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I'm working on the first aid tag wiki, but it's more difficult than I thought it would be.
On the one hand, I don't want to exclude things like blisters, that you probably won't need to see a doctor for,
on the other, I don't want to imply it's a replacement for seeing a doctor.
@Kevin First-aid refers to assessment as well as treatment. Part of assessment is knowing whether something requires higher help (which takes training)
Its first-aid not total aid, or definitive aid. Ie, assessing, stabilizing, treating, and deciding whether to evac or not.
2 hours later…
OK, I've submitted a first-aid tag wiki. I think the excerpt is fine, but the description may focus too much on "we don't teach first aid."
How is it this question outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/1013/… has 450+ views?
8 hours later…
Probably gets googled a lot
Probably posted elsewhere.
Some climbing forum or the like.
That's how we've gotten a few questions on SFF over 10k views recently.
I take it back, I just googled every combination of 'hiking' and 'socks' i could come up with and none went there
276 questions, 4 unanswered... Either we're good or we're not getting enough questions.
I suppose that is a bit of a problem when you have too many experts on a site.
I use the term "problem" loosely.
we could also have a trend of accepting too quickly
which can reduce overall quality of answers (people are less likely to answer when there's already an accepted answer)
There are a few where the accepted answers are mediocre at best
I hesitate to give examples, don't want to start a flame war with anyone
speaking of such, your DEET answer is not one of those and it's time I awarded that check
Mmmm --- It appears we cannot make someone elses answer a community wiki
or I cannot
@Kevin -- Thank you for tackling first aid!!
For the Unanswered tab, questions where an answer hasn't been accepted still count as answered if there is at least one upvoted answer.
@RussellSteen Well, you can make it CW by editing it an inordinate number of times ;)
But that would not be good.
@RussellSteen No problem.
Just doing my duty.
@Kevin -- Yeah, I had the same problem you were talking about. I wanted to edit it and just couldn't come up with anything
Perhaps some are too quick too accept
then again, I think some have the opposite problem..!
I don't think having a high answered rate is a bad thing at all
we could perhaps just do with more answers per question as well
@berry120 -- I tend to accept in waves. I long on one day and go "oops, 17% accept rate, time to accept some answers"
yeah, I was confusing "answered" with "accepted"
answered is good
In the last 24 hours I've seen several new faces, that gives me more hope on things
yeah definitely
the site's definitely not as buzzing as it was when it first came into beta, but at the same time it's definitely not dead - there's a steady stream of questions / answers and a good community
Yeah, that first day was crazy
I also think a lot of the answers we have had have been very hugely thorough where they can be
17 questions within the first half hour.
yeah that was... impressive
that's approaching SO traffic
@berry120 -- Yes there are some completely awesome answers
Out of interest - when do the bits come on the area51 page (area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/3659/the-great-outdoors) that say "ok", "good", "needs work" etc. by each category?
is it after the 90 days? I assumed to start with it was when we hit public beta
visits per day is only going to come with time
I think visits per day will naturally increase if we have quality QA
Well, we have a good answer %
and ratio
obviously users/rep needs time to build up
as do visits/day
and hopefully questions/day will follow visits/day
yeah hopefully
put it this way, i don't think we're in danger of having the beta closed
unlike ML...
private beta opened 2 days ago, 27 questions
machine learning
what happens with commitment if a beta gets killed after private?
Sports is doing better.
Yeah I just saw that
I'd have preferred just running. I know several people uncommitted because of the merge.
Honestly wasn't following it that closely
I do wonder why some proposals are there if they come under the banner of SO
computer science for instance
A lot of questions about theoretical CS and learning CS are off-topic on SO, but they'd be allowed under the CS proposal.
I guess, but a lot of the CS example ones are along the lines of "Is this algorithm O(N) in worst case?"
which i think is a good fit for SO
Hopefully it'll get more homework questions off SO.
Yeah, CS has a lot of topics that are language and code independent
@Kevin Yeah that would be nice
1 hour later…
@berry120 -- I didn't think wasps left stingers?
1 hour later…
I don't think they do either.
Opinion time: "Is there evidence for or against fish feeling pain from a hook?" - migrate/re-ask here or not? (It's on sports and about to get closed as off-topic).
Sounds like fishing to me
which is in our "charter"
also sounds like "likely to start flamewar"
as well as probably not having a real answer
As long as answers are backed by scientific evidence, I don't think it should start a flamewar.
Let's migrate and see how it goes?
Fishing is part of TGO, maybe it'll direct fishermen this way
Yeah, I'll flag it for migration. It's got a decent answer over there already.
And 4 close votes.
I've flagged it and left a comment for the asker telling him he should post it here if it doesn't get migrated.
And there's my S&W
2 hours later…
@RussellSteen Doh, course they don't. Thick moment! Have edited the answer now :)

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