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+1 on that question Kevin
if nothing else, I wouldn't say no to another badge ;)
@Ryley Personaly I'd class that as on topic
I'm not sure what other people think, but my stance is as long as there's a reasonable chance it'll be useful to other people in the future, there's no reason for turning it down
I think SE works best with specific questions that can have more focused answers rather than overly broad ones
Yeah, localized is a weird word... it seems like the questions that fall in that category are more about the timeliness - i.e. "what phase will the moon be 5 days from now" type uselessness :)
@Ryley regarding too localized, see this post:
A: How far to go with too localized?

Robert CartainoNone of those questions are too localized. It's a common misconception that I need to dispel early on. A lot of uses will come to ask very specific questions about specific destinations. That's awesome! We don't close localized questions, we close questions that are "TOO" localized. So what does...

Ah yes, that's the thing I was thinking of
I'm not sure what the GR7 is, but if anyone else on the site is, it's probably not too localized.
@Kevin Perfectly agree with that post - but then again this question was closed as too localised despite the concencus being that it was ok on the meta thread
Q: Are there any cheap 1:25K electronic maps for the UK or Europe?

Chris BallardI have looked at offerings from MemoryMap and Anquet, but once you scale beyond a small area they become prohibitively expensive.

Good point, @berry120 - it has my reopen vote now :)
Same :)
I think we need to be careful to go by the rules we set out!
Although @Shog9 makes the point that it is kinda a shopping question... but I think the idea behind it is still good
Interestingly, it was another SE employee who closed it.
i.e. how do you make it cheaper to buy large swaths of 25k maps
are their bundles out there
@Ryley If the reason it was closed was because it was a shopping question then it should have been closed for being off topic rather than too localised
If that was the reason then I would've given a bit more thought before voting to reopen :)
And SE employees aren't always right after all ;)
I agree with berry, it's not too localized, if the problem is that it's a shopping question it should be closed as off topic. There is precedence for such reopening and reclosing with a different reason in MSO.
Anyone know what 1:25k maps are anyway?
maps with a 1:25000 scale
in short
very detailed maps :)
That's just a reference to the scale isn't it? same as USGS quads I think
or are they 24k?
24k i thought
but the same sort of area
I see.
Let's see, that would be a mile->~2.5in?
Wait, that doesn't seem right...
yup about that sort of thing
1cm = 250m
4cm per km
Yes, that is about 2.5 in/mi
Perhaps I shouldn't second-guess myself.
it is pretty big
i've never actually needed to use a map in that scale
it's more of a nice to have than anything else unless there's a good reason why you really do need that level of detail
Damn 200 rep cap :P
3 hours later…
For better or worse I haven't hit the rep cap here yet.
Though I did disover you can get mortarboard on meta.
10 hours later…
Can someone as a question about what plants are good for cordage?
1 hour later…
general camping or a ship?
@Kevin did you get your fulfillment?
I did not, I'll go post about that.
yes that would be cool
i really want to commit to another site now :D
but nevertheless I'll stay active here ;)
Q: 0% fulfillment commitment for Mathematics

badpI know my 185 rep, 1 question and 5 answers aren't much (I guess I thought the site would be even lower level than it currently is), but apparently nobody managed to fulfill their commitment for the Mathematics proposal at all.

Fulfillment doesn't get recorded until the second day of public beta. Which should be soon.
That's good
It says they got an email, so we should expect one too.
If it's a 24-hour cycle, it should be within ~5 hours, if it's UTC days, more like 8
one of my upcoming projects is to expand/make a better survival kit for work this summer
should we seed a Leave no trace question?
I think it should be a tag - there are lots of specific questions to be asked on the LNT topic!
fair enough...how is this accomplished
There have been a question or two on LNT already.
i guess i'm just saying - seed a question if you like, but I'd prefer a specific question tagged with [leave-no-trace] or [lnt]
@MatBanik -- Honestly, whether it's smart or not is purely subjective, and yeah, I do think you're just hijacking it to discuss your morality on eating meat. Hiking into the woods is itself a risk we take for pleasure. How much risk we take for how much pleasure (including enjoying our meals) is a personal decision.
should be - more self explanatory than @Ryley
agreed on leave-no-trace
yeah that's fine
lnt is meaningless to non-experts
@RussellSteen right
and I'm proud of how this site is doing - very self managing - lots of Meta discussion, everyone getting along, etc.
I love it, I've learned a lot already
made me realize how much of this knowledge I take for granted
I live and work in an area that this stuff comes into play all the time
yeah, some of it shocked me, like the emergency gear one. made me realize the same thing
I need to have a look at that one to add to my survival list
Does this really keep you from getting guardia?
Most likely yes
Giardia is a pretty darned big protozoan
water purification is a tricky thing
we do ultralight hiking and usually end up carrying chemical purifiers, because everything else is so darned heavy
it looks cool @RussellSteen - seems too good to be true though
Giardia is 6 to 10 micron
these all work on a tube system, similar to the sawyer filters (i think sawyer invented it originally)
it actually does work
that tube is 2 micron, so you're fine
#1 gift for peace corp people going to africa is this type of filter (though usually a longer lasting one)
hmmm, interesting. I guess my bigger question is does this really work from keeping you sick?
Not entirely
some viruses will get through
(from everything including guardia to other things)
and a water filter pump would work better, right?
but short of boiling for 30 minutes, there's always something that could get through
Hepatitis can survive even boiling water for more than 4 minutes, so if an infected person has taken a crap upstream, you're pretty much screwed.
but... not likely to happen
Some viruses will get through just about anything.
@Kevin -- yup
It's really about managing risk moreso than removing risk
@studiohack -- but remember you're talking to the guy who carries raw meat in the woods ;)
if you're willing to carry the weight, the safest is probably a good sawyer filter and a UV wand, but it's a lot of weight
@RussellSteen :P
personally, this is for a day work job, where I'll already be carrying 3-4 liters of water a day, more for emergency than anything else
emergency only, I'd just carry iodine tabs.
@RussellSteen don't those have negative effects?
now there's a good questin
i've heard that recently, but i haven't been able to verify it
and i've been using them for years with no affect that i'm aware of
Hmm, should I ask on GO? @RussellSteen? :P
go for it
it's your question, but if you don't ask, i will, because now i'm curious
@RussellSteen all, right, writing it up now
Q: Do iodine water treatment tablets have negative effects?

