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12:32 AM
@Alucard That's the Dynamic at the end. @Szabolcs maybe ImageSizeRaw would be better than ImageSize for that? In any case I only have a retina screen so can't be helpful here.
1:00 AM
@Szabolcs Looks OK on Linux with WQHD resolution, although imo the level of detail is too high and is not resemble its beauty on this small size
1:24 AM
What helps a bit on my machine is a) using an absolute thickness of 1 for the lines and more importantly b) use colors where you fixed the brightness so that you are sure you have enough contrast between gray lines and colored regions.
This looks clearer to me:
I increased the size of the colored regions a bit and made the black disks a bit larger.
is there a reason why Exclusions doesn't work with ListPlot?
6 hours later…
7:56 AM
@halirutan That looks much better!
It's intended for a summary box icon, that's why it's small. @Alucard
2 hours later…
9:48 AM
@Szabolcs szabolcs can you explain me how to make the grey line in the comment section ? there are no buttons like for the answers
10:13 AM
@Alucard I don't know what you mean by grey line.
You can use Markdown for formatting, as usual.
10:46 AM
I have heavily re-written this question after providing an answer, that was ultimately accepted while I was editing. Did I over did it? I think the OP does deserve another answer explaining why he didn't get a ConditionalExpression, but I do not know the answer to that. Help! Looking for advise Please revert if necesary.
1 hour later…
12:03 PM
@Szabolcs I'm glad you like it.
1 hour later…
1:27 PM
What is the point of MakeSummaryItem? It seems to be defined as SummaryItem anyway, and most builtin packages use SummaryItem instead.
Does anyone have an example of a builtin summary box that uses the 3rd argument of SummaryItem? I can see how it formats, but I would like to see it in actual use.
1:38 PM
@Szabolcs - you're right, MakeSummaryItem is deprecated, use SummaryItem instead
1 hour later…
2:48 PM
@halirutan If you want to chat about expreduce then I have some insight, having made one commit and working on another. As you say in your post, it may make sense to prioritize certain things. But the way it's built it's perfectly possible for each developer to implement the features he'd like to see.
@C.E. I inspected your commit when it was merged :)
@halirutan just posted on the github issue
weirdly enough, CopyToClipboard["test"] doesn't copy to clipboard, it just empties it =/
@halirutan ah, ok. Then you know that I'm working on implementing functional operators. That's still what I'm doing.
I tried Unprotecting $VersionNumber but it didn't like it none
@EmilioPisanty No, just use the code example and use $VersionNumber > 10 instead of >=
We need to find out, why CopyToClipboard is not working on your machine.
2:58 PM
@halirutan yeah, that does work, as does just taking the bits inside the module
@halirutan and yeah, that's the really weird bit
@EmilioPisanty Oh, then this is really weird
@EmilioPisanty OK, let me read you answer
@EmilioPisanty You say that:
> I tested the given copyToClipboard but all it does is empty the clipboard - but then, that's what CopyToClipboard does,
@halirutan yeah, the issue is the built-in, not your wrapper
So you say that the built-in function CopyToClipboard does not work in your installation.
@halirutan yup
if I have text in the clipboard and then run it then that text'll be gone, but that's all it does
I'm at a loss as to how to diagnose it further
@EmilioPisanty So the following function should work:
copyToClipboard[text_] := If[
   $VersionNumber >= 11,
   Module[{nb}, nb = NotebookCreate[Visible -> False];
    NotebookWrite[nb, Cell[text, "Input"]];
    SelectionMove[nb, All, Notebook];
    FrontEndTokenExecute[nb, "Copy"];
3:06 PM
@halirutan yeah, that works
but I can't test on other v10 machines to check that that doesn't break stuff
@EmilioPisanty You can easily fix your local Uploader.
@halirutan sure, just don't push stuff that might break other people's palettes
where do I need to edit?
@EmilioPisanty I tested the CopyToClipboard with all versions I had available and since it worked on 10.3 and was available on 10 in general, I included this condition.
@EmilioPisanty The package is usually in your $UserBaseDirectory under Applications
Close Mathematica and open the file SETools/FrontEnd/Palettes/SEUploader.nb with a file editor
Search for copyToClipboard and replace $VersionNumber >= 10 with $VersionNumber >= 11 in its definition.
@halirutan ah, I was editing SEUploader.m directly
@EmilioPisanty Nope, that's the source code. You can do this as well! But then you need to open the palette by loading this .m and save the palette manually.
3:12 PM
thanks a bunch :)
@EmilioPisanty See, the mole was benign and you waited several month :)
@halirutan well, it's not like it was entirely irreplaceable
it saves a lot of hassle but you can save to disk then upload
I guess on most occasions I was too busy and the hassle of starting an issue was ever so slightly bigger than just saving to disk
@EmilioPisanty Hehe.. yes, I know how this feels.
4:02 PM


Discussion about the OS implementation of the Wolfram Language
3 hours later…
7:16 PM
FE crash, V11.2, MacOS, while double-clicking....
7:40 PM
Hey @Szabolcs, before I do a deep dive, is it pointless to try and get MaTeX to play with lualatex and fontspec?
7:51 PM
OK, no, first hurdle cleared
second question
my MWE relies on fontspec and needs the truetype fonts to be available to lualatex
is there a way to get MaTeX to add that to the path or something?
8:29 PM
@MichaelE2 - can you send in the crash report for that? I've had various FE crashes in 11.2, but to my knowledge they haven't isolated it yet
1 hour later…
9:35 PM
Hi @EmilioPisanty
@Szabolcs hi
so I'm still stuck with this
I reckon there's a problem with my TeX installation
I don't use luatex, but I did test it, and it does work with MaTeX. There was one little problem which is discussed in the troubleshooting section (and I don't remember it so you have to check!)
in that it's not handling correctly files that call fonts from outside the current directory
but, if there is a way to copy the fonts into the temporary MaTeX directory, then I'm happy to call that a day
Can you give me a small example?
Did you use the luatex85 package? My notes say that might be needed ...
@Emilio ^
This is a font installed system-wide.
How do you set the font path with luatex?
@Szabolcs here's a MWE .tex

