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MMA somehow manages to appear on the graph, note the name is still MMA ;) redmonk.com/sogrady/2016/07/20/language-rankings-6-16
3 hours later…
Yay, installing Mathematica again!
3 hours later…
This should be quite doable with Mathematica:
I would love to post this as a question, but given that I simply won't have time to try to do it myself, I don't think I should ...
@Szabolcs "a patent-pending combination of specialized imaging algorithms." - now if only we knew what those were...
Good day, @halirutan. I hope everything is going well with you.
I hope they don't have imprisoned ducks working on their algorithms. :)
@MichaelE2 A lot of dull work to do and no interesting stuff at the moment, but otherwise all is good. I check every now and then and read the chat-log, but I'm not really into answering questions right now.
But the bigger question is, what about belisarius? I haven't seen him/her in a long time.
@halirutan My interest is waning, too, but I contribute, esp. to easy-to-answer and numerical stuff. -- Yes, @belisarius is AWOL since May, I think.
@MichaelE2 Does someone know if he is OK?
I don't know anyone who knows. Maybe @Rojo?
@halirutan I e-mailed him a few weeks ago. He said he'll eventually come back, but not for the time being.
@J.M. @MichaelE2 OK, seems it is hard to keep interest into the site at such a high level, if we are flooded with easy questions.
But I'm glad that he is OK and is just taking a break.
@halirutan Were I not a mod, I could easily ignore them. But these kids take the cake...
@halirutan Yes, frequently the whole front page is uninteresting.
Look at the bright side; math.SE has a way larger volume of uninteresting questions. ;P
@J.M. Well, this often happens and it's just bad for us, who like high quality questions that are well researched. All the kiddos like it fast and short and who knows what else
But to me, a linear equation in one unknown is more interesting than how to number lines in a table.
@MichaelE2 Certainly, formatting is a PITA (it was the most tedious part of my thesis writing, more than the actual experiments :D ).
@J.M. And MMA seems to go out of the way sometimes to increase the pain.
Well, there's that question about using image processing for Go, but I'm not yet done with the second chapter of Gonzales/Woods. Waiting for nikie to take on that might be more expedient. :P
@MichaelE2 oh yes. Ticks still are an annoyance, and those are basic!
@J.M. Or @bel :P
Speaking of bel: I now appreciate his solution for the question on Marilyn Monroe after reading up on image processing. But, I still feel it requires so much artistic judgment to work. :)
The question on perspective transformation asked a few days ago, while not the best, ought to be a pretty good linear algebra demo.
(But Photoshop will allow you to just draw the lines, and then it will take care of the straightening itself. :D)
2 hours later…
Does someone know, why the keys in a Dataset need to be strings and whether it has consequences when they are for instance integers? Consider the following easy example:
Dataset[<|"XXX" -> <|"1" -> 320, "0" -> 676|>,
  "YYY" -> <| "1" -> 77, "0" -> 477|>|>]
This renders correctly as
If the string-numbers on the second level are indeed strings, it doesn't.
The problem is, that these kinds of structures are the result of computations like this toy example here:
ds = Dataset@Table[<|"isOK" -> RandomInteger[], "countMe" -> RandomInteger[]|>, {100}];
ds[GroupBy["isOK"] /* KeySort, Counts, "countMe"]
3 mins ago, by halirutan
If the string-numbers on the second level are indeed strings, it doesn't.
I meant to say "if they are indeed numbers"..
@J.M. Would you please waste your valuable time for me for two question? thanks. — Michle Jordan 56 secs ago
This entitlement business is getting out of hand.
@halirutan from my experience the downside is that you have to use Key wrapper more often: `
@Kuba The thing is that if it is displayed correctly, I can use the "table view" of a Dataset to present results to my colleagues. But this requires to turn the keys into strings (after I sorted them, because GroupBy and Counts rely on the element they meet first).
And somehow the syntax doesn't look so pleasant for this:
ds[GroupBy["isOK"] /* KeySort,  Counts /* (KeySort[KeyMap[ToString, #]] &), "countMe"]
@halirutan I have to go now. I will respond later but I must say I've missed your point so far. :)
@Kuba No probs..
@RolfMertig f[x] is just an arbitrary function. This ODE is one in Kamke famous differential equations book. Mathematica can't solve it, but it has analytical solution.
3 hours later…
@RolfMertig He seemed to feel that you should be able to code in any language given a few examples of code. I'm sure he hasn't bothered to read any entry level documentation on Mathematica, otherwise he would have known how to index a list. Anyway, languages like C++ aren't easy either and I have several books with close to 1000 pages introducing it.
Currently on vacation BTW, so not on-line very often.
@SjoerdC.deVries I saw the thread. The glibness was irritating.
"we don't need reading a "book", we just need 10 examples and an explanation of the core objects"
@J.M. precisely. The reason for him deleting the question all of the sudden wasn't clear to me; looked like rage-quitting to me.
@J.M. How's your job doing, if you don't mind me asking?
@SjoerdC.deVries Hi Sjoerd! It's rather exhausting, but I'm happier with it than my previous job.

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