you! Yes I saw thank you for following us :D
@Aravona He's just upset because I voted to close his question...
@Liam oh yes he is lol - his question was not relevant to an outdoor activity. We get loads of duplicates, that's fine if it's relative! :)
We seem to have another trouble maker:
Q: How do I gut a fish?

LiamI've caught a fish and want to gut it (remove it's insides ready to eat/keep). How do I do this? Where do I cut? What needs to be removed, etc?

The price of success?! :)
1 hour later…
@Liam Did he show up here just to vote to close the question?
He did ask a question
but he's deleted it now
@Liam I think he's a knob - see my comment :)
@Liam That makes more sense now. Sometimes people don't realize that they have to pay their dues before they get to have an opinion.
Q: How should I plan a backpacking trip with people who have never backpacked before?

KarenI want to go backpacking with a couple friends, but I'm the only one of us with any experience, and I mostly day hike. I've only done a couple of backpacking trips. They've never backpacked, and only hiked occasionally.

I feel like this is a dup but I can't think of the wording of the question in my head lol

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