@NikeDattani Ah, thanks. Didn't see the hyperlink. I think in situations like that it is only giving the "first" value where the minimum occurs. Ordered real to imaginary, smallest to largest.
If you give Wolfram Alpha the equation it ends up solving for the minimum, then it can list them all, including the one you want. wolframalpha.com/input/…
3 hours later…
8 hours later…
@Kuba Ah, well that's fun. Haha, I guess just use whatever most closely matches how you think about it. The pattern I use a lot in React is to have components subscribe/listen to specific API endpoints they care about with a library like SWR or React Query. Then if some component updates some data, it doesn't need to worry about which other components are currently on screen.
It just says
mutate(some endpoint)
and the library sends one request for new data and knows which components are on screen and gives them the new data and they re-render. So even if it's a popup panel from a main menu that can be on top of any screen, it just says "user edited someone's name, so if any component on screen is using data that depends on the /users endpoint they should be updated".
1 hour later…
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