   Path = /home/episanty/Desktop/Font/ ,
   BoldFont = swissb.ttf ,
   ItalicFont = swissi.ttf ,
   BoldItalicFont = swissbi.ttf


$$\mathbf D_\mathrm{R}(\Omega)\ \mathrm{(arb.u.)}$$
9:41 PM
Where do I get that Swiss font?
@Szabolcs yeah, that's the question
@Szabolcs I'm not sure
I got it from work
OK, I'm going to try this fontsquirrel.com/fonts/signika
@Szabolcs I'm not sure what implications could come from a switch from .ttf to .otf
Works, kind of
But freaks out with certain character combinations
E.g. I can't typeset "Signika"
I don't have experience with this, so I'm not sure what is wrong.
warning  (file /Users/szhorvat/Downloads/signika/Signika-Regular.otf) \
(cff): 'se
ac' character deprecated in type 2 charstring
! error:  (file \
/Users/szhorvat/Downloads/signika/Signika-Regular.otf) (cff): Ty
pe2 Charstring Parser: parsing charstring failed: (status=-1, \
!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
@Emilio can you send me then font then?
Dropbox or something.
9:52 PM
This isn't a MaTeX problem though, is it?
ping me when you got it
@Szabolcs I don't know
I can get lualatex test.tex to produce the right output now
but if I copy the preamble into MaTeX and run it on the body, the font is wrong
and, if I get the TeX via TeXFileFunction and then lualatex that, then the font is wrong again
@Emilio It seems to work here ... is this the expected output?
I have MacTeX 2017, which is AFAIK the same as TeX Live 2017
@Szabolcs I think I'm on texlive 2015
maybe that's the problem?
god, I hope that's not it
Sorry, I really don't know.
Does it work with xelatex? Do you actually need lualatex?
@Szabolcs that looks correct and I get the same on MaTeX
@Szabolcs yes, xelatex is incompatible with baposter.cls
9:59 PM
I have luatex 1.0.4, if it matters
@EmilioPisanty OK, so can you show an example that doesn't work?
\setmainfont doesn't set the math font, if that's what you meant by getting the wrong font
But my LaTeX knowledge is really limited, to be honest, despite what people tend to assume ...
@Szabolcs $|\mathbf D_\mathrm{R}(\Omega)|^2\ \mathrm{(arb.u.)}$
the \Omega is way off
no blame on MaTeX btw
With this preamble, the \Omega stays in Computer Modern because \setmainfont only sets the text font
there's just something weird going on
Well, you used \usepackage[helvet]{sfmath}, so you get that kind of Ω

   Path = /home/episanty/Desktop/Font/ ,
   BoldFont = swissb.ttf ,
   ItalicFont = swissi.ttf ,
   BoldItalicFont = swissbi.ttf


$$\mathbf D_\mathrm{R}(\Omega)\ \mathrm{(arb.u.)}$$
this, under lualatex, produces the \Omega marked as 'goal'
10:05 PM
Math and text fonts are set separately, and normal fonts can't be used for math. You need special math fonts, of which there aren't many available. There's the Latin Modern ones, STIX and Cambria Math, that I know of
ah, got it
I set TexFileFunction->Print and copied that to file
I don't know why you would get "goal" since you used sfmath ...
then removing \usepackage{lmodern} did the change
@Szabolcs yeah, I'm not sure what's going on into what fonts get there, but that's the combination that looks least ugly ;-)
Some incompatibility between sfmath and fontspec?
removing lmodern from "BasePreamble" makes MaTeX work
@Szabolcs mostly, there's no need for lmodern if you've got fontspec there
you put it in for arbitrary font sizes, right?
10:11 PM
@EmilioPisanty Yes.
@Szabolcs thats pdflatex?
On some systems it is necessary to have vector fonts. Otherwise it uses bitmap which can't be imported to Mma.
If I uncomment the fontspec line, it reverts to CM fonts
@Szabolcs ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
I've been on "whatever works" mode for some time
10:13 PM
Q: Issue with \bar accent and fontspec

porst17Consider the following MWE: \documentclass[png,border=2pt]{standalone} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \usepackage{sfmath} \begin{document} $\bar 1$ $\vec 1$ \end{document} This produces in contrast to which is the desired output. The latter result occurs if the fontspec package is remo...

Here it says that fontspec must be loaded after sfmath
So it would seem that 1. fontspec must be loaded after sfmath, 2. use the no-math option so it wouldn't mess with math fonts 3. the "goal" version is really not what it it supposed to look like. You seem to want CM font Greek letters in math mode and sfmath-style Roman math letters
It's late though and I should sleep
Let's contiue tomoorrow
@Szabolcs 'night
1 hour later…
11:39 PM
@JasonB. Do you mean the MacOS system diagnostic report? [All I can report personally is that double clicking on a number in an input cell was followed by a crash. Do you think it's worth it? (It was extemporaneous fiddling around, so no code, no notebook to submit. I can't reproduce it)]

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