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@MichaelHale thanks, in Vue keys work the same way. I shouldn't have named the function reset because I don't want to recreate a component. My wish was to trigger a child's method in a clean and proper way.
10 hours later…
@Kuba Cool. Yeah Carl's answer is the same one I saw. I haven't actually encountered that scenario in a year and a half of using React full time. They encourage you to be "declarative", so the only public interface to a component is the properties you give it when rendering it. Then it can add event handlers to listen to changes in those properties or other shared or global state and send network requests to get updated data or whatever else, which then trigger more declarative re-renders, etc.
3 hours later…
It's related to this question that I just answered:
A: What is the equilibrium bond length for a Lennard-Jones potential?

Nike DattaniI searched for the word "minimum" on the Wikipedia page for Lennard-Jones potential, and the 2nd paragraph says: "The potential minimum is at $r=r_m = 2^{1/6}\sigma$." You can obtain this by calculating the derivative of the Lennard-Jones potential with respect to $r$ and finding which $r$ valu...

The powers of r are even, so whether r is negative or positive should not matter at all. Even WolframAlpha said in that output summary that it's an even function, so why would the minimum be at r = -A rather than r = +A?
3 hours later…
@NikeDattani What's the exact input you are giving? If I type "x^4 - x^2" into Wolfram Alpha it gives both minima as I'd expect.
I had typed (A/r^12) - (A/r^6)
Actually you can see it by clicking on the hyperlink I gave!

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