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@halirutan I see clearly after a morning coffee. Don't know the answer though. The quickest workaround would be to use something like KeyMap[ToString]@*Counts in query for display purposes.
3 hours later…
@J.M. well, if you are used to Python or C then that's enough to write something that sort of runs. In mathematica it won't be.
4 hours later…
@SjoerdC.deVries Maybe someone should make a community ad for wolfram.com/language/fast-introduction-for-programmers
2 hours later…
posted on August 02, 2016 by Zach Littrell

Happy National Coloring Book Day! When my coworkers suggested that I write a blog post celebrating this colorful occasion, I was, frankly, tickled pink by the idea. Coloring is a fun, therapeutic activity for anyone of any age who can color inside the lines—or occasionally just a little outside, if they’re more like me. And [...]

2 hours later…
@Szabolcs That would be a good idea, but unfortunately I'm travelling without PC and can't do it myself.
"Mathematica 11 is scheduled to release soon, and your site will
be one of the first to get this upgrade.
Major new functionality for 3D printing, audio processing,
machine learning, and neural networks headlines the list of
advancements in Mathematica 11. With over 500 new features,
Version 11 significantly broadens Mathematica's scope and makes
coding with the Wolfram Language easier than ever."
Additional details about this release will be available at:
1 hour later…
I wonder of the definition of "soon."
That feature list is mostly in line with the search results seen earlier on documentation search, apart from 3D printing which was still missing back then.
500 NEW FEATURES. I hope one of them is GenerateRandomMathematicaFunctionName[]
why doesn't this command work: Table[DeleteCases[data4a[[1]], data4a[[1]][[i]][[2]] >= 15], {i, Length[data4a[[1]]]}] ?
data4a[[1]] looks like this: {{3.09139, 0.035}, {5.478, 0.021}, {5.69607, 5.18}, {4.66533,
0.606}, {5.86113, 4.712}, {3.38675, 0.017}, {4.73539,
0.127}, {4.7015, 0.148}, {3.05943, 0.04}, {2.44535,
0.009}, {2.69424, 0.022}, {3.72215, 2.715}, {5.55842,
0.446}, {3.31166, 0.153}, {6.31493, 21.433}, {2.69637,
0.028}, {2.06691, 0.045}, {6.65424, 0.324}, {2.71539, 0.08}, {2.574,
0.079}, {2.65818, 0.03}, {4.55004, 0.05}, {2.6618,
0.116}, {4.73282, 3.561}, {2.49029, 0.034}, {3.53198,
0.092}, {4.74015, 0.034}, {3.47631, 0.041}, {3.27085,
@blochwave Alas, the linked page is not open yet...
@psimeson Well, that looks extremely complex for such a simple task.
Select[data4a[[1]], Last[#] < 15 &]
@blochwave The 500 new features is likely from version 10 to 11, not from 10.4 to 11.
Although there is plenty new in 11 from version 10.4
And GenerateRandomMathematicaFunctionName[] is already available in 10.4
as WolframLanguageData[{"RandomEntities", 1}]
@psimeson And to answer the why, please note that DeleteCases takes a pattern, not a comparison. Additionally, please note that my Select does not what you have written down in your Table but rather what I think you might like to do.
@halirutan thanks
@halirutan I always wish the WolframLanguage had an actual type for Patterns and Functions. That way Select and Pick would be the same function. So many edges would be smoothed.
@Searke Especially young Mathematica users stumble over this difference very often.
@Searke in which case, RandomNewMathematicaFunctionName[] :-)
@halirutan young mathematica user: that's me :)
@blochwave that's still a one-liner. Also shhhh People's suggestions here get taken seriously whether they're sarcastic or not.
I can imagine being dragged to an hour long meeting right now about how RandomNewMathematicaFunctionName would be perfect for getting people excited about new features
@Searke I actually like many of the new features in v10 :-)
@halirutan It burns experienced programmers too. For example Sort[list,f] will work if f is just a symbol and then do it's bizaree symbolic sorting.
I see this error in plenty of forms.
@blochwave I do have to say that the features get more interesting over time. Version 10 has lots of things like GrammarRules that I can't adequately describe to people.
@blochwave Well, that was pretty quick.
@Searke Did you hear that, kids? Behave! :P
11.1 in October then?
It would fit the new pace of releases.

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