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IGraph/M 0.4 is finally released, meaning it's out of eternal pre-release! 🎉 igraph.discourse.group/t/igraph-m-0-4/166
Yes, it is faster, but something else is very wrong (potentially unrelated). Try this: `ds = ResourceData[
"Epidemic Data for Novel Coronavirus COVID-19"]; ds[1, "ConfirmedCases"]` with no semicolon at the end. Expected: a summary box of a TimeSeries. Actual: evaluation never finishes.
@jose Check Redmine #748
@jose The TimeSeries display is entirely broken. Even the simplest TimeSeries from the docs wont' display
@jose Now I can no longer reproduce it after a restart ... not sure what is happening. Originally, I still tested it in a fresh session
1 hour later…
@Szabolcs I was able to reproduce what you saw, but after a couple of restarts it's fine
@user21 FYI I have seen several questions where the OP try to solve the Laplace equation given somes electrical charges (Coulombs, or charge density Coulombs/meter^2 ...) at the boundary. This corresponds neither to Dirichlet (which imposes potential in Volts) nor Neumann (which imposes the electrical field, Volts/Meter).
@user21 Furthermore theses charge - boundary - problems are mostly dependant of what is outside the boundary, so If the outside is not given, there are many solution. So FEM, nor any other tools, can' t solve this.
1 hour later…
@andre314, I deleted my comments; to me this sounds a bit like a homework assignment where not too much thinking is requited. But of course I could be wrong.
@user21 I have the same feeling
@halirutan Is there a way to use the SE Uploader palette (or its underlying code) to get the encoded image for a notebook, without trying to upload?
I ran up against the error when I was tying up a loose end, namely uploading the source for the image in this answer, and I reckon I can make do with just the encoded image
while the uploader gets fixed
@EmilioPisanty Uploading an image is/was really just sending the PNG bytes. Try to right click the graphics, "copy image" and then paste it where you usually can upload an image in the editor.
Works for me on Linux now (never worked before :)
@halirutan no, the question is, how can I get the image from the palette
i.e. the wolfram-fox-shaped thingammy png that encodes a notebook
normally if I click on "Selected Notebook" on the palette, it just copies the uploaded png's URL to the clipboard
nevermind, I think I found it
I presume?
bam, I'm sorted =).
I hope the fix is easy to implement!
@EmilioPisanty Ahh, so you mean to encode an expression as a PNG image? Yes, this is they way.
Please note that you have two package files with your SEUploader that specify how this is done. See github.com/halirutan/Mathematica-SE-Tools/blob/master/SETools/…
So you should be able to do the following:
<< SETools`
You get a button that you can use to encode the currently selected cell(s). This image can then be decoded again
1 hour later…
@halirutan ah, fair enough
for now it worked, it was hackish but I don't mind
hopefully the fix to the uploader palette will be simple enough that I won't need it, but if I do then it's great to have it here
huge thanks for the community service you're pulling off here =)
1 hour later…
posted on April 03, 2020 by Danielle Rommel

Remote work. Distance learning. Virtual events. These terms are becoming more commonplace as quarantines and stay-at-home orders continue and folks practice social distancing. While brainstorming how best to contribute to our customers around the world during these unusual times, we’ve generated a ton of data resources, analytics, free access to technology and much more. However, [...]

4 hours later…
I don't think I'll ever get anywhere with this on StackOverflow, so I'll post it here too. Maybe some of you are sufficiently experienced with CSS/HTML to give a hint. Or maybe this is a Chrome bug.
Q: How to control image placeholder size when using loading="lazy" on <img> elements?

Szabolcstl;dr When using loading="lazy" and max-width: 100%; height: auto; on img elements, the image placeholder (shown before the image loads) will have square aspect ratio in Chrome. How to force it to have the same aspect ratio as specified by the img's width/height? Otherwise, the page reflows when ...

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