studiohackI've heard that iodine water treatment tablets can have negative side effects. Is this true? If so, what are some healthier alternatives?

haha, it's a lot easier to search for "Iodine side effects" than "negative effects of iodine water treatment"
@Kevin -- Thanks, updated with your comment.
1 hour later…
Q: Who should our moderators be?

studiohackFrom The 7 Essential Meta Questions of Every Beta: The issue of holding fair elections is largely technical. The long-term solution will likely come from us. Still, bring up these issues in meta. There is a lot of room for innovation. Discussing the criteria of a great moderator is important ...

good point
looking forward to the vote
or how is it done?
do we vote them?
yes, we vote, and SE picks them out
I see
I hope a lot of people nominate
I'll probably nominate myself, but I need to consider how it would work with running on SFF.
One or the other would be great, but I'd have to consider whether I want to mod 2 sites.
Anyone here mod 2?
unfortunately not
i missed the chance over there at travel
but I would really like to do it once
I have a lot of spare time and would really enjoy the job
I'm a SU diamond myself @Kevin
anyone can nominate, but self nominations are encouraged as well.
Much busier than this will be, I imagine.
I was hoping someone else would nominate me ; )
But I probably will nominate myself.
@Kevin oh yes. :) I enjoy it, been a diamond for about a year now
If you like, @Kevin, I'll nominate you, that is allowed as well.
If you're willing, that would be great. It' good to know another diamond thinks I'll be a good mod.
I think you would @Kevin - as @Aarthi said, you need to comment on it and accept if you're willing. I'll ping you when done
working on mine, in fact :)
A: Who should our moderators be?

studiohackMy name is studiohack and I'm an avid outdoors enthusiast. I've been committed to the Area51 Great Outdoors proposal for some time, and have a user ID of 5. That's right, I was the fifth person to join the private beta. I participated actively in the private beta, earning the limited Beta badge...

user id 5
difficult to beat
Show off :P
haha :P
I signed up as soon as I got the email and I only got 18
I can remove it if it seems too show offish :P
@studiohack UserID 5 probably is a good point, it means you're compulsively stalking the site ;)
Nah, it's fine
@RussellSteen haha, I have excellent email notifications in place
@RussellSteen which makes for a good mod ;) haha
not sure what all to write in yours @Kevin :)
it might be better for you to sell yourself...
> He is patient, posts comments steering users in the right direction, and is our current top editor, performing many useful edits. He also contributes helpful answers as well.
How many mods are nominated?
or something like that
i think on travel we have 3
yes, 3.
Is there an editor list? Or is that just because you see me all over?
I'll write up something when I get home. Based on my SFF nomination, probably.
@studiohack I can't see it.
okay, shall I put my nomination through of you @Kevin and make it CW?
@Kevin wrong URL - updated - missed tab? in the URL
let me know...
Oh, wow. I didn't realize I was that far ahead
@Kevin I'm #2 voter, by 5 votes behind another guy. I'm 2nd editor and #1 voter on SU
need to get editing more
Well. I'm #2 all time on SFF and 4 on unix...
I'll let you nominate yourself @Kevin - as that'll be better and you can sell yourself better than I can :)
@Kevin that's what I meant - all time
anyone else going to run?
I'm thinking about it... Wanted to do it on Travel but joined to late. But first I have to get a little bit more active on Outdoors to have a chance ;) But I would like to do it and have a lot of time
@studiohack Do you happen to know whether, when making/voting on a synonym, you need 5 points in the main or proposed synonym?
@studiohack -- Yep, I'm really avid about the outdoors and have been promoting the site for a LONG time. I'd like to see it succeed.
@RussellSteen Cheers, just now saw what the inbox notification was for. :)
I've read it, I'm just not clear on whether you need 5 points on the main tag or its proposed synonym.
I'm not sure either @Kevin - I've only done that as a diamond :)
Who should our moderators be?. Vote for your choice and maybe even nominate yourself!
OK, I've submitted
A: Who should our moderators be?

KevinMy name is Kevin, and I'd like to be your moderator. I had been waiting eagerly for this site to enter private beta, and when it did I signed in quickly. Since then, I've been helping guide the site by retagging, editing, and posting questions and answers. I have been very active on meta as w...

leaving work now, probably be around later.
@Kevin +1'd
cool stuff... these moderators are for the foreseeable future, or until some known point where we have proper elections?
we have proper elections when the site graduates @Ryley
ah ok then...
Sometimes forseeable future and until site graduation are pretty equivalent
at the rate we're going, 90 days? :)
I'd be shocked if it happened that quickly
What actually determines when a site comes out of its public beta apart from the 90 day thing? I couldn't actually find more than a loose description
just from surfing around area51, it seems like you have to hit most of the targets
i.e. the failed ones missed 2 or more of those
yes but it is not guaranteed that you get out of beta as soon as you hit the targets
there are also other factors that have to be concerned. but this stats are indicators for a good and active beta
3 more minutes and it is midnight in UTC time @Kevin
I got my committment
is that what we're talking about? :)
ah me too

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