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@Kevin Not sure what time it over on your hemisphere - but surely approaching 7pm. Consider yourself reminded ;)
@LBell Thanks. It's 8, for the record, and I have been looking into it. Not quite sure how to approach it yet.
@Kevin Well given that physics is all greek to me, I can't offer any help, but will likely be summarily impressed with whatever you come up with.
@bmike Seems that applies to a lot more than just physics. Well said. (Even though you aren't on right now...)
Halfway. Got temperature for all times in the "don't drain" scenario.
Took way too long though, a high school chem student should have gotten it in a few minutes.
It's all, as bmike said, knowing how to reframe the question.
15 hours later…
now @Kevin can edit! Cheers! :)
seems that we've run out of questions!
1 hour later…
@Ryley I guess if we try and invite more people to use the site - more questions will come..
@studiohack Yes, thanks. Now the question is how long til I get S&W
@Kevin S&W?
strunk and white badge
80 edits
@Kevin oh :P go for it
I'm at 70
@Kevin congrats! I need to get editing myself, but that's hard on a small site like this :P
and with you taking them all ;)
I actually haven't found many in the last few days. It seems our traffic has slowed down a bit since the first week.
@Kevin It has, I'm worried.
Me too
like @AimKai said, this is the part where we invite everyone in... I know I haven't done a good job of that yet
invite, share links
Facebook sharing seems to work pretty well
@studiohack -- would you consider reconsidering your accept here: outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/528/…
the current answer reads a bit like something out of a dime western
@RussellSteen why? I see why you're asking, but it doesn't strike me as ethical to ask me that, when the other answer is yours? as in, conflict of interest.
I agree with what you're saying, but still...
@studiohack -- well it's not like i'm asking in secret or anything
I put my answer (and took the time) because the other answer is such... yeah
And no, if it were close I wouldn't ask that
and i have asked people to accept/revise on questions i have absolutely no involvement in
@RussellSteen I know, but still... I'll change it, since yours is a lot better
the voters have spoken on that question
I know I did :)
The voters have nothing to do with it @Ryley. it is up to the OP
@studiohack -- If it helps, i've also rolled my answer into other peoples answer when it was appropriate -- for exampe, here: outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/392/…
I'm just trying to get the general quality level up, doesn't have to be me (but in the hunting case, it wasn't evident that anyone else was going to tackle it)
@studiohack my point was that anytime I read a SE question, I look at both the accepted answer and the most highly voted answer. A little green checkmark means very little if no one agrees with that answer except the (assumed ignorant) questioner.
@Ryley -- Yeah, I do that on most of the SE stuff as well. Mostly the voters are right. Occasionally we do run into an answer there the check is right but gets few votes, which I think is an interesting phenomena
@Ryley okay
@RussellSteen I understand
Back to the traffic though, what I'm really looking for to link out to my facebook is a question that is going to be relevant to a lot of backpackers, with a good accepted answer. Any suggestions?
I hate heisenbugs...
@Kevin - heisenbugs?
I'm getting a -nan in my code. Every time. so I find where it is and restart the program, watching every time it changes. And it never becomes -nan...
A bug that happens unless you're stepping through the code. Makes them almost impossible to fix.
ugh -- yeah i hate those
had a memory issue one time that was impossible to detect when tracing through the code due to the way the GC was firing
nan errors are one of the reasons i like strong typing
Oh, and did I mention, I went through every single division (/) in the program and made sure there was a check for divide-by-zero on all of them?
nan usually for me is "Not a Number"
which, given what you've said, is an odd error
Yes, not a number. And yes, that's why I'm having trouble figuring it out.
Crap, tell me this isn't it...
I think it was me having somehow accidentally taken out an initializer
hey, at least you found it!
does this mean there will soon be a definitive answer regarding coolers?
@RussellSteen Not to toot my own horn too hard, but this is a nice simple question with at least one good answer ;) outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/16/…
Q: What are some good tips and techniques for packing a backpack?

Reverend GonzoHow do I pack a backpack to prevent injury to my back and keep it comfortable while hiking?

ah, i see how that's done now... was confused before about how to get the "onebox"
@Ryley -- Nothing wrong with that, and that is perfect. It's a very common question and a good answer
Yep, that appears to have been it.
@Ryley -- Thank you, it has been shared
@RussellSteen Great, now find me one a different one that I can use to share on FB so I don't feel like a braggart :)
@Ryley -- I think this is pretty "casual person" accessible. It's a question a lot of people have outdoors.stackexchange.com/questions/725/…
My thought with FB sharing is to share questions that apply as widely as possible
relevant to more people = more shares = more people trying out the site
@RussellSteen Yep, agreed... done
most of my hiking friends are people that have thru-hiked the Appalachian, Pacific Crest and Continental Divide Trails... i.e. more likely to be answerers than questioners... but who knows, maybe the corners of my friend list contains people that aren't avid hikers yet :)
Mostly I hike with my wife, our friends are only casual outdoorsmen (wife would be the clare of the site)
2 hours later…
@RussellSteen I added the actual rules into your question, for those like me who hadn't heard it put that way.
You can roll back if you really prefer.
@Kevin -- Looks good, thank you. I was trying to find a way to flesh it out some.
@studiohack, @Kevin -- Anyone want to take a stab at defining the first aid tag?

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