hi @halirutan You said on Meta to ping you here if one gets error using SEUploader. I started getting this error 2 days ago. I just deleted SEuploader and did fresh install again using the command Import["http://goo.gl/rQtfHZ"] but still get the same error. Each time I select a cell and want to update to site, I get this error message
SETools`SEUploader`Private`stackImage::err server returner error: You didn\u0027t enter a valid URL
I am using V 12.1 on windows 10. If you like me try anything or more info, please let me know. Thanks
SETools`SEUploader`Private`stackImage::err server returner error: You didn\u0027t enter a valid URL
I am using V 12.1 on windows 10. If you like me try anything or more info, please let me know. Thanks