Up through V11.0, Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}] === Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}] and the difference of the two sides was 0. As of V11.1, there's an Annotation on the Line, "Charting`Private`Tag$24116#1", so no two plots will be identical.
is there any way to have some variables defined using Table depend on others? in particular, I would like Table[f[F, mf], {F, {0,1}}, {mF, -F, F}] to evaluate to {f[0,0], f[1,-1], f[1,0], f[1, 1], f[2,-2], f[2,-1], f[2,0], f[2,1], f[2,2]}
Why isn't the first one False in:
MatchQ[{1}, Optional[{__Integer}, {2}]]
MatchQ[{1}, Optional[{_Integer}, {2}]]
MatchQ[{1}, {__Integer}]
MatchQ[{1}, p : {__Integer} : {2}]
MatchQ[{1}, p : {_Integer} : {2}]
MatchQ[{1}, p : {__Integer}]
p:v is a pattern object that represents an expre...
@Kuba You got my upvote. Maybe @WReach can say something about this. AFAIK, besides being a god with Query he knows a good deal about patterns as well.
@Kuba Patterns are infintely hard to implement and Mathematica cannot make it right in all cases. I'm sure you never reach the point where nothing surprises you. Maybe Optional is a cornercase for MatchQ. The inability to trace in depth what happens makes it even harder.
@Kuba For me, Optional in this context does not really makes sense. I see it more as a function that injects an argument if it is missing. One could argue that it should use the contained pattern inside MatchQ but that would add confusion as well.